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Werewolves (RP 8): A Time for Questions and Answers (6/16-4/18)

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Time would not stop forever, and surely but truly the other side of the wall approached. Yet Jackie’s pace had hesitated half a step before, and in doing so, all chances of scaling its’ height would be impossible. If she tried, she’d only have the hard cement floor to congratulate her for her efforts. So instead she merely hopped at the last possible moment before she would have crashed, connected her outermost foot to the wall, and deflected with some semblance of grace back to the ground.

She had landed on all fours; one leg was was raised to her chest, the other almost flat, and her two arms distributing the weight from her fall. Yet she didn’t stand immediately. It seemed as though she were waiting… or rather, listening. Her plan had not gone to plan, yet it’s failure was not a surprise. What was a surprise were the voices that carried on above; more had joined their ranks. Yet when she lifted her nose to smell them, she only could detect the familiar pack smell. It were as though newcomers were phantoms, phantoms which talked very loudly and very boldly…

She disregarded Timothy as he approached, not for rudeness, but because at that very moment the mongrel which had hurt her friend had begun to speak…. and her lungs constricted sharply when she recognized Ulric as it’s recipient. Her gaze lifted sharply above to discern more, but none could be seen, and she could do no more than listen.

Logan, Ulric… one by one her pack members fell into certain demise. Her hands balled tight to a fist until her knuckles went white and she scarcely took in air at all. If only it were a matter of running fast enough, of fighting hard enough, of accepting the pain until her goal was reached -- then perhaps she would not have felt the agony she did now. Her pack members above were the ones that had those powers. And with them, all they did was talk rather than crush the life out of the one which endangered her friends. Second by second, Ulric and Logan’s life was ticking away.

”Nothing… nothing I can… nothing…”

Without realizing, she had unfurled her position and began to slink backward, like a child trying to make something bad go away by hiding under the bedsheets. In doing so she found her back pressed against something -- someone -- she had not meant to. Solid, warm, immoveable. Without glancing upward she knew she’d bumped against Timothy’s legs. She flinched at their touch, yet did not recoil to move away.

As her packmates squabbled over needles, she could feel a bitterness rise to her voice, “Trust ? Right now, that’s all I have ”.


The moment the white wolf leaped out the window, a small sigh of relief escaped Melinda. Odd was she had not known she was holding it, and stranger still it was not because the white wolf had left her alone which caused her relief. Even so, she appreciated the solitude. Once she was certain none would see what she did next, she returned to the sill of the open window, so she could just catch the sight of the pit below. Though her vision was not especially sharp by werewolf standards, by human standards she could see enough to cause her concern: figures by the fence desperately attempting to subdue another that had gone savage. The more she watched, others joined the fray: dark figures, a well-armed vehicle, from which more ran in and out. By either side it was nothing short of pure chaos.

“Blast,” she growled to herself. From the angle she viewed, she could discern nothing of the occupants of the pit. They were in another planet for all it mattered.

She took a few steps back from the window, head bowed and a curious somberness had taken her face. She need not witness this chaos to know it would not end well -- and yet how little it had to do with her, and why she had agreed to come to the Alpha’s home in the first place. Her fingers teased at the corner of her neck, as though to soothe an itch, and yet pinched at something unseen. As she drew her palm up, a small silver chain was held between her fingers. She rotated her fingers around the chain until pulling up its’ pendant from the folds of her shirt.

How odd a pendant it was, for it seemed not to be designed for it’s purpose at all. Instead it was a vial scarcely larger than a thimble enclosed by a secure glass cap and tied hastily to the silver chain -- or, had been hastily tied the night in the darkness of her ruined car. The liquid inside was deep azure blue and transparent. Melinda contemplated the vial with a tired sigh, before allowing it to slip once more underneath her shirt, unseen. In the chaos with which the pack was now enthralled, it would be a long time before her business here would be concluded.


Eva was making a move for the syringes he was offering to Sabrina.

When did she step out? He flinched mentally at the prospect of another added factor - however, Eva would be better suited to carry this out than he, and it would give him the chance to take the Badger-

Ulric took the syringes just as Silas was looking at the situation in a new light. The man's words went completely past the scout, and before he could blink, Ulric was released and a resounding crash came down.

Some bug-eyed whelp was asking the Shagron for the syringes he'd only just confiscated, and how could he miss that gut wrenching sound of the Badger's doors being locked.

It was madness, descending further and further with every single breath, each rise and fall of the chest coming closer together as the adrenaline began to reach it's peak.

Silas' mind worked like a machine. His eyes bolted one direction; the forest. He had scouted the Phantom Mountains more than once, he knew their terrain. Kratos knew it better. If he ran into Phantom Herb his chances of survival would decrease... Forty five percent chance of survival? Not good odds.

The cabins - Chime and Bianca were in there, unconscious. He could enter the cabins and use them as leverage. Sabrina would likely pursue, and if she used her abilities to render him immobile, it would be an endgame. Chance of success was most likely less than ten percent.

He glanced to the chain link of the pit briefly. No..

The dart gun in his back would do him little good.. he was at their level, within an arms reach of multiple pack members. Even if Eva or Jodecai bought him some time, there was no guarantee he could render any of them unconscious, and no guarantee it would promise the safety of any of the Svalnaglas.

Suddenly, in one quick and fluid motion, he grabbed Ulrics wrist, holding it tightly and squeezing in such a way it left his fingers splayed. With his free hand he reclaimed the syringes and dropped the clear one, crushing it beneath his foot while taking the amber one and driving it down into Logan's neck.

The woman's chest rose and fell rapidly; while the packs had gone back and forth in their undecidedness and hesitation, her breathing had become more labored, and her eyes had widened. A few short moments after Silas administered the antidote, her secondary form was relinquished, and although she had a ghastly pallor and beads of sweat rolled off her face, her breathing had steadied and her muscles no longer tensed.

Silas observed intently as her eyes, cracked open, fluttered a couple of times while she fought the remaining effects of the drug, before at last she fell into a natural unconsciousness.

Now he stood---as his body rose he removed the dart gun, and the sash at his waist containing his ammunition, and dropped it all to the ground. His secondary form melted away and his hands, palms open and forward, were raised above his now bowed head.

"I surrender."


It was out of desperation that Ulric had seized the vials - desperation to take the poison away from the enemy and secure the antidote for Logan. Even Eva's offer to safely administer it had gone unheeded in Ulric's fear, thus Actaeon was forced to injure Ulric to get the vials back.

Ulric had the right and the opportunity to retaliate on Silas after what he did. Yet when he looked he saw fear in Actaeon's eyes, fear of Eva and Jodecai, fear of the Alpha, fear of failure...
Thus, once again, Ulric's hand was stayed. But had compassion fled?

Ulric wanted to punch Actaeon square in the jaw for his actions. Reason, as well as instinct and impulse, said that taking a shot would be fair. Ulric had already warned the scout to get away from Logan and himself, and it was surely far better for Actaeon to face Ulric rather than Kratos... So what then stayed his hand?


Meanwhile, Diane sat silently in the driver's seat of the armored Badger and gave no sign to Josh that she had heard him.

The young Betine did not move to control the vehicle or steer it away, but watched carefully between the woods and the rear view mirrors. Her attention seemed equally divided in the direction of the crash and the reflection wherein she could see the events taking place near the edge of the Calagathorm training arena.


The man of few words appreciated Eva’s gesture. She’d been around and seen missions go sour before--it wasn’t unheard of that she’d take matters into her own hands.. for the better of her whole pack.

But what could have been a simple procedure, rapidly descended into chaos. Jodecai felt foolish watching the scene play out, and was reaching the point he was going to take matters into his own hands--or at least, was, before Silas ended the charade himself.

He breathed a sigh of relief as Logan regained her health, and felt his own tense muscles relax. The crashing sound in the forest didn’t go unnoticed, but for this brief moment, Jodecai enjoyed a victory of sorts.

“I surrender.”

Jodecai’s ears twitched at the very prospect of defeat. He’d found that in his experience working with Silas, that the man rarely accepted less than what he considered ideal, and certainly not defeat..

To think he’d surrender bewildered Jodecai..

Perhaps his true intentions weren’t yet made clear?.. Regardless, Jodecai simply couldn’t accept his allies surrender. “Don’t be so dramatic, Actaeon. This situation is still under our control--besides, I’m not confident Diane would approve of your premature submission.”

Jodecai approached Eva and Silas, and stood before them between Ulric and Sabrina. He locked eyes with Ulric, and pondered a question. “Your friend is no longer in danger.. Tell me, have you reconsidered your offer as a result?”


A thrill surged through Toby as the contents of one syringe burst upon the ground and the contents of the other drained into Logan's neck. The orange one had been the antidote-- Or so it appeared at present, but Toby would roll with it for now. Slowly, he backed away from the group just as another stranger joined them.

As completely chaotic as this whole situation appeared, Toby felt a strange rejuvenation and new found confidence in his pack: They had come up against a rival pack in a very experienced, well-organized assault, yet for all their poor positioning, frantic flailing, and high emotions in a tense situation, somehow they had pulled even! Even if it all came down to the foreboding appearance by the Alpha, the intruders seemed to have had all the cards, and suddenly they dropped them. Their freaky lady-leader had gone to the truck to hide, Logan had apparently been healed, one of the guys even surrendered! ...It seemed good.

"Don’t be so dramatic, Actaeon. This situation is still under our control--besides, I’m not confident Diane would approve of your premature submission."

Toby's ears went back. Was that a bluff? How could the situation still be in control? Just how crafty was this pack? Were they faking this whole surrender thing? Had the leader-lady pre-planned to back out and lock her fellows out of the armored truck? What if the orange liquid this Actaeon had injected Logan with only made her look like she'd been healed until later?

Toby felt his heart sink, yet strangely his admiration of his pack did not feel dimmed in the slightest.

"Your friend is no longer in danger.. Tell me, have you reconsidered your offer as a result?"

The omega felt irritated. This guy was going to try and pressure Ulric into a word-of-honor thing. What a meanie!

...Oh, just go away. Toby retorted, much to his own astonishment. He hadn't meant to actually say it! Er-- What I mean is--

He didn't have to beg the pardon of this guy, did he? Sure, he would to a member of his own pack-- To someone he had to live with, and like, and trust, and see on a daily basis-- But that wasn't this guy. This guy wasn't a part of his pack. He was a stranger who sided with the jerks... Nevertheless, Toby proceeded a little more cautiously then before. After all, Granny had raised him to be polite.

I mean-- uhm, well, I'm just warning you. Our-- Our alpha will be back pretty soon and I don't think he's going to be happy about all this. I'm not even entirely sure that he's eaten yet, which might mean he's hangry-- Not implying that he'll eat you, of course. Goodness no!... Or, at least, I hope not. I don't think I could morally abide answering to the call of a cannibalistic alpha... Especially since I would probably be the next thing on the menu after you, since that's just the way things seem to be working around here. Anyway, even if he's not cannibalistic, he could still be hangry. Now I don't want to see anybody get hurt, even though you guys deserve it along with some serious jail time-- Or-- Well, yes. Jail time! You've been nothing short of criminals. So just, as a friendly warning, go away before our alpha comes... He's kinda scary when he's in wolf form. Toby added that last part as a note to himself, and found himself looking over his shoulder cautiously, fearing that at any moment he would see Kratos just staring back at him... Somehow, that thought was frightening, even though he knew the alpha was on their side!


After she spoke, Eva patiently waited to see if the tension would rise or fall, in outward appearances calm and in control, though she was wary, with inexperience often came unpredictability, and now, with the booming noise, believing it to be Kratos lurking.. the Badger's doors locked. The tension raised.

It wasn't destined for the task of administering the antidote to fall upon her, and as it found itself in the hands of other, her own heartbeat quicken. Silas quieted it when he jumped into action, and the other was broken from her spell. She was pleased, until he surrendered.

A glare was aimed at Silas, she wished he'd keep his dignity.. moving closer to him, her ears twitched as she tried to pinpoint anymore sounds in the woods, trying to shield her unprotected 'pup' of a teammate.

As Jodecai stepped up, she trusted the situation in his hands, though was ready to jump in again if needed. Now she turned her attention to another young wolf, one who had wondered up earlier, for the antidote no less.

His word began bold, then broke, though continued. He wouldn't stop till he had his piece, or patched it up it would seem. She looked over his build, he would be fast, if not for his injuries.. he was either weak in battle or picked on in the ranks, as she didn't believe in luck, bad or otherwise.

She found him both amusing and sad, but nevertheless, he would be invaluable if only his confidence was higher and he was trained right.. she wondered briefly if that would ever happen in such a place and felt that they did him an injustice.

"Thank you for your warning, young one, and for your compassion in wishing us only.. serious jail time." Perhaps a smile cracked through, she couldn't help herself, "I hope that you and your packmates also heed my warning." Raising her voice, she shifted her eyes to the forest.

"If you continue down this path, disorder and chaos will tear apart what you have created. A wolf must become one with his brothers to lead, and his brothers must take on his interests to follow, divided he falls prey to his own faults.."


"Don't loose your nerve..." Diane admonished Actaeon silently.

Diane had observed in the mirror every detail of the interaction behind the Badger and saw Actaeon's paced glances just before he administered the antidote. A quick moment later the scout's hands were lifted, but Diane smiled.

"Everything is achieved, then." She said quietly. But what of the Calagathorm Alpha? Another glance under her long dark lashes and Diane found the Badger's sophisticated instruments still void of the monster's reading. Where had he gone off to? Diane's smile faded and her fingers thrummed over the dashboard, the Badger's locks disengaged, and the driver's window rolled down casually.

"Oh, boys~" The Beta's voice that called out was altogether too melodious and passive. "We mustn't keep father waiting. Eva, do get them in here. I daresay that I have never seen some of them quite so talkative, and I should certainly like to have a word in the conversation before this spell passes."


As Ulric's hands came undone from the fists that had tightened them his anger passed and he looked to the faces of those who addressed him.

"I have given you my word." Ulric replied staunchly, but the words sounded weak by the one who had spoken them.
Logan still lay at his feet and Ulric's heart felt bruised. He had chosen not to abide in anger, still, he could not undo the consequences of letting it have place in the first.

Setting a gentle hand on Toby's shoulder to comfort him Ulric looked at Eva as she taught with a voice of warning and wisdom.
"We have a lot to learn." He admitted, bravely and solemn. "Maybe they'll be of one heart and mind someday... Anyway, let's go."

But before he left, Ulric knelt down beside Logan once more, squeezed her hand lightly and bid farewell.

"Take care of each other," Ulric said in parting, "And let Kratos know what happened."


It would seem that while the werewolves had been distracted in the clearing, other things went by unnoticed...


That deceptively smooth tone of Diane's voice triggered something in Silas that made him want to do anything but talk. As a matter of fact, it was so obnoxiously sly in it's own forward way that he wanted to never say another word again just so she wouldn't have the satisfaction.

With a dragging silent sigh, he lowered his arms and picked up his sash, then stepped over Logan. His eyes snagged on some feature briefly before they were lifted and sought out Jodecai. There was curiosity to be seen, also agitation, and perhaps solemnity behind the rest. Moving forward easily and yet never without caution, he proceeded to the van and climbed into the passenger seat...

"I don't want to hear it, Diane."


"Chime..? Hey Chime..."

Bianca looked on at her new friend. Her own voice was hoarse, and she spoke softly in case the attacker was still nearby. After checking Chime's pulse and breathing, Bianca quietly slipped off the bed and examined the rope that had been used to bind them. How had it been cut already? ... Which cabin were they in?

While attempting to gather her bearings, she made her way to the window and carefully look out. Brows furrowed and eyes widened, she stifled a gasp at the scene laid out below. She only just saw a figure slink into the large black vehicle-Ulric making his way to it just as well. Logan lay on the ground.

She turned and pressed her back against the wall, looking forward. What was happening? Already disoriented from the drug, she scrambled to reason the image painted in the clearing.


Jodecai listened as Ulric answered, and his tense expression seem to ease upon hearing what he had said. He would have been sorely disappointed if Ulric had betrayed his own promise—since at the end of the day, what else does a man have to himself but honesty?

“Hmpf.. Good man.” Jodecai gave Ulric a firm pat on the shoulder—a brief way of showing compassion, for the man.

And as he heard Diane call—with her far too soft spoken tone—he knew it was time to end this. “Come now. Let’s end this charade.. It wouldn’t be wise to keep her waiting.”


Logan stirred. Her hands tensed and loosened again as she became more aware of the numb sensation in her limbs; her arms and legs felt strangely unattached. A few moments later she was awake but unable to open her eyes, and when she did she found herself regretting it, for the light brought with it a terrible stabbing ache in her skull.

Footsteps against gravel could be heard, and she moved her head just so to see the cause, scarcely making out the figures of two men (or beasts, as it were) walking away towards a large vehicle. She brought one arm under herself and propped herself up on it, running a hand over her face and more intently focusing on those figures.

As her senses came about her, she caught the unfamiliar scent of strangers, and realized that it was Ulric among them, walking to the massive car.

"Let him go.."

Slowly lifting herself into a hunched and teetering stand, "... if you want to take him, you will have to fight me first." even as she spoke her brave sentiment and attempted to step forward, she nearly lost her balance.

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