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Werewolves (RP15) The Waking Dawn

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The werewolf raised its hackles and stood on two legs, lips curled into a snarl. It swayed oddly from side to side. It’s eyes - hers rather - were pale light blue, cloudy. She made no move, except her nostrils testing the air wildly.


Matthew watched her for a moment before he realized she must've been blind- he was only a few feet away from her and yet she did not look towards him. She was smelling for him. Or the rabbit, either way she would be able to notice him soon enough, so he decided to make it sooner than later.

" Um, hi," he said awkwardly.

Immediately, the disposition of the werewolf changed. Her ears perked up a bit and her hackles receded. She tilted her head sideways and in the direction of the voice, lowering her stance.

"Nnnnn..." she gave a high pitched whine, then barked in the direction of the rabbit. "Huungry.. help." she murmured in a mumbled between whines and barks.


Of all the things Matthew might've expected, the wolves plea wasn't one of them. " Oh, um, yeah, sure, of course," he responded. It took him a moment but with enough concentration he shifted to his other form.

Now a bit taller in stature, he went down on all four and began to sniff for the rabbit, picking up it's sent relatively quickly. " It went this way," he called as he darted off towards the rabbit's path of escape.

Ulric caught Bianca's glance and came into the kitchen just as Jackie appeared for breakfast.

"It smells wonderful, Bianca." Ulric said. He looked to gage Timothy's intent in vain. The minute the other two entered the kitchen Timothy retreated back into the main room, but not before quickly grabbing a stack of pancakes. Ulric glanced after him and gave Bianca a shrug with an obvious look meaning 'I have no idea.' He then sat himself politely at the table and watched Jackie stuff several bites of pancake in her mouth.

"Good morning, Jackie." Ulric said. He decided not to say anything about her hair. " ... I don't think I ever said thank you."


Timothy retreated to the main room. He was by himself and still holding the 'gift' of pancakes in his hands - this, he paused to notice as if he hadn't intended to bring it with him at all. As if the deliberate act were in fact an accident. But since he had both noticed now and brought it, he sat down to eat it.

Bianca watched Jackie and Ulric sit down, and Timothy walk off with the pancakes. She shrugged to herself, and took the last pancake off the burner, grabbing a plate and putting it in front of Jackie.

“Plate,” she commented, “syrup,” she poured syrup for Jackie, “aaand I’m confiscating those”. Bianca reached over and grabbed the sciccors, staring with bemusement at Jackie’s hair.

“Let me guess, it offended you, somehow..” she mumbled to herself, not expecting an answer. “Oh, boy.” Pocketing the sciccors, she began to run her hands through Jackie’s hair, stop in places with matted chunks to work them out gently as the others ate. Had Jackie not been eating, she wouldn’t have dared. But Jackie, posessing the disposition, in Bianca’s eyes, as a feral cat- tolerent only while occupied with a meal- she took a calculated risk.


The werewolf lowered herself to the ground and her long tail swished over the earth as Matthew changed. When he took off after the rabbit, she followed-close behind, using his scent and sound to keep at his heels.

Jackie continued to eat the pancake in her fingers, though watched the plate of syrupy pancake placed before her with intent interest. Her cheeks puffed out with the sheer pancake volume that had been shoved within them. Much to Bianca's predictions, she didn't seem to much notice the woman's approach to her hair. In fact, she seemed to be holding still.

She started on the pancake on the plate - yet with no fork within easy reaching, she simply grabbed it with her hands and tore off a chunk with her teeth - syrup running down everywhere.

"Shank mme er what?" Jackie turned to Ulric, her mouth too full to properly enunciate the words.

Ulric would be grinning ear to ear if it were possible in his primary form. Instead, he wore a bashful-affectionate sort of grin on his face, shielded behind some shy reserve. He daren't call it what it was, but Bianca was grooming Jackie. And what was more, Jackie apparently liked it.

"For saving my life." Ulric answered simply.


Timothy ate quietly on the couch with his eyes on the window. He was looking at the edge of the clearing and the little gravel path that ran around the corner of the wood.

Matthew paced himself as he followed the scent, until he was able to spot the rabbit off in the distance. Upon seeing it he sped up, knowing full well he'd easily be able to catch up with it.

Jackie swallowed the pancakes with a hard gulp. Her fingers still clasped the pancake, sending syrup running down in rivulets. She regarded Ulric slowly, as though there was something in him she didn't quite understand.  She looked down at her fingers, initially withdrawing three then curling up the third so there was two.

"You still have two over me," she noted, holding up the two fingers, "After two more times, you can thank me".

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