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Werewolves (RP18) "How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

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Now Sabrina turned, and looked after them. "Ak tou povinnosťou bolo vidieť Saber späť," she said patiently,  "Je to splnené. Je na ceste. Hovorte so mnou, prosím, je to dôležité."

Logan paused again, unable to ignore Sabrina's request a second time. But Kratos had instructed they bring him back, and to Logan, that did not mean "send him back alone". She was a defender. Even if he should be injured at his own fault on the way back, she would feel responsible.

She turned to Sabrina and again, took the form that felt more comfortable to her today. She slumped down on all fours in a clumsy manner and lifted her head, opening her mouth. In a short and practical howl that was not particularly beautiful, but rather deep and thick, she relayed the message that Saber was on the path to return and she would be close behind.

Then, lumbering forward slowly, she passed by Ulric on one side as if to go in the opposite direction. However, she turned and touched her big black nose to the palm of his hand, before coming to stand very near to him on the side opposite of the one she passed. She stood with her ears and eyes focused intently on Sabrina, while her scarred shoulder was nearly against Ulric's arm.

A fresh faced, bright eyed Bianca pulled her bathrobe on and left the bathroom. A plume of hot, humid air rolled out, along with all of the fragrances of it.

She went to her room while biting her bottom lip and looked to see what was left behind...

Toby did not make it back to the cabins. As they were heading back, Toby's mind raced: Why had he become so defensive and contrary all of a sudden? Why did he rant like that at Dekota; a poor, innocent pup who didn't deserve it. The kid was probably scared enough without Toby contributing to it with tales of mental instability, however true, among the pack. ...What right had he to say any of those things anyway? As they walked, Toby began to realize he didn't know much about anyone in the pack. He didn't know their stories, he didn't even know their full names. He had judged them for their actions-- No. For their growing pains. He had blamed everyone else for not behaving like a pack, but what exactly had Toby himself done to make this pack thing work?  Toby had been just as helpful as everyone else.

Toby took a deep breath through his nose and let it out through his mouth. "I'm sorry, Dekota. I didn't mean-- I shouldn't have dropped all that on you. I don't even know how much of it is true. I'm just-- Well, I-- I think the full moon makes me agitated. It was wrong of me to say those things, and I'm sorry. I have complete control over my wolf, I'll show myself to Samantha as soon as we get back to the cabins. Okay?"

Suddenly, a fearsome, towering form appeared on the path ahead. Toby recognized it in an instant as being the form of Alpha Kratos. His heart skipped a beat and he stopped dead in his tracks. His mind returned to what Dekota had told him about Samantha's hearing; did Kratos have hearing that good?

Once again the woods were passed without consideration that day by Saber. He moved with quick angry strides, once more lost in a sea of thoughts that were drowning him.

He thought he heard footsteps following him, but the sound fell quiet and the voices of those he'd left behind could faintly be made out in the distance.

Then the howl sounded.

Saber stopped and turned around, his heart pounding. He saw Logan who'd taken upon her wolves skin, moving towards Ulric. He knew the howl had something to do with himself, but couldn't decipher much else of it. After a moment of watching Logan and the others, he turned back and continued angrily along the path down the mountain.

"Ďakujem," Sabrina said quietly as Logan passed her. She turned to face them both and, after glancing back with only her eyes to ascertain that Saber was no longer in earshot, gave her explanation.

"I appreciate your efforts, both of you," she said. "Much time has passed, and even tending him daily, I will tell you honestly I have gleaned very little about who Saber is. But I will tell you what I know: he is very frightened. The reason I stopped you, Ulric, is because there is no fight behind Saber's bark. Trust me. I too thought perhaps it would benefit him to bring that anger to fore, make him fight. Confront whatever it is that tortures him. But alas, it was not to be, neither then, nor now. His anger is merely a front for his fear. I do not know the exact nature of his first change, but I know it was not by kinship. He is a first generation. He harbours much fear and hatred towards other werewolves, and will not acknowledge that he is one, let alone show any interest in joining a pack. He is, then, in every essence of the word, a prisoner here. As he must be. For he became the responsibility of this pack the moment he wandered into our lands. Tribes across the world have different customs regarding what must be done with outsiders, loners, who come into their territory, but all agree on one thing: we take responsibility for what happens to them, and for what they do, ever afterward. The Sabres pack, my home, in Ireland, our way is to fellowship the outsider, teach them our ways and integrate them into our family, if we can. If we cannot, we cannot allow them to leave unhindered to cause harm to others, in our world and outside it. I do not know what Alpha Kratos plans to do. For there have been those that have come and gone on their way from this pack. But none so volatile as Lee or Timothy, and so these must remain whether they wish to or not."

She took a deep breath and released a short, terse sigh. "He cannot control himself even as a man. I am worried about his temperament as a wolf, around others. Dearly I wish that the Pit was unoccupied. I have hope for Saber still, but I do not trust him. We have children here now. The fates may have spat into our faces by delivering our Svalnaglas guests here tonight, but they have smiled in vacating the nearest town of innocents, at least. Our primary concern, then, must to safeguard the weaker members of our family."

Logan appeared to get lost in the lecture. At one point, her ears went back. There was more to say and discuss, but she had said she grown weary of words, and she meant it. She needed time to think, but as it was clear that would not be afforded, she addressed the concern most applicable to herself.

"Do not worry your pretty face-the children will be safe." she said, with certain confidence. "But his comfort ehh... it is not my concern tonight, Healer." she said, her ears swiveling upright again.

Logan said. She was not even worried about Saber; the prisoners were more of a concern for her, as it was clear that they had been running for some time-and what did a Svalnaglas have to run from? Besides that, there had been a strangers howl on the mountain. Her work was cut out for her, and she was not keen to tiptoe around Saber in order to do her job.

She did not depart yet, but already the weight was at the front of her toes and fingers as if ready to move.

If Dakota was surprised by Toby's sudden change of attitude, it did not show. He listened, before shaking his head. " No," he replied. " While I appreciate your desire to help, your feelings should not be ignored, Toby. A man drowning in a river cannot save another man drowning. You need time to think, feel, and heal."

Dakota caught the alpha's approach before he even saw his shape appear along their path. He gestured toward the alpha. " Talking about it with someone may help as well," he said.

Then, he continued on his way back to the cabins.

Tires crawled to a slow stop on the gravel of the road near Zeit's cabin.

The engine of the black crown Victoria rumbled, the smell of oil and hot rubber belts heavy. The owner of the machine climbed out and surveyed the area with tired, gray eyes; one hand on the belt at his waist, and the other on the hood of the car. A sigh escaped his throat as he admired the silhouette of Phantom Mountain, the fields with their tall tawny stalks, and the breeze that brought all of the rich earthen scents scents to his nose.

He changed forms, and with a howl, announced himself; "I'm here", was all he said, and changed forms again.

With a grunt, Chapman slid back into the drivers seat and began to make short drive up the path to the mountain homes..

She couldn't have but shut her eyes a moment when the waking world encroached upon Jackie's space.  An eye fluttered, confused and dazed from beneath the nook of the tree she had settled beneath. She felt as though she were sitting at the bottom of a well and had half-heard something she couldn't quite remember.

Who's here? came the thought unbidden.

Around her, the afternoon stretched into laziness. Her limbs felt stiff and pleasant in spite of the faint chill to the autumn air. She felt no urge to move, nor confirm if she had dreamed whatever it was that had roused her.

Something crunched up the path.

The intrigue of it stalled her immediate desire to slip back to her nap.

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