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Werewolves (RP 8): A Time for Questions and Answers (6/16-4/18)

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The white wolf was really grating on Josh's nerves. She sure talked big for someone completely surrounded, lithe, and only stood at the height of an average female werewolf. Was she threatening to kill Ulric or something? Why hadn't Diane made a move yet?

He shifted in his seat in the back of the Badger. With a short grunt in his throat, he looked over at the camera for Eva--seeking some sort of facial cue that he ought to sit tight because he was missing something... otherwise he was just going to go for it.

Enough talk. He hated talk. His muscles were itching for action. It was time to thump somethin'.


Diane's tail lashed her thighs but she spoke calmly. "I, indeed, know your strength, Sabres, and I will not risk one of my own after the threats you have made. So, you will have to withdraw."

Diane's will would not yield given the circumstances, and her last words made that clear.
The tension had risen, but there was a definite conclusion coming.


"Give it up, you're out of chips Sabres. I have no reason to lie about the safety of your pack member. I assure you if you do not let Ulric go, as he has complied with the terms, Logan will certainly die. You will have only your stubbornness and pride to blame."

He glanced to Logan briefly--he could see that the effects were starting to take their toll, and his tail rolled from what side to another in contemplation.

Jodecai's comment didn't go without notice. Unheeded - yes, for if only for a split second after it had been voiced, Silas' expression changed, before his composure was quickly regained. It was unlike the man to voice any opinion on any matter, and more so to say anything that might show weakness in their strategy. Asking Silas to draw back his only bargaining chip was nearly a sign of rebellion, and surely it would be addressed...


What events that transpired around Jodecai became disoriented, almost a blur, as he fell further into a state of urgency. The deadly concentration and composure the man had become renown for--was swiftly degrading into primal instinct.

Without regard for any social standard, or the discussion in place, Jodecai once more spoke out of place, and directly to Silas. “Actaeon! The circumstances have changed--this wolf mustn't die, she is an asset to Svalnagalas.”

As Jodecai approached Silas, he reiterated his position, and made it quite clear what he asked was not a request, but a demand. “I did not come here with the intention to spill the blood of my own. But so help me--if she is to give her final breath on this night, you will quickly do the same.”

The behavior Jodecai exhibited was bewilderingly unusual--not even once in all his many years of service had he openly jeopardized the mission.. and surely not threatened one of his pack so blatantly. His rebellious and rash behavior was alien--even to himself.


The debate grew heated and Ulric looked between each spoken party feeling his own anxieties rise, nonetheless he had no passion for himself and desired help for Logan as swiftly as possible. This urgent desire, and the unquenchable fire in the command of Jodecai, who Ulric knew from his youth to be a silent and potent combatant, now drew Ulric's attention to focus more curiously on the one called Actaeon.
Who was this sharp-eyed sniper so favored of the Svalnaglas Betas that the crescent moon adorned his forehead? Ulric had never seen him before, he had grown up around the Betas and was acquainted with all the positions of the superior hierarchy, yet here was this master of stealth and poison whose face he had never seen, and whose name he had never before heard.


Diane's ears laid flat as her father's bodyguard issued his fiery command.

The circumstances changed. Drake's experience could not go unheeded, and as much as it would seem the opposite, it was in fact Actaeon who had initiated the first rebellion. Every hope to cover the cost of the misstep was now beyond reconciliation, however; disarray was a weakness they could not afford to reveal to the enemy, and if what Jodecai said was true then the risks of continuing to salvage the mission were too great to pursue.

"Administer the antidote, Actaeon." Diane said in a voice that was suddenly callous and uncaring, she waved her hand at him and walked away, her stance at long last relented and she strode to the armored vehicle in dismissal of the scout.

"We withdraw." The young Beta then declared to her companions and looked at Sabres and Ulric again. "I recede my demand. Ulric has given us his word, and I trust he will carry through with it. Actaeon will administer to your pack member."

Then Diane looked at Drake and Actaeon, a sharpness in her eyes and a poison in her tone. "Do clean everything up, boys, we'll expect you home soon."
And with that, Diane entered the vehicle and closed the door behind her.


Silas' ears pinned back, and his eyes were drawn briefly in the direction of the Badger. The door closed, and his fists tightened. Adjusting his jaw, he clenched his teeth and drew in a steady breath.

'So be it.'

An icy glare was cast towards Jodecai, and he reached to the man's side and took his radio, before proceeding to to take the first steps forward, the end of his tail lashing about as he did so. Then he stopped a few feet away from where Logan lay and consequently, where Ulric and Sabrina stood.

Drawing a hand to his side, he reached into the pouch lining his sash and withdrew two syringes; one containing an amber liquid, the other clear. He continued forward, then slowly extended his arm, although beyond Ulric and over his shoulder. With an expression of solemnity he offered both needles and the radio to Sabrina.

"I will not be administering her, you will. Release Ulric." he commanded in an even tone. "I will instruct you on which dose to give to her via the communicator."

He couldn't afford anything less at the moment. Certainly Diane wasn't bluffing, and one misstep could cost he and Jodecai their lives. Like a game of chess, every move was the difference between being compromised and winning.


This was taking too long..

As Josh became restless, she too wished to join him in shifting around, but stayed still, a small shake of her head would hopefully keep him in place.

..the blood of my own..

Eva's interest piqued, who was this that he held with such high regard? She was not part of the pack, and yet he claimed her.. and to threaten his own over her? Mystifying.

Glancing in the side mirror, she tried to get a peek, the angle hid what she so desired to see.. Soon Diane joined them in the Badger, and the mental anguish began.

Hesitation soon followed, did she dare test Diane? It was bad enough her fellow pack mates had already made her lose face, yes, it was not wise to even think..

But would they follow Silas's instructions? Had not Jodecai spoke out for the other, perhaps she wouldn't have cared, but he had, and now this member of this so called 'pack' was high on her priority list. If someone didn't do something soon..

Sighing, she let go of the wheel, unbuckling herself.

"I find that boys often don't clean well when left without supervision, forgive me." And with that, she slid out the door, leaving it open for the next driver to enter.

Eva was careful to walk with submission, to not further irritated the others. She felt foolish, they were pups, and she was forced to humiliate herself before them.

Nodding to Ulric, she acknowledge Sabrina and glanced at Logan..

"There isn't time for a show of power, Actaeon. Allow me to administer the antidote." She held out her hands for both the communicator and syringes. Her expression softened, as she turned her attention to Drake, "Head off with Actaeon, I will handle things here." She said it softly, though the others would hear her, it was meant for him.

She then looked towards Sabrina, her voice raised, though she kept it pleasant. "This young man has made his decision, please, release your hold. If he wishes, I am sure you will see him again."


Ulric was moved by Eva's act of compassion. His eyes like the color of amber shown with the tears that appeared in them.

Eva's quiet assertion could not be over appreciated by the young man who knew how often she was overlooked by others of her clan. Although she was a Beta by birthright and an expert in her craft, more skilled than any of her subordinates, Eva was considered an inferior in matters of the council. Included in the circle of decision only to satisfy tradition, Eva had always been a shadow behind the Betas, yet she never spoken a word of complaint. Oh, how Ulric had admired her from afar! In his youth he had considered himself no more than a shadow manipulated by the angle of light; he was a shape on the wall cast by an other's hand, lacking a tangible presence. While others spoke over his head, Ulric had always taken notice of that quiet character that oft stood by the wall in the background of affairs. Other Betas were too proud to associate with children of the pack that were not their own, but Eva was the friend of every small inquisitor.

In the present circumstances, Ulric could not have been more grateful for Eva's intervention. It came at such high cost to her, and yet Ulric trembled within himself. If the sharp-eyed scout was so favored of the Svalnaglas Betas, how could he be trusted to surrender the antidote? Actaeon was a stranger to Ulric, thus the greatest danger, he had already failed to yield to Jodecai's command and manipulated the instruction of Diane's withdrawal. The antidote was within Ulric's reach, but would he trust the sniper to yield at last? No.

Eva had Ulric's trust and he regretted not allowing her to take the antidote from Silas, but he could not bring himself to trust the sniper that had caused so much harm. In a move that must surely have been unprecedented Ulric abruptly met Silas' hand halfway and took the syringes from him.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're a jerk?" Ulric said placidly, though he could not hide the passion that pounded in his chest.

It was Ulric's intention to deliver the antidote to Sabrina to administer, but his hand never made it that far.


Diane meanwhile did not return to her primal form just yet as she could see things were far from over.

The calculated odds of their success had declined significantly when Sabres had downed the Calagathorm pack member, and they wore ever thinner as time ticked on. Diane was content with Ulric's word, she knew he would not have used his adoptive mother's name had he not meant it, therefore the objective of the mission was secured. But with the team now refusing to withdraw, new risks were emerging and a successful retreat now hung hazardously in the balance.

The Alpha was a great danger whenever he was not in sight. He was not an impulsive foe, and though his pack was naive and scattered, it would not take much for him to rally them. His prior word to them had been in a sense, "Wait, and see what happens next." Surely he had not intended a surrender, and what would he think of his lost kindred who had come to claim his adopted brother?

Diane studied the woods with her eyes and sidled into the driver's seat to close the door. Then in a whisper over her shoulder she said to Josh, "The ancient are not always wise... Prepare yourself."


Not a moment following, a thunderous crash was heard somewhere in the direction of the road and the sound resounded in the clearing!

The next sound was far more subtle and far more disconcerting to the Svalnaglas pack who remained outside the vehicle: the Badger's locks had been engaged.


Toby furrowed his brow in perplexity. The stranger's words didn't register correctly in his head: If Logan was falling off a cliff, and Sabrina chose not to help her until she had desperately apologized for insulting Sabrina's favorite egg salad, or her pet mutant guinea pig-- If that was the situation, Sabrina would only have her pride and stubbornness to blame. But as it was, with this fellow having poisoned Logan, and refusing to give her the antidote until Sabrina complied with his demands-- In the current situation, she'd have his stubbornness and pride to blame, as well as him in general for poisoning her in the first place...

The situation changed quickly after that. Yet another stranger, who seemed to be allied with the first two, began to demand the first stranger administer the antidote to Logan. He even went so far as to threaten him over it. The female stranger then pulled out and retreated to the van. The first stranger, instead of following demand, offered Sabrina two syringes and a black box in some dirty trick to get her to release Ulric and hope the guy didn't double cross her later over the communicator. And if that wasn't enough, suddenly another female jumped out of the car and offered to administer the antidote instead!

Toby whimpered slightly in anticipation as he continued watching. Finally, Ulric took some initiative and grabbed the two syringes himself... The omega couldn't contain himself anymore. The desire was too strong!

He had enough sense not to run-- Though goodness knows he could have closed the distance like a bullet, even on three legs, and hobbled slowly toward the group of four. He rounded his advance slightly so as to come from behind Sabrina and Ulric, instead of directly into the fray, and only stopped when he had officially reached the other side with a clear and very close view of those two syringes that Ulric was now offering to Sabrina.

...His gaze on them was almost too intense...

His ears went down submissively and his pupils swelled slightly following a very, VERY brief glance at Ulric's face. Can I-- he cleared his throat. Can I take those? He asked.


Sabrina did not twitch a muscle since Silas had offered the syringes. Her eyes briefly darted from them, to his hand, to his face, and to his hand again. But otherwise, she was still, like a crocodile just waiting for the gazelle on the shore to make the wrong move.

The following exchange over the next few seconds also did not cause her to move, and her gaze on Silas remained. Then came the crash. And, with a flick of her wrist, she let Ulric go.


Josh wasn't sure what to make of Diane's words. Riddles and stuff like that weren't much his strong suit. He flexed his grip on his club and knitted his brows ponderously. If he had another minute, he might have drawn his hand to his chin in order to look like a great thinker who was meticulously mulling over the meaning of her words. But there was not another minute. The next minute came the crash. Then the click. He gave up the understanding act and just looked at Diane, who sat at the helm still the picture of cool indifference, like she had spoken Latin.

"Uh... the others are still out there," he said in a low voice, not quite daring to look her in the face.

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