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Werewolves (RP12) The Day After the Storm

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Jackie didn't flinch as the door opened.  She merely stood as she was, watching the figure of the man moving from the reflection in the mirror, her expression as firm as stone.  When he shut the door softly behind her, she gently adjusted her ballcap as if nothing had happened at all.

The last of the items were retrieved and hastily deposited into the red backpack.  She slung it over one shoulder, and hesitation stole over her.  To the far end of the hall she glanced, the same direction Kratos had come from.  Then she turned her gaze the other direction, to the kitchen, where she could hear noises of things whistling and clanging.  She shifted uneasily on her feet...

Then as suddenly as she'd stopped, she started again, walking down the hall towards the aroma of lavender and peppermint.  Like a storm, she settled into the humble warmth generated by Bianca's good tidings.  She tossed the red backpack to the floor, which offered a few suspicious noises as its various contents shifted readjusted.  Still not acknowledging Bianca, she glanced at the teapot on the stove and shook her head.  With a huff, all her weight fell beneath her as she collapsed into a chair, arms behind her head, and tilted backwards precariously onto the back two legs of the chair.

" 'Sup Blondie," she finally glanced at Bianca, though with an expression that might have been the least bit unsettling; or at the very least, up to no good at all, "So what, you drink leaf water for breakfast?"

Bianca's big blue eyes looked up to Jackie and she slowly sat the brush down, offering a small smile.

"Good morning," she responded evenly. Her voice was somewhat congested sounding, although still possessed a warm honey like disposition. She cleared her throat and lowered her eyes on the steaming mugs.

"Not usually... the peppermint is good for an upset stomach, and lavender is supposed to be calming. I felt like everyone might need something warm, hydrating and soothing after last night. I made one for you, too, if you want. You don't have to drink it though."

Now she examined the backpack, but wasn't vague in doing so - she leaned slightly in her chair so she could see it, then gestured with a hand to Jackie. "You're going somewhere, I take it?" she asked, trying not to sound too oblivious-it was more of a statement than a question, but she left the rhetorical hanging so Jackie may do as she pleased with it. She drew her feet up onto the seat in front of her, wrapping her arms around them and still keeping hold of the mug in her hands, letting it warm them.

"You miss the point, entirely," Sabrina said evenly. "If I merely wanted you out of my hair, I should have crept past you, unseen and unheard back upon the mountain paths. Let you go as you would. And die as you would. But that would hardly be human, would it? I said so before, and I shall say it again. I am here to help you. A child taken with fever may not desire his medicine, but to let him go on suffering would be cruel. So we force him to accept that which will speed his healing, though he may scream and kick and bite."

She turned from him and started to roll up her yoga mat. "Welcome to the Calagrathorm Pack. If you have not already, you will soon be acquainted with Alpha Kratos. Our situation here is unique from any other in the world. This is not a pack made of close friends or family members, but wanderers, first years, loners. Our mission, if not to give you a place and a purpose, at the very least, is to train you how to control your secondary form so as not to be a danger to yourself or others. You will not be leaving until that goal is met."

" We'll see about that." Saber muttered under his breath, almost as if accepting a challenge.

 He then turned towards the door, eyeing it for just a moment before taking slow calculated steps towards it while he spoke.

" You know, you talk of being human, but you're acting like your above us. ..Them. Humans have laws. If you keep me here against my will, you'll be breaking one of those laws." He stopped in his tracks before continuing, now just a couple of steps from the door.

" So tell me, do you really think yourself above the law, or do you simply believe your cause can justify breaking it? There's a pretty hefty punishment for kidnapping someone, you know…" Saber turned to look at Sabrina's eyes directly now, giving her an icy glare.

Jackie looked at Bianca and shrugged, as if she'd asked one of the most uninteresting questions.  Then she shifted her gaze back to the mugs and exhaled harshly through her nose.

"Not with a breakfast like that I'm not"

Abruptly, the front two legs of the chair crashed back to the floor.  She roved to the lower cabinets.  There was a series of loud clashes and clangs... surely she must be destroying something, but in the end all that emerged was a small pan.  She set it on the stove and turned on the burner. Then with some thought she strode to the fridge, and parsed over the contents.

"Let's see... bison leg, cow heart, human flesh," she exclaimed as she eyed an expired gallon of milk, a hunk of cheese, and cold cuts respectively, "Dear me, what's a wolf to eat, hmm..."

Finally, a carton of eggs emerged in hand.  She walked back over to the stove, removed one, and with one hand cracked it as if she was some world-class chef.. which she was not, and certainly some eggshells had found their way to the pan.  She didn't seem to mind. Then she cracked another, the same way.  The pan was still heating; impatiently, she turned up the burner.  Then tossed the cheese into the pan as well, with a shrug.  After a few moments more, the contents started to sizzle... and smoke suspiciously.

Sabrina turned to face him again, yoga mat rolled up under one arm. And there was something of a smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth, subtle to compare to the gleam in her eye. "Whose law?" she asked, "American? British? Irish? There is no universal law among humans. All people must abide by the law of the country in which they sojourn."

She looked down at his feet. Then at his face. "And you walked right into ours when you set foot upon the mountain."

She shrugged her shoulders. "I suppose if you would pursue this kidnapping charge, you might speak to our embassy. Oh wait. That's me. What representative shall I contact for yours?"

Now Saber had a smirk growing on his face as well. 

" So you really do think you're above the law." He snickered, almost amused. " Fine. You think you can look and act like you're human but not obey the laws of the land? Fine. But there's going to be consequences for it. So if the mountain is your land and territory, where’s your official documentation of such? If you think you’re the embassy, where’s your papers declaring it? Really, I'd say you're the one acting like a child now, playing your dang make-believe."

"You want papers to establish the authenticity of an ethnic group?" Sabrina scoffed. "How European. And I suppose you'll want them in the Queen's English?"

With a toss of her head she continued, seriously, "There are packs in this world that predate Rome, boy. Such governments rise and fall. We persist."

Bianca watched for a moment. There was a chill in her bones that the tea didn't quite reach. But Jackie's efforts somewhat amused her, if not in a concerned kind of way. After a while she was roused from her seat; it was safe to assume the cabins didn't posses the usual fire alarms, but in any case, nobody would be too happy to wake up to a room full of smoke.

She stood and moved over to the stove, inspecting the eggs and cheese with her head tilted somewhat.

"Uhm... Jackie? We've been out for three months... I don't think these are good anymore." she commented with a knit brow, then went over to the fridge. She checked the expiration date on the eggs and crinkled her nose, then went back to the pan and picked it up off the stove, abruptly throwing the contents out.

Then she went to the cupboards again, this time looking for something different, with renewed determination to cook something that wouldn't induce certain death.

"Let's see... flour, baking soda, ooh, oatmeal - I can cook that."

She was barely tall enough to reach the cardboard barrel of oats on the top shelf, standing on her tip toes. She managed, however, and eagerly proceeded to open the lid-


In a blink, the oats were scattered all across the kitchen floor, Bianca was on the counter, and a very fat mouse was skittering aimlessly across the floor for his life!


Toby's voice echoed through the air with genuine agony, and not mere seconds after Sabrina's retort to Sabre's demand for papers.

In truth, he was extremely busy properly reconstructing his ear pieces begun last night, and admittedly he had just burned himself on a sparking wire, but Toby couldn't help but keep his ear to the wall so to speak. Sabre and Sabrina were in the room right next to his. They were making no attempt to hide their conversation, and though he knew it rude, Toby made no attempt not to overhear.

He wasn't exactly asking for trouble. He'd literally been burned just now-- Which was his excuse in case the angry monster or demonic-white wolf herself next door decided to storm into his room and confront him on his comment.. But, well, these angst-saturated egotistical conversations happened ALL THE TIME in this pack, and Toby NEVER participated in them.

He wanted to. Just once, out of curiosity.

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