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Werewolves (RP 8): A Time for Questions and Answers (6/16-4/18)

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Melinda regarded the form coldly as he entered. Unlike Tammy, this was the third time she had seen him and though there was something impressive to still be had by his size, she no longer felt the urge to vanish on the spot. What was more, he had chosen to come in the form of a man – for her benefit or Tammy’s she was not certain – which certainly made the presence less fearsome.

Oh?” she spoke pleasant voice of a greeting, yet the voice was far too sweet to be taken as just that. It was a tone one might use with a small child or else one of gentle disposition… certainly not their jailer. But it was with blissful irony Melinda held that tone, barely concealing her true displeasure.

You’ve come,” It was a statement, not a question,”How kind of you. I was worried I might not see my host for a proper thank you after allowing me such hospitality for the past two nights”.


Theo smiled warmly as Bianca spoke.

Oh, um, Bianca… right?” he asked, hoping he’d caught her name properly when Sabrina had spoken it.

Theo blinked a few times as the girl finished speaking, hoping he’d caught it all. She spoke a little faster than he was used to.

Oh, um, Toby? I mean, I doubt it, just um… right okay I’ll do that”, he shuffled himself awkwardly away, towards Toby. And then approached Toby awkwardly, because he didn’t know how the Omega would take to his presence right now.

Theo didn’t trust himself with speech at the moment, so he pulled out a chair next to Toby and took a seat instead. Maybe the right words would come to his head eventually. A proper apology, even. But right now if he unleashed what he had, it would be a confusing jumbled mess. He already missed the clarity of the music; he’d always preferred a song to a speech, any day.

Theo barely missed Chime’s approach. When he saw her familiar face, though, he smiled wide.

Do you wanna sit with us? I mean, unless you wanna sit with Bianca…

His smile faltered a little, returned briefly, then flickered away entirely as another thought took him. Bianca had invited him to share what he’d had on his mind just a few moments ago, but she hadn’t exactly specified when. Everyone was still crowding around the table for food. Would it be impolite to speak up now when everyone was so focused on food? Would they even hear him? The thought made him feel a little fluttery inside. After Bianca had shared her amazing story, he really wanted to share his and to be a part of that experience… even if he wasn’t the best at long speeches or anything, he’d thought a lot about his old home and his old family in the years since he’d left it, so maybe it would come out okay. Carrying them around without an audience made them worthless, otherwise.

But the invisible conversation cues eluded him in a big group of people like this. He looked around a little helplessly, hoping someone would extend the invitation again.


"It's not high school you guys, we'll just sit somewhere and talk to each other regardless. It's the same table." Bianca laughed, having finished collecting her plate, and she pulled up a seat - on the other side of Theo opposite of Toby, leaving one seat between herself and the former which she pulled out and, finding Chime, patted it in a gesture for her to sit. Those eager blue eyes were drawn on the hall, and she wondered if the other man would be joining their company.

"Once everybody gets seated, can we do one of those awkward, go in a circle and everyone takes a turn introducing themselves things? Like, tell your name, your age, how long you've been in the pack, and like.. your interests briefly." she asked to no-one in particular, glancing about the party to see if they'd be in agreement.

Logan, having put her blade away, reclaimed her plate, on which was a tender, well sized cut of steak... it would be a lie to say she didn't admire it for a moment, before Bianca's proposition brought her out of the hunger induced trance. She examined the table - Toby, Theo, shortly Chime would sit beside Bianca... she had no preference, so for now, she would wait for the rest to be seated and choose hers last.


Levi stepped back lightly to get out of Kratos' way. He paused a moment, but not long, for he had been very clearly dismissed, and he did not want to stray too far from the graces of Calagrathorm's leader so long as he tarried in their land.

Still, he was hesitant to leave. The scent that had at the first drawn him up the stairs, however still subtle, excited and enticed his senses almost against reason. That it was so faint was what allowed himself to break himself from pursuing it. Had it been any stronger, the sheer desire to discover its source and what it was may have overcome any lick of sense he had, even to the disobeying of this pack's alpha and overstepping every boundary afforded him.

After hearing Melinda's greeting, if it could be so called, and glancing in the door after Kratos, Levi did at last retreat to the stairs. Not without briefly making eye contact with Tammy, however. The moment lasted less than a second, yet some recognition was made, and Levi hastily turned away and continued down the stairs as he had first intended.


Sabrina had stepped outside a door in the kitchen and returned shortly, her arms laden with local greenery; dandelion leaves, romaine lettuce, and spinach from the farmer's market, as well as some strawberries, walnuts, and large, red tomatoes. While others fetched their plates and selected their cuts of meat, she carried the vegetables with her to the sink and washed them, cut them, and tossed them together in a large salad bowl. From the cabinet she collected a rich loaf of bread that she had baked the previous night. This, and the great bowl of salad, she carried to the table, and set it in the middle. She served herself some of the salad and took two slices of the bread, and at last sat down at the right side of the head of the table.

It was at about that point that Levi entered, looking a little awkward and out of place. He cast a brief smile at any face that turned his way, then ducked his head and made his way to the line to get some steak.

Once he had his meat, he got himself a bit of salad and a slice of bread. Everything in him wanted to then take his meal and retreat to the outside porch, for he did not enjoy crowds of other people on a good day, let alone during the meal time of an unfamiliar pack. However, he did have friends at this table after all, and ultimately chose to sit on the opposite side of the table directly across from Theo.

"That is an excellent idea, Bianca," Sabrina said pleasantly, dipping her head slowly. She poured some olive oil onto her salad and gingerly sprinkled it with some kind of spice produced from a small pouch at her side--pepper, perhaps? But it did not smell much like pepper. Delicately she set aside the vial of oil and replaced the spice in her pouch. She looked at Bianca, meeting her eye. "Why don't you start?"

Levi, meanwhile, smiled, however a little uneasily, at those seated on the other side of the table--with the dart of his eyes he expressed a brief apology, excusing himself for a moment from the current conversation. Then he bowed his head and closed his eyes, his hands clasped in his lap.


Toby's attention was caught the instant one of the female's called his name. He honestly couldn't help himself. Any time the pitch of a girl's voice called his name, it had the same effect on him as a train's whistle would to one standing on the tracks: Like death is coming!

...Well, not exactly. It made his heart leap sure enough, but he didn't fear for his life exactly... Well actually, it used to not to.. Before he joined the pack. Now it did. The women in this pack were surprisingly scary. Thankfully, he knew this one's name, and it was a nice name, therefore he felt more at ease with her.

She was Chime-- Like wind chimes, which was how he remembered. Wind chimes were always such peaceful, happy things. He didn't know Chime very well, but her name reminded him of something happy, so he would think of her as happy until proven wrong. He smiled politely at her question and nodded. I'm holding up well, thank you. He said, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. As Theo shuffled in closer and took a seat next to him, Toby beamed with joy. His friend was sitting beside him. That meant they were still friends! And now Chime was talking to him too, maybe she was going to be his friend too.

How ironic the day was going so well after he cautiously stashed meat in his bedside drawer. Maybe it was good luck. Maybe bad things wouldn't happen if he was prepared for it. He would have to stash food away from now on- Though perhaps in a more sanitary way, like in a plastic storage container..


At length after all had made their way to the kitchen Ulric set aside his drums in a safe corner and entered thereafter behind everyone. He took small notice of the cuts being served and Sabrina's large bowl of salad, but the thing that had his attention most of all was the seating arrangements.

Truly there was something to be said of a pack without customs getting around the table, how Sabrina took her place just adjacent of the head and the others gathered at a particular side, what order they each got their cut, etc... it all spoke volumes for the "undisclosed" hierarchy; where each person felt comfortable on the totem though many of them were yet to be given "official" ranks and titles. Ulric himself did not take a place just yet but watched as the others gathered in.

It wasn't long before Ulric decided where he wanted to be, but that was also when he recognized Levi quietly bowing his head. The gesture gave Ulric pause to remember that it had been a long time since he had seen such an act, yet he recognized it and quietly acknowledged it before making his way around the table.

Ulric casually collected a plate and a portion, a cut so-deemed choice to him, but also took a helping of the salad, nuts, tomatoes and a slice of bread. There was plenty of meat, so Ulric amused himself with thoughts of second helpings later on, yet for now came to stand by Logan and await such a time as she felt comfortable to be seated.

"Hey," Ulric said in greeting, smiling briefly at her and casually took a slice of tomato from his plate.


A dream in passing, a feather in the wind... A course undesired, consequences unseen. Where was life headed?

Timothy came out of the dark on his hands with his head bowed, his lithe black body moving slowly to the wall of the arena where he placed his forehead against the cold cement. Somewhere, somewhere over his head was the den of the werewolves, out of his sight while here he was - in a prison.

Timothy raised his hands up on the wall, his head still bowed, and there he wept. Longing to be up there with them, longing not to be alone. Tears ran down his face and dripped off the end of his nose, and he saw the ground between his knees darken because of them. It was strange, to feel oneself mourn while one's heart felt like a rock inside, cold and unaffected. The tears came so readily, so naturally, they did not need to be prompted or coerced... yet Timothy felt detached from them, as if they were simply a necessary part of living, and like breathing it could done and ignored.

Was happiness a reality, or merely a concept that some people convinced themselves of? Perhaps it was a crutch they used to help themselves deal with the world...

Timothy's hands were slowly brought down from off the wall cold, he felt them with his long black ears as his fingers clasped behind his head, the absence of one finger reminding him how broken he was outside and in... He sunk down lower on his knees, and there he remained.


The man that entered the upstairs bedroom came in having no footwear and wore the same black attire that he had the night Melinda encountered him, the only difference now was the large crimson cloak he adorned on his shoulders and the cleanliness of his clothes withal. His hair was light as was his complexion, but his eyes being so unnaturally light had a strange effect on the rest of his features, making him look both plain and profound in appearance.

The strange details on the rim of the man's cloak and the gaiters on his legs were of particular interest to Tammy, who observed that the markings were each individually stitched to the material and must have been made of some kind of leather. Nonetheless the observance of these details was fleeting, and she caught that strange glance from Levi as he departed the hall...

Kratos looked at those in company, Melinda and Tammy both, but he could not have been very surprised to see Tammy there as his senses had already alerted him of her presence previously. Something, however, did seem to agitate the air, and the Alpha was keen to acknowledge it.

"Good morning, Melinda." The large man said in his casual way. He had not taken his hand from the door and it could be seen how he held the small knob in only his fingers. "I am pleased to see that you have enjoyed your stay. A guest of lesser importance would have received lesser accommodations."

Now Kratos looked at Tammy. "I am also pleased to see you have recovered a great deal since we had found you."
Kratos noticed how the girl shrunk from his gaze, and yet she regarded him solidly, almost it seemed, without fear of his size or demeanor.

"We have not known who to contact to alert them of your stay with us," Kratos continued, "And it has been some days since we came on you, so after you have properly eaten we will see about getting you home."

Tammy attempted to express her gratitude despite inward reservation, but the very moment she opened her mouth and took a breath in she was thrown into a fit of coughing on the smell! All too soon she was reminded of the reason for her retreat, and though she cupped her hands quickly over her face, she could not seem to recompose herself.

Kratos took interest, and might have observed that the sensitivity was caused by the girl's recent trauma, but for her sake he moved into the room briefly and motioned for Melinda. "If you would, please join me in the hallway." He said, making known his intention to close the door behind them.


Chime's smile grew, thankful Toby was doing so well. She had never seen someone take such poundings yet didn't break or even complain! He was truly an inspiration.

"I'm glad."

As Theo sat down, Chime looked towards him. It felt nice to be invited, and honestly it made her feel warm inside. Though perhaps she would like to sit by Bianca.. she didn't feel like a stranger even if the two just met.

As Bianca solved the problem, Chime happily took her seat in between the two. Perhaps a little hasty, for as she looked to her spot on table, she noticed it's.. emptiness. Well, that's embarrassing.

Tapping her fingers on the table, she hesitated getting up now or sitting a few moments and then getting up. And then, glancing over to Toby's own empty spot, a lightbulb lit up her mind.

Getting back up, she looked over to Toby yet again, after all, it would be cruel to make him hobble over to the food and then back with a full plate. It was obvious she didn't know of his expert food smuggling ways.

"Well, since I'm heading towards the food anyway, I'll grab some for you too, Toby." She said, albeit a little quiet. And with that, she was off. Perhaps she should have waited to make sure it was OK with him.. Ah well, she was already there. And quickly grabbing a couple of plates, she decided to get some salad for the both of them as well, he wouldn't have to eat it if he rather not... wait, were they talking about introductions over there?


Bianca wasted no time in taking a helping of the salad, thanking the woman for it, and upon hearing Sabrina's affirmation of her idea, she smiled brightly. Once her plate was down on the table, she practically bounced from her place to a stand, and clasped her hands together eagerly.

She looked about, considering Ulric and Logan by the counters, and the others already at the table.

"Oh," it was just then that she noticed Levi across the table, with his head bowed, and respectfully waited a moment before she began to speak.

"So, my name is Bianca Eleanor Chapman. I'm eighteen, I'm from Middlecrest where I've lived in or near to all of my life. I'm a highschool graduate and a freshman in college. I took an EMT course but have since changed my goals, and I'm going for a minor in sociology and a major in psychology - which I hope to be able to use in time to contribute somehow to our community." as she spoke, she counted on her fingers, as if she had already mapped out what she wanted to say and was counting the topics she brought up. "On a less technical note, Anne of Green Gables is my favorite movie of all time, aaand I love to bake and organize events. That's the long and short of it anyway, and again I'm so thankful to be here, and so eager to get you know all of you! That being said, I guess we'll go clockwise until the other side of the table fills up? - sooo, Chime, it's your turn!"

Logan meanwhile inclined her head to acknowledge Ulric, after she herself had caught Levi's gesture and studied it. It was when she took note of the full plate in her friends hand, that she moved forward and found her seat - center of the right side of the table, across from Chime, and next to Levi who was at her right. She sat quietly, back straight against her chair, and with a passing glance at Bianca considered briefly what she had said.

If Levi would have gone out to the porch, Logan surely would have joined him, for if ever she had been intimidated by anything, it was the ease with which the words spilled from Bianca's mouth. She did not however disregard the sentiment, as she could see how it would be beneficial to those present... still, the largest company the woman had ever sat with was three others, all familiar to her, and introductions were thus not necessary.

So it was, she sat, still as stone, save for the fingers that drummed her kneecap beneath the table.


Toby's eyes so went wide at Chime's offer to get a plate of food for him, even his pupils seem to well up. He looked a little like a beaten puppy who had spent it's short life in the pound, only to have a loving person suddenly walk through the door and offer to take it home.

"Oh." He stuttered, chancing a smile, "Why, thank you."


Melinda’s grey eyes gazed back coldly at Kratos’ statement. She did not cross her arms, wrinkle her nose, nor even exhale loudly – yet even so, the effect was much the same. She was very displeased. It seemed there was much she had to say, and for a moment she debated whether she ought speak it, then thought better of it and allowed the alpha to continue as he was. There would be time enough for that later, anyways.

Instead, Melinda busied herself in observation. She saw the cleanliness of the alpha’s robes and the bareness of his feet, which she could only assume to mean he had recently shifted or else made a habit of walking barefoot. When Kratos spoke to the girl, she watched how his words put her at some ease… that is until Tammy inhaled for air and came up coughing. When Melinda tested the air herself with a heavy inward breath, she found it no less unpleasant than it had been before. How curious.

The woman may have lingered on that mystery for a while longer if the alpha hadn’t motioned for her to follow. She glanced upward to meet his gaze, and after a moment’s calculation, stood. She passed through the door only as it was offered to her.


Well before any introductions had started, Theo made certain to grab one of the steaks. He did consider the salad Sabrina brought out, but didn’t dare touch it. As it was, he watched aghast as the woman took only that and warmed bread… he’d always assumed it was some weird joke that she was a vegetarian. He refocused his attention to the food on his plate, but didn’t dare take the first bite until everyone had served themselves.

He listened respectfully as Bianca spoke, his head bowed so he wouldn’t have to make eye contact. When she’d finished, Theo felt a sudden frantic energy… the desire to get his piece over with, as soon as possible if he could. He struggled for some words, maybe a nice sentence about himself, but no nice sentences were coming to mind. Yet the longer he waited, the more likely he’d be passed over again…

The Flower Festival” Theo blurted all at once, as soon as Bianca paused, then turned bright scarlet when he realized what he’d done.

Um… I mean… sorry,” he gazed helplessly into his lap,”I’m um… Theo. I came from a different pack before this. It’s a long ways away and I haven’t seen it in at least a year or two I think…

But uh, yeah, the Flower Festival,” he coughed to clear his throat, and suddenly the words didn’t feel so awkward in his throat,”I wanted to share earlier, when we were talking about howlings and everything. In my birth-pack, the Flower Festival was held at the end of every year for at least a week. Everyone made food, people took days off work if they had it, people played music and made little crafts, and there were so many fun games and dances from evening till dawn… See, it was then that this well, uh, flower was ready to be cut and harvested and brewed into teas. It was a… uh, special flower and we had many legend’s about it and stuff… it was important. So yeah, just wanted to share, um thanks and stuff for listening.

Theo’s face, still somewhat pink, shifted hard to the food on his plate and his heart-rate had picked up some.

An eerie silence had fallen over the pit once Kratos had left. Even the birds seemed far more distant than they had before. Jackie found it maddening. There was still a tension in the air, a thickness in her breath, that craved some release. The silence only pushed the unease inward until she thought any moment it would explode outward… but it did not. She wanted to run a hundred miles, to fight a pack of dogs, to cry and scream and laugh all at once if only to have release, yet all she could do was stand there with a vacant expression painted on her face.

It was relief, she felt, when she heard the first of the lament. She tilted her head slightly and saw the curled, hunched form by the side of the wall. Jackie exhaled. Her own tears would not come, but another’s served nearly as well. She sank slowly until she was sitting. And then closed her eyes, letting the sound of another’s plight wash over her until she felt her own stir up inside her.

So much she had lost to come this far, and yet never had she ever sat to consider it. Her humanity, her family, her future… Yet her sadness came not from what she lost long ago, but what she had yet left to loose.

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