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Werewolves (RP13.2) Many Decisions: Secrets

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A low nearly inaudible grumble came as the only response to Ulric's inquiry.

Ulric said nothing else for a long time. He stared down the empty hallway, waiting for Timothy to return as the sunlight strolled slowly from one wall to another. But no one ever came  up the stairs.

After resting his eyes a number of times, with his head leaned back against the doorway, Ulric sighed and stirred at last.
"I'm going to go get something to eat." He said. "Keep the door closed and locked until I get back."


A wet thud hit the floor of the cave. Kratos had returned.

Laying at Logan's feet was not the usual hunt. Among other things, there were tree nuts, roots and tubers, a dead rabbit with three gophers, and part of a indiscernible carcass from an animal which died at some point during the storm last night. Kratos carried all these things up the mountain in an empty stomach case which he deposited on the floor of the cave.

The sound didn't wake Logan up immediately, but the smell must have; after a few moments, lavender eyes looked on squinting from underneath her dark hair. She picked her head up from her shoulder and with one eye open wiped the drool from the corner of her lip. Blinking a few times, she examined the contents of the makeshift bag before making any discernible reaction..

"I hope the others will like the deer meat," she mumbled, but met Kratos' eyes and thanked him nonetheless. She sat by the stomach and, seemingly undaunted, withdrew a pocket knife and began to work at the indiscernible  beast.. what might be unappetizing to human eyes, or even unacceptable to some werewolves, wasn't daunting to Logan, and without changing forms, she began to work at the arrangement...

   - - -

When there was nothing left but bones and skins, Logan pulled herself up with the staff and looked down at the remains. She would find a place for those somewhere away from the cave-she didn't want to give anything any reason to come here looking for a meal.

Then her gaze was cast to the other end of the tunnel. "What is that way?" she asked, but didn't take the time to explore it, knowing that her pack mates are still yet to be found.

"I don't know." Kratos said.
The great black werewolf waited outside the cave while Logan finished eating. He lay on the smooth jutting rock with his back toward the opening, and his massive black paws stretched out in front of him. Now, he turned an ear back to the cave.
"I am neither small enough in this form or the other to fit," said he. "So I have never gone down there.

Kratos stood up when Logan came out.

"You will have enough strength now to continue the climb, though I would not advise changing shape just yet." Kratos said. He breathed deeply and pointed his nose at the peak, where the great standing stone-arch ever sat on the high head of Phantom Mountain.
"We will need to make it through that pass before sunset, or we will not be back in time to stop Jackie from doing whatever terrible thing she has thought up to rescue her sister. That she has Sabrina with her is either her redemption or her utter damnation. Either way we must move quickly."


Kratos did not always lead the way if Logan chose a path that appeared more likely than his own. It was a treacherous trek no matter which way they went - whether they picked their way up the unsteady back of Phantom Mountain, or plowed up the inconspicuous stone steps to the arch. But they came to the top at long length, and there they were given reason to pause.

The two werewolves were mere silhouettes in a hole of light cutting through the mountain under the magnificent leaning stone. Its shadow sat over them. The wind whistled in their ears. A grand view lay not only open behind them - to all of Reknab Bend, from Zeit's little cottage in the foothills of the mountains, to the Great Monvac River and the looming city of Pinerich beyond it - But also out before them; a ring of blue mountains, encircling a deep, wide valley full of golden aspen trees.

"I once attempted to lead the pack here." Kratos said at long last. He looked down into the bowled valley of trees below. "It plagued me then, as it does now, that we do not know what exists in our backyard, indeed within our very borders."

"Many years ago, however, I was warned by my father not to come over this mountain. At that time, he would not have dreamed I would ever come here. Yet, he warned me. It is not the first warning I disregarded and paid penalty for..." Kratos turned in a wide circle away from the south, and looked down the mountain toward Reknab Bend. There, cast many miles below his feet, was the ruined Dead-man's trail, the bones of which were now revealed; many massive wooden beams protruding from the rubble were all that remained of a man-made bridge which once held up the stones.

"I do not think it is possible," said Kratos looking at Logan. "For a bridge of that size to collapse with so few of us on it. There would have to be a great fault... or else it was done by design."

"And still," he said, "We are not the first of our kind to come here..."
Kratos lifted his chin and directed Logan's gaze across the wide gulf to the base of the great leaning stone. And lo, there, seen even at a great distance, was the mark of a thousand hands - but more than hands; the paw prints of a thousand werewolves were painted or else carved onto the rock.


Ulric quickly and quietly descended the stairs, keeping an eye and ear out for any sign or sound of Timothy. The whole house was eerily quiet, but as he reached the foot of the stairs he was met by the smell of fresh meat. That smell led him to the kitchen, where he found a dismal sight. The refrigerator door hung open, and the trail of blood and meat was everywhere. The elk had been dragged off, and the thief left the back door wide open.

Ulric's shoulders dropped instantly. "Unbelievable." He sighed.

The trek was daunting, but for now, easier than some threats they had gone up against. There weren't any hunters to be seen or heard, or enemy pack members. The mountain was challenging, but not quite as unpredictable as a speeding bullet while the weather held fast.

More rested, and with something to sustain her, Logan had gotten a second wind and thus far did not find herself nearly as exhausted as the initial stretch had left her.

From the great archway, she observed everything.. her eyes traced Dead Man's trail, and she tried to pinpoint the place Timothy had brought her and see if she could see the ruins of what was once a home.. when Kratos directed her attention to the story worn stone and the hand prints. Her eyes stayed there for a moment, before drawing down to the aspen grove before them. She looked solemn and maybe concerned for a while, before finally tilting her jaw just so, her brow knit in consideration.

"There is no... were-cow... no?"

Kratos stared down the cliff for a long moment as the wind traveled over his back and across long black mane. If there was a home down there at some time, it was all but erased now. Even the remnants of the bridge were buried by water and stone. A river now ran through the gap.

At length, Kratos replied, "Is that what you think you saw last night?"
His bright yellow eyes turned to Logan..

Saber was lost in thought now. Despite that, he heard Uric when he finally spoke, but did not answer. A snarky comment of how he couldn't even get up let alone walk over to the door to lock or unlock it might've escaped his lips if his focus hadn't yet remained elsewhere. Because of his stillness, he might've looked like he was asleep once again.

He heard Ulric leave as well, as he remained as he was, eyes closed and breath still carefully rhythmically paced.

Logan met his yellow eyes somewhat sheepishly, "Ahm," she hesitated for a moment, rolling her head back to her right shoulder and considering the events briefly, "Yes." she stated with conviction now.

"Hmm..." Kratos' hum was like the growl of a lion, but he hummed in contemplation and not in anger.

"Rogue werewolves, corrupt packs, dangerous hunters, and now a were-cow..." He said, pondering.

For a long time, the conversation ended on that thought. Kratos turned aside and left the rugged path to descend the deep valley wall. Though both Logan and Kratos had traversed the same cliff-side only the night before, they found it changed incredibly. Now they would both need to be expertly careful, or they would fall to their deaths, and thus would a story end...

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