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Werewolves (RP 8): A Time for Questions and Answers (6/16-4/18)

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The great black werewolf lowered his head to Jackie's request, and then he turned and left.

The energy in the room reached its climax as Bianca and Chime danced a quick-step around the room, but Theo's missed string hadn't gone unnoticed and before the dancers were all out of breath the music would have to come to an end.

Ulric had played this lively beat more than once in his growing up years, he knew its strength and could judge the enjoyment of those who danced to it so as to catch them at the moment before their pleasure decreased.
But Ulric did not want to end the song as if it had died, no, for else its life had been fleeting. Thus as Ulric brought his hands down on that drum for the final time, he let his hands bounce and brought them up again and, as if the music were a living thing bursting from his instrument, he set it free with his hands.

Resting in his sitting now Ulric laughed and began to gather up the lengths of his mane behind his neck.
"Everyone, that was great! You did a nice job on those strings, man. I don't think I've had such a great time in years." A thought to reminisce found its way into Ulric's mind with these words, as he recalled the events of the last few years leading up to now. The thought was troubling, as his past was still yet not far behind him, nonetheless his countenance remained cheerful, and his words still engaged the topic lightheartedly.

"Have any of you ever been to an official 'howling' before? It's like a night when the pack gets together to make music, eat, and just spend the whole night. I hear that different packs do it different ways, but back home we'd always have it at this huge stadium. It's the only time I've ever seen the whole pack together."
Ulric finished tying back his hair in six bunches down the length of his neck, and tied a small leather string loosely near the end of his tail before he turned to resume his drumming.

However, before he could start, Ulric's attention was drawn to the door where the Alpha entered casually behind Logan, proceeded through the company, and went up the stairs.

Tammy watched and listened to Melinda. It was clear that something was amiss, and Tammy knew more than she would tell too, but the only outward reflection she gave was a mixed expression in response to Melinda, and another careful glance at the room.

If werewolves could be compared to wolves, than some people could be compared to pumas. Tammy was not the sort of person to look for advantages, but she could sense danger when it was near, and Melinda, perhaps purposefully, had set off a key alert.

Though Tammy found herself in no immediate danger from Melinda, she was less inclined to speak and tangle with another adversary, so she began a quiet search to escape when then a deep voice was heard in the hall.

"I had thought you would be in the kitchen, Levi."


Levi furrowed his brow and got a funny look on his face, listening to Melinda's silky smooth voice from behind the closed door describe how futile a shooting escape would be. Like he didn't know whether to be amused to concerned.

When he had first met her, he had honestly taken her for the desk-job secretary type, and the thought of her wielding a gun and shooting down a pack full of weres kind of made him smile a bit, in a weird way. But the concern in his face was legitimate too. For all the confidence in her voice, the words painted a picture of fear. She was genuinely afraid. And, as he had been guilty of underestimating her, she too was severely underestimating something: the power of a bullet. Werewolves were resilient, maybe, but they were as mortal as any other creature. It wouldn't take a silver bullet or fifteen shots--one in the right place would down them just as well as it would a bear.

He was in the midst of contemplating the possibility of Melinda actually having a weapon in her possession--for by her words, so tactfully chosen, it sounded as though she did have one, but was trying to make it sound like she did not--when the sound of the music downstairs dying and the creak of door, followed in rapid succession by the heavy footfall of the Alpha's steps heading straight up the stairs, reached his ears.

Levi glanced back quickly, just enough to see the shadow of Kratos' head peak the stairway, before turning to look forward again. At the sound of Kratos' voice, Levi turned around as though surprised, but not unpleasantly so, with his brows high, eyes bright, and a sort of awkward smile on his face.

"Oh aye, well, y'see, ae was lookin' for the jacks, actually," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's not up here, is it?"


Melinda did not outwardly show her disappointment from Tammy’s lack of response and instead looked pleasantly at a small old-fashioned oil painting of a vase of flowers on the wall. She stood and pretended to eye the paintwork, as though admiring the craftsmanship that had gone into it. Of course, it was not the brushstrokes she thought about; no, instead she was considering where exactly she had gone wrong. Perhaps she had pushed too hard with Tammy; and yet, clearly, pushing too softly had yielded little result as well. Somewhere in between the two would have been best, but that took time, and she did not know how much of it she had. Yet, perhaps the risk had not been all for nothing.

Her last reply was not entirely for the benefit of Tammy, after all, but for her invisible listeners might be lurking outside. She couldn’t sense their presence, yet strongly suspected whatever she said would be heard. She might not have been able to manipulate Tammy’s fear, yet if she could use their fear to her advantage – in whatever small way – then it was a risk worth taking.

Moments before the booming voice called down the hallway, Melinda took a curious consideration of Tammy’s vacant expression. She furrowed her eyebrows ever so slightly, a rare moment of indecision. Yet Melinda was not one to stall on decisions long, and so after a moment, walked over to the girl, removed from her pocket for a small object that was nearly hidden in her palms save for a brief glint of silver, and discreetly showed it to the girl.

She wasted no time waiting for Tammy to take the object, however, and instead slipped it quietly into the top drawer of the dresser inside a roll of socks.

By the time she heard the voice down the hall, she had already returned to her seat on the edge of the bed.


Logan listened to Ulric, trying to picture what he related... however she was distracted and though her thoughts could not be read, it might have been seen that her eyes fell on those member present for a few moments each. It was not until the Alpha passed by her that she stirred, and shoved away from the doorway. The quiet moment afforded her a chance to go into the kitchen without interrupting, or worse - risk being asked to join in on their cheerful ritual.

When the music had stopped, Bianca clapped cheerfully, then stood for a moment trying to catch her breath. She changed her form again, her face slightly blushed from the bout of exercise, and still an ever present smile remained.

"It must have been a big pack..." she commented, wondering. "After my first change my grandpa and father brought me to one - at least I think that's what it was. It was like a big formal party; it was held in the city at the top floor of this fancy hotel, and everybody was dressed up elegantly. The Chapman's love any excuse to get together in good company so whenever somebody in the family comes of age to change skins, it's celebrated pretty elaborately. We don't really go all out for birthdays for that reason, because the "Howling" is when you're given gifts and money and such. Like if all of your birthdays had been combined for twenty years, that's what it's like." she grinned.

Bianca's eyes followed Logan to the kitchen briefly, then she glanced towards the front door. Her voice lowered a bit with the next words she spoke, "I suppose it's kind of a sensitive subject around here right? Some of these people are first generation weres.." she looked to Theo and Ulric for confirmation, but didn't wait on it before continuing more still! She snapped her forefinger and thumb together, "Do you know if this pack has any traditions, Ulric? For birthdays or the like. We could have a celebration for the members, like a joined birthday-slash-celebrating the end of summer-slash-werewolf initiation kind of event... Oh, maybe we could go to the lake, and give gifts and such..." she looked to Chime, "You're my designated brainstorm-buddy, okay?" she put a hand on her shoulder as she asked, and looked on at Chime with a determined expression.


As the last thump of the drum was struck, Theo strummed the last two tender notes of the ukulele. His arms slumped at his side, a brief discomfort from supporting them upright for so long. He still clutched the neck of the ukulele in his slumped arm. It wasn’t nearly so awkward to hold as it’d been when he first held it, but it still didn’t feel right in his hands either. The sooner he could return the instrument to its rightful owner, the better off he’d be…

Theo’s eyes suddenly glanced sharply up as Ulric addressed him, a slight pink washing over his face. He tried to think of a gracious way to receive the compliment, but by the time his mind had arrived to a satisfactory answer, Ulric had moved on to the next topic. Still, he wasn’t disappointed. In fact, a curious enthusiasm washed over his eyes at Ulric’s question. As he spent a moment composing what he was to say, the new blond-haired girl spoke up first.

And there was no stopping her. Every time he thought there was a break or pause he might interject, her voice came full steam ahead. He didn’t really want to make her feel unwelcomed on her first day, so he retreated back a few steps to take the role of observer over participant.


Sabrina's smile faded as the Alpha entered the scene and proceeded up the stairs. She listened to what was said up in the hallway and rolled her eyes with a soft scoff under her breath. Her eyes wandered, more towards the kitchen where Logan had gone. But in another second all unpleasantness was put aside and smiled earnestly at Bianca.

"All in good time, Bianca," she said with a chuckle. "The Calagrathorm pack is relatively recent in its birth. Ah, but I have not introduced myself." She strode forward with her hand extended so that she might shake the newcomer's. "My name is Sabrina Sabres. I am a..." and she smiled again, some sort of irony in her voice as she went on, "Gamma and Healer here. I am glad that you have joined us. Already, your presence has brought a much needed light to the Calagrathorm. Are you hungry?"

She looked about at the others in the room. "Certainlly, we all must be. Come, let us continue proper introductions and the like over a hot meal. It would not do should the meat go cold."


Toby was only vaguely familiar with the faces of his pack members, and there were plenty of people in the room he had no idea who they were; yet as Ulric and Bianca began exchanging stories, Toby's interest was noticeably piqued.

Slowly, so as not to cause himself too much pain, Toby shifted his weight in his chair to face the two strangers more fully. He wanted to hear more about the traditions and celebrations of their packs-- Toby had always had a sort of fascination, almost longing, for the customs of werewolf packs. Though his grandmother was once the alpha of her own, she spoke very little of it. He had no traditions passed down to him, and certainly no history nor genealogy to reflect on. He didn't even know who his grandfather had been or what became of him and the pack. In a way, Toby considered himself starved as far as wolf heritage.

When Sabrina spoke, Toby deflated. That was the end of that. Back to introductions that, though useful, placed him on the lowest wrung and in nobodies interest.


Bianca wasted no time in stepping up to Sabrina and shaking her hand. She was pleasantly surprised to see the woman offer the gesture first, as Bianca had already misjudged her in being the type who wasn't particularly involved. She smiled gracefully and uttered a brief, "I'm glad" in response to Sabrina's compliment. "Bianca Chapman, a pleasure to meet you." she responded before Sabrina went on to invite the others to the kitchen for the meal, which Bianca had all but forgotten about in the excitement.

The woman put her thumb to her lip and pressed the nail between her fingers, as she considered the ideas she had just mentioned, and then quickly withdrew it - remembering her manicure, and heard the nagging of her father somewhere in the back of her head, saying how bad of a habit it was to chew your nails. He was right, and she was visibly disgusted with herself before she looked over to Theo.

"Sorry, I got a bit carried away - if you wanted to say something, I'm sure everybody will be glad to hear it." she spoke a little quieter now as she stepped towards the young man. "But..."

Her eyes moved to Toby and she put a hand on Theo's shoulder, "You should probably help your friend to the kitchen - I ehm, I think I embarrassed him the other night?" she muttered somewhat sheepishly, and quietly enough that hopefully only Theo could hear, over the clatter of plates and silverware in the kitchen. "I hope he's not mad or anything.. Anyway, you sounded really nice, thank you for playing!" with that, she withdrew her hand and practically bounced to the kitchen.

Logan's own plate was still beside the sink, and she was leaned over the faucet, watching the water rinse the remaining blood from the blade. She lifted a towel to it and began to dry it off neatly, then examined the small chips and other signs of wear that now marred it's silvery edge...


Ulric couldn't help but focus his attention after the Alpha as he passed, thus he overheard the conversation in the upstairs hallway. But the Alpha's reply to Levi caused Ulric to scratch uncomfortably behind his ear, and he tried to ignore the feeling until Levi should come down.

Bianca was a chipper and friendly person, Ulric observed, and she had taken to Chime almost immediately. Sabrina stepped forward to answer the question, and Ulric listened, knowing she had been a member of the Calagathorm pack longer than himself, and meekly, he submitted that she was more knowledgeable. However, as she continued, it became clear there was some unrest in her voice, and the reason seemed clear.

Truly, Ulric reflected, Sabrina is capable to hold a higher rank. In fact, she was acknowledged to have a higher rank with practically everyone in the pack, whether consciously or subconsciously. Everyone, that is, except the Alpha...

As the others withdrew to the kitchen, Ulric smiled up at Theo and then looked at Toby.
Toby was a somewhat skittish person and friendly enough besides, Ulric had often wanted to make his better acquaintance but he didn't know what to say to invite him over.

The Alpha did not seem amused by Levi's little lie, but he found a reply fitting for it.

"This is a mountain, Levi." Kratos said. "There is an outhouse down the road if you would like something civilized but otherwise I'm sure you can find a tree. So long as you're not pressed for time, however, please rejoin the others downstairs."

As there was a staircase on either end of the hallway, the Alpha did not move over for Levi to descend the stairs behind him, but rather forced him the other direction by stepping into the hallway and approaching the room wherein Melinda and Tammy were enclosed.

Tammy's heart was already pounding again and her focus was toward the door, but as Melinda made an effort to get her attention, Tammy's gaze followed Melinda to the object she concealed in the dresser drawer. There was a fleeting look of recognition as Tammy saw it, and then another look toward Melinda which might have been somewhere between relief and confusion, followed quickly by another thought, but Tammy broke eye contact before that thought could be known.

A heavy knock came on the door as the only warning, and then it was opened.

Tammy dare not stand, and she dare not sink into the chair. She sat as still as stone, and for the expression upon her face one could not tell her heart was racing.


Quite out of breath but feeling more alive then she had in weeks, Chime's smile stretched upon her face, her eyes sparkled.

Agreeing wholeheartedly with the praise Ulric had for Theo, she wished to extend it to Ulric himself, as well as their new pack member, she hadn't known she was in the midst of such talent! Though as one and then another started on stories of tradition, she was happy to just listen.

It sounded like a blast, those howlings.. it was exciting, thinking they would start their own way of doing it, she never thought of creating traditions. And just then, Bianca nominated her to help her brainstorm.

Slightly overwhelmed with the idea, Chime found herself giving a quick nod, losing herself to the brief moment. And as Sabrina came over, she lowered her glaze just so, still a bit shy in her company.

Peeking around the room, her glaze stopped upon Toby. She hadn't noticed he left his room, and, being worried about him, she quietly slipped back towards him.

"Hey Toby, how're you holding up?"

Her tone was a little more gentle than normal, and a bit quieter, she didn't want to surprise him!

Honestly, she felt very sorry for Toby. He just couldn't catch a break.. As the others begin filing in to eat, she felt her smile grow softer, she wondered how he would react if she invited him to sit with her and perhaps Bianca or Theo at the table, she would love his company. Oh, but she must wait for him to answer her first question before asking another.

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