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Werewolves (RP18) "How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

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Kratos walked confidently up the rugged forest path like a Victorian lord up his garden lane. He walked as one knowing the ground he walked on, and had no fear of any danger there. At the same time, with a large bough hung over his shoulders, and his wrists rested thereupon, he looked much like an oversized schoolboy who might be found whistling on the way to play hooky. But Kratos did not whistle, so much as hum softly and lowly as he came halfway to meet the omega.


No doubt, in another life Kratos would have worked on the stage, if not as a performer, than as a costume designer. The garment laid out for Bianca was made in a style befitting Beta Kale, for whom it was originally intended. Yet, it was finished in colors and accents that had Bianca very much in mind. The design and fabric choices each culminated in a piece that would compliment Bianca's typical aesthetic, while also providing mobility and comfort in both of her forms. Many small adjustments had been made throughout the process of the piece, which, if recognized, revealed another of the alpha's hidden talents - he could perfectly and precisely gauge the size and weight of a person just by looking.


Kratos stopped on the forest path and gave an ear to the wind as the old Chapman's voice was heard at Zeit's ranch. He did not answer the old alpha, but turned his golden eyes now to Toby and his rigid and gangly stance.

"You have seldom looked as if you did not keep the company of ghosts, Toby." Kratos said, matter-of-factly. The stick came down off his shoulders, one end rested on the ground while upon the other the alpha's hands and chin were set.  "What are you looking at?" He asked as if he did not know.

Though Ulric stood stiffly with his fists clenched and his brow low, his anger toward Saber was gently dispelled by Logan's gestures and Sabrina's appeal to reason. His exterior demeanor reflected it as his shoulders sank and his hands softened. But the feelings of his heart remained the same; for it is hard to put away feelings thought forgotten when on a sudden they are invoked in full force. Ulric knew that it was his past that made him angry, not Saber. But knowledge alone is a petty weapon against the defenses of one's own heart.

Ulric breathed a sigh to help relieve the pressure on his chest, and turned his mind to making peace in the present.
"Then the decision belongs to Kratos." He said. "We have our responsibility."

Ulric made motion to Logan and set off down the hill. They were not too far behind Saber, now, but would likely keep a short distance from him until they got back to the clearing.



Turquoise eyes peered down into the pit.

In the clearing, no sound was heard except the low, continuous growl...

Tiffany kept her eyes on the creature and he kept his eyes on her. She slowly sank down to the balls of her feet and watched him. His eyes in the shadow under the fence followed her movements. The low steady growl persisted. Then she tapped her nails on the cement. He did not react. Tiffany narrowed her eyes and waved her hand behind her back, briefly creating a shadow of motion. Timothy again did not respond, but his growl was heard still.


  To test the mind of Umpcrrmptin, to test him and tease him, and find out what he is capable of, was to the Svalnaglas a sirens song. For, to learn a broken mind was to manipulate it, to subdue it, to bend it back upon itself to the damnation of its master.   


Just then, a sound disturbed them. Timothy's head came up and then he was gone! Just like that.

Tiffany rose to her feet and stared at the sky in the direction the sound had come. It was the sound of a werewolf alpha.
"Argyros." She whispered in recognition.

It was hard to say the exact moment when, but soon Saber became aware that the others were following some distance behind him. It only served to grow his irritation and anger.

With swift strides he eventually made his way back to the cabins, when Chapman's howl sounded. Saber froze, waiting, listening.

After a moment of fear gripping him, he headed towards the backdoor of the cabin and went inside and slammed the door shut, heading to his room.

Wanting for herself to fall back so that she could follow well behind and allow time in silence for her mind to clear, Logan let Ulric go ahead of her and would wait for Sabrina also to go forward before taking her place at the back of the group.


Bianca took no time to put on the garment on and admire it in front of the full sized mirror she'd bought.

"Whoa, cute.." she commented to herself. It fit well and was incredibly soft, yet, it seemed warm enough. And- there was a hood on the back of it! Bianca always had a sweatshirt or hoodie on.. she beamed brightly at this and played with it a second, pulling it over her head. She noticed the little pink accents and rocked back on her heels happily.

Her room looked more and more like a young woman's all the time. It seemed she had acquired many things to make it homey.

Hair ties she currently had no use for were strewn about the top of the dresser, along with perfumes, jewelry and makeup. A calendar of "Scenic North America" marked all the important dates; birth dates that she'd managed to get out of her pack mates marked in bright red marker, full moons. A cork board next to it was littered with sentimental things; old neon concert bracelets, movie theater ticket stubs from dates, letters from her grandparents, photographs of her family-parents and siblings, sticky note reminders.

A few textbooks were neatly stacked on her desk, as well as journals, planners and comic books. In the window, dried wildflowers she’s found in the mountain hung from the curtain rail. Her bed had a quilt from home, and was always nicely made; but evidently, the closet and chest of drawers weren't enough room for her clothes, because they seemed to be laid about everywhere, accompanied with multiple pairs of shoes.

Under her bed were various gifts she'd squirreled away.

None of this accounting for Samantha's bed (that had been borrowed from the last free bedroom in the other cabin) and belongings.

She noticed the acoustic guitar in the corner behind the mirror.

"I should give this to Theo today."

Then her eyes and ears were cast outside, where she heard a familiar voice calling on the wind.

"Grandpa?" she asked, again aloud. She  put on her socks and sneakers, and began out of her room and out of the cabin with the guitar in hand.

Sabrina had no intention of trooping after Saber. She had said her piece, observed how it was received, and merely nodded. "I am certain they will be," she said only to Logan. Her eyes followed Ulric as he moved passed her. Then went to Logan, noting her stance and that she intended to follow from the rear. But with some wordless gesture, she made her own intentions known and stepped aside. It was coincidence only that she shifted her form just as a semi-familiar howl sounded from the valley.

She flicked back an ear in that direction. Something was considered. Then she shook her coat and she darted off into the wood.

Logan watched Sabrina go with little more than an acknowledging look, and began after Ulric in her lumbering pace.

Samantha was huddled somewhere amongst Dakota's possessions in Levi's room when Chapman's howl sounded.


Earlier, the alpha had entered the cabin as she had been waiting for Dakota to return from his chat with Toby. Before Kratos even set foot into the building, she was already halfway up the stairs into the boy's bedroom where she hide now.

Not wanting to eavesdrop, she had covered her ears during Kratos and Bianca's conversation. Most things were missed, but she'd heard fragments as she uncupped her ears occationally to see if they were finished talking or not. The conversation felt like it lasted forever. Now she sat, knees pulled to her chest, as she listened to Bianca heading out to leave the cabin.

From what Samantha heard, it sounded like Bianca called the howl "grandpa", and Samantha hoped that meant the wolf was a friendly one. But still she grew worried, and wondered... Where was Dakota?

Bianca had slipped outside in time to hear the backdoor of the other cabin slam. She was also immediately aware of who had caused the sound. She rolled her eyes and then cast her gaze back over to the pit... then to Jackie who was laying nearby. Glancing around again, she realized several members were still gone.

She wasn't sure whether or not it was a good thing that Timothy was among those who were scarce.

Already she could hear the car tires over the gravel, not too far away. She tentatively made her way towards Jackie and dared to nudge her foot with her own shoe.

"Jackie?" she asked, crouching down a safe distance. "Are you sleeping?"


Jackie looked up at Bianca blurrily, not certain on how to respond to her query. Until that moment, she had been both and neither - balancing precariously along the threshold of sleep and alertness. Yet Bianca's voice had tipped the balance.

And so she fell to the side of alertness.

"Noo..." she sat up to rest her torso on her knees, feeling something like a lake creature that had dried out disheveled in the sun.

"T's... goin on..? Heard, someone's comin, or somethin..." she mumbled sleepily.

“Cool,” Bianca said, with utter disregard for the fact Jackie had, indeed, been sleeping.

“Yeah, my Grandpa-not sure why, he didn’t call ahead… maybe something to do with the Svalnaglas?” she asked, rhetorically.

“Where is everyone?”

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