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Werewolves (RP12) The Day After the Storm

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Sabrina was still a moment, saying nothing. Then she blinked. Slowly she sank to a crossed-legged sitting position just in front of him, her offering still in hand. "...Do you fear death?" she asked simply, though musingly, as though the question were rhetorical or to herself.

She was thoughtful a moment. Then she set the platter down soundlessly on the floor as she stood. "You will not have a reaction. I read the allergy list upon your person while you were unconscious. Kept for just such an emergency, I presume. If you wish to avoid a heart attack, you should eat. Breathe slow. Relax. You may not be in the habit of trusting others, but the simple fact remains whether you like it or not: we are all you have."

Saber growled under his breath as he slowly raised his head to look at Sabrina, brows furrowed.

" You're wrong." He angrily stated.

Now that his head didn't feel as cloudy, his anger was coming back. His hands however were still shaking, so he folded them and leaned back against the wall, trying to regain some of his composure.

" Right now there's someone in town looking for me. If they don't find me, well… I wasn't kidding about those search parties that'll come crawling all over your mountain."

Saber's eyes narrowed as he continued his threat. "  It's your choice. We can do this the easy way… Or the hard way. Either way, I'm not staying."

Jackie watched Ulric cautiously, not shifting her posture much even as he started to pace.  Her expression was guarded, and her lips were partially opened as if at any moment she would interject.  Though in reality, all she really desired to do was apologize… that this was his world, and maybe that this was hers. But instead she waited, letting him continue with his manic energy.

After a moment more she sighed.

“Ulric… we’re more likely to find the Lost City of Atlantis than find that girl.  Timmy or Tamara or whatever her name is. She could use the phantom herb, right? If she doesn’t want to be found, she won’t be”.

Her gaze was outwards, still looking distantly to the phantom mountains. Then it shifted subtly to the forest paths, her eyes scanning over the land as if she were imagining herself traversing it.

“It doesn’t matter, anyways,” she exhaled harshly, her eyes still not lifting from their search,”If she’s been infected, by now she won’t be able to resist much of anything, even our help”.

Jackie frowned, a sudden thought striking her, “Ulric… do you know whatever happened to Melinda’s car? You know, the one Kratos smashed?”

Kratos came around the back of the house and stepped from one form into the next within a stride. He arrived at the back door of the cabin soundlessly, and, finding it unlocked, slid the glass door open and entered the kitchen. There, he found Bianca, still standing with her back turned, and her attention elsewhere. On the table, he noted the white 'monolith' with its elegant and fluid hand.
Ulric listened to Jackie, and like a ship with the wind gone out of its sails, the dignity of his earlier resolve passed from his demeanor. He observed Jackie's far off gaze and solemn tone, and felt as if she spoke of the infection from experience. As for himself, having never contracted the fever, Ulric realized he knew very little about it. "Does it set in that quickly?" He wondered silently. Then his gaze wandered and Ulric looked up at the mountain helplessly.
His attention, however, was brought back abruptly by Jackie's question.
"Kratos smashed a car?" Ulric said, looking astonished and confused. Instant embarrassment at the plausibility of the thought turned his stomach into a knot. And perhaps the idea of writing a formal apology in his brother's behalf inspired his next question. "Who is Melinda?"

Jackie was still looking outwards as if she deigned great thoughts in the forest and mountains, but she did not. Or at least, no more than sense would tell her. The forest was green and earthy, the mountains distant giants, the sky clearing of its traitorous trouble makers.  The smells were more interesting to her.  The goings of animals, the smell of dying leaves, decay on the forest floor, green mosses growing in moist places— all of them were like old friends she had come to know from her time in the mountains.  It was a cold comfort to think how long she’d come to when moss was just the green fuzzy thing on the sidewalk, leaves existed only to be raked in the fall, and forest creatures unseen besides the rats in the bushes.

She shrugged, unperturbed, “Something like that.  My memory is hazy, but I can tell you that it doesn’t wait around for you to finish your knitting”.

Suddenly, her gaze fell sharply on Ulric’s, her eyes widening to that of faint shock.  Who was Melinda, he asked, as though he didn’t know? But he didn’t, she realized.  They’d never met.  If they had, he certainly wouldn’t have forgotten her.

Her lips twisted in a funny kind of smile, “My sister.  Kratos held her captive for a day and a night”.

The twisted smile was certainly growing into a smirk, “As for the car… it’s only a guess. But I can tell you she arrived in one, and I don't think she left in it, and I swear I recall a loud bang when I was ahm.. leaving. I thought it was thunder, but, maybe not”.

The twisted smirk disappeared all at once and she sighed heavily, the jovial expression turning serious, “I guess that means you wouldn’t know what happened to her car. A shame”.

Bianca was contemplating something far off; she had absentmindedly come to lean on the handle of the broom, hunched over and resting her chin atop it. Upon hearing the door slide, however, she looked over her shoulder and with her other hand, grabbed up the letter and envelope and proceeded to tuck them into her gym shorts pocket. Not before Kratos had seen it, of course. Her head still turned away, her face scrunched up in a flinch, and then she exhaled and turned to see Kratos.

"Good morning Alpha Kratos." she chirped sheepishly, then moved across the kitchen to grab the dustpan. "I was going to make breakfast, but uhm-there was a mouse..." she said, pointing to the neat pile of oats with the corner of the dustpan. "I think we need groceries.." she added quietly, bending to sweep up the mess.

Kratos turned his head to the side just so, as if to inquire after the degree of Bianca's distrust.

"Actually, Bianca," he said. "I came in to see how you were feeling, and if you might be able to manage a trip into town this morning."

He said nothing about the letter.


Ulric hung his mouth slightly agape, an expression which tightened into a wrinkly wince as Jackie went on.

"Oh, man..." He said, running a hand down his face. It ended as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, and with his injured wrist flapped a weak sigh in the air.
Then, shaking the last of his shame away and looking at Jackie with an exasperated expression he asked, "Why do you need a car?"

Bianca sprung up so quickly, the contents of her dustpan did, too! Most of the oats landed back on the floor, but she didn't seem to notice. "Yes of course!" she ran over to the trash and dumped what was left in the dustpan, then tucked -or more like threw- the dustpan and broom back in their corner. "Be right back!" she added, bolting to the stairs and up them in a blur of blonde hair. What could only be identified as the sound of a slip and then a shin meeting a stair was heard, followed be a faint I'mfine.

Bianca's feet could soon be heard down the hall again. Before she was down the stairs, she called out, "Can I bring Toby?!". One shoe was still half on, her heel hanging out, as she clambered downstairs and proceeded to tie the white sneakers at the last step. Instead of shorts, she was wearing denim jeans, and had procured a pair of dainty diamond stud earrings she situated in her ears. "What are we going for?" she asked, now looking back up for the Alpha.


Bianca flinched and looked over her shoulder up towards hall. The door to Logan's room was now closed tight.

A slight smile touched the edge of Sabrina's lips.

Oh how the cornered animal snarls. He will fight. He will fight until his dying breath because he believes he fights for his life. Dear one. Only I can save your life. You are powerless to that end, for all your bark and growl. I am here to help you, can't you see?

"You should eat," she said.

But I am getting tired. And things cannot remain as they are.

Whether it was because he was trying to decipher the subtle change to Sabrina’s face or fatigue was slowing him down in responding, Saber fell silent for a moment.

“ ...No,” he finally responded. “ I’ll wait till I’m back in town.”

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