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Werewolves (RP17) "Where the Moon Meets the Mountain"

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"What ever gave you that idea?" Sabrina asked, crossing her arms and pulling something of a smile, like she wasn't sure whether she should be amused or not. "Is that what he told you? Gathen was dealt with. He knew that."

But she could not argue with his assessment of the Svalnaglas. If they had been at full strength, if they'd meant to come, well, Timothy, Levi, and Ulric would not still be breathing, at the very least. A small crease appeared in her brow, wondering at the circumstances that must have led to their capture now.

She straightened her back and nodded at Kratos' last sentence. Perhaps she'd seen too much to place much faith in his confidence--but it still worked its magic on her, somehow. "Good," she said. "As it should be."

She was silent a moment, her eyes wandering in the other direction, towards the cabins. She made a terse sigh and rolled her eyes. "There's one other thing. Saber? One of the new ones? He's not improving. I have done everything in my power for him, short of intubating him. He's refusing to eat now. It's been four days. And with the Full Moon tonight...." Her eyes returned to Kratos. "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. I am at my wit's end with him."


Jackie went down the forest paths as plainly as if they were roads - but indeed there were no roads. She had come to learn this part of the terrain as she had been told to, and every leaf seemed as though it were a landmark. She could guide her feet even barefoot where there weren't many stones, poisonous plants, spines, or otherwise - and indeed, she had let herself run barefoot already on several occasions, to feel the touch of the earth, and did not fear injury on the hardened callouses.

She ran her fingers along the trees like a child playing with the railings of a fence, and tilted her head in the air to every rustle to guide her intuition on what animal had made it. Some pieces of information eluded her yet. She did not know the way owls picked the trees to nest in or how to find a deer by tasting the earth alone. Yet she was by no means a lost traveler and walked among them like a well-seasoned inhabitant.

She did not veer towards the mountains, where it seemed the deer herd had fled, but instead further west. She kept walking and then lightly jogging in places. There was no rush in it of course. She ran because it gave her joy to do so.

At last she came to a small lean-to structure in the center of a grove of trees where the smoke billowed out the top. She knew this place, of course, and the person inside.  It was not far from the cabins, and she had been sure to note its construction several weeks back. But she had not approached until now. She had been content to watch the progress from afar and hadn't wanted to frighten the craftsman's hands before she could satiate her curiosity.

Now it had been satiated as far as observation would allow, so she approached without constraint.  She made no effort to conceal the sound of her approach, the sound of her breath, or mind the direction of the wind. Yet even so, the craftsman did not notice. He seemed deep in thought as he carefully rolled the dried petals into form.

"Whachya doin?" she asked so suddenly the boy yelped, his bottle-green eyes on her all at once.  His expression did not relax as he saw her and he glanced hard to the side.

Jackie exhaled harshly through her nose. Although she had made a point to tell him not to avoid her, their meetings had still been slight and his countenance around her guarded.

"U-uhm..." he glanced to the side, "Just... making tea".

Jackie approached to prod at the partially dried herbs under the tarp and the boy yelped. She stopped herself, sensing it was something delicate her hands weren't meant to touch, "... Sorry... just, what kind of tea?"

"Special tea..." he mumbled. At first Jackie wondered if he was blowing her off. Instead he seemed to be searching for words, "Something.. my mother taught me to do.  You can't make it very often, see... anytime the flower blooms is cause for celebration".


"You know," he motioned vaguely around the mountains, "Flower.. Tears of the First, the Flower Maiden, ummm, I think they call it --"

"Phantom herb?"

"...Yeah," Theo looked to his feet and seemed altogether uncomfortable.

Her head tilted strangely, "What happens when you make it into a tea?"

"O-oh... uh, that... well, it's good for first generation werewolves. Or those that have been injured before a full moon. Anyone that needs an easy change".

"Huh," she poked at the tarp but not at the flowers beneath, "Small world..."


"Nothing," Jackie replied quickly, and looked about herself, "Annnyywayyysss-"

"I can show you if you want," Theo chimed in so quickly it gave her pause, "You don't have to it's only... well... if it had been back home you would have had a right to... we're basically, um, family, so that means I can teach you the traditions my mother taught me.."

He looked so hopeful, she felt bad for what she said next, "To be honest... I'm bad at delicate things. I'd just ruin it all".

"O-oh, that's uh, um, okay--"

"But I'll watch you a while, if that's alright".

Theo nodded. At first, he worked with hesitance, but after a time he fell into the natural rhythms of his work. There was something more confident about the boy when he crafted than at any other. Certainly, even Jackie's frequently meandering interest couldn't help but be entranced.


Dakota could tell there was more that Ulric wanted to say on the matter, but did not press. He nodded still. " And... There was another in your pack that hasn't learned how to control the change either, right?"

"Uhh....." Ulric lifted his eyes and squinted at nothing in particular - well, outside the contents of his brain, that is. The question caught him off guard, though it really shouldn't have. It was a perfectly natural thing to wonder. How many of the Calagathorm werewolves could control the change at will, verses, how many had gained true mastery over it?

"That's... well." Ulric glanced down into the pit where the eyes of the wild-haired woman met him yet again. Then he put an arm around Dakota's shoulders and shimmied him out of sight of her.

"Controlling the change is kinda a personal thing, Dakota." Ulric whispered. "Some people talk about it, and others don't. And that's okay - everyone is at their own level. But, typically, not everyone can, and no one can at first... We're all just learning and growing together, but differently."

Ulric scratched the back of his neck, considering. "Does that make sense?" He asked.


"He was not talking about Gathen." Kratos spoke to the first, but he said no more regarding it.

Now, facing up the road to where the cabins stood beyond the trees, Kratos was silent. He rested both his hands on his belt and listened. The clearing was full of voices.

After a minute, Kratos turned his chin to his shoulder and sighed softly. "I had hoped he would make friends of someone here before long." He said. Kratos looked forward again and furrowed his brow. "I have watched him. I have watched you both, going to and from town, disregarding what I have said. He acts like Timothy, skittish and abused."

"If I were to allow him his own devices," he mused, "He would not soon amalgamate, and is sure to become one of the lowest ranking men among us. That would not be to the benefit of his happiness."

Kratos let his hands fall from his belt and turned to look at Sabrina.

"I will see what I can do." He said. "In the meantime, Sabrina, you might make better friends of the others. Wounds of the mind do not heal like wounds of the flesh. It requires a different hand of skills."


John's brows went up when he saw the knife land at his feet. Intrigue brought his hand down to it, and without muttering a word he picked it up and began wiping off the blade on the inside of his jacket.

"And of course you've killed someone with this, I shouldn't wonder..." He said, now. But he was no less intrigued.

He was thus occupied when Bianca threw the backpack down behind him. He jumped when it hit the cement and looked quickly to see it. Nonetheless, the fox-faced werewolf would go to the backpack and John would go amuse himself by skinning a few rabbits with an assassin's blade.

Tiffany, meanwhile, had more interest in the woman than in the wares. She stood up behind Ionone and followed her but looked up at the girl on the wall.
"My, that's mighty sweet of you, sugar." Tiffany said. She caught the bar Ionone sent her way out of the air. "You don't happen to have a toothbrush or a stick of gum up there, do you, sugar?"


" Yes, it does..." Dakota whispered. His brows furrowed. " I suppose I asked the wrong question. Samantha will be in the cabins tonight, potentially alone. I've been warned several times about Timothy, but I'm wondering if there's anyone else in your pack that will also be a threat to her...." Dakota paused. " Maybe that's still the wrong question. Your pack is made up of a lot of new werewolves in it... Maybe what I'm really trying to ask is... If there's anyone that could watch over her and protect her tonight for me."

Ulric listened compassionately.

"It's our pack, Dakota." Ulric gently corrected. "You're one of us too, now, and so is Samantha. Whether or not she ever gets her secondary form, it doesn't matter. She's one of us. And tonight, when you both sing with us, you'll feel it. Timothy can't do anything to you after that. He's already proclaimed his loyalty to the alpha, and once you do the same, he cant go against you without going against Kratos."

Dakota smiled at Ulric's reassurance, but there was still uncertainty in his eyes. " Thank you for welcoming us so fully into your pack, I really do appreciate it. But there's still a problem... Samantha is scared of werewolves. She hasn't actually seen one yet, and will likely spend the night in her room to avoid it."

Well, that was a problem. Ulric furrowed his brows deeply.

"We can help her through that, too.. " Ulric said. "But... why is Samantha scared of werewolves?"

Bianca looked between the three and then looked at the frizzy blonde haired lady. It must have been uncomfortable being stared at like zoo animals all morning. Now Bianca was doing just the same, crouching by the fence.

Not knowing how much interaction the alpha would approve of, she lowered her voice a little and glanced away.

"Yeah. I'll bring you some stuff after lunch. It'll be ready in a bit," she said, then stood and turned around to go back to the cabins.


Well. She knew her father had come. She knew he had spoken to Kratos... But killing someone on his land? That part sounded like something Kratos had read between the lines in error. Even if there was such a need--and there wasn't--Alpha Sabres certainly wouldn't have shown up himself to do it.

But she didn't argue. She'd learned by now that once Kratos had made up his mind about something, it stayed made up.

The conversation turned to Saber, and she hoped he would offer some piece of wisdom she hadn't seen, something that would solve the problem. But her eyes glazed over at his suggestion.

"Wounds of the mind can't be healed," she said resolutely, and turned to go. "And friendships are not my forte."


Levi sniffed and wiped his red nose. He nodded and exhaled, accepting Logan's hand and help to get back to his feet. He knew warrior was high praise from someone like Logan, who wore the scars to prove she was one.

He wasn't sure he deserved it. But he was grateful, all the same.

"Mum always said tears 're the soul dumpin' out the bathwater," he remarked. His nose was stuffy. But he chuckled, looking at her, gratefully and admirably. He didn't know if she remembered the night they first met. But he'd never forget it. "Thanks, Logan. I mean it."

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