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Werewolves (RP13.2) Many Decisions: Secrets

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It was easy to see Kratos as only a beast. It was easier in a way for Logan, to see the primal, simple creature within a man than it was to see his soul.

Maybe she wanted to fight because she could understand the language of battle better than the language of men. When she roused Kratos' beastlike instincts, he was frightening, but familiar, and that gave her a sense of control.

Yet while he scarcely tolerated her attempts, he wasn't simple minded like the kind of people she had come to know outside of the pack. He was able to change his tones and expression at will, with true control, and seemingly separate emotion and instinct, or else use them in a way not in conflict with each other.

He was relentless, and returned to treating her like a human, and with such a carefulness contradictory of his power, that it confused her. His words became soft and he didn't alter his way of speech to try and cater to her lack of understanding. It was both frustrating and inspiring.

She drew some hair back behind an ear, though it did little to tame the will of the wind. For a long time she had studied Kratos' attire, now seeing the stories within the pieces he wore- the teeth engulfing a moon on his bracers stood out the most. When she took what she could from the stories in his garments and the words he spoke and laid them to rest in a page for another day, she drew her gaze on his, letting the birds speak their piece in the distance.

"What do we do now?"

"We attend to the most present concern." Kratos replied. "You did not eat the elk I provided; and you're trembling. So we will have to find something to replenish your strength before we go on."


Ulric closed the freezer with a sigh and heard a rustle in the other room. He quickly turned his head, and saw the door hanging open. Had he forgotten to close it?
Ulric ventured into the main room quietly, seeking any sign of Bianca, or Toby, Theo, or someone else who might be home. He as yet did not know Bianca, Chime, and Theo had not returned from the mountain.

"Anybody here?" Ulric asked. No answer came, so he closed the door and was about to return to the kitchen when he noticed muddy pawprints on the stairs.

"Hey!" Ulric called up the stairs. "Anybody home?"
He listened carefully, and thought he heard the scratch of nails somewhere upstairs.

The slow and steady breath of Saber might've made him appear as though he was still asleep, but the fact that his eyes were opened now said otherwise. For how long he had been awake before the noises from downstairs had drawn his attention was unknown, but the fact still remained that he was so now. 

He listened intently, his eyes fixed to the outpouring of light into the dark room from the door that had been left partially ajar.

When he heard the stranger call out, (Knowing it wasn't for him) he gave no response in return.

Logan wasn’t going to argue. She took for granted the great amounts of food provided after a full moon-it was needed, or else your body quickly began to deplete emergency stores; in this case muscle. But she was confident she could find another kill, that the rest of the younger members of the pack would need the prepared meat available when they returned.

“Ehh... the larger beasts would have fled into the valley, maybe?” She gestured with the point of the staff towards the bottom of the mountain. “The mud is too deep, here.”

"No doubt." Kratos said solemnly, following Logan's gesture. "However," he said, looking in the opposite direction, up the mountain. "That is not where we're going."


Upstairs, a shadow grew on the floor as grey stripes moved in and out of the light...

Saber's eyes became fixated on the shape growing in the shadows, a threatening intensity in their dark hue. The shape of the wolf in the darkness made his heart start pounding, but his face did not falter from the threat it did portray.

" ...Where is your alpha, wolf." Saber growled lowly as his eyes met the intruders.

Logan followed Kratos’ gaze and tightened her grip on the crude staff.   She said nothing, only waited for the Alpha to lead.

And lead he did. Kratos did not resume his secondary form anymore on the way up the mountain. His heavy red cloak was wrapped over his shoulders and waved in the strong wind as he climbed the jagged stones. Other men might well have taken a cut path, or took a walking stick in hand - for the way was not easy. Yet, Kratos did little more than take the rocks under his palms at times. He went barefoot, and his footing was more sure than might be expected of a bipedal form ion such terrain. He made it as if to appear nature, easy, and safe. Nonetheless, the stones were sharp, lose in places, and incredibly steep. It was not long before the forest fell down and below them, with the tops of the trees lower than their ankles, and a whole wide view of the south open to see.

The hills and tamed land of the south were vast and beautiful. Nearest Reknab Bend, the planted fields were brown and well past ready for the harvest. In some places, the harvest was already begun, and new fields were in the making. Further south, a beautiful dark line was seen winding its way out of the west and across the horizon. It was the Monvac River, flowing powerfully out of the north mountains, but looking at this pleasant distance much like a navy blue ribbon whipped out across the land. The mighty bridge over its waters, with its great roads and railway tracks, appeared inconsequential over the breadth of the river. Beyond that, the far off city of Pinerich, just barely to be seen, rested half transparently against the blue horizon.

Away to the west, Middlecrest was more visible. Just peaking out of the curve of the mountains, and nestled deeply among dense pine trees, Middlecrest appeared grand in comparison to the small rural town which was its neighbor. The road winding out of Reknab Bend led around the forests and away from the mountains as much as possible, before looping into the city from the south-eastern side. The buildings of many shapes and dimensions could be seen oddly clustered among the trees on its nearest side, while greater buildings were layered one behind the other out of sight.

The view was beyond doubt obligatory for taking in the lay of the land, for there were very few places in the whole scene that would afford half the same vantage. Despite it, however, Kratos did not long abide to consume the view. He was aware Logan was working with strength she did not have, and lest she fall upon the perils of the rocks, he grabbed her shoulder.
"Look there." He said, pointing opposite to the grand southern panorama. Across the rocks, for they evened out presently, a small hole opened up into the side of the mountain. Over it many other jagged rocks were clustered, giving the appearance of inhabitable space, too dangerous to dwell in. Nonetheless, Kratos guided the way to it.

When they reached the side of the mountain face, Kratos led Logan down onto a bowling smooth rock. The jagged stones, with their deep crevices and sharp cracks, were left behind. Now they stood before the hole, and it was curious what they saw there.
"I found this location during an earlier exploration of the mountain." Kratos explained. He pointed to a rocky pillar near the cave opening. On it, many figures were etched into the crusty surface in the shape of strange animals, and over them all was a symbol like a squared C with its back facing down, and a line stroked down the center.
"It is safe to go in." He said, and thus he entered, bowing under the slanted arch into the darkness. The stone inside the cave was smoother than the stone outside it. The entry was small and round, with many more animals etched and painted on its walls. Then, there was a flight of natural stone steps leading down deeper into the cave.

"When I came here the first time," Kratos said. "There were birds singing, and the sound, entering by the arch, echoed in this room. If you sit silently, you can hear a great distance, and the wind will bring you scents from all over the mountain."
Kratos bowed and left the cave, returning to the jagged stones outside.
"Stay here. I will go and hunt something for you to eat."

Upstairs in the cabin, Timothy's blunt claws quietly scratched the wooden floor. All except one of the bedroom doors were closed tight, making the hall dark yet for the square sunlight streams from the windows at either end of the hall. As Timothy passed under them, there was a time when his grey and black stripes were in-differential. He passed from sunlight into shadow as seamlessly as a snake in the grass. When he came to the door left slightly ajar, he stopped. The sound of his breath was heard outside as he slowly breathed in through his maw. His breath passed out through his teeth as he tasted the air. Now was his time of hesitancy, as he tasted the lingering scent of the Alpha in the doorway. The staleness of an outward flow also concerned him, for in it he detected a trap - for there were no windows within. Yet, the Alpha was in the mountains... and the taste of weak skin was within.

Timothy's nose, then eyes appeared slowly around the edge of the door. His eyes caught the light he left behind like a gaunt mirror. His teeth, like ivory, glinted in the darkness, but his face was consumed by a void against the light. The door creaked open, and a low sound at first imperceptible suddenly came to the ear of the listener like a stream of icy water from a poured glass down the canal of his throat into his beating heart. It was the sound a growl, low like a whisper, though it reverberated in the air throughout the entire room.


Ulric stood at the base of the stairs for a long time. When no reply came, he almost gave up listening but for an hallow feeling in his chest. Lest he turn away without heeding it, he looked down at the wooden stairs at his feet and noticed a light wisp of black fur. Strangely, it asked for his attention. Though such wisps were not uncommon throughout the house, - as a sudden change between forms frequently spurned hair loss, - Ulric stooped and picked it up. No sooner did it come under five inches of his nose than Ulric shot up the opposite stairwell!


Suddenly the shadow in the doorway vanished just as soon as it had come!


When Ulric reached the top of the stairs he was none too late! Timothy's back legs and broken tail were just outside the room.
"Timothy!" Ulric barked with tremendous alarm! Timothy heard him coming and retracted from the door even before he spoke. He fled out of the room into the shadows like a flash and vanished down the opposite stairs before a blink!

By the time they reached the top, Logan didn't have the energy to take in everything Kratos was pointing out. She responded in vacant stares and slow blinks, realizing she had reached the limits. Her endurance was remarkable in usual circumstances, but without sustenance it was merely an unreachable facet of her character.

She took in the strange creatures on the pillar for the longest amount of time, before following the Alpha into the stone cave. No sooner had he left did Logan sit down against a smooth wall, extending a leg straight out in front of her and drawing the other up to  her torso. The woman made a feeble attempt to stay awake, blinking a few times and letting her gaze wander to the stairs, hoping the curiosity would entice her mind to push pass the limit her body had reached. But she blinked again, then finally began to doze with her head against the cold cave wall; faint dreams of strange symbols and bison and waterfalls taking her into a deep sleep devoid of images.

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