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Werewolves (RP15) The Waking Dawn

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Sabrina lived for moments like this. Seeing that spark, that relief, that instant comeraderie, and hearing words spring forth unobstructed by barriers as Logan did now was exactly what had taught Sabrina the power of language so many years ago.

Though she had not heard or spoken Slovak in several years, she kept books in the languages she knew and read them often to keep her mind sharp. But it did take her a moment to switch gears, hearing it again, to take in the full breadth and depth of Logan's meaning.

"Osud?" she offered. "Destiny. Nejaká väčšia sila v práci, ktorá dáva životu zmysel."

“Destiny..” Logan mulled over the word a moment.

Veríš, že je to skutočné?”


"Verím, že si svoj osud tvoríme sami," Sabrina said matter-of-factly. "Náhoda hrá malú rolu. Rozhodnutia sú na nás. Možno ťa sem priviedla náhoda. Rozhodnutie zostať je súčasťou toho, ako si vytvárate svoj vlastný osud."


Levi sprinted back up the way he'd come. The sirens didn't bother him now. The path was familiar, and at the end of it, a hot shower. He remained in wolf form as he got back into the clearing and saw the cabins, and still as he entered the one they'd had breakfast in. The winds were blowing hard, roaring up here and shaking the trees, and even with his superior size as a wolf he struggled a bit to close the door behind him.

He paused there a moment, seeing Theo sleeping on the couch. He raised an eyebrow, wondering how anyone could sleep with all the noise of the storm outside.

Destiny and chance. There was a moment of contemplation behind Logan's eyes.

Chance was being bitten by one of the fabled beasts outside of her village the first night of her watch.

Chance was Liam finding her in the dawn before she bled to death, before anyone else had found her, telling her in those few moments, "choď na juh, neprestaň ísť na juh". Go south, don't stop going south. Maybe because south was the only way that didn't lead to frigid waters, in the thick of winter, without any way to cross them.

Chance was her finding another town in the middle of nowhere, attacking Jackie and becoming a passive prisoner.

Chance was her father now existing only a short ways away, and from the same faction that claimed Ulric as their own.

There were a great deal of chances afforded her, besides even these, leading up to this moment.

Now destiny. This was a word laced with the promise of control, a path when walked cooperatively, might be manipulated and turned with only patience. And Logan was patient.

"Hmmm... then, I will be beta, too." she said, returning to English. It was matter of fact, confident-a statement, not a sentiment.

Sabrina smiled. "Urobíte skvelú Beta," she said. She looked thoughtful for a moment. "Myslím si, že si môžeme navzájom pomôcť dosiahnuť tento cieľ."

Unaccustom to Sabrina’s manner, Logan might have expected a sharp retort; a predictable and comfortable response from Jackie. Sabrina, however, was not Jackie. Jackie was a flame. Unextinguishable, relentless, and only needed but a little kindling to sputter and spark eagerly; capable of great good and great destruction. As warm and inviting as she was threatening and unpredictable, depending on your approach, the way the wind blew, and any other number of variables.

Sabrina was to Logan like a placid, pristine lake-seemingly shallow and crystal clear, until you realize you’re gazing into insurmountable depths, that the shadow you perceived as the bottom were actually miles below the surface and not at all what they seemed. All of danger of Jackie, more, but nearly imperceptible behind her demeanor and pristine appearance.


The wind blew. The hanging carcass swayed a bit, all but forgotten by Logan, who kept a watchful, curious gaze on Sabrina.

"Je to celkom jednoduché." Sabrina took a step closer, her body language poised and relaxed as ever. If anything, it seemed she had actually let one of her walls down. She was unguarded. Nothing about her posture or tone of voice pointed towards speaking in confidence. There was no need. "Vidím ťa ako Beta. Budem sa k tebe správať ako k Beta. Robíš to isté pre mňa. Ostatní budú nasledovať. Robiť to je v povahe vlkov aj ľudí."

"Kto je beta? Iba Zeit?" she jutted her chin out towards the cabin. It was a statement, Logan knew early on that Zeit was a Beta.

Logan was aware that Sabrina had the advantage in this situation.

"Ako mám vedieť, čo je beta? Zeit je preč celé mesiace. Povedal si mi, že tvoj otec bol Alfa. Kratos je tiež Alfa. Ty a on viete, čo v beta verzii hľadajú. Ja" som v strate.."

Beta - what did it mean? Logan knew it meant something more, which is why she clung to it right away. More than what? Stronger? Higher? Closer? Closer to what? Logan didn't want to be Alpha. What did Beta mean? That the others must be forced to listen to her? That was clearly untrue, because as they had proven time and time again - you could not force any one of them to do anything.

Not even Kratos could.

Made up of less than a dozen members and they were so divided.

Logan knew she wanted more - more than piling logs up beside the cabins to pass the time. Like a gentle tug, something urged her on. Slowly. Not saying-do more-but be more. And yet, the proposal, for whatever reason, did not sit well in her chest. She wanted to be Beta-or to be more. She hit a wall. It was tempting. And yet, it sounded very much like feigned respect, not earned. What respect had she earned in Sabrina's eyes?

"Táto metóda sa mi nepáči, Sabrina." she said decidedly.

"Len sa učím orientovať v tomto novom svete. Nemôžem tiež predstierať, že som niečo, čím nie som. To nie je moja cesta." she spoke in a calm tone, even gentle. She did not want to upset Sabrina. Sabrina could be Beta. Sabrina knew what that meant and how to achieve it. Logan wanted her to succeed at this.

"Kratos je Alfa kvôli svojej sile alebo pokrvnej línii. Podľa jeho výberu alebo osudu, neviem. Ako sa máš Beta? Prečo chcete byť beta?" her mauve eyes searching Sabrina's bright green ones, moving between them steadily with her brow knit.

"Čo myslíš, o čo sa snažím?" Sabrina asked, looking amused. "Je to jediná metóda. Pokiaľ ste sa nenarodili s týmto cieľom. Aj Zeit, ktorý tam bol pridelený, musel mať niekoho podporu. V jej prípade Alfa. Ale nikoho iného ani v jej neprítomnosti nepridelil a naša svorka ich nemala kto viesť."

"I say viesť. I mean, more...a guide--sprievodca. Position is not about control. It's about being an example. Someone they can rely on. I can't do it on my own and neither can you. Or Zeit. We need to support each other, or this will never work. And I don't mean hefty titles will never work. I mean the whole pack won't. They need more structure than they've been given. You thought I was Beta before I told you otherwise because I have played the part. But you did not and do not trust me, even so. This is because I have no support. Zeit has the Alpha's support, and thus, all of our trust. But there has been no direction, nothing to unite us but shared space and some unspoken understanding that somehow we will find our place."

She sighed and looked down, pinching the bridge of her nose. Frustrated, but not with Logan. Then she looked up. First at Logan. Then at the sky, searching for the right words. She threw up a hand, relenting, commiting to speak, though she still wasn't sure she had them yet. "I wish to be Beta because..." Another terse sigh. Then she met Logan in the eye. "Because my whole life has been a dead end. I am more of a tool than a person. It's not enough to be good at something. I want to have meaning. Connection. Something to fill this void inside me." Her voice shuddered with her frustration at the end, a small tremor of released pressure that had been and continually was building. And so the guise of a placid pool revealed its depths filled the hollow crator of a sleeping volcano.

Yet in this was another reveal, to the effect that she spoke to Logan as an equal.

"You said first that you were content with what you were doing," she said, gesturing to the carcass. "And then, that you have come here with a purpose. A destiny. You want to be a Beta. I do not hear you changing your mind, but defining it. You were not certain what being a Beta means. It means this: being there for your pack, someone they can trust, someone they can rely on. Meaning. Destiny. Purpose. Utilizing your strengths, learning the strengths of your allies, and making them shine. Together."

Logan had been reeling away internally. Somehow, it wasn't until Sabrina began to speak in English again, that she began to feel at ease once more, as if in using her mother tongue they were keeping a great secret. Logan was increasingly uncomfortable with secrets. They twisted and writhed in her belly and crept up into her mind, planting seeds of uncertainty and fear in the place of confidence and pride.

I don't know who I am. I thought I did, once. I thought I had a purpose to serve someone. Now I don't have that. All I have left is my sister, and this pack.

Because my whole life has been a dead end. I am more of a tool than a person. It's not enough to be good at something. I want to have meaning.

All of these sentiments echoed how Logan had been feeling. She tightened her fist and let it fall loose again, staring into nothing for a long time. Her shoulders rose and fell steadily.

"Then I will be and do-and be-all of those things, first. If I can do them well, then my part will become clear, in time. I am patient. I feel I am wiser each day. I am trying to understand."

Her eyes back on Sabrina now, though less at ease than before. Sabrina's words - spoken aloud for all to hear, yet, not conveyed so clearly as before to Logan, as she had returned to Logan's second language. Comfortable and uncomfortable, all at once.

"Niečomu nerozumiem. You say there has been nothing to unite us. You speak my mother tongue yet have not spoken to me until now. You say there is nothing to unite us-why have you not united us? Vy, ktorí chcete byť beta." more accusing now, perhaps frustrated. The actions did not match the words.


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