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Werewolves (RP 8): A Time for Questions and Answers (6/16-4/18)

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Under the roar of the Badger as it rolled into the clearing Ulric heard the soft sound that drew his eyes down again. Laying at Logan's fingertips was the totem discovered only a few minutes prior, now with its true purpose fully revealed.

Such anguish crept up on Ulric's heart as he took the totem and tucked it away out of sight that he gently placed his hand atop hers and said in a quiet whisper, "I'm sorry, Logan."

Of all adversaries enabled to cause harm, and of all weapons made by human hands, there was none which could work so destructive a plan or could inflict pain more terrible than the most artisan blade; That one adversary who all knew and all denounced, yet he to whom all succumbed over and again. He it was who could conceive of such a cunningly deceptive plan that would rob the soul of its feeling after justice, to bring it into bondage and leave no crack by which light may reach the prison floor. He only who could convince the prisoner that they were at fault for the very trap in which they were ensnared, and thus to end all effort and all fight for freedom as might have been attempted. For what warden in all the world would hold a hostage by bonds and bars if by such a cunning plan his prisoner would stay?

Ulric knew Logan was not at fault, and he hated the adversary who would in later days pour the painful deception into her heart. But there was no more Ulric could do, except commend his friend to the pack and see to the present.

As Ulric stood and turned to face the armored beast that had come to collect him, his first thoughts were concerned by the sheer size and capability of it, but then his thoughts took an unexpected turn and some amusement, albeit perplexity, came into his eyes.
Any one of the vehicle's defenses would have been a match for Ulric, but all together it seemed a bit much. That was, until Ulric remembered a terrifying monster of massive strength and size waiting in these very woods.

At the thought of it Ulric took a sweeping glance of the treeline, but nothing could be seen... Was the Alpha anywhere nearby, or would he not keep his promise?
It did not matter. Ulric conceded the time had come, and though he had reason to fear he instead smiled and said brightly, "Hello, Drake."

Jodecai's expression would not go unnoticed, and curiosity thereafter would be applied in the direction of his gaze.


There he was.
Perceived invisible until that moment by the naked eye yet long had the Conquest Knight's advanced instruments taken note of him. That great form sitting just outside the clearing in the shadow of the trees, his black fur swaying with the breeze and every leaf around him, yet so still he sat as if he were more of the same dark bramble.

There was Alpha Kratos, an unseen giant in plain sight.

Though his yellow eyes - a fixed stern gaze was upon them, - the Alpha did not move, and at that moment Ulric's shoulder was seized by Sabrina...


Sabrina's grip on Ulric's shoulder did not lessen after she spoke... for her words were not a goodbye. Rather, her grip tightened and she said in a clear, strong voice. "Perhaps."

She squared her shoulders and looked up at Diane. "Perhaps," she said again, "I did not make myself clear. Allow me to reiterate. If you want him, come. Take him." Her nose wrinkled in a snarl, but she smiled as she added, not with passion but with a poisonous gentleness, "I dare you."


The tense atmosphere was so thick you could have cut it with a knife. Here they were, members of Svalnaglas, Calagrathorm, and Sabres, landlocked and at a very short standstill. If a pin should drop, all chaos would likely break lose.

Levi lay still on his belly, though he knew he could not long stay that way. His superior had issued both confidence and a threat. His instincts were fighting themselves; that to rally to Sabrina's confidence and take up her back, and that of feeling a stranger in a strange territory caught between the conflict of two rival packs--to retreat as quietly as possible and not get caught in the crossfire.

Then the atmosphere changed. It was a very subtle change...for the one who now made himself known had always been there, and his presence, even without reveal, had the power to affect everything.

The Alpha was here.


Even his breaths were accounted for.

The tension was wrought thick as the hot summer air in July; beating down and suffocating all under its influence.

The spy watched undaunted as the last ditch effort to reclaim their pack member began to unfold. The Calagathorm had yet to play their trump card, and it could not be said if it would be brought into play at all. It would be folly however not to consider it as one of the possible outcomes...

There were many factors at play - first of all, the Calagathorm pack was acting on instinct and emotion, to protect their territory and their friend. Perhaps it would give them strength, and still no strength could be gained without drawing on some other advantage. In this case, brute force would be exchanged for logical thinking and leave less room for strategy. Even should one member rely on strategy and logic over their first inclinations, it would be for naught should their plans be ill coordinated with the other pack members.

The Svalnaglas were not so untrained in matters of strategy. When the right members were assembled on a mission, everything worked like a well-oiled machine. Every cog fit together in place perfectly, turned in time perfectly, and together they obtained their objective perfectly, with little being said to any player or the other. Each piece knew how the other moved and timed their own paces accordingly.

"I find it commendable, Ulric, that even after Logan admitted to putting you in this situation, you offer her your friendship.. you must value her very greatly."

He paused, glancing to Jodecai and studying his expression briefly, before returning his focus to Ulric and consequently, Sabrina as well.

"With that in mind, the remorse she would feel to have compromised your remaining here with the Calagathorm would certainly be minuscule compared to the remorse you might feel if she wasn't ministered to, and inevitably died of heart failure..." he breathed deeply, briefly pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Perhaps I haven't made myself clear,"

Silas raised his head and pulled a dart from the pouch on his side.

"Your friend is inflicted - her system will burn itself out trying to fight this poison. I alone am equipt with the cure and can identify it from the rest of my inventory."

Now he lowered his head again and tucked away the dart.

"I know you're not ready yet to sit helpless again as a life passes to the next world. You are not helpless to prevent it."


Who could ignore the rising tensions? Surely not Jodecai--who was deployed deliberately for this purpose.. It would seem, that retrieving Ulric wouldn’t prove as easy as originally anticipated.

After all, the Calagathorm still had one massive strength left.

"Your friend is inflicted - her system will burn itself out trying to fight this poison. I alone am equipt with the cure and can identify it from the rest of my inventory."

But as Silas explained the entirety of his plot, the expression of concern on Jodeci's face returned, and the hairs on his neck downward stood on edge. Almost as if a switch had been flipped within the man..

The wolf turned to face his comrade, and spoke clearly;

“Actaeon, administer the antidote.”

What he said he said so with clear intent. There was no mistake to be made--especially with Jodecai. His goldens eyes held a fierce resolve, and spoke to his ally that he was not to be trifled with.


Diane said nothing. It did not go unnoticed that the long-sought presence of the Alpha now encroached dangerously from behind. Diane, in tune with her surroundings recognized that same feelings as felt on another occasion in the forest of Middlecrest, and she knew his position to be strategic. Surely placing himself directly across from the Sabre's assassin of itself was a significant move and put the Alpha in the assassin's eyesight while the Svalnaglas would be forced to give their backs to either the one or the other, else waive their dominant stance by retreating to the Badger.


But the Alpha's presence would not long remain to control the atmosphere, rather a change would come to throw it into chaos.

After Silas said his piece to Ulric, that black giant sitting like an ominous stone in the forest shifted. He rose from the ground and so steadily became a silhouette against the background of the Svalnaglas Scout and Beta that those who had not seen him yet might not see him still, but those that had seen him would see him better than before.

Then Alpha Kratos turned aside and withdrew back into the forest.


Ulric had not seen the Alpha leave, he could feel the energy mounting under Sabrina's hand and the discomfort to his shoulder brought his eyes away from the Svalnaglas. Questioningly and in a glance Ulric inquired if Sabrina would not release or loosen her hold on him that the pain might be eased, but nonetheless he looked to see to the Svalnaglas again.

"I have given you my word that I will go with you." Ulric said, undaunted by the threat and in the same chivalrous tone.
"But you cannot believe that the Svalnaglas has any more claim on me after it. Resme did not raise a liar, so I will go with you, but she was rejected of the Betas in the beginning and I have no other debt."

Diane's attention was at last diverted to Ulric and she met him in the eye.
"We are your kindred and clan." She said. "Have we not the right to your loyalty, or at least to a word of your desertion?"

"I gave my word to Alpha Abravious and he gave me his permission." Ulric replied humbly, and continued, "I would have been a fool to appeal to the Betas knowing what they would have done anyway, and you know it."

"What would they have done, aside from giving you an honorable pardon and a formal announcement of your release to the pack? Instead of leaving your friends and family to wonder what on earth became of you when you slipped off like a nomad into the night."

"Diane, what family do I have other than the Alpha and Resme? You know that I am not Svalnaglas."

"What?" The question was indignant and was to be followed by another remark, but Ulric prevented it in interrupting.

"I have not yet found out whether I am the son of a disobedient subordinate or the spared whelp of an enemy, but do you think I haven't considered who my real parents are?"

Here Diane was at last caught off guard, as she was both outwardly offended and inwardly mortified by such an open confrontation of a sensitive subject which would have been more appropriately to disclose in private, serving both parties respectfully, yet Ulric did not abstain from bringing it into the open. Diane said nothing but raised her head and laid back her long black ears.

"You are not ignorant of the corruption, Diane." Ulric pointed down at Logan, still fallen and on whom his mind had long stayed. "Even this is telling of it. Who was this tested on before it could do this?"

Ulric now looked around at the other faces of the Svalnaglas present and he asked in a voice pleading an appeal to them. "Why?"

But Diane made a return with a calm countenance, her ears raising and her tone even. "It is a concoction of Actaeon's own make, no one was put at risk for it. Don't be so absurd with your accusations."

Ulric met Diane's eyes again as she continued. "Now, get in, and Actaeon will administer the antidote to your friend. Once you have reported to the Betas you will be free to stay or return here on your choosing. Though the reason why you would prefer a pack of strays and wanderers doomed to collapse upon itself most certainly eludes me."

Whether Diane had spoken truth or lie, nothing could distinguish the feeling that came to Ulric's eyes when he heard her return, and whether it was sorrow or disappointment with which he turned to look at her, she did not face it and broke his gaze.


Sabrina listened and observed the exchange with a falsified coolness, betrayed only by her hackles raising subtly every time Diane opened her insolent mouth.

She noted the Alpha's withdraw, but gleaned no confidence from it as perhaps she should have. Instead, she merely chuckled and returned her attention to the Svalnagalas. "Oh, that is not how this is going to play out," she said. "Allow me to tell you what will happen next."

She looked up at Silas, her bright yellow irises contrasting sharply against the black of her pupils. "I have your word alone to stand by that you even possess an antidote. There is nothing you can do to convince me that you have even a drop of honest blood in your body. I shall not lose two members of my pack this day. So here is what will happen next: Actaeon shall administer the antidote. Once I have been assured that my pack member will recover, I shall release Ulric to do as he desires. Otherwise, my pack member will die, and so will you." She glanced sharply in Diane's direction. "Did you understand me that time, Svalnagalas?"


"Your pack, Sabres, is far away in a foreign land, unless you are also a deserter for this halfhearted collection of renegade outcasts. And as for this one, she will most certainly die if this idle chatter draws on, after which you may as well try to enact violence on her behalf however fruitless it will prove."

Diane's eyes had sharpened just as well and her position unrelenting.

"I will give you no assurances. If you want the stray to live then withdraw from her and Ulric, otherwise we shall withdraw, be it to no one's benefit."


"You do not want me to move, Svalnagalas, for I shall not be moving backward if I do. You know, or at the very least, you have heard of what I am capable of doing. Fruitless indeed, for the tree will be left bereft of her branches."


Toby's head shot up almost involuntarily as one of the strangers revealed a dart and spoke of having poisoned Logan. The omega had been watching this particular stranger very closely ever since the large armored truck had pulled up. He had taken careful note of it arrived, but since then his attention was fixed on that one stranger despite all else. The only time his ears turned from him was to heed the voice of another, and his gaze was only broken to blink.

...The wheels in Toby's head were turning-- And not in a way that might be expected.

Sabrina had actually not been surrendering. Now she was having a verbal square off against the female intruder who spoke almost as freakishly as Sabrina herself did. This femme fatale fest was going to cost Logan her life; if everyone was just standing by daring the other to make the first move-- And the first move was crucial. Whoever made it was the fool it seemed, Sabrina and this other lady were trying to outlast each other...

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