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Werewolves (RP14.2) The Way of the Trusted

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Ulric knit his brow thoughtfully. Of course, he could never think of his actions as excusable. Yet, Bianca's words rang with a truth in his heart and mind, that - had things gone differently, - the woman surely would be dead. If Timothy had gone into the cavern instead of him... or if he had not attacked her, would he have felt so urgently to help her?

"I guess all things happen for a reason." Ulric concluded his thoughts out loud. Then he sat forward and asked with genuine interest, "But, how does your grandfather do it? How do they all live among people and have normal lives? Anytime we cross paths with people someone gets hurt or killed."

"Rockaby, rockaby, little bluebird on the mountain..." Kratos' deep voice soberly recited. Understanding Logan's need to chase away the silence, he was obliged to fill her ears. "What do you know of your parents, Logan?"

Bianca grabbed a throw blanket off the back of the chair and wrapped it around her shoulders.

”I wouldn’t say they have normal lives, really.. The wrong people get too close or you get too close to the wrong people, it becomes a very complex dance. You’ve seen it. You and I have lived it.”

“To get to where my grandpa is, there’s a lot of trial and error, finding the right balance between worlds, and it’s never really stable. You risk a lot. And you never know when you’re going to get blown over the edge. It’s something my grandfather, my family, have risked to acheive peace for both sides. Truth bomb, incoming; he-we-lost my mom, in the process. She knew it was a calculated risk, too. Normal? No. Can they appear normal to an extent? Yes, but it is costly.”

She was silent for a moment.

”Where did you live before you were adopted?”

"I'm sorry..." Ulric said softly. "I guess it's just our lot."

He was silent and thoughtful for a moment, then replied. "Different places. Different people looked after me. I was in foster care for a time, and a boarding school after that. The Svalnaglas.. they uhm. They run their own schools. Not all their kids go to them, but we did - the orphans. - It made more sense to me later."

Bianca blinked, absorbing Ulric's words.

"Yeah, I guess that would make sense..."

She craned her neck back and stared at the beams of the ceiling for a long minute.

"Woof.. we are awfully depressing people tonight. But, I do feel better. And awake... I'm gonna bake some cookies. You wanna help?"

She climbed back out of the chair and waited near the kitchen entryway.

"I know nothing." Logan responded, "This ah, arm... cuff, from my father, that is all I have. I care not." the woman gave a half shrug. "Not a big problem. This cave, though, is. Maybe it was a trap."

"That and your eyes." Kratos corrected.

He lowered himself to the ground in the dark and laid on the gravel.
"It does not matter if it was a trap or not." He said. "We will wait til we have regained our senses, and then we will backtrack to where we came in."


Ulric smirked.
"Aren't all werewolves awfully depressed people?" He wondered out loud. He made motion to follow her to the kitchen, but his heart stopped and skipped a beat when he saw a pair of turquoise eyes watching him from the shadow of the stairwell. Rapidly, his heart began to beat again, but his smile was gone.

"Are you feeling better, Timothy?" He asked.

Timothy did not reply at first. Then with a nod he motioned toward the door. "Who was here?"

"Family." Ulric replied with a glance in Bianca's direction.

The word was carefully chosen, and Timothy did not at first respond. There was a danger light in Timothy's eyes, as there always seemed to be, but even if he resented the word, he knew what it meant.
"And who's the one upstairs?" He said at length.

"Kratos'." Ulric said with the same care as he chose the first.

Timothy slunk down the stairs, defeated. He was, of course, in his human form and dressed in his casual soft clothes. He appeared to skirt the wall of the room as if he could avoid being seen, and then sat down on one of the couches and said nothing more.

Ulric looked at Bianca to gage her thoughts.

Logan blinked those eyes slowly, then lowered herself to her ground. She laid with her back against Kratos' side, her arms crossed.


Bianca's eyes had followed Ulric's to the stairs, and she looked carefully between each as one or the other spoke. When Timothy sunk into the couch she looked again at Ulric, then gave a half shrug and went into the kitchen.

"Timothy, when was the last time you had a big, gooey, warm, chocolate chip cookie? I bet it's been a while. Can I warm you up some soup while you wait for them to bake?"

Timothy said nothing. Ulric watched him sink deeper into the couch and stare at the dark windows somberly. Then Ulric gave up on him and followed Bianca into the kitchen.

The idea of a big, gooey, warm, chocolate chip cookie might not have appealed to Timothy... but it certainly appealed to Ulric. He took a seat at the table and watched Bianca work while resting his chin in his hands.

"How long ago was it?" He said softly.

"How long ago was it that you lost her?"

Although some time had passed, Saber's eye lids never did find their way back down again. His mind was restless, having laid there for hours since Eleanor had left, unable to fall back asleep.

Having stayed still in the same place for who knows how long, Saber was fighting the urge to move and readjust. Unfortunately it was impossible to consciously keep himself from moving for so long that he eventually did, pain shooting up the side that moved. He gritted his teeth as he tried to drag his focus back to taking steady breathes, if nothing more than to distract himself from the pain that now burned throughout his arm and leg.

He shouldn't of pushed himself down those stairs before. He shouldn't of forced his body to move when it didn't have the strength. Now he was paying for it. Oh what he wouldn't have give to have some pain killers right about then. He'd been fighting with his body's depleted state and pain for hours, it was mentally taxing. Even better than mere painkillers, in that moment he would've gladly of taken being under anesthesia, anything to take a break.

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