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Werewolves (RP17) "Where the Moon Meets the Mountain"

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An angry tirade was brewing behind those sharp violet eyes. Logan was turning the words over in her head, Slovak first, and then in English - her fists tightly clenched as she prepared very possibly to burn whatever remained of the bridge between her and Jackie's alliance.

Then Levi spoke it gave Logan pause. She was suddenly aware of the beating of his heart - too close and too violent to ignore. She swallowed whatever terrible words sat on the back of her tongue and inclined her head to Levi curiously and with some concern.

Jackie said nothing. She could not trust herself to speak. Around her the woods were distant, the richness of the earth a continent away. Something inside of her seemed to be breaking - something she hadn't known was there, until it was in pieces. She turned as Levi spoke and inclined her head just barely so.

Levi wasn't expecting them to actually pay attention to him. When they did, he sort of froze up for a second. His eyes darted between the two of them, then he just waved that they follow him, and turned and set off without another word.

He picked out a well-trodden path that quickly circled back around to the cabins, and went to the one that smelled of roasting elk and other baked goods.

"Bianca," he said, going in. He felt breathless. Maybe this was a good idea. Maybe not. But he'd committed to it so he might as well see it through.

"Hey, Bianca?" he asked this time, entering the kitchen. "Uhm, remember the thing--in Zeit's barn--uhm, ae-know it was s'posed to be a surprise--but, uhm, I think they could certainly use it now, if yeh don't mind. Logan and Jackie, that is."

Only then did he look back to see if they'd followed him.

Logan did follow, as far as the cabins went.  She’d wait just outside the porch, leaning on the banister, as Levi called for Bianca.

”Yes?” Bianca answered at first, poking her head out of the kitchen and holding one side of the headphones away from her ear. “Oh..” she noticed Levi’s countenance first, and them caught the scent of Logan and Jackie on him. It was pretty self explanatory after that. She cringed outwardly. She had heard Kratos instruct Jackie to go hunting..

”Oh, uhm, yeah-that’s fine if you show them, I can’t leave right now, you can take them if you…  y’know, think… that’s a good idea.”

Samantha was in her and Bianca's room when she heard Toby in the hall.

She had originally come into the bedroom to fetch her drawings for Bianca to see, but while taking the first step to head back down the stairs, she heard something of Jackie's voice and a mention of something dead, and retreated back to the safety of her room.

The door was closed now, but she still heard the sigh and footsteps of Toby from  outside. Out of everyone in the pack, Toby was by far the person Samantha felt the most comfortable with, having already met him years ago when she was only seven. It had been a brief encounter, but he seeming exactly as she remembered him, made her feel at ease in his presence.

She left her papers and canyons on the floor and bounded for the door, cracking it open to see Toby in the hallway, before opening it all the way. " Hi Toby," she greeted him with a smile.

Jackie didn't enter, but nor did she occupy anything near Logan's space. Instead, she stayed at the front just beyond the porch, looking up at the passing clouds.

Logan looked around the clearing. The scent of the elk meat cooking reminded her of her hunger, and the streams of fish were still a tempting prospect... However, Levi wouldn't be easily disregarded, and his reaction to her anger had drawn her inward on the walk back. In the mountains among the strangers, she had been told that "her fear was like fire". What then was her anger like?

Now surely, there were others nearby-most of the pack was present. This further brought her back into control of her emotions, and she felt capable to try and address the concerns of her mind.

"Why did you try to leave?" she asked, lowering her gaze on Jackie. The contempt was gone from her expression and her tone, although heavy, was not one of anger, but one of curiosity and perhaps, sadness.

It seemed Jackie was looking everywhere but Logan. The call of the birds she recognized but did not know by name, the strange shapes of the clouds above and the current of the wind, the scent of green and growth alongside decay. She observed each up to and until they came into the vicinity of Logan.

At first it seemed as though she would not answer. Certainty there was that darker inclination in her eyes as she caught the fading contempt in the woman's voice. She had meant what she said. She would not beg her forgiveness. But now Logan had given her more to work with. Had it been her leaving that had set her off?

She tilted her head, still not meeting Logan in the eyes, "Why does the grass grow? Why does the wind blow?"

It seemed as though she would leave it at that. Some sarcastic half-answer.

But the words though strange had been meant exactly as they were. They were an explanation as best she knew how to give. Now she searched for something more tangible, ever-aware Logan rarely seemed to grasp how she meant things.

"I don't know. It's my nature. The storm was moving, and I had to move..." she shrugged, "Something was over my head, and the only answer was away".

Logan looked on, trying desperately to understand Jackie - and yet the concept was so beyond her, that she was more confused than before she asked the question. She had accused Jackie in the past of having no goal, and now Jackie seemed to admit it freely. Logan's shoulders dropped slightly and it seemed she would give up, as she cast her eyes elsewhere.

Jackie claimed she had a nature to leave the care and protection of her allies. Yet the nature of both man and werewolves, as had been taught to them, was to seek out family.

She did not want to accuse Jackie of being a liar, or being wrong about how she felt. Timothy too, had claimed he had no family, or no one who cared about him. Logan could not deny the betrayal that she felt when Jackie and Timothy seemed to cast aside the concept so readily. The two at which Logan seemed most at odds with... maybe therein lied the issue. Having been confident and proud for so many years, did this perhaps plant seeds of doubt in Logan's heart?

"It was because of me?" Logan asked, turning her focus back on Jackie as she searched for a reason that the redhead had run away, "I spoke last to you that night. If it is caused by me, I will leave, that you will call this family."

"No," Jackie answered quickly and in turn seemed equally confused.

She now met Logan eye-to-eye and inhaling quickly. The smell of the fresh air ran over her tongue and she mulled it over along with her words.

"It doesn't have anything to do with anyone but me. It wasn't about leaving the pack. It was about...." she fidgeted her hands. Recreating her thoughts to words was a language barrier unto itself.

"All you've known is one thing... what a family is to you, isn't what a family is to other people. It's not that you don't want family, people to call your own. You do. Desperately. But if those people you claim aren't..."

She released the breath in her chest, "Even my sister... sometimes I don't know.. In the same breath I want to save her, I also want to stay away. She's connected to what I once knew, even if she's helped me before... Letting the pack help in that..."

She closed her eyes, thinking, "It's one thing if I know it brings me pain. Another if it brings them pain... When the storm moved, so did I. Even if I didn't know to where, to why, how...".

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