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Werewolves (RP18) "How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

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The information processed at the speed of molasses. She rubbed her eyes and ran her palm along the back of her scalp, relishing the sensation of her short locks and then grimacing against the far-less-satisfying sensation of dried mud peeling off. She had a vague idea of Bianca's grandpa being someone important in the police force as well as the individual responsible for saving Mercy, but could not speculate what exactly his arrival would mean.

"Svlanaglas? When'd that happen...?" she glanced to the side, towards the pit, detecting the smell of the strangers, "...Huh..."

She shrugged, "Dunno, Logan and Sabrina were with me earlier. S'posed to scale the fish and cook em, 'cept..."

Her expression darkened as she saw neither task had been done.

Bianca listened with a silent sigh.

"Yeah, about that... a couple things," she said, standing and tapping her foot impatiently. "You guys left a huge mess out back-it's going to turn into a biohazard. I'm not cleaning up after you all the time. So either eat them or take them somewhere else, please. From now on I'd prefer that there's no fish here unless they're cleaned and cooked right away. That's foul."

"Also, you smell like... super grungy. I'd really appreciate it if you'd clean up your mess, then maybe consider bathing... we might live in the woods but there's no reason we can't have standards." she said, exasperated.

Jackie half-listened to Bianca's lecture, and otherwise let her eyes fall heavy on her face. With little motivation to remain in the land of the waking, a second nap seemed a more prudent course of action.

"Are you serious right now?" the blonde said, with a groan. She threw her hands up, exasperated. "Whatever, I'm so over it today."

She turned away. She wanted to ask where Theo was, but doubted Jackie had any idea. Anyway, she was intent to stick around while she waited for her Grandfather to show up, which would be a matter of moments... so she went over to the fence of the pit to observe the prisoners once more.

"Noth-- Nothing, staring-- I mean, sir. Certainly s-staring-- Not, n-not trying to not-- I-I- I mean--" Toby fumbled over his words, trying to organize his thoughts. He had to clamp down hard with his tongue behind his teeth in order to stop himself. For a moment, he closed his eyes and tried to stop his mind from racing. But oh, how it wanted to! It was already building a grand scenario of saying something stupid, the alpha taking offense, turning into a wolf and trying to kill him. But he shook it away.

He heard Dekota's words uttered not a few minute earlier and Toby cleared his throat. A moment of silence followed as Toby struggled within himself and fought to keep his courage.

"I-I've been meaning to speak t-t-.. With-- To-... I need to t-talk.. I've got something to.. Well, I have news. I mean, not exactly news. It's an old wives' tale-- Or it should be, or it is, technically. It's Granny's, and she's old, and a wife. Once. At least. Maybe. No, yeah. But she told me something to tell you-- Or not tell you-- Not that she said not to tell you,  but I need to. I think. I mean, I should. You're the alpha, so it makes sense. Or maybe you already know, but I don't know, because I don't really know you. But I should, but I-- I--... I'm sorry." Toby conceded his failure to express his thought and just covered his face in shame.

Kratos waited on Toby to find his words with the patience of a pastor, though occasionally his face rotated on the end of the stick to gather information from the surrounding woodland. As Toby came to the end of his stammering, Kratos lifted his chin and straightened himself. He set the beam so that his left forearm rested on the back of his right hand on the top thereof, and casually crossed one leg behind the other.

"You are at liberty to tell me anything, Toby." He said. "Or not to. But you probably should make up your mind about it."

With that, Kratos swung the branch up over his shoulders again in a boyish fashion and kicked a rock off the path.


Ulric came to the clearing not long after Saber. Some part of him, more in tune with the low broadcast of biology than his conscious mind, knew to tail Saber a moment longer to ensure he had no weapon with which to harm himself. A werewolf's claws would do the trick better than anything, if Saber knew how to access it. But the werewolf, by nature and law, was a very self-preserving creature. Instinct was its motivation. Instinct for survival was capital. Let the moon rise! Let the night come! Ulric felt sure that whatever Saber was to become would be no worse for him than Saber's foul-mouthed counterform.

- And as for a locked and slammed door, it was no barrier to Ulric. For he and Bianca both had a key to every room.

Chapman’s car rolled up shortly after Ulric appeared. Bianca stepped away from the fence and strolled up towards the car, but could already tell a lot about her Grandpa by his expression through the dark window.

As her Grandfather got out, she watched him take a sweeping glance of the area. He observed where “Red” lay against the tree, and the smell of the others nearby-along with the fish, which he wasn’t much affected by.

Then he met his Granddaughters seeking gaze and asked her, “Who’s here?” - barely above a whisper.

“Oh, uhm-we had an incident, earlier… with some Svalnaglas.” she said, gesturing to the ditch.

Chapman crossed the distance of the clearing and came up in the same place Bianca had been a moment ago, casting his eyes down. His brow knit as he folded his arms in front of his chest. 

“Why.. what are you doing here?” Bianca asked, quietly, noticing his disposition.

“I have business with your Alpha,” he responded, evenly.

“Do you want me to find Kratos?”

“No. Thank you. He knows I’m here.”

“Right, okay.”

Bianca kept her distance. There was something subtle in her Grandfathers countenance that she recognized-he didn’t want to be identified as her Grandfather. Usually he was warm and friendly when visiting.

Now she doubled down on her guess this had something to do with the Svalnaglas strays.

Her eyes sought out the place she had seen Ulric from her peripheal a moment ago to approach him.

Unwilling to rejoin the others for the time being, Logan took to walking the perimeter of the dens among the trees while still in her secondary form, and on all four limbs.

Her thick head was level with her shoulders except occasionally when she'd stop to listen, and her heavy, vaguely lopsided gait would be concealed from no one. Occasionally she stopped to inhale the earth and observe the passing of pack members come and gone from a particular area.

Jackie opened a bleary eye to Chapman's approach.  She thought she might recognize him somehow. What was it Bianca had said, her grandfather? He was certainly one of them.. but had she met him before?

She blinked twice, and finding that little burst of recognition too much, proceeded to doze off once more.

"Oh, I've made up my mind. I made it up awhile ago, but you are not the easiest person to find-- In fact, you are impossible to find. I might keep the company of ghosts, but you practically are one." Toby said quickly, then realizing how horribly that last sentence could be construed when talking to someone with albinism, his eyes went wide and he fumbled to clarify. "Not that you are! I mean, not literally-- Or at all. Or anything. You disappear. That's what I mean."

He shook his head. "Never mind. Look, for the past month and a half I've been trying to figure out a way to tell you without sounding like a crazy person, but there's really no way to say it. So I'm just gonna say it, and if you don't believe me, then-- ...Well, then you don't believe me. There's nothing I can do about that." He ended with a nervous chuckle.

A moment of silence followed. In his mind, Toby made one last desperate attempt to find the perfect build up. But it was no use. With a fidget of his fingers and a desperate look around him, Toby took a deep sigh of defeat and shrugged helplessly.

"The mountain is alive... And werewolves are secondary to what truly lives here."

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