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Werewolves (RP13.3) Many Decisions: Echoes

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After a long summer in the mountains, the pack has come home to empty cabinets and a sparsely stocked pantry. Being tasked by the Alpha to supply food for the winter months ahead, Bianca prepares to go to town, having requested the companionship of Toby Buttermilk.

This role play takes place in the timeline simultaneously with:
"Werewolves (RP13) Many Decisions: Secrets"
"Werewolves (RP13) Many Decisions: Dangers"

For a northern town hidden away in the hills, Reknab Bend possessed a rustic charm. One was especially prone to notice the beauty of the place when looking south, down the mountain, and out across the landscape. Pine trees kept it green even in the onset of winter. Old buildings stuck out here and there. Cleared land and fields swelled with the passing of the wind. Away in the distance, the River Monvac strolled its way around rolling hills. Its head couldn't be seen from Reknab for the lofty mountain bases. It came down from Middlecrest, having passed (and likely carved) through the saddle of the mountain. Without a considerable height vantage, the city of Pinerich away beyond the river south was also invisible because of innumerable trees. Reknab Bend appeared alone by itself, as if forgotten by the rest of the world.

Yet, for a quiet little town, bypassed and overlooked by nearly everyone, it had a strange knack for the unusual. Today was more unusual than most. Mainstreet was clogged, and not by cars. People large and small were gathering off the pavement to the center of the street outside town hall. Town planners like Albert Rich, James Whinry, and Pete Clemont were bustling to and from the place. Across the street, officers from out of town were standing outside the Reknab Police department speaking with Thomas Clerk. The fire department was there too, keeping people away from the monstrous hole at the center of the crowd's attention.

Leaving the spooky little farm house had thankfully been uneventful. Toby was especially appreciative that no trigger-happy farmer nor vengeful ghost had appeared to run them off, but that he and Bianca had been allowed to leave peacefully of their own accord. Toby kept pace with Bianca for the remainder of their trek down the mountain. The sights and sounds along the path had all been so pleasant, Toby dare hope the rest of the day would prove the same.

...Then they reached town.

As a local both born and raised in Reknab, Toby knew such commotion was extremely unnatural, and was minded to find the source of the excitement almost immediately. Instinctually, with no prior thought other than being sure not to lose her in the crowd, Toby grabbed Bianca's hand and sought to make his way through to a place where they could see what the matter was. He was shocked upon discovering half of main street had fallen into some abyss!

"Wh-where did this come from?!" Toby gasped cried, his voice pathetic in the knowledge that something scary, though thankfully not werewolf related, was now taking place in the heart of his dear little home.

"Oh, n'ere wonder what secrets ye keep b'neath the skin, I always say." An older gentleman replied. "Or in these cases, b'neath them roads."

Despite his well meaning words, the man was not familiar to the town of Reknab Bend - or at least, Reknab Bend was not familiar with him. He was on the sidewalk, well off the road and out of the crowd. He wore a tie under a thick wool sweater, and a dark grey flat cap under which his stark white hair was neatly trimmed. In his hand was a long walking stick, as he did indeed appear to be walking. In fact, his comment was said just as he passed by, on his way to the little antique shop.

A tanned-skin gentleman with stylishly disheveled hair brushed against the older gentleman accidentally. He wore a distinctive apron and a busied expression narrowed upon the object of his desire; or at least, it had been, until he'd accidentally knocked the older man.

"Sorry, sorry," he said breathlessly, the urgency in his breath surely not missed as well as his very fixated attention to the antique shop just down the road.

"Hoi -" The gentleman gave a start as he was nearly brushed down by the passerby. Yet when he lifted his grey-green eyes and saw the young store clerk, he forgave the matter instantly.
"N'ere mind, laddie." He said, waving dismissively. Rightly deducing the path of the young man's intentions, he signaled the man on and followed suit until both came under the roof of the old antique shop.

"My, my... Nu, this place tain't changed one wee bit." The old fellow remarked, looking around at the old wares and smiling.

Zander's stride fell easily to the older gentleman's, slowing his previous pace on account of his older companion's.  It seemed only fair, when you crashed into a person like that. Still, nothing could entirely unroot the itchy feeling on his skin to move and move fast.

"You know it?" he asked mildly as they reached the storefront, and he removed the 'Back in 10 Minutes' Sign.  10 Minutes... Mrs. Buttermilk had always been insistent, not 11, not 12, but 10 exactly on the nose, and heaven help the fool that thought she wasn't paying attention.

Heaven help him indeed.

"It's been around awhile, hasn't it?" he asked, his voice revealing no anxiety as he opened the door for the older gentleman's passage.


The gentleman began to laugh in what started as a chuckle and cascaded into a well-pleased euphoria.
"Ye could say that..." he said, when his breath came back. Yet, his eyes glimmered with a twinkle that reached his ears, turning his cheeks rosy-red.
"O' course," he began to snicker. The gentleman's white mustache bristled in a suppressed smile with every word, as his shimmering eyes kept the eyes of his listener with a fixed stare. Then, came the joke. "Ye might say its only half as old ... - as the ol gal who runs 'er!"

That jovial laugh broke out again, disturbing the dusty solitude of the old antique shop.

Bianca only inhaled a small gasp as Toby ran on through the crowd with her in tow, looking at him unblinking and bewildered when they stopped. "You're surprisingly strong," she commented with an eyebrow peaked, before following his gaze to the hole. "Holy... hole in the ground.."

She adjusted the strap of her backpack and looked around at all the faces gazing on. There was some relief, that their focus was occupied. But she remembered Kratos' words of warning before her departure, and felt a twinge of concern settle in her belly. "Toby, let's hurry up and take care of things. " the town was small, but bigger than she previously thought. And with everyone gathered together, who knew who'd notice, and what they'd think about their local boy who'd been gone all summer appearing with a girl who only a couple of folks had seen but once or twice.

Before she knew it, some older gentleman had approached, and no sooner been swept away by - "Zander?" she asked, head perking up as she peered over the crowds. He was already gone into a building across the way. The old man was a little concerning-what did he mean by what he'd said initially? Regardless, Zander was a familiar face... why was he wearing an apron? And running into old people? Bianca tugged at Toby's cuff and began to pull him away, "Come on." and with that, she was off to the Antique Shop.

Somehow hesitant to enter, the blonde paused just outside the door a few feet, blue eyes peering in.

Toby's brow furrowed in confusion at the old stranger that had voiced a brief reply before continuing on his merry way. He didn't recognize the man at all-- Which obviously meant the man was new in town because otherwise Toby would not only be know his name and face, but would also know where he lived, be familiar with his family, his pets, know where the man and each respective family member went to school, was employed, and what their current activities and goals were....

...Small town...

But as none of these things came immediately to Toby's mind upon glimpsing the stranger, he could correctly and instantly deduce the man was, indeed, a stranger.

Then Bianca spoke.

Toby's eyes went wide and he felt his cheek flush with heat. He only just realized that he'd not only grabbed her hand absent-mindedly, but that he was still holding it and now she was commenting on his strength!.. Oh no! What had he done?! This had happened too fast-- Too soon! What did this mean for the future? Were his dreams of a quaint house in town with a beautiful red-headed wife and five red-pelted one-third-werewolf children so suddenly dashed? Was it to be a countryside cottage with a beautiful blonde wife and five blonde-pelted two-thirds-werewolf children now?

...That wouldn't be a bad thing, would it? No, not really. It would skip the uncomfortable bit where he had to tell Jen he was a werewolf and pray she didn't break up with him over it-- And he HAD to tell her! It would be dishonest to allow her to marry him under such a false pretense as being completely human. How would she feel if he didn't tell her and their kids suddenly started growing fur and howling one day? He'd have to confess then. And what would she say? It could lead to a fight, or even worse, a divorce! How displaced and unloved the pups would feel-- Why, they might even believe it was their fault and grow to hate their wolf sides! No. Absolutely not! Toby would not allow such trauma to befall his five precious angels. They were going to live happy, healthy lives. Free to be both human and wolf whenever they wanted and know that they were loved either way. Their mother was going to love them, or she wasn't going to be their mother, and it was only fair for the love of his life to know that she had to love their children before they even had children! That was why he was going to be the guinea pig and tell her before they even get married-- Why, if he didn't and tried to keep it a secret, what would she think he was doing every full moon? ... But if Jen wasn't Jen and Jen was Bianca instead, she wouldn't have to wonder where he was during the full moon, she;d be out there with him. He wouldn't have to tell her he was a werewolf, she already knew. It wouldn't be awkward when the kids started howling, it would probably be a thing to celebrate-- Or.. Well, would they celebrate that? Was that a thing to be celebrated? Granny had never celebrated his first howl. Come to think of it, why wasn't your first transformation celebrated? Like a birthday! ...Not if you were bit, goodness no! Although, that might make being bit nicer. But what if people started getting bit on purpose just so they could have a party? That would be chaos! But it would be unfair to reserve parties for blood werewolves only, the ones who got bit would feel so left out... Well, maybe he'd just answered his own question here.

Toby had fallen into deep contemplation and offered no resistance when Bianca pulled him away by his collar. In fact, her having done so snapped him out of it so suddenly that he completely forgot everything he'd been thinking about.

Toby followed Bianca to his grandma's antique shop. He didn't feel as tentative about the place as she did and just automatically walked through the front door the second they arrived. Of course he did the gentlemanly thing of holding it open for Bianca, but he felt very casual. This was home after all....

Toby paused.
Frantically, Toby's eyes scanned the shop's old interior with a critical eye. He noticed things that were out of place, things hadn't been properly dusted, some objects were poorly arranged, an antique tea set had a chip in it.. Oh the horror! It was like bringing someone home wen you hadn't done the dishes or the laundry for a month! But Toby dare not close the door to keep Bianca out. That would be unspeakably rude. He would have to brave it.

Toby's gaze turned to the old man as he let loose a loud laugh. He was surprised to find it was the stranger from before. He seemed to be talking to Zander-- Toby's eyes narrowed.

Zander. Why that no good-- Wasn't it his job to make sure this place was presentable? The nerve! Why, when Toby had his job, he'd never have been embarrassed to invite a girl inside. Didn't this guy know what he was doing?

Just then, Granny came down from the living area upstairs. She must've heard the elderly gentleman's laughter and come to see what he found so funny among her wares.

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