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Werewolves (RP 9): The Song of the Mountain - Part 1

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Saber stared at the bars that confined him for what felt like the hundredth time. By now he had located every groove and every mark that they housed. His eyes drifted down as he continued to wait. Unfortunately the floor was as boring as the bars in front of him. He inhaled and quietly exhaled in frustration, as his finger continued to tap impatiently on the bench he sat on. Waiting wasn’t something Saber particularly liked doing, but it had unfortunately become the norm now that he was in Reknab Bend.

It had been about a month since he arrived. With nothing to his name except the clothes on his back, he began to find waiting was a necessary evil to survive on the streets. Saber had to wait and watch for the most opportune moments to take what he needed. So far he had managed to steal from multiple convenience stores, tips from waiters and even managed to steal someone’s meal at a restaurant once. Saber figured he needed the food more than them, so he took what he could get. Everyone else had money to buy things, they could easily replace what was stolen. It was harmless enough. Saber on the other hand had nothing. He would happily pay for the things he’d stolen if he could just manage to get a job here, but that was an entirely different kind of waiting game he had to play as well. He hated it. Just like he hated waiting here in this cell for an officer to come and finally let him out.

Saber sighed again in frustration as he leaned back against the cold wall, trying to get into a more comfortable position, as he continued to wait for someone to come for him. Saber folded his arms as his near black eyes settled on watching past the bars to the nearest side someone could enter the room from. He glared at the air that filled the space, just so whoever did finally enter would know just how displeased he was being there.


For perhaps a second or two while Toby spoke, Ulric's ears perked up and his eyes glistened with interest. But all-too-soon Sabrina's name was mentioned and Ulric's countenance fell.

Ulric tried to see good humor in Toby's tirade, but having heard his his own name mentioned once or twice, and knowing that Toby wasn't in the mood for a laugh, Ulric simply slumped to the earth and recoiled from the matter.

Meanwhile, Timothy sat with his back against a tree, staring at the bramble near his feet. Ulric seemed to notice his intent concentration when suddenly - pounce! - Ulric's ears stood erect with interest as he saw Timothy lift a wild mouse out of the bushes.

"Wow, that was a pretty good catch." Ulric said good naturedly.

Timothy glanced at Ulric with an uncaring and heavy-browed expression, then he lowered his captive and allowed it to escape alive into the woods.

Ulric watched him, wondering.
"You've got pretty great reflexes, even in your human skin." He said.

"I don't have any other skin." Timothy mumbled in reply, and turned his back on Ulric not for the last time.

{Elsewhere on the mountain..}

The trees trembled with cold on the cliffs. Leaves rolled clattering down the mountain, passing over rocks and catching on protruding roots. The Alpha stood on a rock ledge overlooking a clearing through the trees. Under his eyes the valley of Reknab Bend stretched out before him. The town appeared a small and sleepy place as compared to the vast sea of yellow fields that surrounded it. Small farms and homesteads dotted the hillsides. Away near the southern horizon was the silver body of the Monvac River winding its way out of the east toward the western horizon, and beyond it was the city of Pinerich, so far distant that it was merely a cloudy shape between earth and sky. The wind was blowing down from the peaks of Phantom Mountain, a cold and embittered omen of coming winter.

Turning his eyes away from the far-distant city, Kratos brought his attention to closer matters; a wispy pillar of smoke was ascending out of the trees some short distance below the ledge whereon the Alpha sat.

From below, the beast was seen to lower his bright yellow eyes and quietly withdraw from the cliff side.

{Far below, in the town of Reknab...}

Saber might have been waiting an eternity for someone to fill the space between his eyes and the floor, but any time spent in a jail cell was bound to feel that way somehow, whether or not it was the truth.

Presently, an officer did come around the corner, however, to stand in the line of Saber's indignation. Unfortunately, though, the officer did not afford Saber the much-desired glance of acknowledgement. Rather, the officer simply retrieved a folder from a metal file cabinet on the opposite wall and turned to leave the room.


Moving with a soft, soundless tread on the ridged mountain slopes, the massive black hunter descended. As his paws spread over the jagged stones, the length and weight of his fingers embraced the loose gravel and prevented its movement. His toes, likewise, left no sound nor print until he passed from the ridges to the warm, wet earth. In this part of the forest the shadows were thick and nearly as black as the beast himself. The dense aquagreen pines tinted the air with color and smell, their shallow root-depth made the forest floor a tangled weave of exposed lines, and the fallen needles which carpeted there-between permitted so little undergrowth that the space under the boughs was bare of other life. In this clear area between the roots and the lowest boughs, the smell of burning pine grew steadily stronger until the corner of a little log cabin was seen between the trunks of the trees. Here, the beast stopped and sniffed the ground; Here, a mystery was found, for despite the lack of other foliage, the smell of the Phantom herb permeated the area surrounding the isolated cabin.

The beast stood a long time in silence... watching, listening; Motionless for a great space of time before he sat down in such slow measures that he seemed not to move at all. Then he removed the cloak from his shoulders, folded it, and laid it behind the roots of a tree. Then, at last, with back and shoulders bare, the great beast crept forward again, moving at slow intervals closer and closer to the log cabin, stopping between times and waiting.
No sound ever came from within the cabin, nor from without, save the natural crick and crackle of small woodland animals moving high in the boughs.

At last, Kratos came to the side of the cabin and lifted his head to look in at the window. The cabin consisted of one room, with bed and stove, table and chair all set a few feet apart. The cluttered contents revealed a solitary existence, but an active and present one. There was a cup still filled set on the table near the chair, and a closed book with some envelopes and newspaper nearby. Kratos sniffed the sill, again finding no scent, when then a quiet "click" caught his attention from behind. He lowered his head and turned his ears slowly toward the source, and upon drawing his face around the corner of the cabin discovered a middle-aged woman and a loaded rifle aimed at his head.


Saber glared hard at the passing officer. A part of him wanted to get the officer's attention but he suppressed the urge. If making him wait quietly was their game, he’d play. If it could possibly help him get out faster, he’d definitely play. He’d just have to settle with giving the man unreceived death glares instead. Still, Saber could feel a low growl rumble down in his chest as the officer walked toward the room's exit. Being ignored was the worst.


Sabrina's shoulder flinched away from Bianca's touch and she looked at her sharply, a hint of indignation or accusation in her glance. But she softened, presently, at Bianca's words. She smiled a little a puffed something of a laugh through her nostrils, and returned her attention to the stones she had been balancing. For a moment it seemed she would leave it at that and brush off the concern.

"I suppose it is tactless to ask a pack member of her lineage," she said instead after a minute, her eyes still directed at her stacked stones, "But, I wonder, have you any family that are werewolves, Bianca?"


Rifle cocked in Kratos' face, the woman looked to be about in her mid-to-late-forties. Despite her odd mix for apparel; torn pale blue jean shorts, an off-white t-shirt that was about two sizes too big, hand-me-down army boots, and an aviator's jacket; she was quite a stately looking woman, with an imposing air that belied her relatively modest height and slim build. The summer, now long gone, had left its kiss upon her skin and hair, for the former was tanned and the latter was bleached almost blond at the top from a mousy brown.

One might also tell with a glance that she probably had the sense of humor of an undertaker, for her face bore marked frown lines and not a trace of a smile. She made something of a snort, with a grim sort of bemused expression. Yet her words spoke contrary: "I thought so."


Jackie yawned lazily, puffing a thick white cloud from her lips. She eyed the spot she’d pointed to before, now covered by Logan’s shirt, then shifted away. In the quiet mountain air, Logan’s question hung. Instead she turned away to study the sway of cattails by the pond.

" Ahh such is the life of an international spy, " she said lightly, snatching at one of the cattails and slowly bending it until it gave way to a small snap !

She turned abruptly, snatching the clothes Logan offered her.

"See if I told you more," she explained from the middle of her shirt before pulling it over her head,"I’d have to kill you".

She pulled the rest of her garments on quickly before at last pulling on her shoes. She shrugged almost as though in apology, yet the meaning seemed far from serious. Suddenly that gleam faltered as she looked quickly from Sabrina and Bianca's conversation to her bound rabbits. She momentarily met Logan's eyes before throwing the bound rabbits over her shoulder.

" Hmm. I should check the rest of the traps. You wanna come?"

Theo shifted anxiously. He was no stranger to forested places and woods — he’d grown up in one after all. He’d found the last three months not very unusual at all and in fact enjoyed the cold mountain air and the new birds.

But he worried his friend had not adjusted nearly so well.

He approached the strange, buzzing tree as though he was scared it might bite him.

" Uh… Toby? Do you want to um, take a walk maybe? Get some… fresh air?"


Bianca withdrew her hand sheepishly at Sabrina's reaction, but shortly after eased and came to sit beside Sabrina, content to watch what she was doing. She was surprised to hear the woman speak again, and seemed to light up at the topic that was presented.

"Put this way... I was surprised to learn that there are people who aren't werewolves. I would ask strangers what color their fur was when I was like.. five.. and my mom had to tell them I confused the words fur and hair." she responded with something of a chuckle, as she let her hair down and began to braid it rather than merely put it up.

"My grandpa comes from a long line of full blood werewolves.My fathers side, less so, but his family has had a hand in werewolf affairs for a long time, he says it can be traced back to mid evil ages? Back when werewolves were kept as slaves-his family took part in not only dissolving that era but erasing it from the history books. Grandpas side of the family is big-massive-and he has a lot of friends, many wealthy and influential. We didn't really know any packs though-it's kind of just this casual tree of werewolf families who work towards keeping the peace. Grandpas tasks are particularly oriented towards helping werewolves who get in trouble with the law." her eyes moved towards Jackie and Logan, and she tied her hair at the bottom and drew her knees close to her chest.

"It's so different in a pack.." she squinted her eyes, "There's this kind of false sense of security, in a way. That you're isolated from "the real world", or whatever. Grandpas work keeps him in the nitty gritty, and the way our families have lived in the city is so casual you don't realize how sensitive it can be. Out here, people are afraid of you. In the city, you're less worried about them being afraid and more worried about, you know... bad people being interested in what you are for the wrong reasons."

She picked up a stone and turned it between the claws of her thumb and forefinger,

"My family is just trying to branch out as many members of our kind over as large of an area as possible. Eventually, everyone will know about us-werewolves. We're just hoping that when that time comes, there will already be so many of us integrated into society, that people know our faces and stand up for their friends. That's why my family has never really believed in pack systems, because it enforces the idea that we're not valid members of society, creates easy targets for centralized attacks on werewolf communities, etcetera..."


Logan watched Jackie, her head tilted just slightly. It straightened when the redhead spoke again.

"You could not kill me..." Logan responded, "I am stronger." she stated evenly, certain her words were indeed, fact. If Jackie was joking, she didn't seem to notice the tone. Her eyes traced after the woman then fell on the rabbits, and she followed in her friends footsteps, examining the small creatures. She raised a hand and poked one of them with a somewhat disapproving look, but it was otherwise hard to read her expression.

Looking to Jackie and glancing back briefly at Sabrina, she spoke again, "No... we can do better." her voice was low, then she ducked under the branch of the tree and began walking into the forest.

There was no explanation at first, and Logan didn't speak until there was a deal of distance between herself and the pool. "I can fell a mature deer with only my hands, ah?" she looked over her shoulder to see if Jackie followed, and if she would challenge the statement.


Jackie snorted in a derisive laugh, but if she had any concern with Logan’s statement she did not say it. Rather she cocked a single eyebrow, flashed a wicked grin, and set after Logan as she charged into the forest. She did not follow closely behind, however, and instead set on a slightly different path. She charged through the portions where the path had faded, where the pine needles and undergrowth was densest and best muffled her steps. She eyed Logan’s trajectory on occasion, as though she were hunting, then adjusted her speed and pace as necessary.

When Logan looked behind her she would not see Jackie initially. She would need to look up and to the right. She had positioned herself at a slightly greater elevation, perhaps six or seven feet above Logan on a small mound. She revealed herself from behind a large pine tree, a bright glint in her eyes.

"Oh really?" she intoned listlessly," Hmm. Deer don’t fight much if you do it right. Bucks maybe a little more, but you just have to watch the antlers. The hardest part is catching them. Did you know real wolves have to tire real prey like that for sometimes weeks on end? Endlessly pursuing, never relenting, until at last the final blow can be made"

Jackie shrugged offhandedly, "And not to brag, but I think I win in that department"


Sabrina flashed a glance at Bianca out of the corner of her eye, then gazed steadily upon the stones she had stacked. Relaxed and poised, she set another in its place. "No pack? How... unconventional," she said, detached but hinting at some curiosity. "So you have family far and wide, I take it."

A far off look came into eyes, and she said with some solemnity, "Most of my loved ones reside overseas, in Ireland." A pause. Then she looked at Bianca and asked, "Yours, are they all American, or has your family branched out into European countries as well?"

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