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Werewolves (RP18) "How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

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The information was so unexpected that Toby's head literally jerked and he stumbled backward, brows raised as high as they could go. "She hasn't seen a werewolf yet?!" He repeated in astonishment. Quickly, he clapped a hand over his own mouth, silently scolding himself for his outburst. Until he knew just how well Samantha's supernatural hearing was, it was probably a good idea not to shout things that Dekota was trying to keep secret.

Taking a moment to compose himself, Toby continued in a quieter voice. "What do you mean she hasn't seen a werewolf yet? I thought your Pa was a wolf. Didn't she ever see him?... Or you? Haven't you changed yet?" Dekota's question about Toby's control over his wolf was completely lost in the sudden whirlwind of concern that took shape in his mind. He could see it now, in black and white like a proper horror film:

Little Samantha skipping along, singing a song and smelling pretty flowers. Then, the moon rose over her head. Suddenly she would get the feeling that something wasn't right and look around. She would see she was surrounded by people with fangs popping out of their mouths and fur cascading out of their ears! She would scream and run, only to find that every corner she turned took her into the arms of another werewolf, each more wolf-like than the last. In a blind panic, she would flee into the forest, leaving the morbid monsters behind her... Or so she thought. Lost and alone in the forest, she would stop to cry, only to find that her own hands were suddenly furry and had claws. In terror, she would scream into the sky while gripping her face, now half wolf, and everything would fade to black.... The End.

Toby shuddered. "For goodness sake, Dekota, she's almost 10 years old. How has she never seen one before?" He asked. Just then, he was hit with a dawning realization, one even more terrifying for a little girl than being surrounded by werewolves-- Or rather, EXACTLY like a little girl being surrounded by werewolves. Samantha hadn't changed yet, nor had she seen a werewolf, and yet she was going to spend a full moon with this emotionally unhinged, mentally unstable, aggressive-Timothy, traitorous-Jackie, scary-Sabrina, freaking huge alpha on a haunted mountain pack?!?

"No, no, no, no, no, no-- We-- We have to get her out of here. She needs somewhere safe to be. This pack-- This pack is crazy, Dekota! She can't first-sighting-a-werewolf with these nut jobs!" Toby panicked.

Dakota listened to Toby's concerns with nearly perfect composure.

" Toby, just breath," he said. He took a breath in himself. " In, and out," he said softly, releasing his own breath. " Just breath," he repeated, as he continued to take in deep breaths as if his own inner calm would help Toby find a place of peace as well.

He closed his eyes and breathed for a while, listening for if Toby was doing the same.

Toby was not doing the same. He was pacing back and forth and muttering worriedly to himself, trying to figure out how and where he could hide Samantha, himself, and maybe even Dekota if he would join them. He'd always intended to hide, seeing as he didn't want to spend another month in bed with some pack-associated injury. Getting shot by his neighbors was bad enough, but then Jackie had to up and attack him for no reason-- Every full moon landed him in trouble and pain, he was NOT going to gamble another one tonight. Unfortunately, his previously designated hiding place was not fit for company.

"You know, the theater is far enough away from the sink hole that we should be good to hide out there." He said out loud to himself. "Grampy loved the theater, that's where he'd always go."

With this, he turned his attention back to Dekota. Seeing the boy watching him calmly and breathing intentionally, Toby's face flushed pink. "Uh... Uhm.. Yeah, okay." He stuttered in embarrassment. He still didn't join in the breathing exercise, but stuck his hands in his pockets and held still, gluing his eyes to his shoes.

When Toby finally managed stillness, Dakota was pleased.

He finished his deep breathing, and looked around. The cabins seemed peaceful. The wind rustled through the colorful leaves on the trees. Birds could be heard singing off in the distance. The sky was almost a clear blue, with wisps of clouds hanging in it's sphere. The day appeared beautiful, peaceful even despite the events that occurred in the morning.

Dakota let the quiet hang between Toby and himself for a moment.

" Toby, how long have you been in the pack?" He asked.

"Too long." Toby muttered, with no small degree of distain in his voice.

" And you still don't trust your fellow packmates?" Dakota asked, almost as if he was reflecting on the question himself. " Have you talked to the alpha about your concerns?"

Ulric examined himself against the accusation as he looked at his feet, six inches under mud, - because he didn't care, obviously. He made no attempt to bar Saber from the path and stepped aside for him. Consequently, when he turned around, Saber became sandwiched between him and Logan.

As far as Ulric was concerned, Saber was walking in the right direction, even if he did not intend the same destination. Nothing else needed to be said. However, Logan thought otherwise.

Far be it from Ulric to ask Logan to step aside when rightly she saw it her duty to intercept. But what did she want him to say?

Ulric looked at Logan, and then at Saber. Why couldn't Saber see the scars on her arms and her face? Why didn't he recognize that she, too, had fought the same battle for her life that he had?

"Saber, if you go back to town you're going to end up killing someone." Ulric said frankly. "Or worse."

"Trust me," he said, his voice sincere and honest. "You don't want anyone else to go through what you're going through."

Logan knew a thing or two about walking away before the conversation was over. She looked down at Saber, solemnly.

She had tried to leave early on, in much the same fashion as Saber, and an encounter with Zeit might've been recalled. Everything about his demeanor echoed a time when she, too, was new.

It said many things. I feel afraid. I feel powerless. I feel lost and do not know where to go. I am angry. I feel trapped.

In fact, she had tried to leave, or to at least find an escape. That search for freedom had cost an innocent woman her life. Her eyes flashed to Ulric. She knew he thought about, too.

As for Logan, her scars were of little value to her, though she had pride in them. They were badges to display to the others. They said, "I am strong. I have fought. I will protect you".

But she well knew by now that, while flesh could mend with time, the battles one fought silently in their soul--the ones that afforded the warrior no visible badge of victory--were the most dangerous. Logan was a defender. To her, that did not mean in body alone. Her companions did not need more battles today, and anger bred anger...

For these and all of her thoughts, she said nothing. Only, she would not let Saber go into the town to kill and traumatize people, nor inflict his curse. And, perhaps more importantly to Logan, she would not let him return to the cabins in all of his wrath to draw down the disposition of her allies, many of whom she had seen just this day to be weary in spirit.

Logan moved, blocking Saber's path, and all at once the nature of the twos interception became clear to him.

He turned and found Ulric had moved behind him. His heart sped up, sensing he was trapped between the two. Ulric's words seemed to make his face pale, but his anger was still at the forefront, in his eyes and his glare.

" I know that!!!" He yelled. " I'm not going to murder anyone!!! The town is freaking abandoned- who the freaking heck would I kill there??!!!"

In a moment however Saber didn't look so well. He suppressed a cough, and then another. Soon he was holding his chest struggling to breath, as he couldn't stop coughing.

That was enough, intervention was officially necessary. Sabrina would have liked to continue to observe the interaction, unseen by the others, and see if their attempt at luring in the fly with honey would work better than her vinegar. Even after he started coughing, she was content to wait, until she observed that he did not have his backpack with him, and likely, not would he have his inhaler.

As the pack healer, she had prepared for this. In addition to her regular tinctures, powders, and potions, she had taken to keeping in her person medicines that Saber required. One of which was a backup inhaler.

And so, as an angel of life--or death, depending on one's point of view--she materialized out of the wood and came to Saber's side, offering the inhaler, with an eye trained to see how it would be received--if he could manage it on his own at this point or if he would need assistance.

She also raised an eyebrow and looked at Ulric. "Do you really believe that?" she asked. "That becoming a werewolf is a fate worse than death?"

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