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Werewolves (RP17) "Where the Moon Meets the Mountain"

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" Well... She wasn't aware of them since birth like I was," Dakota explained. " She learned about them when she was six. For such a young age, it was a scary concept. So, my father tried to take it slow before showing her his second form. It seemed whenever we made progress on getting her more comfortable, she'd overhear some of the intense stories my father would tell me and get scared again. It took several years till she felt like she was ready, but then my father passed away. She hasn't seemed interested in trying since."

Logan's gaze was fixed on Levi attentively as he gathered himself. She nodded in response to his thanks, and then she looked away towards the sounds of voices and scents in the clearing; breathing in, she noted the smell of the smoke coming off of the hot charcoals, the roast cooking with all of it's herbs and spices. The scent from within the cabins strongly attested to its most frequent patrons, the scents of Bianca, Sami and Saber standing out. The odors of the disheveled Svalnaglas intruders could be discerned and were particularly bold due to their newness. On herself, even, she detect the minerals from the pool higher in the mountains and the odor of the pines, and on Levi, the smell of his tears and of his blood.

It was good to be able to detect the scents of each pack member in so close proximity as they had not been for some time. It was a reminder family was near.

It had not been an easy journey to find a sense of belonging and peace among them, and surely there were others still struggling to find their place, as it had often been proved to Logan in her interactions among them. Even now speaking to Levi, she learned he had been shouldering a great weight of loneliness and pain for one so young.

This line of thought brought a quiet solemnity over her countenance and drew back to her previous point to Sabrina at the pool, "the hardest wounds are the ones you cannot see".

It seemed everyone in the pack carried something unseen, and though it was not Logan's way to assume weakness of them--no, not even of Jackie--she knew that their spirits were downtrodden. Yet certainly, they were all warriors. The scars of the body were proof only that the flesh was in good health. If only Levi could see that Logan did not infer he was a warrior in body, but in spirit and mind! How highly she held him in regard. The fortitude of ones spirit was much more valuable to Logan than the strength of the body, which could only be attributed--in her minds eye--to discipline and genetics. The thoughts of her mind would not be spoken presently.

A moment of contemplation longer and the woman breathed out and listened to the sounds behind her; the gentle breeze, occasionally rustling loose what few leaves still clung to the trees, the stream, the occasional call of a bird.

The first few changes she underwent left her with no memories that could be discerned between dreams and reality. Then after coming among the Calagathorm, she grasped it very easily, and the latter few changes had come on with almost no challenges. Logan spent the summer months embracing all that her new self had to offer.

"Women in my village were not taught to hunt," she said at length and disrupted the length of peace, but her tone was soft, "It was not our duty to take life, so I am not good at it, even now with this new form," she added. "Ah, we did do this - spearfishing. This I know."

She removed the spear off of her back again - the point of which had been carved out of stone and had one hook facing backwards. She had put time into the crafting of it and it was well made; clearly not designed for hunting large game, but an effective tool for the purpose it was designed.

"I am going to see if the streams are not full. Do you want to learn?"

Levi was comfortable in the silence as Logan pondered. Her eyes were ever alert; her senses honed on their surroundings. Yet, she was at ease, and for that reason, so was he.

He perked up when she finally spoke, and he gazed with deep interest at her spear. "Do I?" he repeated, feeling a bit excited. Then, realizing it may have sounded like a question rather than an affirmation, he clarified, "I--I mean, aye, yes, I do."

Logan looked pleased and a bright smile lightened her features.

"Good!" she responded eagerly. "We will start further up and come back this way, but we will not go far."

Without hesitation, she began to lead Levi on. She wouldn't repeat the same mistake twice and stray too far. There wasn't a need, in any case - the cabins were surrounded by streams. The lake would be too far, but certainly they would find something without needing to fish the lake. Logan couldn't swim, so the smaller streams served her better.

So much had happened in Reknab Bend, the pack, and his own life, but somehow Toby still found time to work on his project: The earpiece walkie-talkies. He didn't know why he had bothered. What was it that made him put forth such effort to benefit the pack? He didn't know. All he knew was that he had been working on these earpieces for a long time; making sure they worked and fit comfortably, both in human form and wolf form, that there was no static or brain-splitting electric whining. All to help the pack keep stay in contact with each other tonight. This dreadful night. The night of the full moon. The only thing they had to look forward to tonight was drama, pain, and probably death. It wasn't even a question. It was inevitable.

With a sigh, Toby grabbed the small suitcase in which the earpieces were kept and stepped out into the hallway, leaving the safety of his room for the first time that day.

"What was that?"


"That," Jackie turned her head sharply, tilting it just so, "Don't you hear that?"

Theo didn't answer. He hadn't no matter what the question Jackie had answered. His hands moved faster than his mouth could talk, and there seemed no reason for pulling his focus away from the task. Jackie exhaled harshly through her nose. The phantom herb made it hard to smell as she was used to.

If she was going to find out what it was, she'd have to do so herself. She pulled away from the strange little hut and prowled off in the direction she'd heard the distant voices...

Levi followed Logan, his hands in his pockets and his mind wandering further than his body in less time. Whatever those thoughts were, however, he seemed perfectly content to keep them to himself.

He delighted in the contrast of light and shadow dancing in the woods, the hum of insects unseen, the singing of birds. The sight of them, flitting in the treetops, or stowing away to their nests so well hidden. The sounds of their own footprints, and smaller creatures turning from their daily tread to avoid them. The sound of running water, not far off.

He started to hum a little traditional tune he'd grown up with, and skipped over a large log in the path with great ease.

His eyes and ears had always served him better than his nose, so he was not at all surprised when, on the other side of the log, he spied the flash of copper amid the green ahead that was Jackie's hair without ever having caught her scent. She was upwind of them, and there was a light breeze that should have carried her scent to him first.

He looked at Logan, wondering if she'd seen Jackie yet too. He knew there was a bit of tension between them, though he wasn't sure why.

Logan had seen Jackie - the evidence indicated in the subtle changes in her body language that came and passed in a breaths moment; a jaw that tensed briefly, the flare of her nostrils and her shoulders and chin both lifting if only slightly.

The impending conflict had been mounting over the last month, as Logan made every effort to avoid Jackie completely or else disregard her presence.

However, Logan continued walking towards the stream and seemed content to disregard Jackie once again..

On catching sight of them, Jackie's stride lengthened to catch them with an arm extended in greeting. Though Levi's expression had caught hers, Logan seemed fixedly on the horizon. Her eyes narrowed and her lips thinned. She moved to a light jog so she could catch them before they reached the river.

As she neared, she drew out an arm and abruptly clasped it to the top of Logan's shoulder.

"Hey. Where are you going so fast?"

All month Logan had ignored Jackie; and all month it seemed, Jackie continued to try to get a response from her.

Logan tensed at Jackie’s touch. For a moment, it seemed there would be no reaction. For a moment. Then it came, and Logan raised her arm up to knock Jackie’s hand from her shoulder, and in the next movement she dropped low and swept a powerful leg under Jackie’s feet to knock her back!

Without a word, she stood and turned away again, continuing towards the stream as if nothing had happened.

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