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Werewolves (RP18) "How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

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"Are you kidding?" Toby asked, looking incredulously at the boy as if he had just asked what 2+2 was. 'No, wait.' Toby reminded himself. 'Dekota is new. He wouldn't know anything about the pack.'

Taking a deep breath, Toby pinched the bridge of his nose. "Of course I don't trust them, every month I spend with them I get injured--" He said calmly, then irritably added: "--By one of them! Or by one of my neighbors because I'm associated with them.".

Truthfully, Toby was trying to be very careful not to unload all his pent up stress and dissatisfaction on the kid. He only wanted to let him know what he was in for.

Folding his arms, he looked at Dekota again. "Look, you seem pretty mature for your age, so I'm gonna tell you what you what its like up here: The alpha is almost never around, and even if he was, he's the guy that adopted all these psychopaths in the first place. When I see him, do I talk to him? I have tried. Does he listen? No. Because something is always happening. One of his problem children is out committing murder or something. He's clearly not a very... On-Top-If-It kind of guy. Certainly not the type of dude who should be in charge of a pack like this. But what do I know?  Maybe he's just doing his civic duty by collecting all the nut job werewolves in the world and bringing them here where they won't be in anybody's way-- Or maybe he's hoping the mountain will eat them all, I don't know! I also don't know why he, as the alpha of a pack of lunatics, figured it would be a totally mature thing to do to bring a pair of children into it. Is he trying to breed more lunatics by traumatizing you pups early? I'm honestly afraid that you and Samantha are going to end up dead tonight, or worse, that I'll be seeing you in a Shrink's Office!" He scoffed, "I can count on one hand the members of the pack that are actually decent people."

His fear was unfounded. Yet perception was a powerful influence..

Although Logan stood before him like a stalwart mountain, and Ulric behind, he was safe, except perhaps for internal factors. Logan would not lay a hand on him in violence. Ulric was a mediator, and Logan had never known him to be an angry man.

She watched as Saber's anger rose up within, unprovoked and unwieldy, like a spark to ignite a wildfire if it could only find something to latch onto. Yet the two who stood to barricade him seemed well chosen. It would not affect Logan. Without anything to set aflame, it would burn only the heart that held onto it with vehement will.

Did Saber not know the town also belonged to Kratos? Did he see that as freedom? On four legs it was well within reach; it was child's play.

Would he go to Middlecrest, which was also claimed, or Pinerich? Logan herself lived in a remote village and was attacked. She had traveled over a thousand miles on foot, and still her journey ended in bloodshed caused by her own tooth and claw. Every inch of land was claimed, by man or otherwise, and there was no distance so great in the eyes of a werewolf as to deter them from seeking out blood to claim for one purpose or another.

The world in which Saber now existed in lay like a separate realm atop the land of men, one that city limits and written laws could not reach, and were observed only as a formality.

Logan watched as that violent will drove him to his own anguish not for the first time. Then, like a spirit from the trees, Sabrina materialized to play her role.

Logan could no longer abide to stand opposite of Ulric. She came to his side and crossed her arms.

"It is not a fate worse than death." Logan said, "It is the same. It is to die as a man. Still, to continue to live - and not be a part of the same world - it is like... a fantóm..." she observed, and the word was the same in Slovak as in English even if the tonal infliction was different, "a spirit." she clarified, although did not know there was no need, and the first word perhaps suited her meaning better.

"His spirit, is angry."

As Sabrina appeared, Ulric stepped back and lifted his chin. His instinct, naturally, was to help Saber. But he didn't have any medicine for him. It was fortunate, then, that Sabrina was keeping a close eye on her charge - she was, after all, the reason Saber was here.

Logan moved on the defensive. Ulric noticed it. It felt good to have her beside him, though he did not know exactly why, and it emboldened him to take a step forward.

"That's not what I said." He answered Sabrina. Then he looked at her charge.  Saber, a man in his mid twenties, who acted like a child, yelling and cursing, and demanding the world were different. And here Ulric was, an eighteen year old, waiting for him to recover himself from anger enough to speak to him.

Outside the bathroom door...

Kratos was silent. He could hear Bianca's heart pounding. He could smell her anger in her sweat, past all the perfume and fragrance she typically wore.

"Bianca," he said softly. "Are you dressed for the full moon?"

"Yeah," Bianca said. She tried again in vain to breathe away the anxiety, but nothing seemed to relieve her frayed nerves. Defeated, she stood and opened the door, her eyes low and gripping her sleeve with the opposite hand.

Kratos was found standing behind the door with his chin down, and his eyes keeping an eerie light. He turned his head to the side to see her and what she was wearing, then he crouched on the balls of his feet to put his gaze under hers.

"Touch the palms of my hands, Bianca." Kratos said. He stretched out his hands in front of her, with his palm outward.

Bianca wore the navy leggings of her old change suit and no shoes, with a darker navy wrap or skirt that went roughly above mid thigh and would accommodate for the change. Her pink dress that she had initially come in had been swapped out with a navy change shirt that had short sleeves, but was currently concealed under the faded red, or otherwise pink jacket she usually wore.

She met his eyes finally when he lowered himself, and though she didn't see how his gesture would help, but complied and rested her hands palms down atop his.

Saber's chest felt tight like someone was squeezing him to death. It had felt like a flip of a switch- One minute he had felt fine, and the next he was struggling for air.

As his cough grew worse, so did the fear that began to enter his eyes. He barely noticed Sabrina's approach in the midst of his inward and outward struggle.When he looked at her, for a second his breath was held and his face appeared in terror. Despite that, he noticed the inhaler in her hand and with anger snatched it and staggered away, nearly falling over as he resumed coughing.

Several steps and Saber found himself by a tree which he leaned against for support, his back turned to the others. He was coughing and wheezing now. The world was starting to spin. He looked down at the inhaler, lifted it to his mouth before he paused, realizing it could potentially cause a allergy attack if it touched his lips. The moment was brief though, as the feeling that he was dying was enough to take the risk. The inhaler was used, as Saber tried to take in a breath of the life saving medicine. His hands were shaking as he pulled the inhaler away from him. He wasn't sure he had gotten much from it at all. He felt like he could barely breath. In a few seconds he used the inhaler again. Or he tried.

As he tried to breath another breath of the medicine, Saber's eyes closed and his body fell limp. His consciousness slipped, and his breath, despite still being shallow, soon found it's rhythm again.

Palm against Palm, Bianca's fingertips would barely reach the creases between Kratos' fingers.

"Very good," he said. "Now I want you to close your eyes."


Bianca had no argument, and although she didn't yet see the purpose of the exercise, she currently had more trust in Kratos than she did in herself. She closed her eyes.

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