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Werewolves (RP17) "Where the Moon Meets the Mountain"

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Her fists clenched and her cheeks flushed. Now with the fallacies of the logic pointed out, there seemed little else to hide behind. Every ounce of emotion came rising to the surface and refused to be walled off.

"It doesn't have to make sense!" she snapped but feeling foolish behind those words.

"My life never had value before. It was easier when it didn't - I didn't have to worry about myself, about others involved - and you just," she waved her hands around to nowhere at all, "Make everything complicated!"

Toby glanced toward the sudden and unexpected use of his name. Since the voice was a soft and pleasant one, it didn't trigger his panic or flight response. Seeing a familiar face, he smiled. "Oh. Hi Samantha." He said, "What're you doing?"

Kratos was at hand. He didn't say anything, or even disrupt the scene.

Ulric noticed him, standing not far off, though not necessarily in sight of the others. It seemed to be the alpha's way, sometimes, just to be there.

Ulric listened to Jackie and Logan, and smiled despite himself. It was funny being outside a conversation like this. The words might not have been there, but the sentiment of both was the same. "I love you." They said. "I want to be there for you. Im trying to be..." That is what Logan was saying to Jackie, and that was what Jackie was saying to Logan. They just didn't realize it.

Ulric pressed his hands so deeply into his pockets that his shoulders hunched up and he shrugged. Still smiling, though it was a shy sort of smile, he said, "There isn't anything more loyal than a werewolf that knows which way is home. Abravious used to say that all the time."

Ulric passed by and looked at Kratos meaningfully as he did. His glance at the pit in that moment showed that his saying was intended for both audiences...

There was no need for Ulric to otherwise interrupt Jackie and Logan.

Sabrina merely stood by, though her eyes followed Ulric and she pointedly raised her eyebrows at the Alpha, once she saw him. It was to make a point, but what point that was, and whether or not Jackie and Logan noticed, was only immediately clear to him.

Then she looked at Logan and Jackie again.

"Of course. If it were not complicated, it would be simple. Simple is boring. It's simple to be a weapon. Believe me, Jackie, I know that much. But, I have been told, it's not quite as rewarding. Perhaps we should all simply start by being friends."

What a strange word that was on her tongue, still.

Logan inclined her head to Jackie at her outburst.

Were things not complicated before? Everything was telling that Jackie's life was harder before she came here.

Nonetheless, Jackie had--in a roundabout manner--answered the primary question Logan had been asking for some time. In a few words she had said that she was afraid. Not for herself, but for her pack, and that her fear caused her to flee from them with the intention of keeping them safe.

This, no matter how foolish, was to Logan a noble intention. It was not aimless or without purpose. She could no longer be angry on the matter, so it was set aside. Doors were opened for more clear communication regarding Jackie's history, and Logan did intend to ask again when the time was right.

Ulric spoke and in a few words had garnered Logan's attention. In spite of the heavy conversation, his countenance seemed risen, and the Little Alpha offered wise words that reached the woman's soul and touched her heart, but she had no words to give in response. Sabrina and Levi also had been dismissed previously, and this would need to be addressed...

Still, Logan was not finished speaking to Jackie and could not ignore her anger.

"Then, I am not sorry to make it complicated," Logan said with half a shrug, her arms having fallen to her sides, "I am sorry I did not understand. I hope you will some day forgive me." she leaned her weight on one hip and her long black hair swayed behind her just so.

To Sabrina's words, Logan felt inclined to agree-yet it seemed a heavy word to offer freely, and could not be gained by a simple word. Stability and trust would need to be sown first...


Bianca meanwhile, had finished the prisoners food--large hearty steaks with golden crusts, grilled to a perfect medium rare, garlic herb rice, fresh bread and apple butter, cookies--were plated up and wrapped with large pieces of fabric tied at the top, so the food and utensils would stay neatly on the plates. She wasn't sure exactly how Kratos would get it down to them, but assumed he'd bring it down himself or had some magic pulley system. She got their water into thermos, and put a new spare toothbrush, breath mints and floss into a zip lock bag..

"Levi? You still here? Help me carry all this out, please." she called from the kitchen, grabbing a plate and three thermos', one tucked under an arm. Two plates and the zip lock baggy remained.

She'd no sooner asked then he was just there, like he'd always been there or had just materialized out of the shadows like some kind of freakin ninja.

He looked at the offerings Bianca had prepared with equal measures of awe and envy. "This all for them?" he asked, "Oi, do I ever wish ye'd been here when was in the pit."

He meant as a joke. Sort of. But he was also being honest. That much showed on his face. He picked up the rest of the goods and followed after Bianca.

"Ohgeez!" Bianca yelped when Levi showed up behind her. She knew he was close, but didn't realize how close. She recovered quickly and sidestepped him, continuing out the door.

"Yep..." she called over her shoulder, "There are a couple of roasts cooking, and I have more steaks still. I still don't think it's enough. Sami and Dakota get priority since they're the youngest." she said, coming out the front door and leaving it open for Levi.

Levi really didn't seem like he deserved to be in the pit as long as he had been, or at all, but Bianca wasn't gonna ask questions.

She spotted Ulric first, then Jackie and Logan, Sabrina, and lastly Kratos. She felt like she was about to wade into a pit of hungry piranhas.. nonetheless she moved passed everyone and went to the gate of the training arena, setting everything down and waiting, unsure on how to proceed.

Jackie didn't know what to say after that. She just stood there, feeling somehow helpless in the aftermath of her words, and shifted her thumbs to the hem of her shorts. It gave the impression of a school child looking away from the scene of a crime. Although what crime had been committed, besides a conveyance of her own heart, was unclear.

She watched Sabrina as she spoke, although did not answer her. For again the words were disjointed in her head, and something that wouldn't form a coherent creature. She did watch as the steaks floated by. There was certainly something hungry in her gaze. Although her earlier interaction with Bianca - as well as several others - had given her a healthy respect of the woman.

She gazed upwards. There seemed only one sentence that would suit just then.

"Let's hunt".

Logan watched Bianca, and lifted her hand to her mouth, wiping the corner with her thumb. It seemed Levi had been employed by the young female, and that was perhaps the reason for his absence.. whatever he had to show them seemed forgotten for now.

Her eyes came back to Jackie and she nodded. She did not hesitate to start back towards the woods.

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