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Werewolves (RP 8): A Time for Questions and Answers (6/16-4/18)

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The Calagathorm Alpha gave a downward tilt of his head in respectful acknowledgement but he did not at first take the elder Chapman's hand. A handshake between unrelated werewolves was not customarily exchanged in the absence of regular men as dictated by history, but that was something only those raised in traditional packs would know. Therefore as a sign of human hospitality the Alpha stepped forward and briefly dwarfed the Police Officer's hand in his own before stepping away.

"A safe passage." The Alpha said in farewell. Then he turned toward his pack and the newly joined Bianca Chapman and said, "Go in and eat peaceably, I will join you in a minute."

The Alpha turned from his pack and there was a shadow cast from his brow as he looked down into the ditch. Although unspoken, the choice for Logan to return inside with the others or remain with the Alpha was left open to her, but for all the others, Sabrina and Ulric included, the Alpha had made his wishes clear.


Now here was a mystery.

There was a barn on a field west of the Chandler homestead. The structure was shabby and old, its exterior timber had greyed years ago but its sturdy old-fashioned lumber remained to haunt the landscape. The frame where once a door hung now framed only a black abyss, uninviting, wherein the wind pulled like grasping hands at the overgrown wheat stalks that had sprung up at its base. Almost, it seemed, as if the building craved its forgotten usefulness, now relying on the unseen for what once was the work of the sickle and plow...

An object of careful meditation, the long-forgotten structure of the withered barn had some time ago attracted the attention of one unfamiliar to this countryside, and sitting in such state on an open field as to now give pause to any passerby, Diane was not alone in her consideration of it.
"Device," said the sleek black creature at length to her companion, "enabled the ancients of our race to thrive off the fearful and foolish... Superstition, then, has been our enabling ally near the beginning."

Diane had not failed to consider the strategic position of the barn and the advantages of its close proximity to the Calagathorm den, she had watched it and studied its layout, finding it seldom traversed and providing easy and discreet access to the woodland of the mountainside. It was an ideal habitat for a creature who could manage its advantages, and as Diane had never played idly with the blade of her weapon, its edges always remained sharp.

With a smile that was both subtle and precise, Diane looked at her companion before she returned her eyes to the barn's ominous presence.
"A new rendezvous with old companions seems to be in order," she said, and began to descend the hill toward the hollow, gasping doorway...


Silent as stone, Logan only shifted her attention slightly to watch the brief interaction between the Alpha and Chapman, before he dismissed the rest of his pack to their breakfast.

Bianca ushered Chime in, standing beside her and smiling at the younger girl, commenting on how admirable she had been, on how she liked her scarf, asking how long she'd been in the pack... if ever there were any awkward silent moments among the Calagathorm members, they would be a thing of the past so long as Bianca had her way.

Only after the others had begun to make their way into the cabins did Logan seem to reanimate from her statue like stance. She exhaled and her shoulders lowered somewhat as she turned, stepping up to the fence. With a furrowed brow, she sought out the object of her prior malice amidst the shadow. Not unlike the night after she herself attacked Jackie, when Kratos had stopped to examine her and consider her humanity, she searched for the same in Timothy. Yet her eyes were drawn on her companion, and in seeing her state, she found herself confounded and glanced away, focusing on the rustle of the trees or the beating of her own heart so the rage nestled inside her soul might not be spurred again.


Meanwhile, during all the chaos...

Memphis Harvey took the totem.

She was not exactly sure how the whole spheal had happened (scratch that, she really was, it was her darned curiosity at work again) but the thing was just... too interesting to pass up. With its intricate carvings she thought it looked like her own art which she spray painted on the sides of buildings wherever she traveled.

It was pretty. And compelling. And something, something she couldn't explain, told her it could lead her to bigfoot or some other marvelous cryptid. It was a lead! In here, out of all places! Thus, while nobody was looking, deep in her seemingly endless pockets it went, along with the wrappers to a few candy bars (one half eaten), a map, a few pretty rocks, and, strangely enough, a dog's collar.

Memphis jerked her hand away as soon as her knuckles brushed that collar, almost if it was a pot on the stove. Black thoughts flooded her mind, she had forgotten she had put it there, but she distracted herself quickly enough with a shake of her head. The deed was done. She had stolen, and she knew as well as the next thief that she needed to look as innocent and at ease as possible.

And she probably was innocent... enough. The thing was sitting in the trash, after all. And the stereotype was that homeless people were supposed to root through trash, so she reasoned she was in the clear more or less.

Nobody would want a lead to bigfoot anyway, besides Memphis Harvey herself. She'd put this thing to use.

She was just about to turn around and introduce herself like a normal person would when a deafening howl pierced the air and the seemingly tiny house erupted into chaos. People she had never met were coming out of the woodwork and racing out the door and there was generally so much movement that for a moment she was disorientated.

She realized that now was the perfect time for escape and thus, ignoring all social norms and the fact that there was food available, she hightailed it out the door.

Everyone was by the pit, she realized now, but what could she do, anyhow? Play a song about happiness and peace? Spraypaint hearts all over everyone and tell them to love one another? She's probably get taken to the police for her graffiti...

This house was crazy, she decided, and though she knew she was no better, she took off running, her gait stumbling, away from it all.

Of course, she didn't get very far because, shoot, her pack was heavy and soon she stopped in a small copse of trees panting and doubled over as if she had just run a marathon. She momentarily scolded herself for being such a packrat, but then she remembered she really did need six shades of purple spraypaint because it brought out the color in her cryptid's eyes she had made on the side of that one office building and she knew she had no reason to complain. Purple was necessary.

Leaning up against a tree, she took deep breaths and let herself be calm. She took out the totem from her pocket and inspected it.

What secrets does this puppy hold?

She reached for her ukulele for comfort and her heart leaped in her chest as she realized that she had left it back at the madhouse. Of course she had; now she remembered that she had set it down on the counter as she was going for the plate of food.

Scatterbrained, she chided herself, and laughed outwardly a little, though her stomach knotted with nerves because she sure as sugar did not want to go back... there.

What was she to do?


Ulric pulled himself away with the greatest reluctance, his mind stayed behind as he considered the profundity seen in Logan's countenance. With a glance, Ulric sought out the same object as did she and in the shadows below he saw two eyes glinting in which there was no detection of humanity. The sight was baffling.

So conscious was he of the divisions among his pack members that Ulric's hope for their eventual cooperation seemed decimated. How could Alpha Kratos hope to build a pack out of such strangers as these? How could he prosper them with such hardness in their hearts that they would seek to kill those who they should be willing to die for?
It seemed that equal to the passion in Logan's eyes was the concealment which the Alpha masked his thoughts, for though Ulric had a discerning eye he could never obtain his brother's mind on any matter.

Upon entering the house Ulric cast a fleeting glance to each of those he met within, when then setting upon a foreign object in the room, Ulric's curiosity was piqued.

"Hey!" A smile came unprecedented to his face as Ulric ventured across the room and picked up the instrument. "Who plays the ukulele?"
Soon after touching it Ulric's senses informed him that it was neither a possession of the pack nor one of any regular person. His fingers charted the places frequented by the hands of another, and the wood expressed to him a sense of much use. Bringing his hand to his nose Ulric examined the scent, then turning the instrument over in his hands he strummed the strings with one stroke.

"Did anyone see when she came in?" Ulric asked, seeming all the more lively than he was one moment before. Looking down at the instrument with an expression of mild fancy he commented, "I have a set of bongos upstairs, I haven't played them since coming out here."

A thought now brought his eyes up sparkling with some amusement. "Does anyone else play?"


Theo had been surprised for many reasons that morning. The first was the thin trickle of voices, one familiar and one unfamiliar, coming from the room he was meant to watch… and so it was that which caused him to offer a strange expression to Levi, which was thankfully uncaught. Though impolite, naturally, to eavesdrop, he found he couldn’t have if he wanted to for the noise in the kitchen was too great. Still, he could tell whatever was happening outside was about to wrap up, which meant Kratos would soon return, and the last thing he wanted was to be caught lounging his duties.

So he smiled pleasantly to Levi, and was just about to murmur an excuse for himself when he caught sight of the two little eyes peeking in from the doorway. Theo didn’t recognize the eyes or her smell, so he simply watched, intrigued, as the tiny form darted inside. He really wanted to give the girl a warm welcome and maybe a plate of food because she looked awfully skinny and the look in her eyes told him it had been a long while since she’d last been friendly with others, but he wasn’t sure this was what werewolf packs were supposed to do… caught with indecision, the girl had ran back out the same door before he had a chance to.

What she had left behind, however, was a small wooden instrument. His eyes settled on it firmly, frowning, deciding if he ought pick it up or leave it so the girl might come back for it, when Ulric made the choice well before him.

May I see?” he opened up his hands, curiously,”I once knew how to play something similar, I think…


Levi tilted his head to one side, looking at the curious little instrument. "Ae've played the fiddle a time or two, and me dad's lute a-fore that," he said, "But this looks a wee bit different."

As Theo questioned Ulric about the instrument, Levi's head was drawn up to a noise, a very subtle noise, that he did not at once register the significance of. He furrowed his brow and looked at Theo. "Did y' see where she's gone?" he said, "She was here a moment ago. Ae thought she was goin' in for a bite."

He paused, considering the significance of that wording. " eat..." he added slowly, uncertainly. But he shook his head in another minute as though the matter was inconsequential. "Anyways--do ye know her? She didn't smell like one o' yers."


Ulric cheerfully delivered the ukulele into Theo's hands and turned to go up the stairs.

Quickly skipping into the dark hallway with every intention to move quickly through it, Ulric paused when he looked at the room wherein Tammy had slept. His eyes wandered over the door and then he turned his ear to the room across the hall. After brief consideration, Ulric passed by without another thought.

When Ulric returned to the main room he had only been gone a moment and was now carrying his two small drums in his hands.
Ulric rejoined the assembly and put the bongos between his knees as he sat on the floor.

Rubbing his hands together as if to warm them, Ulric adorned a pleasant smile which spoke with ease of his eagerness.
"See what you can do with it, Theo." Ulric said, and then generally to the room he added, "I hope no one minds, but this sounds better when I have bigger hands."

Even as Ulric stretched his hands over the drum skins his size increased and his form changed. The light of the morning sun looked in through the window, shamelessly illuminating the rich brown, black and red that patterned Ulric's wild-rabbit coat.

The pulse began. At first a slow thump-tap-thump, which became a heartbeat as it was repeated, and then suddenly the rhythm began to pour out of Ulric's fingers and palms like the gallop of a horse!
There was obvious pleasure to be seen in how naturally it came and steadied out and Ulric flashed a smile at the others to encourage them to join in.

"Back home," Ulric commented, his hands continuing to thrum over the drumheads. "We had what we called a 'howling.' It was more of a ceremonial thing, but we all got together for it. Go on, Theo, give it a try."


Tammy wasn't afraid to introduce herself to strangers normally, but there was some slow, calculated poise possessed by her acquaintance that caused her to hesitate. Nonetheless, Melinda had cunning, and in mentioning the bandages she worked her will.

Tammy knew when she looked at the bandages that some knowledgeable hand had done the work, but in light of its discovery there came many unsettling questions to mind. Why had the werewolves mended her arm? Why was she brought to their den? What was the extent of injury, and how much time had gone by? Tammy knew she would seek answers to these questions, so she did at length take a seat.

"My name is Tammy," she said. "How did you get here?"

Tammy left her wounds dressed for now, but it would not be long before she sought out the answer to at least a few of her questions by undoing the wrapping.


Sabrina entered the den just after Ulric began to play. She had been startled to see him as a wolf, but the tension in her body eased to a degree when she recognized what he was doing. She even smiled a little out of the corner of her mouth when he spoke.

A howling... she thought. The words stirred memories of gathering around a campfire with close friends and kin--that stirring within her chest of belonging--truly, truly belonging--and being totally at one with those around her. She had almost forgotten what that felt like...

Slowly, she began to clap her hands, one beat to match the heaviest thump of Ulric's bongos. Then, as she became more familiar with the pattern of his rhythm, she would throw in another to match him, and another to add to the beat.

Levi looked up, surprised to see her, but surmised that her presence would not long proceed the Alpha's. Whatever the trouble had been outside, it must have been remedied quickly. There was a look in her eyes that was familiar to him, one he had not seen in a long time. His own expression softened at the sight of it, and for a moment he wished he had his fiddle handy. But he did not. Further, something was tugging at the edge of his mind, like an incessant child nagging for his attention. It was not a tangible thought, in fact, he wasn't even consciously aware of it. He simply found himself feeling like he needed to be somewhere, and without considering it any further than that, he politely excused himself from the company of Theo and Ulric and wound around towards the stairs.

Up he went. But by the time he got to the hallway, he was confused, wondering why he had come. He had set up the stairs with a purpose, he thought, but he must have forgotten it. So he stood still, wondering, trying to remember what it was he had come up the stairs for. About to give it up for a loss and return to the company of the others, he turned around on his heel, but finished his circle in a complete 360 degrees, facing towards the hallway and not the stairs as he had intended. No, he was sure there was a reason he had come up stairs. Maybe it would return to him if he continued on down the hall.


At length Logan broke the silence with quiet words.

"I want to understand them... Us."

There was something yearning in her gaze as these words were uttered and her eyes were once again settled on those shadows wherein a beast silently resided. Though the chaos had come and gone, the residual tensity of the atmosphere lingered, if only around Logan alone, like debris on her soul.

"I want peace..."

She added, her brow furrowed and her jaw set loosely, her lips parted just so as she exhaled through her mouth. Her anger was all but dissipated and her eyes, before fierce, were now shadowed by a cloud of inward reflection.

"I need guidance. I am... naive."

That being said, she turned slowly around upon hearing the sound of the drums, and her attentions were shifted almost wholly on the building from which they came. Like dust, her thoughts and feelings were nearly shaken off as she contemplated with wonder what was stirring within those walls.

Aim and Deseree

As Bianca spoke her piece after her own, Chime found herself surprised. Melting with admiration, she watched her with now bright eyes. As they were heading back to the cabin, she was again surprised to find Bianca chose to accompany her.

Bianca walked into the cabins with an arm hooked around Chimes. The blonde only cast one last curious glance over her shoulder towards the Alpha before turning her full attention on the living room which was given a new life. It was as if a storm had been lifted. The demeanor of the members was changed, however, be they contemplative or downcast. Her eyes went to Ulric as he spoke of a mysterious instrument, and made mention of the bongos. A warm smile lifted on her face and she elbowed Chime gently,

"He's a friendly guy isn't he?" she stated more than asked.

A warm smile had crossed over Chime's features as well, watching Ulric ease the tension.. she was soon brought out of her thoughts by Bianca's nudge, and somehow found herself caught off guard. Standing but a moment, she felt lost for words, though after it had passed, she nodded.

"He certainly is.."

Soon Ulric had retrieved his own instruments and passed the ukulele off to Theo, and Bianca smiled more to see him begin to play the drums and encourage the other male to join in. Sabrina had also begun to clap along and Bianca laughed lightly to see the sight.

"Oh, what say you, fine lady? Shall we have a dance?" she jested openly, before stepping away from Chime and bowing. As she came up from the gesture, her figure was changed, and a graceful beast had taken her place.

Laughing, Chime took much delight in well, all of it really. And as Bianca took her bow, she found herself in awe at the beautiful beast that soon stood in place of the charming young lady. Though a lot less graceful, she followed lead, joining her new packmate in dance.

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