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Werewolves (RP13.2) Many Decisions: Secrets

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After Timothy did flee from the hallway, everything seemed to stand still for a moment around Ulric. Then a voice came from the room cutting the silence completely.

" You're a part of the pack that Sabrina's in, aren't you?" The voice spoke as if it was an accusatory statement, the name repeated as if it contained a venom that could kill.

Ulric was frozen in the hall, contemplating what Timothy could've been after, when then came a voice from the dark room. Maybe it was the suspicious tone in the man's voice, or the way he said Sabrina's name, but Ulric wished immediately to excuse himself from the accusation lest it come to greater import.

"Actually," Ulric replied, leaning around the hall corner and trying to glimpse the stranger's face in the dark room.
"I'm not sure about that," he said. "I don't think she's made a decision yet. Who are you? What pack do you belong to?"

Because of where the door opened into, Ulric would not see much in the room without opening it further or setting foot into the darkness within, leaving the stranger who spoke out of his view.

" Hasn't decided?" The voice said, aggravated now. " You've got to be kidding me." 

A sigh of frustration almost sounding like a growl could be heard before he continued. " Fine. Forget Blondie's pack status. That doesn't change the fact that she almost got me killed last night, and then abandoned me in the middle of recovery. Whether she's in your pack or not, somebody has to take responsibility for her actions, because I will not die from your dysfunctional pack's naivety…!"

The emotions coursing through Saber now caused him to instinctively try to move...  Again. He had no control. He tried to get up, but his arms had no strength left, burning worse from the effort. A groan from the pain could be heard as heavy breathing proceeded afterwards, every breath laced with much frustration and exhaustion.

Hearing the struggle of the voice within,  Ulric felt it no harm to push open the door and see who the disgruntled patient was. Still, though other werewolves had keen nocturnal sight, Ulric's eyes were no friend to the dark, and even less so in recovery. He stopped the door short, lest the light fall on the stranger's face and further agitate him.

"Not a lot of packs take in strangers on their own territory." Ulric said. He appeared in the doorway as a sandy-haired silhouette against the light. "If she didn't kill you on the spot then you're lucky. And since you're here I'd say my pack has been more hospitable than any other you've come across."

" Everyone keeps saying that..." Saber said in a low harsh voice, still agitated. Because his eyes were used to the dark, the light that shone past Ulric made him squint a little as he glared at him now. He could still be seen taking in labored breath.

" The way you talk about your kind makes them sound like heartless territorial animals. Is that all they are? Really? And your pack is the only "nice" ones? So that old lady at the antique shop, is she apart of your pack as well? Because she didn't kill me or run me out either. How...-"
He trailed off as a hint of vulnerability entered his voice. He continued in his slow drawn out way of speaking, brows knitting further. " How the heck does your kind get away murdering outsiders without anyone ever catching them!?"

"I wish I could say it wasn't like that," Ulric said, looking down the now vacant hallway.

Ulric rubbed his forehead and followed the door-frame to the floor, where he rested his elbows on his knees and sighed softly.
"When you were a kid, did you think the world was evil?" Ulric said. He looked into the dark room, at the silhouette on the bed. "Do you remember all the nightmares that scared you when you were little? Things you told yourself were too terrible to really exist, so you could go back to sleep?"

"When we get older, we learn that the world is a really dark place, and things that would only be in our nightmares as kids are on the news everyday. We get used to it. Being a werewolf is like that, but we're not the only ones that get tempted. Gang wars break out. Families turn on each other. People go missing. Others are found dead... and nobody ever knows who did it. If humanity has dark secrets to hide, you can bet we have secrets too. After all, we've stayed secret from humanity all this time."

"It's not that we don't have a lot of good people out there." Ulric concluded, "We just know the danger, and we have to protect our families. If humanity could get rid of it, they would've already done so among themselves."

" I lived with nightmares being real my entire life...!" Saber said as his voice shook, straining to keep his growing anger under control. " I know very well how cruel the world is… What's wrong is that your kind exist- Werewolves are things in fiction, how the heck are you freaking real!? It's not right…-" 

A sudden cry could be heard as Saber's arms had tensed up trying to push him up again. He gasped from the pain, closing his eyes tightly in a grimace. Although he presently stopped attempting to move, his body remained tense.

 Like a wolf caught in a bear trap does cause further injury to itself through struggle to escape, Saber's wolf impulses were grabbing a hold of him, threatening to cause permanent damage or worse if Saber couldn't regain control soon enough.

With shaky breath Saber inhaled and exhaled slowly now, falling into a meditative pace. Unfortunately try as he might the tension in his body did not ease up.

Ulric was silent for a long time. He listened to the stranger fight inwardly, and wondered what was right to say. He knew very well what he would say, if he took the stranger's words to heart. After all, those words were bitter, and questioned the right of the race to live and thrive behind the velvet curtain of man's knowledge. But what was right to say? The stranger's words were not spoken from a place of broad understanding, they were spoken from a place of personal turbulence. There was a dark room not only outside, but also within the stranger's mind. He was caught in his own suffering and had not a window through which to see out into the heart of another human being.

After a long time, during which nothing could be heard save the labored breathing of the stranger, his own calm breath, and the faint twittering of mountain birds outside, Ulric at last spoke.
"Listen," he said quietly. "I don't know your story, but you're not alone."

There was no response to Ulrics sentiment. Beyond steady breathing, silence continued. After a while Saber finally spoke, anger now absent from his voice.

" My wolf knows it doesn't belong here in another packs territory."

Ulric was a moment silent and thoughtful, then he asked quietly, "Where is your pack?"

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