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Werewolves (RP17) "Where the Moon Meets the Mountain"

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She couldn't understand.

Every effort that she made to understand Jackie just led her to more frustration. With the other members of the pack, there seemed to be a cause for their actions, but to not know why ones own feet led them astray was so beyond Logan's comprehension.

Even Timothy did not act without cause - although seldom justified, his anger had a source. Was this beyond her reach because of her own inability to comprehend? Perhaps to another it made sense.

Logan turned her head up slightly and her eyes went straight up to the sky, and a breath was released. Every question was to Logan like poking the sediment at the bottom of a pool of water - causing it to become murky and polluted.  She could think of nothing else for the time, to ask or say to Jackie, to bring her to clarify in a way that would bring some peace... lowering her eyes again, she looked over her shoulder to see if Levi would come out shortly..

"Počúvaj jej slová, Logan. Nejde o to, čo tým myslia, ale ako sa cítia," said Sabrina, coming up from behind Logan.

She looked at Jackie. "You're running away from your past. You want family, but the family you had before the pack hurt you. You don't want to be hurt again. No name, no tether, no pain. Is that about the size of it?"

Levi had turned right around to lead Logan and Jackie to the barn, but heard them talking as he returned to the doorway, and paused so as not to interrupt. Now that he heard Sabrina's voice, he took a step or two back and looked around for a good excuse for his delay.

He could run upstairs and just tell them he had to go to the restroom or something.

Ulric remained where he was standing and watched Dakota go. Ulric's face fell with solemnity as his attention drifted. First he acknowledged the pit, then Levi came out of the woods, followed by Jackie and Logan. Ulric could see something was amiss between them. Jackie was crest-fallen. Logan was agitated. Neither one seemed like they were facing the other...

Ulric furrowed his brow. He watched and listened from a distance, at first. Then he walked closer and listened better. The two began to speak. Jackie was struggling to explain something, and Logan was struggling to understand. As futile as the effort may have appeared, there is some virtue in an honest struggle. Then Sabrina entered the scene.

Ulric's quietly approached, to see what understanding he could glean and lend, but presently gave the three women room to grow...

Jackie didn't answer Sabrina. She just tilted her head and shook it, like she was releasing a nest of bees, then continued on without a beat. Sabrina's words were to Logan's benefit, not her own. She did not think about it in those terms, although Logan might need it.

Instead, she focused to what had been bothering her most.

"You were mad at me because I ran off...?" she tilted her head, "Because I went for a wander to the orchards, and didn't wait for you by the cabins?"

She scrunched her nose. Clearly, that didn't compute.

"Why? I didn't really go far, that time".

Sabrina's words were of little value to Logan in the moment. Jackie could convey no clear emotion in her words other than confusion, so regardless of how they were said, the meaning was unclear.

It seemed Logan would have liked to stay silent and let the conversation drift to Sabrina and Jackie. Then Jackie spoke again, bypassing Sabrina's questions.

"Let me believe you do not know the reason why you run," Logan said carefully, and put the matter aside, "Still you say always - it is only about you," she removed a hand from the opposite arm and gestured to Jackie, "Always, you say this... do you not see? No choice made will be only about you."

Jackie exhaled harshly from her nose, her eyes narrowing. She made little effort to hide the irritation.

"Fine. It is about you - and Kratos - and Sabrina - and Ulric - and Bianca - and even Timothy - and all the rest of them. It's completely personal".

"Do you know the people I was raised by, Logan? You wouldn't, because I haven't told you. And I don't want you to know, any of you to know, or to be dragged into it because of me. Sometimes, running feels like the safest thing for everyone".


That was the third time Saber's stomach had spoken. He continued to lay in bed despite being awake, the scent of food by his door earlier having made him come to despite his efforts to block out the smell.


Saber's hand gripped the pillow over his face tightly and pulled it away. He got up, as the pillow was tossed violently aside towards the end of the bed. He reached for his backpack, which was right by the bed, and grabbed a small plastic bag filled with crackers from it. Two were shoved in his mouth, chewed aggressively and swallowed, before two more helpless crackers ended up with the same fate. The plastic bag was deposited back into the backpack before a water bottle was just as roughly taken out, partaken of, then returned to the backpack as well.

With that Saber flopped back on the bed, pillow returned to his face, as he continued to ignore everything.

Logan looked behind Jackie towards the pit where the strangers were detained... the time and place for revelation probably wasn't right, yet Logan continued.

"Not knowing has not served us well in the past," she said, gesturing to the pit with a hand.

The knot along her jaw tightened at the gesture of the pit, then she averted her gaze away from it quickly before it made her dizzy. Even so, the ears and nose of fellow wolves, little from her initial reaction could be hidden.

"Then you don't know how much worse it could be," she replied simply.

"It is my duty to defend, yet you do not say from what." Logan growled, before gathering her voice as she continued before another could voice their thoughts,

"You believe it will come if you stay, yet you do not believe we will follow if you go. It does not matter. We will face it together or we will not face it. It is better you say. You think your life is of less value that you will be let to go? Why?"

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