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Werewolves (RP18) "How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

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Sabrina had merely crossed her arms and observed impassively as Saber's anger rose with his consciousness. After their last encounter, she saw his anger for what it was: a symptom of his fear.

However, her demeanor changed when Ulric's did, a flicker of surprise in her eyes when he demanded that Saber change and fight.

She uncrossed her arms and stepped forward. "No," she said, moving to position herself between them at Logan's side, her back to Saber. "We've had enough excitement for one day, and the moon isn't even up yet."

She looked over her shoulder at Saber. "Where's your backpack?" she asked, very much doubting he had left it in his room.

The sound of Logan's laugh caused the hair on the back of Saber's neck to stand up.

He stopped in his tracks as he listened to her words, his anger suddenly growing mixed with apprehension. He turned to find she had moved herself rather close to him, and his heart sped up. He glared into her violet eyes but there was a clear lack of conviction in his stance than before.

" Just leave me alone," he growled to her.

Ulric spoke and soon he had everyone's attention. The feeling that had wrapped itself around Saber just a few nights began to squeeze itself around him once again. He watched Sabrina moved herself between him and Ulric, but it brought little comfort to his rising fears.

To her question he merely snapped. " I don't know!"

His hands were shaking now. He tried to breath. While his dark eyes still contained that anger from before, now fear and uncertainty had taken more of the space.

"Your fear is like fire." Logan said, and shook her head solemnly. She turned slowly to face Saber entirely.

She could sense his rising anxiety but did not yet heed it.

"Do not speak if you cannot hear, Ohnivý Jazyk. You are strong enough to yell but cannot finish the battle? Pah. Do not start. It is shameful. We have not wasted our breath with such foul words, but still you will not hear us, you who says much of nothing. You have chosen to be naive."

"Now, we go."

She said, and with a wave of her hand, urged him forward. She suspected that he might soon lose consciousness, and was at the ready to catch him. Yet it was clear by her body language she would not abide any longer in this place.

Sabrina defended Saber, as if he were her puppy. Ulric raised his chin and narrowed his eyes at her. Then Logan turned away from him. A minute ago, she had changed forms and looked like a big, hungry dog, with an undercoat three inches deep and a thick face that desperately needed a full-body tackle. Now, she resumed her human form as if to protest the violence, and gave her lecture to Saber in broken English. No doubt it would fall on deaf ears, but it was much kinder than any word, broken or unbroken, that Ulric could think of at that moment.

For the moment, a cold fire was burning in Ulric's heart and a refusal brimmed in his eyes. Saber had come from his world, and for that, Ulric could find no tolerance for his words. To the age of ten, Ulric had known a world of unkind words and bullies and cruel acts. The world of Ulric's past was not an empathetic, kind world. It was a cross, competitive world; a world where the weak succumb and the strong survive.  Being around Saber reminded Ulric of that world - a world he urgently wished would stay away from his new home and family.

All throughout the summer in the mountains, Ulric had struggled and toiled. He wore a smile, though his feet were not made for hard rocky slopes. He played like a child in cold rivers and laughed when he slept on the hard ground. He never paid his soreness a single groan. And why so pleasant despite the pain? Because what Ulric had sacrificed to join the Calagathorm was comfort and privilege; it was a life without toil, but a life over which loomed dark decisions and terrible secrets.

Ulric had hoped to leave that world far behind him, but every day the threat was closer.  Every werewolf that came out of Pinerich brought danger to the pack. First the Baltronan scout, then Dionallus and the extraction party, now one of the Talkanes and an assassin. It seemed it was only a matter of time before the world Ulric left behind would come crashing onto the shore of his new world, and break it all to pieces. And here Saber was to remind him.

" I wasn't trying to start a fight!" Saber said glaring at Logan, his fire somewhat returning to his eyes. " I said I can't control my anger, but your not freaking listening to me!"

Upon Logan's looming presence over him and her insistence for him to move, Saber glanced over to Sabrina, trying to catch her eye. He wasn't sure why she had chosen to defend him against Ulric, but there was a clear look in his eyes of that hope she might do it again with Logan.

Logan saw the attempt. Sabrina was facing exactly the opposite way, towards Ulric who was behind her.

“You and I go,” she said again, intercepting Saber’s gaze on Sabrina with her head, and her body followed.

“I am good at listening, but not here. Walk.” She commanded gently, but stepped forward so that she was a nearly touching Saber with her body, her neck craned to see him, “I will follow and listen.”

There was no anger in her expression.

With Logan so close, Saber finally could be certain of the smell that he had suspected was on her all along- fish. He stepped back, his anger returning full force.

" No! I don't want to talk!" he yelled. " I want you to leave me alone!'

With that, Saber turned and began marching quickly and angrily off into the woods, back towards the path leading towards the cabins of the Calagathorm pack.

Logan followed after a short delay, leaving Ulric and Sabrina.

Saber went quickly in his anger, but Logan went surely, and her longer legs allowed her to keep up her pace; she would not allow him to go alone after such a display of wrath, as well as weakness..

She said nothing and kept a short distance behind.

"Logan," Sabrina said suddenly, without turning around. "Can I speak with you a moment?"

Her eyes rose and met Ulric's. There was more she wanted to say, but she didn't. Not yet.

Logan paused only briefly, but did not look back to Sabrina.

"Nie. Dokončím povinnosť, ktorú Alfa dal."

She said bluntly, and continued to follow Saber. Then paused again suddenly, conflicted by a promise made to Sabrina and her first loyalty to Kratos. She did not want Sabrina to lose face in front of Ulric by contradicting her request.

She turned slightly to face Sabrina. Her brow was knit.

"I tire of words. Please, we will speak later." she said in earnest, in English for Ulric's benefit. "Odpusť mi." she added, for Sabrina's.

And then continued after Saber more gingerly than before.

It was the third time in the day that she had dismissed a conversation with Sabrina, or otherwise excluded her. It did not please her and yet timing had not been on their side. She was sorry to put behind her what she might glean to understand, and also Ulric, who appeared crestfallen.

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