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Werewolves (RP17) "Where the Moon Meets the Mountain"

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Bianca made sure to keep Sami and herself inside while the captives were secured, but that didn't stop her from staring out the window in morbid curiosity with her eyes wide as saucers. They were in their own cabin, and the cookies were cooling on the counter of the other...

"Ulric's out there... so it's probably safe...  Kratos isn't happy though... oh, Logan's got the shorter lady now... Whoa, she has one arm...!" she commented aloud to nobody in particular (surely Sami was the only one in the cabin), squinting those big blue eyes. "I do not want to be them right now."

As the scene Bianca watched unfolded, the truck Dakota had inherited from his father could be seen coming up the road towards the dens. Dakota eyed the alpha and the others gathered by the training arena. Carefully he parked the truck by the cabin he and Samantha resided at then got out.

Dakota headed over towards the group. Now closer he found the kitsune amongst the pack members. He moved towards Ulric.

" What's going on? Did something happen?" He asked, brows furrowed.

Kratos' expression was indifferent. He stood with his arms folded over his chest and said nothing.

Nonetheless, those who knew the alpha, as Ulric did, would see in the subtlety of his behavior many things more which were not visible on the surface. For one thing, he disapproved of Sabrina's excitement about the kitsune. He met her glance sternly. Whether or not he knew the importance of his prisoner's heritage appeared irrelevant. She would be treated like any other person to grace the confines of the pit regardless.

Kratos then adjusted his feet, directing attention away from his face as Sabrina's back was turned. This he did as he gave a subtle shake of his head to Logan, indicating that it was entirely unnecessary to restrain the kitsune.

To the kitsune herself, who likely could not gauge his thoughts, nor perhaps the subtlety of his demeanor, Kratos had some sympathy, but it was not for her injuries or her missing limb.

Ulric wanted dearly to know the alpha's thoughts, but until Kratos wanted to ask or answer questions, it seemed no one was willing to venture upon the subject. At least... not until Dakota arrived.
"Shh..." Ulric whispered. "These guys aren't ours."

" I see that," Dakota replied, mirroring Ulric hushed tone. He was confused however as he only saw one intruder. Eventually his eyes spotted the other in the pit. He leaned back to Ulric.

" Was anyone hurt? Besides her, I mean," he asked in a whisper.

Bianca watched Dakota pull up, then as he approached Ulric.

Logan meanwhile, meeting Kratos' silent request, easily relented hold of the woman. Her dark lashes fell for a moment and with them something in her countenance dropped, but it was recovered before it could be seen.

She put distance between herself and the woman and left Sabrina to her work. Her eyes were cast briefly to Ulric and Dakota but it did not remain there.

Instead she focused to find Timothy's scent and ascertain his whereabouts..

Something was screaming. And then, the screaming was approaching. It came slowly yet surely, every footfall of its owner narrowing in on the pack. The wind had shifted such that it brought no scent.

And then Jackie broke through the trees, carrying a well-tied young-man over her shoulders. She sweat a little from the exertion, but overall appeared pleased. She passed Logan with a grin and a wink, then came before the alpha and dropped her prize at his feet like a proud cat.

"Hey, found this.... anyone lose a human?"

Timothy was laying camouflaged under the trees. His stripes blended with the shadows cast by the naked boughs. His turquoise eyes glinted as light danced over his face.

Timothy and Kratos' ears inclined in the direction of Jackie's approach long before Ulric detected any sound with his primal ears. Nonetheless, he declined answering any more questions for Dakota just then. A moment later, John was carried into the clearing.

John was set down facing away from Kratos, so he did not see the alpha until he turned around. At the sight of the alpha, John cried out to his maker and passed out. When he came to, he found himself looking up into wild blond curls.

"Tiffany?" He muttered. "Oh, thank goodness! It was just a dream. I dreamt we were caught by a pack of werewolves led by Harvey's bear-sized monster."

"You best go back to sleep, sugar." Tiffany said, sympathetically.

John furrowed his brow and looked around at the cement walls of the confines. He found Ionone was down here, too. The faces of the strangers that held them captive were looking down at them, but the giant "bear-sized" werewolf was not among them.

"Oh." John said, dismayed.

Logan seemed to ignore Jackie when she came upon the scene, not so much as sparing her a glance. She did however look with some expression of pity on the young man.

When John and Ionone were both secured in the pit, she dismissed herself from the immediate area to find Levi…

Finding him would prove to be something of a trick. He wore the change suit Kratos made for him, and while traces of its original scent still lingered somehow, he had spent some time scrubbing it in streams and washing it with essence drawn from the Phantom herb before he had been comfortable wearing it. It was subtle enough now to be found only if someone was specifically looking for it. The scent of his blood, however, was strong.

Shortly after Sabrina left him, he'd loosened his bandages and transformed, the strength and agility of his second form allowing him to easily leave her room by window and make his way to the roof of the cabin. There he shifted again, perched in human form on the roof, hugging his knees and trying to be as small as possible.

Logan did follow the scent of Levi’s blood. When it was found to be strongest in Sabrina’s room, Logan did not enter. Jackie’s room was next to it but she would not violate another’s space again after Kratos had advised against it in the past, and upon her own principle. Instead, she went outside and came around to the back of the cabins… she could smell Levi, but her form was not suitable for climbing.

”Levi.” she said from near the wall behind the cabins, inclining her head upwards.

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