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Werewolves (RP 8): A Time for Questions and Answers (6/16-4/18)

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It was fortunate for Calerry that not every shot fired was a guarantee hit, for he had not seen nor expected the use of rival firearms. The shot ricocheted off the tree he stood beside and Calerry Christensen took cover. At first he imagined it might have been a misfire from one of his comrades, but he was unwilling to bet his life on it.

Three nights ago Calerry had fallen prey to Silas's sniper-shot, but it did not happen the same way this time. The woods were dense with trees and the hunters were not exposed in an open field as they had been that night before. To the contrary, the hunters had shelter and innumerable places to hide while the werewolves were sitting ducks on the road.

Calerry changed positions and peered out to see from where the shot had been fired.
"What the -?" He muttered to himself in surprised to see Silas down below.
Paul Reginald, on the other hand, had heard the shot come from a place where he knew none of his comrades were positioned and had taken aim on Silas before Calerry had even gotten back on his feet.


One side of the Badger had been showered with bullets from three vantages, the hunters had aimed for tires and windows, meanwhile Silas' exit from the other side of the vehicle had not gone unnoticed. The hunters who Levi had sighted on the far opposite side of the road from Calerry had retained their ammunition until Silas had made his shot and then they opened fire on his position.

Josh had been presumed dead or shortly so to be after taking six bullets, he was seen by many in the area to lumber off into the woods in the direction of Douglas' position, but what became of him thereafter not many rightly saw.


Whatever Toby had been doing in the time it took the intruders to take Ulric away versus the time when the Alpha appeared and told Sabrina to take the pack into the mountains went completely unnoticed. His silence had afforded him the opportunity to slip beneath the notice of everyone, whether he had intended it that way or not.

Now with Sabrina beckoning and the remaining pack members choosing whether or not they would rally behind her, Toby stood rather awkwardly on his good hind leg and is free fore-paw. In his other hand, he held a pile of dirt. Nevertheless, Sabrina had called, so he shoved the dirt into his pocket and hobbled forward to join Sabrina. His ears were back in submission at the mere sight of her, yet he would follow her. She had received her orders from the Alpha after all, and who could you trust if not for your own alpha?


Toby jumped! That was not a noise he had expected to hear. In an instant, the image went through his mind of the intruders taking Ulric down the mountain just to give him a formal execution on a firing range. He felt his stomach lurch at the thought. He knew what it was like to be shot after all.. The sound of bullets ringing from down the mountain caused Toby to flinch; he almost reckoned he felt some kind of kinship with the fabled Harry Potter in the fact that his wounds seemed to be more painful at the mere recollection of their origin.

Why would those mean intruders do something so horrible? What had Ulric ever done to them?.. Had he stolen their bacon or something? ...Wait, was stealing food a crime punishable by death? Surely not even those sickos would execute Ulric for something as silly at that.


If Silas' coat, a patchwork of dark and tawny browns, did him any favors, it wasn't enough. A second was all he needed to regret every move made moments prior, from his exiting the Badger to taking an all too poorly aimed shot in the dark. Regret that manifested itself in the form of three new holes in his body.

Bite your tongue and stay awake. Josh had the right idea. He might die, mid stride with his mouth agape to latch onto the throats of his enemies, but at least he wasn't closing his eyes.

The hunter took control of his breathing. What went wrong? The ricochet. Of course there was ricochet; there were trees everywhere. The hunters were in the thickets. He lowered himself a couple of feet and rotated his position in hopes to avoid any further damage. Like it would help much.

Then his eyes went to the badger. It was dark; black as an abyss. Even the windows were the same jet black as the body. Silas looked down on it. He stared for several moments at the vehicle, then aiming his weapon again, he fired his entire round directly at the body of the Badger.


Bianca had entered a world where she had no control of anything. She didn't know her enemies-nor did she want to call them her enemies- she wasn't entirely sure which of these were supposed to be considered her companions.

She looked to the pit. Logan stood as unmoving, leaning on the gate for support. Her limbs looked heavy as stone. Even from where the young girl stood, she could see the lingering effects of the drug weighing on the eyelids and breath of the woman. And for who did she wait? Were they letting prisoners out now, in this time of chaos?

Gunshots were fired. Bianca's breath caught but mostly her attention snapped to the omega, who had nearly leapt out of his skin.

Wordlessly, she sprinted up beside Toby and took one of his paws in her hand, the side where he seemed to have more trouble balancing. For a second she didn't move but stood there, staring into his eyes, her own filled with questions and concerns. She gave his paw a tight squeeze, as if asking him for his support and offering him her own companionship.


It was as Bianca observed. One arm kept Logan up against the fence, her head pressed into it as she waited for her ally and pack mate to leave the enclosure. Her other arm hung by her side, every breath she breathed drawing it up and down.

"Jackie," she urged her comrade in a voice not much above a whisper.


Jodecai was alarmed at the sudden ambush, to say the very least. His senses didn’t seem to give any forewarning of the attack - they appeared from the shadows and unleashed a terrible fury upon the badger and his comrades.

His focus remained entirely on Diane, and her safety. Not just out of the honor-bound duty he has to her well being, but out of a legitimate concern for his pack. He felt as if he should avenge her, and for a moment, almost fell prey of the temptation to act as recklessly as Josh.

But he resisted, and came to her aid, doing what he could in his power to slow whatever toxin had entered her body. He thought to himself that Silas should be here - he’d know much more about this than anyone readily available.

He rolled down the badgers window on the side Silas had left. “Get back to the badger! You’re not going to outgun them, and we need to go, NOW!” He said, rolling the window back up, and waiting for the chemist to return.


The second Bianca touched his paw, Toby felt a wave of heat rush through his head and settle in his face. He was glad to see she was alright. He'd been so worried about her and Chime since they had gone missing around the same time the strangers showed up.. But now they were back, and they were together, and everything was okay--- Except she was a female! And she was holding his paw!--- That was okay too... In a way... But by the feeling he was getting in his chest, he must be having some kind of allergic to it. Or maybe he was allergic to the sound of bullets being fired. His heart was pounding already. Bianca's touch only seemed to make it worse, but better, in a uniquely different way he'd ever experienced before.

He was going to faint.

It was going to be so embarrassing...
But he couldn't take the pressure!

Then Toby met Bianca's eyes and something inside seemed to change. She wasn't just a female holding his hand. She was a member of his pack, offering comfort and also seeking some at the same time... She didn't nee him to faint like a wimp. She needed him to grow a backbone--- Not literally of course. Toby was pretty sure he already had a literal backbone... Though, if he didn't, that opened the door for all kinds of questions: How would he go about getting one? Was there a chemical or a store that sold them? Or was it as simple as thinking 'I want a backbone'? If it was, then what? Would it just appear or did it have to grow, slowly and painfully? Come to think about it, was a backbone even what he was thinking of? He had a spine already, he knew that much; were spines and backbone different things? Backbones sounded kind of stiff. What good would a backbone do for him?

Another round of shots fired from down the mountain made Toby leap and return from his thoughts. Bianca was still holding his paw and looking at him. Shakily, he returned a light pressure on hers in a reassuring manner and smiled briefly before turning his attention back to the hill. He was afraid. He didn't want to be, but he was... But if Bianca was afraid too, the least he could do was pretend he wasn't..

.....Was he even capable of that? He was shaking!


There wasn’t much time to react to Jodecai’s statement before heck was breaking loose, and her attention was driven to the wheel. As quick as Diane was in the back, Eva filled her place in front, focusing only on the task at hand.

Glancing over what she had to work with, she was careful with her limited options, the Badger was quick to respond to her touch, and she maneuvered it smoothly, or as well as she could with the given situation.

“Brace yourselves!”

She only had a second to say it before she made contact with the tree, and bumpy it became. Twisting it to a bit it’s side, the Badger protested though in the end it wouldn’t move another inch, angled in between the fallen tree and the healthy tree next to it.

Eva checked on everyone, though while the dust was still kicked up outside, they better leave. As much as she hated it, the others would have to find their own way.

“Come quickly.”

And with that, she slipped out of the car, knowing Jodecai would follow with Diane, and hoping Ulric would as well, it wasn’t safe here for man nor beast.


"Come on," Sabrina urged, looking to Bianca and Toby. If anyone could motivate the others to follow, it would be these two. "We have to hurry."

Quickly she took a head count. Where was Theo?


Levi saw the Badger rev into gear. There wasn't enough time to locate all the hunters. He had to act now, or they were going to get exactly what they wanted. There was a spot further up the hill where a slide of rocks was braced precariously against a leaning evergreen. He'd made note of it as he scouted the territory months earlier. The men were prepared for werewolves coming up on them from behind. They probably wouldn't see a small landslide coming. The earth had already taken a lot of water from the recent rain. Now all it needed was a push.


Josh wasn't sure when he lost track of his target. He must have fallen and rolled under the cover of a log. He was laying on his side in the mud, watching the Badger screech backwards, the veer around and rip into the trees. He felt strangely detached from it all. He choked. It was becoming difficult to breathe. About then he registered that he'd been shot. He looked at the blood streaming down his chest. His face twisted in pain. He groaned and curled into a fetal position. Gotta stop the bleeding.

Desperately he took fistfuls of grass and dirt and shoved it into his chest wounds. Then fur gave way to flesh. Hoping to knit the fibres of his torn body and compress the mud into primitive clots, he relinquished the form of the wolf. But the transformation was torturous. When it was complete, he clenched both his fists and teeth and screamed. "Gah-hahahaaaaAAAAHHHH!!"

His shoulder, thigh, and chest were searing. His head was throbbing. He felt nauseous. He kept gasping for air. He had to hold on. If let go even for a second, he was sure he would die. He didn't want to die.


He didn't know if even one of his shots landed. He didn't have time to look; in a moment, the Badger was taking the only route it could, climbing into the fallen trees and lodging itself in the brush before stopping short. That would give them cover at least.

His ears shot up as he was alerted to Josh's cry, but before he could react, something else happened - there was a sound, and the entire area became filled with a thick, blinding gray! Smoke like tendrils crept up around the trees and for a second, Silas wondered if he was following quickly behind Josh and his senses had begun to fail him. It wasn't so, however. Was the Badger on fire? Except there was no smell of smoke, either.

No matter what the cause was, Silas found himself at the bottom of the tree, moving towards Josh, kneeling beside his comrade. He cursed himself, remembering he had dropped his sash on the Calagathorm grounds in his "surrender". The strange smoke didn't seem to lift or dissipate quickly, and only now was he alerted to something of a hissing noise not a few yards away, and realized that it was only growing thicker at the moment. He also realized he was virtually blind, except for the ground below him, and Josh's bloodied torso, both of which he could barely see. His other senses - knowing where Josh's cry came from, and following the heavy scent of blood, had led him to where he was now.

As he scrambled to tear off the legs of his pants below the knee, his own hands trembling, another hand touched his and he jolted, looking to Josh and waiting to hear the boy's last words. Except it wasn't Josh's hand, and when Silas looked up, he could only make out a pair of eyes, glowing admits the smokey haze, looking down at Josh.


So firm and yet soft was the voice, Silas was dumbfounded for a moment and wondered again if he was lost to himself.

"Get them to safety."

The stranger urged, glancing now in the direction of the Badger. Silas found himself nodding, standing slowly, looking to Josh one last time, before quietly slipping off and quickly reaching the Badger, where he moved to the door and held it open for his allies, although he continued to look in the direction from whence he came, the voice of the stranger with him still.

Meanwhile, the stranger had, after moving Josh onto his back, applied some sort of bandages to his body, and weighing them down with stones, giving the boy's hand a quick and firm squeeze, left his side and vanished into the smoke. The hunters were now to be the hunted.


Bianca nodded to Sabrina, and still keeping Toby's paw in one of her hands, transformed into a werewolf, then gave a brief rallying howl to muster the remaining pack. She wondered if Logan and the prisoners would be able to follow, given their condition.. and what waited for them at the top of the mountain?


The Badger struck wood and splinters flew up in all directions! The Svalnaglas were thrown forward in their seats. While chaos rained bullets in around them and calls of alarm went up here and there from foe and captor alike, Ulric worried for those higher up on the mountain. But strange to meet was the feeling of calm when the thought came to mind, and in Ulric's heart there was peace which swallowed any concern for his own welbeing and caused him to consider with compassion the predicament of his captors.

"Come on." Ulric said, urging Diane to escape the Badger. Diane was bent over in considerable pain but it was clear to see that her mind was still affixed on her pack. Eva had not disappointed the Beta's daughter with her quick thinking, they had the cover they needed and now each member of the Svalnaglas would make their escape separately.

"We'll regroup on the other side of these forsaken woods." Diane said, and she would not that any of the pack should delay, but already her eyes sought for Josh.

Ulric followed her gaze, and knowing Diane well he guessed her intentions.
"Go! I will get him back to the Svalnaglas," Ulric said, and thus leaving Diane in the care of her father's bodyguard he sprinted away.


Strange to think that Diane, though guilty of her own faults, was innocent of the crime for which she was suffering the punishment of someone's vengeance. And in the heart of the Calagathorm territory, sitting prey if the avenger had but known of his error, the true culprit would shortly be free.

In the shadows of the pit where green and blue hues mixed in Timothy's icy clear eyes, the prospect of freedom was too tempting an offer. Jackie did not feel like a desperate animal clawing for freedom, but Timothy made no attempt to pretend that he was not. Timothy did not race for the ladder either, however, as it touched the ground, yet there came a sharpness to his eyes that could not be missed by Jackie, who was in the pit with him. He was estimating the cost of liberty. There she stood at the bottom of the ladder, wounded, while the other was at the top, weak; Timothy knew he could get by both Jackie and Logan in less then a moment, but would they give it willingly? He was, after all, a member of their pack, and neither one could be accused of strict obedience to the rules. What could they condemn him for that they themselves were not guilty of?

Timothy made a slow approach of the ladder, almost it seemed he walked confidently and yet always was there that keenness of eye, suspicion, and readiness should he be denied.


As the two glinting orbs of the first disappeared, there was the flash of another. Or rather, a single glint in the murky shadows, which seemed to narrow as though squinting, before rejoining the first pair in obscurity.

“This was a mistake,” the smoke intoned in a rough, weary sigh.

And then the smoke returned to its silence.


Jackie squinted back up the top of the ladder, then down at Timothy. There was a feralness in his gaze she could not ignore, so with a shrug she merely took a few steps backwards. There would be no competition on who would climb this ladder first.

She waved her hand in mocking invitation, “After you, m’lady”.

In fact, there would may be no competition at all. She returned her squinting gaze at Logan… a wave of emotion took her, one she knew Logan was not the cause of, and yet who else would be the receptor of it ? It wasn’t fair, yet neither was her current situation either.

“I’m not going,” she announced.

“I’m not running away like some… coward. For enemies no one bothered to tell me about. And leaving all of them behind to face their wrath”.

She shook her head, momentarily breaking eye contact as the emotion seized at the corner of her eyes. She brushed it away, then returned her steadfast gaze. “Which is to say, I’m not leaving without my sister and without Ulric. You will have to drag me kicking and screaming and biting”.

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