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Werewolves (RP15) The Waking Dawn

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Sabrina leaned back. Of all the questions Logan could have asked, that was the one she chose.

A slight shrug of a shoulder. "I am not certain," she said. "I spent every summer of my childhood here in Reknab Bend and I'd like to say I know almost everyone in town. I was alerted almost immediately when Gathen moved into the area--the one we found Timothy with. But Timothy was entirely unknown to me until the night we found him. I traced Gathen's movements back to Pinerich. I feel confident I can pinpoint the night he himself was turned. But when he turned Timothy, or where he might've gotten him from, I have no idea. No one ever reported a missing person matching Timothy's description anywhere that Gathen was at any time. I looked. As far as I have been able to ascertain, his family already assumes him dead, does not trust the police for help, or he has none. I am inclined to believe the latter... it would be in keeping with Gathen's patterns, either to claim a boy with no family, or to demolish one and claim the sole survivor. He didn't like leaving loose ends."


There was a flash of dubiousness in Levi's face that was instantly replaced by certain admiration. The corner of his lip twitched and he could not help but break into a genuine smile. Somehow it was easier to picture a little person like Bianca putting her bull in Kratos' pasture than it was picturing him in a tutu.

"Aye, a'right then," he said. "I'll back you up too, den mother. Say the word: whatever you need me t'do, just consider it done and done."

He put his hand out to shake on it.

The answer greatly satisfied Logan, although she didn't indicate it at the time.

"You believe he has no family." Logan reaffirmed, "He was found in this area." she added as she wiped the sweat from her brow with her shoulder and kept working with her eyes down.

Little else could be said on her part, without breaking her oath to those on the other side of the mountain. She might have mentioned it before, without thinking-but it had been disregarded, and now she was determined to mind her tongue on the matter more carefully, for it was a secret kept for the safety of many. So now she said nothing else on that matter.

As she continued, she thought of her words slowly and spoke in a like manner.

"This mountain-this is.. it is claimed by Kratos. Who came here first?" 

-- -- --

Bianca reached out and shook his hand, giving it two good lifts and looking revived to see Levi smile.

"As den mother, your mission is to..." she looked around. Then spotted Sabrina standing near to where Logan was in the distance, and visibly ducked her head. "Oh shoot.. I told Kratos she wandered off and shes' right there.. how did she do that?!" she pointed, putting a hand over her face and peering out from behind two fingers.

"Ugghh...." the blonde groaned audibly, "Will you go ask Theo for  some clothes? Or bring my bag and I'll get you one? And maaybe on the way up alsotellKratosIwaswrongprettyplease.." she ducked her head down lower into her shoulders and grinned sheepishly.

Sabrina raised an eyebrow. "The Stone Arches," she said. "Toby's family. They owned it before. If the mountain can even be 'owned'. They may have settled Reknab Bend, but Phantom Mountain itself has always proven to be a bit... difficult to keep a hold of. The Stone Arches managed it for a couple hundred years, but eventually, between external wars and internal disagreements, the mountain won her freedom. There's a reason the wolves of Pinerich, the Svalnaglas, never extended their reach for fill the void the Stone Arches left behind. I'll admit, that Kratos was so bold to be the first to do so in over a generation was part of his allure to me. Most packs believe the mountain is cursed. And I highly doubt that he doesn't know that."

But there was a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes after she said it. She may have doubted it in the past but... the Alpha had proven overwhelmingly disappointing to her expectations. Maybe he actually didn't know. In truth, he was still almost as mysterious to her as Timothy was.

Levi pulled a face in Sabrina's direction. "Ehhh, she has a habit o' doing just that."

He ducked his head a little at the mention of talking to Kratos, but nodded. And just like that, he shifted again--almost as if it was the same movement as turning around. He was glad for the excuse to get out of Sabrina's line of sight. And if everything went according to plan, he wouldn't cross the Alpha's path either. If he was really lucky, he might just get a quick shower in.

So he sprinted off, back the way he and Bianca had come.

"That is maybe the reason he chose it."

Perhaps redundant to what Sabrina had said, Logan nonetheless made the observation aloud-not for Sabrina's sake, but for her own.

"You are.. ehh.." trailing off in her usual fashion to search for the words, she paused in her work and looked beyond Sabrina in searching before meeting the woman's eyes, "byť ženatý, eh-what is that called, to be together?"

The word allure with the words to me must have raised the question. Nonetheless, she asked it only in innocence, and perhaps her perception of relationships was different than that of the others around her.

The animal was nearly gutted and she would work shortly on removing the meat.

-- --- --

Bianca watched Levi go with a smile and hoped neither him nor she would be in trouble for it, but the poor man needed a shirt, she couldn't imagine he felt entirely comfortable that way. Or maybe he did. She certainly didn't.

Now she looked to the cabin and down the road, but as long as Sabrina and Logan seemed occupied, didn't dare to venture near. Instead, she took a seat in the fields, not minding the dirt, and began to pluck grass to make up crowns from it.

"Engaged?" Sabrina asked, amused. "Goodness, no. My primary interest in Kratos is and always has been as an Alpha. I'm an ambitious woman, certainly, but not to that degree. I wished to serve this pack as a Beta. What about you? Where do you see yourself fitting in?"


Logan’s brow was knit now. “This kind of work, I have done all my life.” She said, gesturing to the deer she was crouched over.

She stood and hung the beast up once more, now hallowed out and only consisting of muscle, fat and bone. She would discard of the innards and find a tray for her carvings before continuing.

“I will go on the same if that is my place. The others are young still, and my back is strong. I do not mind.”

She walked to the side of the home and found a hose spicket to rinse her hands and take a long drink.

”However..” she stood, drying her hands on her pants and wiping water from her chin with her forearm. “No, I do not mind.” She stated again. “If that is my purpose, I do not mind.”

The fatigue of the conversation was setting in. She missed speaking effortlessly and without exhausting. Her caretaker did well to teach her English, but it only served her to communicate on a basic level, and she wearied from trying to fit the expanse of her thoughts into a few words. She could understand more than she could say, and it was easier to ask questions than to answer them.

Moreso, words like fate, faith, spirit, soul-words expressing something more to life than the hard labor she was accustom to, had seldomn found their way into conversation in Blackridge, even if Logan had herself contemplated such concepts yearningly in the past and present.

Where she was used to seeing calloused, weather worn hands and hardened muscles, many of her packmates had smooth skin without blemish and were thin by comparison, indicating their purpose and worth, as proven, lied elsewhere. They did not breed cattle nor till earth and yet were not treated any lesser.

Fitting in was perhaps the wrong choice of words, yet Logan took on the one position she did not see anyone else taking up, as a laborer, for that was the easiest and most comfortable for her to fill. Her inability to communicate well, would not do her favors in any other role, even if that was what she desired.

“You are not Beta?”

However...? Sabrina did not wish to let that thought go. She could see how Logan wearied, and knew it was not physically, over the deer. "Povedz svoj názor, priateľu," she said.

She crossed her arms again and gave a small indifferent shrug of the shoulder. "Nie som Beta, nie. Not in any official capacity, anyway. I asked him, a few months ago, but he didn't think it was a good idea at the time. No matter. I'll get there eventually."

She looked over her shoulder, back at the carcass. "Can I help with that, at all?"

Logan’s disposition changed almost immediately; she visibly perked up and her expression eased and brightened. A dimpled smile even dare grace her face for a moment. How people craved to be understood! Ulric ultimately understood her heart, Jackie her actions and tones, and now she had a comrade to understand her words.

“Hovoríš mojím materinským jazykom.”

Looking very much like a child on Christmas morning, she gazed on in admiration.

“Nebudem ťa zaťažovať všetkým, čo ti chcem povedať...” she reassured.

“Aj keď je to už takmer rok, čo som slobodne hovoril.” She continued eagerly. The storm looming overhead was naught but an afterthought now.

“Som spokojný s prácou. Neznášam nečinnosť. Napriek tomu verím, že je viac ako toto, a videl som to, že človek nie je len telo stvorené na prácu, ale rovnako a ešte viac, myseľ a duša.” Returning to a more solemn tone now, Logan explained with ease what burdened her.

“Môj cieľ ešte nie je jasný, a predsa viem, že som na toto miesto neprišiel náhodou. To vo mne vyvoláva obrovský strach a vzrušenie. Hoci nepoznám zmysel svojej vlastnej cesty, túžim poznať svojich spojencov pre seba a ich vlastný prospech.”

She did not wait to see if Sabrina would be able to keep up, for nobody had afforded her the same courtesy in the past, and she did not doubt the woman’s skill.

“Ako tomu hovoríš?” her mauve gaze rested heavily on Sabrina with her head tilted just so.

It wasn't long after Saber was left alone that he was having trouble keeping his eyes open, so back on the tray the glass in his hand returned. He soon dosed off, his body seeming far less tense than it had been the past two days.

But Saber was not alone.

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