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Werewolves (RP18) "How the Mountain Greets the Moon"

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It was a little past noon by the time Ulric and Levi returned to the quiet clearing by the dens.

On the way back, Ulric might have mentioned to Levi that he felt sad, like he had just released a domestic rabbit into the wild. But John had been left in a comfortable patch of grass, under a shady tree, in the park by Herby's Pond. He was, by all means, safer there than he had been in the last ten days of his life, and especially safer than in the den of wolves where they found him. Still, Ulric felt oddly melancholy.

Back in the clearing, Ulric looked about to see who was there. The two Svalnaglas, he noted, were still within the confines of the pit. But Kratos seemed to have gone off somewhere...

"Released a rabbit?" wondered Levi. "Well, he was eatin' rabbits. Raw, at that."

He wondered how Ulric came to get so quickly attached to people. He hadn't seen anything to miss in the poor sap, at least not in the fifteen or so minutes he'd seen him conscious.

"How's your head?" he asked Ulric all of a sudden, giving him a funny look. "Yeh got about choked out back there earlier, dinnae ye?"

Logan came out of the woods and into the clearing, spotting Levi and Ulric. With a full belly and a string full of fish, her countenance was visibly risen.

She beamed a grin in their direction and held up the fish (mostly a variety of smaller-to-medium sized trout), "Ah, friends!" she exclaimed, "It is a good day for a full moon, ah? Are you hungry? Jackie will bring more fish, soon."

Meanwhile, Bianca had awoken from her nap, feeling rested and invigorated. She took to her room right after to do some stretches and change her clothes (not for the first and certainly not the last time that day). Now she was wearing her faded pink hoodie over biker shorts, with her socks slouching over her white tennis shoes.

With her walkman on her hip and her headphones on, she was nearly ready to run her zoomies out.

Now she peeked out her window in time to see Levi and Ulric coming into the clearing. Logan was approaching, too.

She left the bedroom and went downstairs and out the front door eagerly. But she didn’t want to interrupt to tell them they had babysitting duty, so she leaned on the banister and waited a moment.

"Yeah, that was, eh..." Ulric rubbed his neck and looked across the clearing. The girls had found some fish. Logan, at least, looked pleased. Saber would be far less pleased, no doubt. Wasn't fish one of his allergies? Ulric shrugged and offered a smile for Logan's good mood.

"Yeah, first time that's ever happened. I can't even remember what she did." He muttered.

"I shant say no to that!" Levi called to Logan, waving. He felt a small pang of disappointment that he'd missed fishing with her, but it was what it was. One thing led to another, and he could have hardly expected for her to wait. It was good to see she was in better spirits, though, and it sounded like Jackie had been fishing with her. That was good, then. Maybe they'd been able to work through whatever was going on between them. And none too soon! It'd be good to have full bellies and some comeraderie in time for the full moon. Goodness knows, whatever a werewolf was feeling before the moon showed her face at the highest point in the sky, they'd feel it even more after she did.

"Well, glad t'hear yer not makin' a habit of it, then," Levi said to Ulric with a wry smile. Then he looked wistful a moment, and lowered his voice, "D'ye know them? That one colleen what done it sure seems like she recognizes you."

Bianca's forehead touched the banister and she groaned quietly to herself.

"Not inside, Logan!" she called, watching the dark haired woman pause. She climbed down off the porch and went up to the other - standing undaunted a whole foot below her.

"Ah, what is wrong?" Logan asked.

"Saber's allergic. Fish, nuts, milk, eggs." she said. "Are they cleaned?"

Logan nodded and gestured to the fish, gutted and ready to be cooked; her work was always in good form.

"Ok-take them to the grill around the back, I'll get it started again..." she mumbled. "But I'm not cooking again. You can manage. If Jackie shows up and hers aren't cleaned--and they probably aren't, because she's going to ask me to do it, and I'm not going to--she has to turn around and take care of it in a stream. We can't have any pieces of fish left loose around here. Wash your hands outside when you're done. Nobody eats inside."

Bianca was already turning away and disappeared around the back of the cabin to start the grill. Logan glanced back towards the younger men in the clearing, and eventually followed Bianca.

Colleen? What did that mean?

Ulric lowered his chin and his voice, "I have no idea." He said, almost inaudibly. "I think I've seen her before..."

Ulric glanced furtively at the pit. "But I can't remember ever meeting her."


To say Jackie's hunt hadn't been fruitful at the stream would be a lie. Certainly, the net full of trout and the like said otherwise. To a dozen men, it would have been more than sufficient - yet to a dozen werewolves, that of course, was another thing altogether.

And yet besides the fish, she had earned herself far more than she bargained for. Now sitting on the shore of the river, she sulked - nursing at a fresh wound along her forearm with her mouth. She said nothing to the healer that had watched it all unfold, and certainly not for her aid - although she was certain within moments it would be offered, and she would need admit fault her own shortcomings.

At length, the healer did stand up and dust herself off. "Well, that was entertaining," she said.

She approached Jackie and extended her hand with the expectation to be shown the wounded arm. She looked at Jackie seriously. "You won, though. That's the main thing. I don't think I've ever seen a beast that size flee once blood has been drawn."

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