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Werewolves (RP 8): A Time for Questions and Answers (6/16-4/18)

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After all was said and done, it would be wrong to linger. As Diane called and Ulric said his goodbyes, Eva agreed with Jodecai, and was pleased Silas had already found his way over. Beginning her own way back to the Badger, Logan's voice stopped her.

Glancing back, she studied her for only a moment, then went on without a word. Placing herself in between Ulric and his companion, she ushered him in before her, with the last of them sliding in behind her. It was time to go.


Soon Chime too began to wake, her eyes at first refused to open, though she heard as her name was called in hushed voices.. she tried again to open her eyes. Her outwardly appearance spoke nothing of how she felt, in her mind she struggled, her limbs moved as if weighted, though she laid still in the waking world.

When her eyes did open, she blinked rapidly, the feeling of being in a dream faded yet something didn't feel right. Confused and distorted, she focused on her arm, clenching her hand, she frowned at it.. something was off..

Finally Bianca gasped, and Chime remembered the stranger, quickly sitting up, she looked to her new friend. Relief flooded as she saw only her in the room, and she clumsily made her way over, unsuccessfully trying to keep her footsteps silent.

Much like her own arm, she couldn't understand what was going on below her, just it was bad. Who owned the car? Why was Logan so weak looking? Was this why Bianca gasped?

She heard a whine, though couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from.. her ears then laid back and the trickle of noise turned in a howl. A sorrowful and haunting melody, it told of confusion but mostly of loss. As it faded, again it came, a stronger one that took it's place. She was completely taken, forgetting all but the song she sang.


Chime's mournful song rose with the feeling in everyone's hearts, a feeling that most in the pack would fail to comprehend and all would find themselves at a loss to explain. It were as if there had been some invisible magnet in the core of each of them that had been unknown until one began to pull away from all the others, then suddenly every square inch felt like a mile.

Even Timothy felt it.

Timothy had not jumped away from Jackie's touch as he expected he should have, and instead he remained within her reach in careful consideration of her words.

What was it that Jackie put her trust in? Wasn't she in the same hole he was? Weren't they both trapped in a ditch, outcasts in the cold shadows of the earth without the ability to escape? Intruders had come and gone without either of them being able to do anything about it, and yet Jackie said she had trust? She couldn't even hope for anything at this moment. What did she have to trust in?

"I don't get it." Timothy said at length. He withdrew from Jackie and walked slowly away, his feet unconsciously following the wall nearest the road until he heard the Badger turn the corner and get further away.


On their way out of the Calagathorm's den the atmosphere in the Svalnaglas vehicle was unchanged, cold, and quiet. But then at last the young Beta spoke, and it was with a calm clarity so unlike the melodious appeal she had used earlier.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, Jodecai." Diane said, her bright green eyes flashed over her shoulder just as the Badger rounded the only bend in the narrow-straight out of the forest.
It would seem Silas' comment had gone ignored as an oversight... or had it?

Diane looked forward again and her face fell with true displeasure, as there on the road ahead, a long black shape was seen lying in the way.

As the Conquest Knight approached the obstacle that blocked its path it was forced to a gentle stop, for at last it was discovered what the source of the earlier crash had been.

An old dead tree was found fallen across the road, its broken and twisted branches jutted up in every direction, its rotten and twisted roots, by virtue of the storm that had passed the night before, stuck out at its foot.
There was no way for the wide girth of the Badger to pass either around to the left or to the right, as many other trees were crowded around the scene, looking on and hardly affording any space between them. Beyond their fallen elder the bald and irregular shaped heads of large stones and boulders could be seen resting against the unfortunate tree as if they were stout old men who had done it in. But as to the natural downfall of the tree, the thought could not even take form before a sure sign was seen hanging from the gnarled branches whereby nature disowned the deed:
A heavy grey chain with a steel jaw trap, a large brown clump of fur dangling between its teeth, had been left where it would surely be found...

Diane evaluated the barrier with a poise as she rested her hands on the Badger's steering wheel and sidled deeper into the leather back of her seat.

"What is this, the medieval ages?" Diane said, passivity laced the tones of disgust and irritation that were hard to subdue in the minds ear.


The first crack of movement from the stone that Sabrina had become was a fluid motion to catch Logan's arm to support her ere she could fall. As to the Badger and the rest, she merely watched them go. Any other move she could make now would result in the loss of life... whether those of friends or of foes, it did not matter. Either way it would be pointless. There were other options... yet. But for any of these to have an optimal outcome, she must needs be patient.

Once she was certain that Logan was steady, or else having had guided her gently back to the ground where she could sit and not fall again, Sabrina looked to Levi. She gave him a brief nod, her sharp green eyes conveying something that, at first, not even the spy understood.

All at once his face cleared as he recognized the meaning of her signal. There was an unspoken question, some uncertainty, but with another glance he was sure that was what she had meant. He rose up from the dirt where he had lain like an injured dog on his belly and without a word darted off into the tall grass. Like the breath of a gentle summer breeze, his passing stirred the grass for only a moment before he and all traces of his going were lost.

"Be still, you're hurt," Sabrina whispered, returning her attention to Logan. She met her eyes and said in a low voice, "This isn't over yet."

She heard Chime's melodious cry and raised her head. Without hesitation, she answered it with a song of her own--Comfort and strength, be at peace. Take heart! We are still one.


Josh kind of wished he could just turn invisible or sink through the vehicle into the ground below. That would be great. Being in the same place as the Betine heir was about as comfortable as having a rod of bamboo grow through your torso, and getting more so by the minute. The more passive she appeared to become, the more he could feel tensions in the atmosphere rising.

He made a low grunt in his throat, observing the fallen tree. "Stupid tree," he said, cracking his knuckles. "I'll take care of it."

He wasn't going to waste time looking dumb and wait for someone to give him the go ahead. With that, he kicked open the door of the Badger and jumped out, the heels of his boots crunching hard in the gravel path from his weight. He grumbled something unintelligible as he marched right up to the tree, mostly to make himself feel better.

A few feet away, he stopped and looked the massive blockage up and down. Then, swiftly, his burly human body contorted and sprouted great tufts of steel grey fur which soon covered his entire form. With a withering roar, he took hold of a twisted branch and ripped a good chunk of the tree clean from the offending trunk and threw it over his shoulder. Another slash, tear, rip--he tore fiercely into the rotted fibres. Limbs and bark went flying as he dug with reckless abandon. Both claws and teeth were employed, and there was blood--perhaps he had bloodied his nose merely by his enthusiasm, or accidentally injured himself on the wood. He was known for doing both in times past. Either way, it did not seem to slow him.


Jodecai rested his head upon a clinched fist. His eyes drifted to the window, and just then, he caught himself subconsciously gripping his necklace.

The man felt alien in his own skin tonight. He’d silently hoped his behavior would go unquestioned--but wishful thinking meant nothing to Diane. She was far too observant not to make something of it.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, Jodecai.”

With a low grumble, he readjusted himself in his seat, visibly uncomfortable. His normal eye to eye contact confidence seemed to be zapped out of him. If it was unbelievable to anyone--it would be to Jodecai.

His vulnerability made him angry. Angry that he’d acted the way he had. And angry he was being pressured to admit what he didn’t want to admit.

“I can answer that with a question, Diane.” Said Jodecai, restraining his frustrations and making his best attempt to be calm. “Do you seek Ulric because you envision a unified pack? Or is it because he is a missing piece to a complete set?”


Bianca didn't move, not as Chime sung her sad song, or as she heard the vehicle drive away. She glanced to the girl, but mostly she was silent and let herself feel the emotions around her.

She wasn't initially aware of what she was getting herself into, but she was beginning to understand now. And every human instinct of preserving oneself, of escaping the hurt and sadness that was this pack in the present moment, spurred in her a desire to turn around and never look back. The feeling of loss was all too familiar - the nerves will still raw, and for the first time in her life she wanted to clam up and let it make her bitter. Turn her against humanity. She wanted to let it ruin her trust and give up on all of her aspirations. How easy it would be right now for her to do so.

It would be all too easy twist the hurt and blame Kratos. Where was he? No call or sign of him was given..

Bianca sat with her head buried in her knees. Now wasn't the time to let fear close off ones soul, or let anger and sorrow turn one against their leader. Drawing in a deep breath, she lifted her chin and stood slowly, and spoke the words so hard to speak in times of doubt;

"It'll be alright."

It came out a soft and hoarse whisper but not without a warm tune, and spoken for her own sake as well as Chime's. She studied her friend briefly, before lunging forward and embracing the girl tightly in a hug. Just then, Sabrinas reply was sounded, and Bianca looked out the window once more, before tugging Chime's paw gently and making her way out of the room.


Acknowledging Sabrina, Logan gave a slight inclination of her head, but regardless of the woman's warnings, managed herself free of the others aid and made her way to the steps of the cabin, where found a seat and rested her head in her hand.


Glancing to Logan briefly, Bianca moved towards Sabrina and mustered up a new breath of courage. "How can I help?"


Diane lowered her chin as she watched Josh leave.
At that precarious moment, the boy was the last of all her people that Diane might have sent to dishevel the tree from its landing. But as he took it upon himself, and she made not even a face for her displeasure, there was nothing that could be done except to watch the thug tear into bark and branch like a backyard Labrador.

When Jodecai spoke, Diane turned her ears back at him, yet her eyes remained on the reckless mayhem playing out in front of her.

"Oh, Jodecai," said Diane smoothly, "I am surprised you could ask such a question. Implying that there is discord among our ranks, when they have stood solid for generations under the wise counsel of our great Alpha. Is it not a shame to ask such a question? ... Yet, I suppose, that after all we have just witnessed, the rumors are verily true. Surely at least a few of our number stand in need of reform."

Diane turned her face gently over her shoulder to be heard more clearly while her voice itself, of elegance and grace, was a beautiful thing to hear.

"What do you say?" The Beta's daughter asked, persisting in the use of his informal name.
"Jodecai. You have long been in the service of the Betas, with right and good reason. The difficulty in your past must have been trying for you, but by your diligence in every assignment and obedience to every task, you have merited the respect of not only your peers, but the Beta families as well. Your eye is surely one of the most trusted and skilled of even all my father's bodyguards."

"So I am certain," said Diane, "That during the course of this matter you have seen where we might improve. And if it is true that we stand in disharmony, please, do share your insight. I give you my word, I will personally relate your counsel to Beta Baltronan, as it was he who orchestrated this affair. I know my father will be pleased to hear where he can refine his tactics."


Jackie didn’t flinch as the mournful song filled the air. She could feel it barrel into her, through her, as though she were nothing but air and the song a powerful river. She didn’t so much as hold back the effort to react, but was immobilized against its’ force. She had no urge to fight the impulse and instead let the song take whatever it would.

How strange, she had come to this pack with nothing but fight, and now it were as though nothing was left. Was she weaker, now? Or somehow stronger for it, in some invisible way ? She contemplated the hard, dark lines of the fence. The pack was divided, thrown into chaos, and dismembered. Was she truly stronger for this?

Her gaze flickered back momentarily towards Timothy. She had forgotten he was there.

“I didn’t say I understood, either”


The lesson was to wait.

How long would it take for a promise to be fulfilled?

How long would it be before they realized what people do who can do nothing at all?
Jackie had come close. It was another word for trust they were looking for, and Timothy supposed there ought to be something or someone on which it must rely for it to have power. It was on the tip of their tongue, and yet it eluded them, for neither could yet remember when last they had exercised it.

All things are fulfilled in time, however.
In time, a blank page revealed to the artist's eye the invisible lines that became the masterpiece. In time the horrors of yesterday became a story told lightly to children, innocently bereft of the detailed reality. Only with time could a seed of understanding become a blossoming tree from which others would partake.

So they waited, mostly by necessity.

The mountain grass - or what could be called grass, though it was a taller and wilder foliage, - had enjoyed the recent storms and had grown thick without check in the untamed foothills. Where one thing grew another began to lack until the plants and weeds were strangling one another in the hearty thickets, creating a very dense woodland.

The undergrowth of Phantom Mountain, unlike the forest of Middlecrest which had scanty brambles and briars, hampered movement like heavy snow, but unlike snow it held in secret reserve hazards beneath its twisted blanket. Pursuit would be impossible without a path to follow.

Meanwhile, the Calgathorm Werewolves had put their trust in an Alpha who they expected to act and prevent their terrible loss. As more time passed and no action or call by the Alpha was made, however, that trust was being tested.


Jodecai listened with a stoic, emotionless expression.. or he did--until Diane mentioned the Beta Baltronan--which turned his stoicism to a positively anxious frown. “I fear you’ve misunderstood me,” Jodecai said, “The pack did not perform poorly, but rather, it was I who acted recklessly tonight.” He confessed.

He paused for a moment, trying to find the words. And he seemed to open his mouth, as if he was going to speak--but retracted them before uttering anything.

His eyes drifted around the badger, not particularly observing any one thing. “I don’t deserve your praise,” Jodecai admitted, “I narrowly jeopardized the mission.. I made a tactical error."


Silas sat, expression stagnant as he observed Josh recklessly tear apart wood and claw. The poor kid had to let out all that pent up energy somewhere. Maybe they would be fortunate enough to have him nap the rest of the way home.

A long sigh escaped the spy's lips and he rolled his head back to examine Jodecai.

"In the end, our weakness revealed their own. There was nothing that happened back there, nothing.. that could not be added to our own arsenal. Even at our worst our enemy could not coordinate a retaliation."

He returned his gaze to the testosterone loaded sight before him. Josh need only a group of cheerleaders and a head full of booze and he would be the picture of senior year high school student about to flunk every single class and not giving a single care about it.

"That being said... perhaps your continued involvement in this particular mission is too personal a matter."

His head remaining forward, he glanced to Diane from the corner of his eye.

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