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Werewolves (RP18) "How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

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" Stature alone does not make an alpha," Dakota responded. He took the quiet in another moment before turning to look Toby in the eye. " It seems you have a lot you need to think about right now. I will leave you to it. Still, I urge you to give the alpha another chance, but I understand that is entirely your choice. Don't worry about Samantha and I tonight, we will be fine."

Then he turned to leave, back to the cabins.

Outwardly, Ulric's eyes darkened and he withdrew. In a passing glance he seemed to smile and shrug it off, but  inwardly, he heard the voice of past demons, jeering and taunting from afar.

Setting his hand on a tree, and gazing into uncharted woodland, Ulric said simply, "Glad you bounce back fast. We should get back, then."

"Pfft. I'll do what I want to do, thank you very much." Toby replied. He didn't want to leave the cabins to begins with, so even though it was awkward, Toby walked off in the same direction that Dekota had: Back toward the cabins. Though he was intentionally faster in the pace of his stride and did not give the boy a second glance.

“My friend is done speaking,” Logan said, observing Ulric’s countenance with an ear turned in his direction, though she now turned on her feet and faced the place Saber lay.

“Maybe my words will not reach also, but I will say this any-ways.” she said, slowly and calmly, as calmly as the words might come off in her thick accent and in the voice of an animal. Words had not always benefit her in the past, yet she felt compelled to tell her story as it was not too unlike Saber’s, and she felt more confident today to speak than she had before.

”I also was full of hunger when I came here,” she said, turning up a dark paw and lowering her furry chin.

“I had come far, and had turned away from many places on my journey to protect the lives of people who lived in them…. even being so careful, I was still driven to hunt; that is how I came here to this pack. All of the land between me and this place, but still I hurt another. Do not think yourself above the will of the beast, who is faster and more determined than you are knowing. There are two, ah, villages? Towns, that are close enough to reach before sunrise,” she said, having seen both Middlecrest and Pinerich from the white rock, more than once before.

“If you can not say anything without anger, for now it is best you do not speak, your heart is ehh… not very strong, I think. Do you want that I carry you?”

Dakota passively watched Toby pass him. He may of slowed down after his passing, to make sure the taller boy was able to enter the cabins first without Dakota following too closely behind.


A hopeful spirit and fearless heart may endure challenges than one without, more courageously and zealously.. such is not an advantage afforded to all.

While on one reach of the mountain, Sabrina, Logan, Ulric and Saber gathered with a dark cloud seeming to loom overhead, another roamed alone as he had for months yet came unafflicted, and unaware of the turmoil he might soon come to face.

Phantom Mountain was not a friend to any, not especially intruders, and still he was not deterred. No… and although Kratos’ howl had long dissipated, he ever affixed his trajectory towards the place where it had originated. Even here, where the rocks had thrown the powerful boom in every which way, the source of it could not be questioned. With fervent determination he pressed on, for even though the forests were so thick you could not often make out the sun except for between the naked brances of the birch, every advantage to reorient himself was taken.

He might arrive sooner than evening, but it was not customary for him to arrive in anothers territory empty handed when the meeting was intended to be civil.

Having carefully put aside his belongings, and disrobed except for his thick leggings of fur and hide, Inuksuk went through the forest in utter silence. He was crouched as he moved, and cautious of every step. At his back, the quiver of arrows and the bow, which were padded so that even they did not make a sound.

Having tracked his hunt, largely by sight, he need only one sure shot-and sure it was.

The beast fell from a low cliff wall and was passed away before it reached the ground. Inuksuk gathered his sled up again and kept it behind him as he went, and tied the large ram about his bare, furry shoulders. Now he would have to be all the more cautious of his footing, else the sled, and the weight of the beast pull him down.

White breath came up before his wet, black nose, and his white gold eyes were set carefully on his path ahead.

A growl escaped Saber's throat as his anger grew.

" No!" He yelled, his hand gripping his bangs.

His hair was soon released, as his fist forcefully met the earth in frustration, the deadened sound making him more angry. He sat up with another growl, his body tense and rigid.

Saber cast a glance back, perhaps to glare at the one who had spoken, but he gaze fell short and Logan could only be seen hazily in his peripheral view. Still, the raging storm of anger in his eyes could be seen in his gaze.

" Isn't it freaking obvious I can't control my freaking anger?!!!" How the freaking heck would I be able to stop myself from freaking talking??!!!" He yelled.

He turned back and got up, as he began to walk away, seeming slightly unsteady on his feet. His small frame shook in anger as he stomped off.

" You're all a bunch of freaking idiots!!!" he yelled.

Upon passing a nearby tree, Saber hit it angrily with his fist. The tree however was far too dense, and pain quickly shot through his hand and arm from the place of impact. He pulled away as he cursed in Chinese, now even more angry and in pain.

Hahaha!” Logan laughed. She stood now and walked over to Saber calmly while he cursed in a foreign language.

“Do not call my friends ‘idiots’. I think that is not very nice. Ah, though I do not think it matters from one who hurts their own hand so foolishly.” she said, following and placing herself between Saber and Sabrina and Ulric.

“Now, you walk, or I carry.” she said, agitated.

As he seemed to be walking back anyway, she did not need to use force presently but kept nearly on his heels. She resumed her human form.

Ulric breathed a long sigh into the mountain air. A small white cloud appeared before his lips, a testament to the rapidly falling temperature on the height.

Turning back toward Saber, Ulric smiled softly and shook his head.
"You're acting like a child." He said. "You can yell and scream all you want. Go hit a tree. Faint like some wuss."

"Should we feel sorry for you?" Ulric said. The smile was gone off his face and in its place was a viscous light. Suddenly he threw his hands in the air.
"Change!" He demanded. "If you want to fight, change! You don't know anything about us!"

Logan paused immediately and turned to look at Ulric. She had never heard him use the tone he took, or the disposition he wore currently.

Her eyes moved from Ulric to Sabrina and back.

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