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Werewolves (RP18) "How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

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Slowly, Saber's consciousness returned.

He heard the rush of blood in his ears and muffled words from the outside world. He could smell the forest, and Sabrina who stood beside him now. His eyes softly opened and he could see the sky above and trees stretching up to touch it.

He did not move as the fear from before remained in his eyes.

Some bubbling something started in the pit of Sabrina's stomach at hearing Ulric's question. It lighted itself to her heart and escaped her as a laugh. And it was, perhaps, a strange sound, for surely it was not a sound that had been heard in the Mountain before.

It was genuine, and even pleasant, but a release, of sorts. It came unbidden, and carried with it an avalanche of emotion. It surprised even herself.

And so, of course, it did not last long before it was carefully netted and reigned in, bottled up, and put away.

"We can have allergies, Ulric," she said. "We're not born or made suddenly immune to the frailties of mankind. Were it so, I would be quite out of a profession. It surprises me that you could have grown up among your own and not know that. I've heard it said that only the strong can survive the change," she said, and her eyes fell once more to Saber. Some resentment crossed her face, but with it, some admiration. "He is strong. Stronger than he knows."

She looked at Ulric. "Lycanthropy doesn't change our inherited mortality, nor is it some solution to weed out the physically weak, as some Packs presume. True, it does grant us greater vivacity to endure. But I have seen young and old, large and small, sturdy and frail, and every sort in between become survivors. There is no commonality in the body of those that survive. Only the spirit. Fighters survive. Those that possess the will to live, do. It is as very simple, and as very complex, as that."

Logan shifted her weight when Sabrina laughed. She did not seem entirely pleased that the first genuine laugh she heard from the healer was at Ulric's expense, and her brow pinched. But no sooner than Sabrina had put away the emotion, did Logan do likewise, and concealed the expression of disdain. She glanced away, but took notice of Saber's consciousness returning. Still she said nothing.

Kratos could have agreed with Bianca's desire. Standing in the hall, wearing his black change suit, his white hair glowing golden in the light, his bare feet and bare wrists uncommonly white; what was he but an awkward giant, even in his own realm?

"Happiness is not something you or I can give them." He said solemnly. "But it might be something they find. Here."

Kratos gestured broadly to the cabin, and raised his eyes briefly to it's warmly lit halls. Then set his eyes on Bianca again.

"Thank you for making it a home." He said. "Now, tend to yourself. Feel better. And when you are done, I have left something in your room... I know you like to have options."

With that, Kratos turned and left the hallway, descending back to the main floor.


Ulric turned his head like a dog that had heard a pleasant sound but dared not trust its intention. On the one hand, a natural laugh was a beautiful and healthful sound. On the other hand, Ulric felt awkward and foolish for causing it. After all, had he not experienced an adverse reaction to the strange plant that grew on Phantom Mountain? Mary the hunter had treated him for it to save his life.

"I guess no one talks about their weaknesses in Pinerich." Ulric said with a wide, albeit halfhearted shrug. "Big surprise there."
Then more seriously and quietly he said, "Kratos has asked him to return to the lodges. But the whole place smells like fish down there. Will he be alright?"

Bianca rubbed one arm with the opposite hand and watched him go, then bit her bottom lip and peered around the corner of the bathroom door towards her bedroom, curious. She jumped up in a small, excited way and might have let out the smallest "eeeee". The bathroom door closed quickly as she decided after all to take a long, hot shower with plenty of floral soap to drown out the unsavory odors that seemed to permeate the cabin.



Logan tilted her head at Ulric now. She stepped back and took on her secondary form for the third time that day, and crouched forward on all fours, stretching her back.

"Ah, it is not a problem. I will go ahead and eat them." she said, a very serious expression as she licked her teeth and drew back into a squat. Her bob tail twitched a couple of times behind her. "You do not need force, my job is done." she added, gesturing to Saber. Was she drooling? Her large, fluffy face looked almost ridiculous now if not for it's sheer size. Or more so, because of it.

" It wasn't the fish," Saber said, rolling his eyes irritably, apparently having tuned into the conversation at some point. His anger had returned to his face, but still he remained lying down where he was, breathing carefully.

Bianca's quiet squeal made Kratos smile. No one saw it, and it was gone again by the time he reached the foot of the stairs.

Kratos came into the living room on a heavy step. The room was quiet, and the sounds outside were clear. Kratos lowered his head and swayed slightly to peer across the room. Out the window he could see Timothy, lording over the arena with his tail and ears erect.

Kratos was in no hurry. He stepped into the middle of the room, still looking out the window. From his vantage he could see Timothy standing dominantly, and angrily above the enclosure. His hackles would raise as he snarled at the captured Svalnaglas, out of sight. Kratos watched him solemnly for a short time, then he withdrew.

When he turned from the room, Kratos left the cabin out the back door. There, he gave pause to consider the recent passage of Toby and Dekota. It seemed they had gone off into the woods... a curious choice for Toby the evening before the full moon. Kratos quietly picked up their scents and followed.

Dakota listened to Toby's words carefully. His brows knit. He thought for a moment. He turned and looked around to see that they were truly alone.

" It is quiet right now," he said. " You should try talking to the alpha again. If he truly does not hear you even in the calm, then you may be right he may not be deserving of the title of alpha."

"You think its calm. But I guarantee you something is about to go terribly, if not, tragically wrong." Toby replied. Dekota was right: It was quiet. In Toby's mind, too quiet. The quiet before the storm. How long did they have before the full moon rose anyway? Toby was already feeling antsy and agitated.

"And what about you?" Toby asked, "Why'd you choose to tell me about Samantha, instead of the alpha? If you're so sure that he's an easy guy to talk to, go tell him that she's never seen a werewolf before and ask him to wolf up in front of her." He huffed, his bottom lip subconsciously protruding a little in a childish pout as he folded his arms again. "Besides, I don't think he's unworthy of being an alpha. Big and intimidating as he is, he sure as Hades fire couldn't be anything else. I just don't think a pack of lunatics is what he should be alpha over."

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