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Werewolves (RP13.2) Many Decisions: Secrets

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Bianca seemed content to let the silence go on uninterrupted. She wiped down counters and set out dishes, as if there was going to be a gathering of people. It was mostly busy, mindless work. For a long time the only sound was the chicken soup bubbling. Its rich aroma filled the air of the cabin.

"That day that you played the drum, and everyone seemed to be here, and we were all happy for a moment-I imagined more days like that when I first came here. I feel so stupid and naive now. I had it so easy, I didn't know what you went through... I didn't know about hunters and mafias and what it meant to live homeless for weeks in a mountain, just to survive all of the above."

She rinsed a rag in the sink and stared for some time while the warm water ran over her hands.

"I didn't realize how weak I was, how much of a coward." her voice broke a little, "I'm not okay with it," her voice broke a little more, the water grew warmer over her hands-she didn't seem to notice.

"It's not okay-why is there so much evil? And why these people? What did you do to deserve it? You haven't done anything bad, it's not fair." now her hands glowed red in protest to the waters heat and she drew them back over her eyes, shrinking into a ball on the floor.  "Not again... stupid, selfish, helpless Bianca. I hate myself for crying. Nobody else is crying, I'm so stupid and weak. I don't belong here. What's wrong with me?" no sobs escaped but her voice was broken by tears, and her shoulders shook as she attempted to fight them back. Her fingers were wrapped throughout her blonde hair, her head lowered into her knees.

Ulric listened and began to understand.

After a short minute, the running water turned off. Ulric's feet appeared parallel to Bianca. Then, he slowly slid down to the floor beside her and put an arm around her quivering shoulders.

Kratos watched as Logan overcame her obstacle with all the grace of a three-year-old child. He waited until she rejoined him, and stood erect beside him again before he moved on.

"If it makes you feel any better..." He said after a moment, "You may hold onto my tail over the next one."

With his face turned away, it was impossible to know whether or not the Alpha was smiling.


As the two travelers continued down Phantom Mountain's northern side, they were surrounded by a plethora of mountain fragrances, colors, and views which were all but consumed by the care of their descent. Though, such sights, sounds, and smells would have surpassed the greatest of all the landscapes they traversed in the last three months, to take their eyes off the slippery ground at their feet was a hazard they could not afford. Even so, the beautiful valley into which they were descending beckoned for their occasional notice:
It was a valley of flowing rivers and golden woods, silver clouds and blue mountains. The hillsides were dotted with wild autumn flowers, though the white maiden's tearful face was nowhere among them.  The sky overhead was filled with layers of clouds, from the high altrostratus to the low-laying stratocumulus sitting adrift in the sky; and from the distant nimbostratus to the ever-present stratus creeping over the ring of mountains. Such was the opportunity of the moment, in the quiet lull of the coming storm, that a deep blue, clear sky could be seen at times between each layer.

The air was, of course, cold. Kratos and Logan had to mind their step every part of the way, and there was little cover from the south-bound wind that rose up the mountain toward them. The trees were bare, but for those low aspen trees which were deeply embedded in the valley, and the distance blue pines which were nowhere found on the Phantom's back. The wind, however, did provide the werewolves some beneficial resistance to the gravity which they fought almost continuously on their way down.

At one point or another, Kratos was obliged to stop and scan the slope. In the dark, there were few visual landmarks to detail the copse of trees where the werewolves had camped the night before. But finding the white flower absent on Phantom Mountain's northern alluvial fan, Kratos could find at least where he suspected it to be. He purposed to steer toward it, and when the two werewolves entered the copse they did not recognize it by sight. Nonetheless, the acrid odor of Jackie's nylon rope still rested on the stones of the makeshift-camping spot, and attested that this was, indeed, the same place.

When Kratos came to it, he paused to inspect the ground. The night and the storm had obscured the passage of the Sabre's clan, but when Kratos had gone a ways from the copse he discovered some of their tracks. This was enough to confirm their physical presence in the area, and Kratos was content. He returned to the copse shortly thereafter and scanned the northern ridge outside the copse - the place where Jackie and Logan must have fought their monster. The ridge was much steeper than it had belied in the night, and the tree whereon Logan had rested to have her arm relocated projected itself out of it with a precarious grip. Nonetheless, the tree must have withstood more than this storm to have remained so long; exposed northern roots and all.

Now, at length, Kratos looked to Logan again.
"How are you fairing?" He said. "This is as good a place as any to rest if you need it. Besides that, I have had the feeling for some time that we are being watched..."

Throughout the journey, the scenery was taken in by Logan with care. If she looked, it was only with pause, for the rest of the journey her eyes were steadfast on the road in front of her, every step being considered. Her knuckles were white around the makeshift staff in the one hand, and the other might have occasionally wandered forward as if to take Kratos up on his offer of holding onto his tail.

She had gone up into the mountains that made up the valley of Blackridge, but unlike Phantom Mountain who's spine was bare and bitter, at least the Blackridge mountains had trees all throughout, and feasible pathways. The Blackridge range was at least a tolerable host, while the Phantom Mountain was ever cold and and contemptuous, attempting to dispel it's visitors at every turn.

At the sight of, or rather smell of, the campsite, images of a dazed Ulric and ghost white werewolves came rushing back. Logan's eyes followed Kratos as he surveyed the camp.

"I don't feel tired," she said, lowering herself to rest on the balls of her feet, one hand still on the staff and the other rested on a knee. In this position her hair nearly touched the ground behind her. Her appearance didn't betray her words, her eyes were alert and awake, and she didn't tremble for exhaustion or the cold.

"Any way, it is not much rest when you say that we are being watched." she raised an eyebrow at him. "It will not get any warmer." her eyes moved beyond him to the clouds, wondering if there would be storms again.

Kratos agreed. "When we reach the bottom of the mountain and get down into those trees," he said, "I want you to walk in front of me. If the others are here, we should detect their trail. I have not seen a phantom flower since we came over the ridge."

So it was. Kratos led the way out of the copse of trees and cautiously descended the hilly-slope. As he did so, he searched the ground, for the tumbled rocks of Phantom Mountain's alluvial fan ended abruptly at the ledge. Under it, thick mossy-grass and fern abruptly began. They had gone some short distance farther when Kratos stopped, tilted his ears back, and beckoned Logan to come and look with a glance of his bright yellow eyes.

At the alpha's feet was a massive indention in the rich black soil beneath the lush green fern; the mark of two massive claws. Though the hole was rain-run and weathered, it was clear that something very large had indeed stood there last night.


"Bianca," Ulric whispered after some time. "It's okay to cry."

On the one hand, they were no longer balanced precariously between the mountains edge and the elements.

Logan was surprised to find that in spite of her own bulk and lack of grace, she met the grassy earth with almost no sound in her step. Then she decided this was hardly an advantage; what else could go undetected in the woods? She thought back to when the beast attacked; in her memory at least, she could not recall a scent.  It had persued and attacked undetected until it was upon them.

She heeded Kratos’ beckon and walked over, squatting and moving the grass out of the way. She traced the two marks with her middle and forefinger, before standing again to meet Kratos eyes; she was in agreement that it was the same beast that had attacked the night before. Steeling herself, she began forward ahead of the Alpha, watching for tracks in the ground, but mainly, watching beyond the endless rows of trees for movement.

Bianca’s tears had turned to a whimper, then the occassional bubble of sobs, until they subsided in full. She listened to Ulric with her head still down, until something else bubbled up, and the froth of the chicken soup began to spill over the edges of the pot in a show of steam!

Bianca bounced up and turned the burner down, blowing on the liquid until it had calmed, but all too late as the smell of scalded broth filled the air. She looked to the timer before turning back to face Ulric and wiping her eyes with her palms.

”.. I’m sorry I ran. I wasn’t running from you. I just feel like, if I run fast enough, I’ll get away from them, all of those thoughts and voices,” she said in a hoarse tone, red eyes moving beyond Ulric as she crossed her arms. “It doesn’t help, when your monsters are inside of you.”

A moment later somewhere above in the cabin Bianca and Ulric were, a thud could be heard, almost too faint for a normal human to hear. It repeated rhythmically three times, each one becoming softer than the next, the last one barely audible.

Ulric followed Bianca and stood up from the floor. He attended to the plain pot of elk meat on the stove until it quieted to a low boil. Then he looked at Bianca once more.
"And you say you have it easy." He said. He smiled then, a gentle sweet smile. His bright amber eyes spoke of a strange sort of camaraderie in affliction, one that was far better than the secret under their skin.

Then came a thud from the ceiling. Ulric looked up grimacing.
"I better go see what that is." He said, and he left the kitchen quickly. "I'll be right back."


Ulric hastened up the stairs and checked first on Timothy's room, ensuring himself that the rogue was still in bed. Timothy was laying soundlessly on Ulric's pillow, his long pale fingers draping off the side of the bed. Ulric gently closed the door and proceeded to Saber's room.
"Are you okay in here?"

" No," a low voice answered Ulric.

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