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Werewolves (RP12) The Day After the Storm

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Exhaling a long, deep breath, Bianca again began to sweep up the oats.

"... I remember that ranch, and meeting one of the horses there on my way to give Kratos my letter. What happened to it?" she asked, sniffling with congestion. She finished sweeping the oats into a dustpan and threw them out, then found a newer package of them in another cupboard. She inspected the box carefully for holes before opening it, and, finding the cellophane wrap still intact, she went to work boiling water in a pot for breakfast.

Jackie didn't answer, but rather snatched the letter from the table the moment Bianca's back was turned.  She rolled it over in her hands, as if wondering if it had somehow changed significantly in the brief time it had not been hers.  The fresh mud in her shoes in her room, the circles under her eyes, and the smell of earth and green all spoke where she'd been that morning.

She shrugged impassively, "What happens to all things, eventually, I guess".

She sat back down in the chair with a huff, leaning back again but with a less cavalier attitude now. Her expression was much harder, intense.

"I went for a jog this morning. Couldn't sleep after... everything" now her fingers were working free the paper inside the envelope, though she'd already looked at the contents a dozen times already, " 'Didn't even know where I was going, till I was there.  It was weird, because it looked like how I remembered it... almost anyways. And then I saw something sticking out of the mailbox, which I thought was strange. And on a hunch, I grabbed it... and then I realized it was for me".

Button-up flannel, soft cotton, and flares; a casual selection with comfort considered. Bandages and bruises were carefully tucked out of sight. The marks he hid beneath a well groomed façade were to him foreign, for he had not seen his injuries in the night, and was not aware of when or how they were dressed. Nonetheless, with hair combed and degradation mopped from the scene, Ulric looked himself in the mirror with casual dignity.
"At least I look fine," He thought to himself. No one needed to know how he felt, for that was another matter entirely. At last, he left the room and descended the stairs. He wished not for the first time that he had the prowess and lightness of step as did his adoptive brother. How could one so large be so quiet anyway?
When Ulric reached the foot of the stairs, he overheard in part the conversation between Bianca and Jackie. Perhaps he hoped for a moment that at least one of his questions might be answered, but in this he was disappointed. A new question was compiled with others, and he slowly approached the door. Yet, he did not enter. If they did not detect him, perhaps it was just as well.

Ulric stood behind the threshold of the kitchen for but a moment. He had every intention to wait there and listen, but something changed. He quickly retreated. If he could get away, he wanted to.

He fled the main room and out of the den, forgetting the volume of his retreat as he ran. He never remembered hearing his footsteps, so he knew nothing of anyone else having heard them. When he got outside, he skid the corner of the cabin, swinging abruptly around the doorframe, and taking refuge in the west shadow of the building, between the houses and retaining wall. There, he found himself, breathing hard and hugging his knees.

On his way out the door, he glimpsed Kratos standing in front of the second den. Now, as Ulric's breathing slowed, he dared a glance around the corner through the alley between the houses. But the Alpha was gone. Ulric knit his brow and withdrew again with his back against the wall. When then, he was suddenly startled by the presence of an enormous black bear looming over him!

"Kratos!" Ulric gasped, clutching his chest in an instant.

The giant said nothing, allowing Ulric to catch his breath. When he had caught it, Ulric didn't allow the giant to speak.

"Kratos, I have to know!" Ulric said, "I need to know what happened to her, I can't bear it! I said we wouldn't hurt her -I said it, and I didn't. Oh, I can't!"

Ulric knew he must now confess everything, but the words stiffened inside him. The words got jumbled in his mind. The sequence of events he wished to explain no longer made sense. He didn't know how to get it out!

In Ulric's frantic emotion, he failed to notice the Alpha's lack of surprise, and the calm expression that graced his soft black lips. Nonetheless, the Alpha watched and waited until Ulric's eyes were brought back up.

"I hurt her, I don't know how, - I can't think! I didn't mean to, I was trying - I don't know - I needed to keep Jackie safe. I just - "
Ulric looked up amid his rambling. He was met by the Alpha's glinting yellow eyes, and the daytime shadows that surrounded him. The lively green forest floor over the wall, and the autumn leaves composed the background.

The Alpha spoke so gently. "Ulric..." He said, as if everything were alright already.
For a moment, Ulric felt his confidence kindled, as if he were running into his father's arms where Abravious would make the unamendable fault well. But then, he remembered the empty promise Kratos gave to save Josh's life, and he doubted.
At that moment, Ulric heard a sound around the corner of the house, and looked to face it.

Jackie was still toying with the letter in the envelope.  She’d slide it an inch or so out, then replace it.  Only to nearly pull it out in another attempt, and at the last moment, grow bored with it.  Though she’d already read it once this morning, it was as if somehow she was scared of it.  As if somehow the words had changed or she’d recalled the wrong things — and would such a change be for better or worse?

She pondered the devious slip of paper, initially missing the approach from behind.  Yet she did not miss their retreat.  Her posture stiffened. Though by the time she looked behind her, Ulric had fled, she caught the lingering trace of his scent.  At once she removed the sheet, opened it along the fold, and set it on the table.  Then, still without reading it, retreated at once out the cabin, breakfast forgotten.

Sabrina watched Saber, impassive, as he fought the reality in which he found himself. She watched him slide back against the wall and sink to the floor. She understood the reason. There was no use in words. He needed to rest. Ease the demands he'd put upon his heart.

She turned and approached the window, where there was a small dresser. She set the yoga mat down beside it. From the top, and still steaming, she collected a wooden bowl of mashed sweet potato she'd collected from her garden that morning. No butter. In part because she'd not had the time to purchase some from one of the local ranchers since the pack's impromptu sojourn in the mountains, and in part because she had read the note she'd found on his person concerning his allergies. She'd seasoned it lightly with some cinnamon from the den's store, however. On the side, she'd prepared some sort of salad, hearty with spinach, black-eye peas, carrot sticks, and red cabbage, and halved red berries that may have at first been mistaken for cherry tomatoes, though smaller. She frisked the salad and poured a light dressing of olive oil on it, sprinkled some salt and pepper, then carried the food to to present it to Saber.

"Hawthorn," she said simply, to explain the berries which he might not recognize. "Good for the heart. They will help ease your blood pressure."

Kratos lifted his head and ears also. There stood Jackie, having come after Ulric and finding herself on his heels. Ulric looked at her from beneath the shadow of the Alpha's form. Ulric's face was wet, and his countenance sullen. Kratos, content to leave him in her company, began away. But immediately as he turned, Ulric reached out and caught a tuft of his black fur in his fist.

"Kratos," Ulric said. "What if I turned her?"

Kratos looked down at his brother and growled low in his throat.

"In the defense of your own, you acted justly." Kratos replied. "There is no promise that any shall live to inherit what we have become; whether she should die in the mountains or from the infection, fate must decide it. She was not ignorant of us when she came here, nor when she brought her dependent. Help cannot come from us."

Ulric felt his heart throbbing. "Why not?!" He blurted out, unthinking.

"Because!" Kratos replied in a voice which now stilled Ulric's beating heart. "She will not accept it. You fear the moon when it is but a body in the heavens and unable to reach you? You cannot imagine the fear of one within your grasp who has much to gain and much more to lose. Send it by filter or not at all. - To those who are unprepared to receive it the greatest good is damnation! The light you fear comes from the sun, the moon is simply the deliverer of it. Far better that it should come from her than from him, for the sun would wither you!"

Ulric stared back at the Alpha and did not reply. His tears were dry now and his fist was withdrawn. He no longer sat trembling, but his breathing was quicker. The Alpha looked at him, glanced between Ulric and Jackie, then turned away. In moments he went around the house and out of sight, but Ulric still did not move.

The white sheet sat like a monolith on the kitchen table, luring in wandering eyes.  Besides the envelope it had come in and the neat script of the handwriting, there was no further hint or clue from where it had come from.

August 10th, 1997

Hey Gabby,

Have you been keeping out of trouble? It’s been a long time!  Work has a lot of new responsibilities, but I’ve been keeping up ok. Next time you’re in the neighborhood, would you stop by my old office and pick up some of the things I left behind for safe-keeping? I’ll be in town until August 20th. If I’m still around, maybe we can catch up in person. You’ll know where to find me.

♥ Love ♥

Your sister Nina


Jackie didn’t go much further than the front door. She stood where she was, her posture tense, yet nothing in what was said seemed to inspire it further.  Her eyes flashed from one to the other in the exchange of the conversation.  Only as Kratos retreated did she return his glance with one of her own, a kind of defensiveness in her eyes.  Then he left and some of her tension went with him.

After a moment’s pause, she glanced at Ulric, surmising his condition in one quick sweep.

“I’m glad you’re feeling better,” she replied in the stiff language of one that has a lot more on their mind.

She shook her head and caught the corner of Ulric's eyes, “Look…I’m sorry the situation escalated because of me, but I’m not going to apologize for whatever happened. She made her choice, and she decided it was us or hers.  And I’m glad we chose us”.

She laughed darkly, shifting her weight to catch the looming forms of the phantom mountains just through the foliage, “Mercy… some mercy on these mountains”.

Saber was too exhausted to notice much of Sabrina's movements. Despite sitting down, he still felt lightheaded and weak, as if on the verge of passing out. His whole body ached from the night before and was in no shape to be moving; It was a miracle he had been standing at all just a moment ago. 

Now on top of the pain that ran throughout his body, he was tense from his emotions stirring inside. Still trying to watch her, he saw Sabrina out of the corner of his eye as she walked over but was slow turning his full attention to her. Now able to see what she was trying to offer, he was already protesting before the last word had escaped her mouth.

" No.. No… No….." He muttered weakly, his head falling back into his hands, eyes closed and fingers clasping his hair.

" You can't take care of me." Saber growled softly, still unable to muster much strength to his voice. " I need to get back to town… If I have a severe reaction out here, I'm dead. If I have a heart attack out here, I'm dead. ..I can't stay here….!"

Ulric sat still, and his hands slowly sank into his lap. For a moment, his countenance resembled a balloon with a slow leak. Then, he lifted his eyes and looked at Jackie with a new resolve.

"He's right." He said, "If... if she's still alive, she'd never let us help her. But -"

Ulric used the corner of the house to help him stand, then he shook his finger at Jackie saying, "But if it came from someone else..."

Turning abruptly around, Ulric looked down at his hands, then he looked at the ground and at the houses. He was searching for something, but it didn't appear to be a tangible object. In his search, he began to mildly pace back and forth.

"We could call the police," he said. "But they wouldn't know where to find the cave. We can't describe it to them - we were too high up on the mountain for people to reach. How did she get there?  She must have come in a different way... she was hurt before we came in - I ... I remember that. Her leg - she was hurt. How did she get up there? Why did she bring her son with her?"

It was impossible to know whether Ulric was just talking out loud or actually expecting Jackie to answer. But as he continued to pace the ground, looking back and forth as he waved his finger out in front of him, it was clear whatever he was searching for was in his own mind.

"We need to bring her where someone can find her. But she'd fight us."
Ulric suddenly stopped still. Then, he turned back toward Jackie with a light in his eyes and his finger pointed straight at her.
"The girl!" He declared. "She was here before. She helped Josh! She's not werewolf, but she knows about us. We could find her and bring her there!"

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