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Werewolves (RP12) The Day After the Storm

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Jackie smirked a little as Bianca approached, then took a few steps backward as the small blonde woman swooped in to dispose of her ‘masterpiece’.  There was something ominous in her expression, perhaps in that she did not seem disappointed in the least.

She watched as Bianca worked, a few steps behind, neither offering any input nor help.  That is until the lid came off the oatmeal. Then with he laser focus of a cat, her gaze settled in on the pitiful creature that erupted out Alien-style.  She didn’t move an inch, and the poor beast continued its trajectory straight for her.  Then she moved quite a bit, lunging forward palm-first for the ground to catch her rightful prize !

After some tangled flailing, she arrived victoriously, both hands folded around its body. In far more lung-capacity than might be anticipated for such a small beast, it cried out.  And squirmed and wriggled and gnashed its little teeth — but her grip was secure.

Jackie regarded the furious, squirming thing with some degree of sympathy.

“Bébé,” she whispered softly, “Pauvre bébé, qui ne veux que de petite déjeuner…”

She looked to Bianca sternly, “Now say you’re sorry”.

Meanwhile, the slip of paper that had been in her right palm had fallen to the floor in all the chaos.

Saber was looking tired and almost bored now as he rolled his eyes. Although it had already been going down with each response he made before, his voice was now losing its energy and edge almost entirely. 

" So let me get this straight… You think I have to play by your packs rules just because I stepped onto your mountain and happened to be a werewolf. What the freaking heck are you going to tell the search parties that come after me? That I walked into your land and am under your custody now? That your laws make it perfectly right to keep me here against my will? Your argument is weak, there's no way you can-" 

Saber paused as he turned away, his face had gone pale now. He just breathed for a moment trying to shake it off. He was starting to look exhausted as if he would pass out. Something was clearly wrong, but he attempted to continue anyways.

" Nobody will let you keep me here." His voice came out nearly a whisper. " You can't live by werewolf law while appearing as a human. You can't.." 

His voice trailed off once again as he felt the room spin, nearly making him fall over. Saber however managed a few steps toward the wall and caught himself, practically falling into the wall.

His head felt foggy, the rush of blood sounding loudly through his ears. He swallowed as he was now staring at the floor, feeling like he was going to meet with it any second now. His hands out of his pockets, it was now clear they were shaking from just how weak and exhausted his body was.

That was it. He could only fake having energy for so long. His body was extremely tired, and for good reason. With so little food consumed the day before, his body was burning energy it just didn't have and was suffering for it.

Saber knew if he kept trying to stand he was going to collapse, so using the wall he slowly slid himself down into a sitting position on the floor. He then put his head in hand again and started to mutter curse word after curse word to himself.

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"EeeeeeugghnoooNONONOgetitawayfromme!" Bianca covered her eyes with her hands, before climbing down off the counter and getting ready to bolt into the other room- but no sooner did she take two ill placed strides did she slip on the paper and oats, and her feet went out from under her. Now she was staring up at the ceiling with the wind knocked out of her.

"Ow.." she whimpered, sitting up slowly and inhaling deeply, rubbing the back of her head, "Ow, ow, I'mfine.... ouch," She sat one hand on the floor, "Isitbleeding...?" she whimpered under her breath, but she hadn't moved. The hand rested on the floor fell upon something that gave a small crinkle, and she picked it up to see what the offending objects was. "What is this?" she asked, drawing it closer to her face.

The mouse continued to squirm, but Jackie’s grip was secure.  Each thumb pinned the sides of its head, with her two index fingers coming up under its jaw and her thumbs on its head.  The pitiful creature stopped struggling after a while, though intermittently would start again, as if hoping somehow its captor had lowered her guard.  She had not; Jackie was entirely fixated on it.

She broke her intent concentration as she heard Bianca slip.  She watched her go down, much like how she’d watched the mouse struggle; something of great intrigue, though somehow, removed from herself.  That is until she saw Bianca reach for the letter…

And that’s exactly what it was; a letter.  It was white and ordinary.  It did not have any address or postage on the front face, though in an elegant script it was addressed “Gabby”.

Jackie froze. The mouse froze.  The two looked at each other, in a sort of universe-bending glance that implied for just that moment, one was not the hunter and the other the victim; but rather, two helpless occupants merely along for the ride.

"Nothing," she replied at last, shrugging, "It's just a letter".


Who was the man who visited Jackie's hospital room months ago?
Where did the two mysterious loners who saved Josh's life go?
Why did the young man and woman enter such danger to deliver the prepared herb?
How did the flute Logan found end up in the mountains?
Ulric stared up at the ceiling, listening to the curtain sway in the wind for what felt like a long time. He found himself thinking over all the events of the past. Many unanswered questions hung over his head like a dark cloud.

One mystery, however, weighed on his heart and mind more than any other..."What happened to the woman and her child?" He wondered.Just then, something stirred downstairs and Bianca screamed!

Ulric jumped out of his bed, opened the door, and stopped. Downstairs, he heard Jackie's voice, and Bianca's protest. Steadily, his heart rate slowed and his shoulders sank. He glanced at Logan's room across the hall, where he could see her foot sticking off the end of her bed. Gently, he closed the door to his own bedroom once again.

"I should get ready for the day..." He said to himself, and presently set about the task.


Meanwhile, just outside Saber's bedroom door...

Kratos stood in the empty hall, listening.  Though he himself was unheard and unseen, he could hear Saber's heart beating faintly from inside.

After a short time, the Alpha withdrew down the hall, pausing briefly beside the room wherein Toby was hiding... The door was closed. The Omega did not want visitors. Kratos smiled as he moved on. He returned down the stairs opposite his ascent, and came into the long empty living room of the second den.  From the couches and furnishings, to the long wooden table and solitary picture frame, the room constituted a comfortable house, but it was not a home. Several months ago, this room was the stage for the emergency care of a Svalnaglas porter. Now, though it was clean, Kratos' could still smell a subtle hint of blood mixed with treated wood.

Kratos left the second cabin and reentered the yard from whence he came. He found Timothy still 'sleeping' under a tree, the sun still shining cheerfully, and a cold wind still blowing through the woods. It was quite ordinary. Kratos looked down the mountain road to where it bent around the trees and wound out of sight...

Though life stirred in the cabins, so many rooms were not so kindly occupied.  Instead, a kind of negative space occupied them, as if in stark reminder to those who were not where they ought to be...

Bianca eyed the letter skeptically, turning it over in her hand. She didn't threaten to open it - she knew better. But it didn't stop her from letting the suspense hang.

"Who is Gabby?" she asked, seeming to have forgotten about the mouse, the oats all over the floor, and more or less oblivious to Jackie's form hanging over her like a feral cat.

Jackie watched Bianca cautiously, then glanced down at the mouse as if she was embarrassed. With a shrug, she let her palms relax almost imperceptibly. Almost, but not quite, and the mouse certainly observed such an essential detail. In another instant it sank its sharp teeth into the exposed flesh of her thumb.  Then it squirmed out and disappeared into the cupboard.

Still watching Bianca and not yet bothering to stand, she replied, "Nobody".

Then, after a while longer, she answered, "I don't know".

Something else grumbled at the back of her throat, but before it could be given the freedom to escape, it died back there.


The blonde studied Jackie's face now as she spoke. She came to a stand and stepped over to the table, setting it down, but standing in front of it facing Jackie.

"I'm not asking you to tell me- you're your own person and you have your own life. I did, too, before I came here. And I'm not going to undermine that by prying it out of you, don't worry." she stated, her voice kind of stale, her blue eyes tired.

She stepped away from it, halfheartedly gesturing towards it with her arm before moving to get a broom and clean up the oats.

"But, we're a pack, right..? We need to communicate... I'm afraid that we'll never operate like a pack should.. I'm afraid more people will suffer because of that." the last sentence came quietly, as she recalled her friend, and her fingers wrapped tightly on the wood handle of the broom until her knuckles turned white.

More silence ensued, though it wasn't entirely uncomfortable. Full, maybe, in what wasn't being said. And she was still watching Bianca, considering... There was a part of her that, despite all that had occurred and all they had been through, that didn't trust the blond woman. Something in her nature felt so polar to her own, that it could not possibly understand her.  And this, perhaps, had been why she had chosen the kitchen instead of the bedroom, as if in meeting Bianca here she would have permission to say nothing, permission to pretend there was nothing wrong at all.

Abruptly, she broke eye contact, though it did not go far. With the speed of a predator in hunt, she saw Bianca's fingers and knuckles go white against the broom handle.  Something in that was familiar, however distant, something close enough to herself that she could find sympathy for it.

She stood all at once, eyeing the small drop of scarlet on her thumb where the mouse had bitten her. She wiped it off on her jeans.  She strode over to Bianca, arms outreached, as though demanding the return of the letter. Demanding, but not taking, and there was still something of a question in her posture.

"I don't know," she repeated with a heavy sigh, "But I know that writing. And the smell of the person that wrote it.  I found it this morning in the mailbox of the old ranch".

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