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Werewolves (RP18) "How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

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Kratos watched Bianca's countenance as she closed her eyes.

"Good." He said, "Now listen. Breathe. And tell me, in the greatest capacity for detail your senses can deliver, what is in your environment."

As he directed her senses outward, Kratos directed his senses inward. He could feel the intensity of Bianca's anger in her fingers, feel her fear in the almost imperceptible tremble of her hands. He could hear her heart beating with clarity, and smell on her person all of the mechanics that were presently causing her such distress.

Bianca's brow knit and and for a moment it seemed she would reel away from the whole venture, but kept her hands as they were.

She had suffered from anxiety and depression for years, since her mother passed away, along with panic attacks and mood swings later in her teens.. none of this was new for her, but it had found new sources in coming to the Calagathorm, and the sources it seemed, triggered more dramatic events. Bianca had spent the last full moon feeling vulnerable and weak.. she had resolved not to let this one be a repeat, but the emotions had found other ways to manifest. She wasn't accustom to the anger she felt.

"You have a lot to do..." she sighed, hesitating, but continued.

"You-you're warm-I can hear your heartbeat, smell, y'know... your breath." she didn't go into detail, but she could smell the different tones in it - the apple juice along with the various meals he had eaten earlier.

As for Bianca, every symptom very much pointed to a panic attack, from the small tremble in her hands to the sweating - she had been nauseous and dizzy before, which could be seen enough the pale pallor of her face and why she hid in the bathroom. Her heart continued to race.

"The floor underneath my feet, it's cold - the smell of the kids, Ulric, Theo and Toby; they've all been through this hall at some point today. Fish. Overwhelmingly fishy, mixed with the smell of the cookies I made earlier. Ugh... we should open the windows and doors tonight.."

"I can feel the wind on the cabin. If I focus, I can smell the Svalnaglas.. more fish..."

They probably want me to cook them.. so slimy.. all I can smell is fish. Raw fish, too..

Her heart raced faster. Her stomach clenched with a deep seated lurching feeling that she tried for a second to ignore, then doubled over and heaved! Whether or not Kratos avoided it was entirely dependent on his reaction.

"I'm sorry, oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," she mumbled, not turning to look as she rushed into the bathroom and heaved again over the toilet. "Stupid fish-ughuuuurp.."

Saber was entirely unaware of the drama that started the moment he stumbled away. Though Ulric and Logan's words were heard, there was no time to acknowledge or reply, as the urgency of Saber's situation became clear.

Sabrina was over him by the time he started to fall. She caught him and gently guided him to the ground. She caught the inhaler from him, puffed it herself, and blew the medicine into his lungs a few times via mouth-to-mouth to ensure he got enough of it. When she was certain he was breathing clearly and steadily, she leaned back, resting her hands on her knees, and almost breathed a sigh of relief.

He was allergic to fish, that she recalled. She was glad she was a person of hygiene and had washed before setting out to find them, otherwise she might have just simulatenously killed him as soon as rescued him.

"I hate him," she declared, looking at Logan and Ulric, though the flush in her face from the concern she held for his well-being said otherwise.

She took a deep breath to steady her pounding heart and stood. She put one hand on her hip and gestured to him, still lying on the ground at her feet, and added, "He's a hazard to himself and everyone around him. And the fun has only just begun. Once the full moon rises... I have no idea the level of mastery he has over his wolf, but if last month was any indication..."

A terse sigh. She looked first at them both like this wasn't their burden or anything either of them needed to know, until it struck her that it was. If they were all going to be a pack, it was their concern.

"If did not have guests this night, I would say the Pit is the place best suited for him. He is not prepared for tonight. Not at all. But it's occupied."

Kratos sensed it well in advance. As Bianca paddled through waves of information, Kratos attuned himself to the ebb and flow of that information from her head to her fingertips. Every thought that passed through her mind sent a shift in energy through her body. In such a heightened state of mind, every fiber of her being answered to her defences like a trained militia. The result was anticipated.

Kratos gently moved out of the way. As Bianca retreated, Kratos collected a towel from the supply closet. He  cleaned up the mess while she was bent over the toilet. When he was done, he propped his forearm casually against the doorway and looked in on Bianca...

"You treat your senses as if you were not a werewolf." He observed carefully.

Even when she was done, she stayed by the cold toilet bowl a little longer, spitting to get rid of the taste in her mouth. Then she stood and ran her mouth under the sink for a long while.

"What do you mean?" she asked, at a loss. She had always been a werewolf. She stepped away from the sink and stared up at Kratos with a little tilt of her head.

Ulric stood rigidly on standby. Obviously, he didn't know what to do, but he trusted that Sabrina did. When Sabrina spoke the reason for Saber's collapse, Ulric glanced at Logan. He knew Logan, Jackie, and Sabrina had been fishing that afternoon. It didn't matter now. He looked back to Sabrina.

"How did he even survive the change?" Ulric wondered out loud. "Shouldnt being a werewolf do something to him to keep this stuff from happening? I've never heard of a werewolf with allergies til Jackie wanted to claim she was allergic to dogs."

"Growing up in a city," Kratos began, "I did not recognize how very little people can feel and know about their natural environment. Most of them walk around oblivious. But growing up among them has led many of us to live below our privledges."

This answer seemed to suffice. Kratos leaned away from the doorframe and collected the soiled towel from the floor.

Logan watched the scene unfold, and her expression said little about her thoughts on the matter. Not inclined to interrupt the conversation, she observed the demeanor of each person. She had said before to Kratos that she did not believe Saber belonged here, for his ailments.


Bianca wasn't entirely satisfied with the answer. She felt in tune with her senses... but maybe she wasn't. She cringed inwardly to see Kratos gathering up the dirty towel--evidence he was right--and tried hard to focus on anything but the smell of the fish.

Now she was ashamed and felt like the perfect fool. She said she had good control of her werewolf form in the letter she wrote to the Alpha before meeting him.

"...  You don't think I'm cut out for this. I don't, either. It's fine." she said, dryly. "I can't even deal with dead things-I ticked the new guy off and now he's run away. Nobody here even likes me. I'm emotional, not delusional. Just, be honest with me - do you want me to leave?" she asked, searching for the Alpha's eyes.

"I'm just, weighing everyone down." she said, in a matter-of-fact way that lacked any feeling, perhaps telling that she had said the words to herself many times before, the emotion in them used up. The blue tinged-blonde bangs came down over her eyes and she leaned on the sink counter.

Kratos turned. He looked at Bianca, and for a moment he said nothing, nor did he forecast upon her any thought or emotion.

"Bianca," he said at last. "I considered many paths for my life before I came here. I know a great deal about anger, fear, and rejection. I did not come here to be a dictator. I came here to be a teacher."

"You came here to look into the faces of the people who Kimberly gave all to defend." Kratos lowered his chin. His eyes said it, his voice did not - 'I am who she died for.'

When Bianca mourned her friend, did she imagine the faces of the people who cost Kimberly her life? What had she thought they would be like? When she wept, did she make her decision to find out? Why had she given up her family to find some strangers in the woods?

Time had passed. Now she saw him. Now, she knew him. Did she regret her choice?

Kratos spoke again softly.

"You have offered your services to me, indefinitely." He reminded her. "I find no fault in it."

Bianca's work spoke for itself. The order she had brought to the dens, the respect she had given to the pack, the gifts she showered upon them out of the goodness of her heart... what was there to find fault in? As a Den Mother she had risen above and beyond the call of duty. She was as pressed as a nurse in a hospital, yet here she was also a friend, a teacher, and a student. She was embedded and engrossed in the hearts of people who she had pledged her life to when they were naught but strangers to her - when she had naught but Kimberly's memory to hold on to...

In all these thoughts and implications was the statement - 'You've come so far on faith alone. How can you doubt the strength of your own heart?' With no knowledge to lead you, with all the obstacles you've overcome - in losing your mother, in studying through college, in loving your grandparents, in losing your best friend, in moving in with strangers, in caring for them as if they were your own, - how can you doubt your strength, your commitment, and your contribution?

"How can you not see your own power, Bianca?" Kratos said softly. "When there is so much evidence of it."

Bianca listened with her eyes and ears focused on Kratos. It was her inclination to look away, but she had learned Kratos spoke not only in his words, but also in  his subtleties and mannerisms.

She could think of no answer to his question, or thanks for his compliment as it was perceived. Anything she or anyone would say in an effort to convince her of her innate value, rolled off like oil on water. Logically she knew providing good meals and a clean home for the pack was an important job, and it was something she did diligently. But she felt wholly incapable of making them feel appreciated and happy... unlike others who might better guard their dispositions, Bianca felt the anxiety and loneliness of her pack mates, and felt responsible for it in spite of her efforts to lift their spirits.

A single tear rolled down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away with the heel of her hand.

"I just want them to be happy, Kratos. To hear them laugh. It feels impossible. I promise, I'm not giving up, but nothing I do in here," she gestured broadly in reference to the cabin, "will help whatever is going on inside their hearts."

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