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Werewolves (RP 8): A Time for Questions and Answers (6/16-4/18)

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Levi took every advantage of that wee window of time to pull free of Logan's deathly embrace. How sweet was the first taste of air he'd had in three minutes. He kicked against the mesh of the fence and rolled a few feet away from her, on his belly in the dirt--but, as he would not turn his back on her now, he stopped in such a way that he could look up at her. He was panting hard and coughed a little. He kept his body flat, pressed down against the ground. He wasn't quite sure what to do next, but that's when he heard the stranger's voice.

What now? Who is this stook, anyway?

The level of top-notch professional jerkishness was quite over the country boy's head. And what on earth did he want with Ulric, of all people?


A hot rage flashed through Sabrina's body, though she did not twitch a muscle. Then, slowly, she craned her neck around so that she could look venomously into Melinda's eyes. "There is much that eludes you, human. Unlike the other, you have the fortune of being a guest here, and not an enemy... yet. Pray it doesn't come to that."

With that, she turned to the window and looked out at the clearing. She had not missed Toby's howl. She spotted the offending Logan and crumbled Levi near the pit. Ulric was there too... but the boy wasn't looking like Logan was his chief cause of distress.

Her pulse quickened. Act. Act now. She'd not yet had time to sort out all the details her mind had captured in that sweeping glance, but she recognized enough to know whatever happened in the next few seconds could make the difference between life and death.

Out the window she leapt and across the fields she tore like a stream of light, eyes trained in on Logan. When she was within twenty feet of them, she sprang like a wildcat and came down hard on Logan's shoulders, aiming to skilfully hit pressure points in her spine to deprive her of her consciousness without causing irreparable harm.

Using the rebound, she back flipped off of Logan and landed on her back legs. Her fists clenched and teeth bared, she stared up at the stranger on the sill. She'd only heard his last few words and not the entire proposition made to Ulric. She she didn't think that mattered.

"The only terms of consequence here, you Svalnaglas dirt, are that you leave, or I will kill you."


When Levi was free to breathe at last, Ulric groaned in pain and relented his secondary form to enable himself to get away, and thus having used himself as a wedge he fell to the ground.

As the assailant came forth out of his hiding place and spoke, Ulric listened, and then came Sabrina to subdue Logan.


A silky voice answered Sabrina as she drew out the lithe black creature concealed in the overhanging shadows of the den. "Not so," it said.

Black feet first to leave the shadows as the figure walked in womanly grace and posture, her tail swayed to and fro against her thighs as she approached her subordinate from behind.

Diane had never gone far, for of course the agreement was that she would bring the others after her, yet the fine print of that verbal contract were now to be revealed.

"Our terms, Sabres, have already been settled by yourself. Every trace of my pack is to accompany me off this land, or we shall not withdraw."
Diane spoke with calmness of tone. Her bright green eyes had not so much as glanced at Ulric yet her meaning would not be mistaken. "With only yourself an able combatant, and I with any number of comrades waiting in the wing, do you really want it to come to violence?"

Diane tilted her chin upward and held her ears erect. "The Svalnaglas have not acknowledged the authority by which you have said to lay claim on this land. Nonetheless, I do not see why we cannot leave peaceably, provided the terms upon which we have previously agreed are met."


"So be it." Ulric said then, speaking loudly. "I will go with you."

Of all in the clearing it was the Crescent-moon sniper Ulric addressed directly, to Diane he did not speak, neither to Sabrina, but as if he were his own authority. No prearranged agreement or subtle plan had sway to speak for him as circumstances now sat, nor would the decision fall to anyone else.

Ulric lifted himself from the ground with his right arm favored but not supported and then looked directly into the sky. The vibrant blue endless expanse was shining brightly overhead and great white clouds were rolling well beyond the highest branches of the trees, yet the pinnacle of each towering pine seemed a ladder straight into puffy abodes.
It was but a small moment when Ulric drew his eyes down from thence and they were filled with a strength of resolve upon returning to the Svalnaglas.

"I cannot speak for the Alpha," he said. "But if you are quick, we will go promptly."
Ulric motioned toward Logan where-after his gaze soon followed, and there he looked on her countenance. Having fallen to a sudden blow her eyes were yet slightly open and the violet of them could be seen. Her brow was knotted and the bridge of her nose creased, yet overall Ulric saw not a beast with twisted whiskers and terrifying expression, but a face full of pain.

At length Ulric pulled his gaze away and looked at Sabrina, knowing she would act for herself and in her authority, yet if she met him she would see in his eyes that he did not desire a fight with his former kin.


Timothy watched Jackie race toward the wall and he bent down in a readying position. He watched her footing, her eyes, and her intention. Moments later Jackie narrowed on the wall and braced herself like iron against her wounds.

Yes, surely, combining their skill as on that night which landed them in their prison, Jackie and Timothy could set in defiance the wisdom of their captor and the strength of their confines.

But, Timothy did not move...

At one time in Jackie's life she must have relied on the same release that had saved Timothy in his forgotten past, for her heart was in it and she held nothing in reserve. At some other time, however, she must also have fallen prey to the cruelty of a whip not unlike Timothy's dead mentor, for Jackie could steel herself against her greatest weaknesses and unlock the very end of her strength with fear.

Yet one obstacle barred the way to achieving the unobtainable promise of freedom... One thing that neither of them could attain to by any self-abuse or discipline.

Timothy's stance slackened. As his face relaxed and it was made clear that he would not take the chance given to him, he walked slowly toward Jackie and said in a quiet voice.
"You don't trust me."


As one might not seek their own shadow, Silas remained unmoving with his gaze fixed on Ulric even as the Night herself approached him from behind. While she lifted her chin, he lowered his just so in perfect unison.

Outwardly he held every appearance of being focused on the party before him. It seemed they had without question made an arrangement that could scarcely, without consequence, be revoked. However, the consequences then might apply to either party if another card came into play - the Alpha had yet to be seen, though his mighty voice had well been heard.

Once Diane and Ulric had spoken their pieces in turn, Silas reached to his hip and withdrew a radio clipped at his side.

"Little Alpha is compliant. Bring the Badger, over."

Ice-pick gaze still fixed ahead, the spy breathed cautiously; the next few moments would determine the success of their mission. Sabrina had already done him the favor of subduing Logan. As the radio was lowered again, he brushed his fingertips over the belt hidden beneath his sash and in a fraction of a moment took note of what arsenal he still had in inventory should he find need for it. Satisfied, he resumed an at-ease stance, hands rested loosely at his sides.

Already the sound of tires against gravel could be heard.

If a sigh escaped Logan's chest just then, only Ulric would know. And perhaps if he followed the sound again to her face, he might find her gaze had shifted, and it trailed towards her great paw. Just outside of her now slackened grasp lay the wolf totem, covered in dust. When she had come to hold it could not be discerned..


A snarl, or a roar, or a curse--whatever it was, some horrible noise breached Sabrina's lips and was spat like gall upon the ground. Her muscles were tense and the fur on her back and tail bristled. "Whether you recognize him or not, there is an Alpha here, and you have trespassed his authority, you little snake," she said with a threatening snap of her maw, saliva spurting through her clenched teeth. She shot a brief warning look at Ulric as he moved before looking up at Diane and Silas again.

"I cannot speak for the Alpha," he said. "But if you are quick, we will go promptly."

She met his eyes. She saw it there. He cared for Logan, for Levi, for herself. He even cared for these blackened curs called the Svalnaglas. He would sacrifice himself, to spare even the tiniest drop of bloodshed. Yet, where others would see compassion, she saw both a fatal weakness and the greatest resolve and strength she had ever witnessed.

At the sound of the oncoming vehicle, it would seem her passion cooled from a rolling boil to a mere simmer. She had lost, before the fight ever began. How could she stand against them? Her fighting stance relaxed and she stood straighter, almost as with compliance. Though a snarl still curled her lips, her fur laid flat. Her gaze was icy and sharp as the bite of winter itself. "Come," she said softly, gesturing towards Ulric, "...Take him."


Having sent his message and received what he considered to be a rather indecisive and confusing reply, Toby turned his attention back to the goings on behind him and slowly kept back towards them as quietly as he could-- Which was actually almost perfectly soundless! It was surprising to Toby how much more control he had over his wounded leg in wolf form than in human form. He could run, stop on a dime, jump, walk, and sneak around soundlessly without ever having his foot touch the ground! ...Perhaps it was because in human form he only had one other leg to work with, while in wolf form he had an extra three.

From the shadows of a nearby tree and the high foliage around it, Toby watched. It seemed the two intruders had come for Ulric, and all that had happened was merely a way to bait him out. As the male invader voiced his demands at Ulric, Toby felt heat in his chest and a small growl in his throat, but he wasn't about to charge in and fight anyone, that just wasn't his job..

...His job was to play emergency telephone to the Alpha when everyone else was too busy. Toby felt the growl in his throat gain volume and become mixed with a desperate whimper. He was frustrated. He wanted to do something. Why wasn't he stronger? Why couldn't he do something to help his pack? As in, really help his pack?

Hello, my name is Toby Buttermilk, I will be your useless for today. Can I interest you in a helpless audience to witness your diabolical deeds? If you have pack membership, you're also welcome to a complimentary break-one-of-my-bones special..

"Little Alpha is compliant. Bring the Badger, over."

Toby's ears perked. He stared at the male intruder's gadget with eyes as round as saucers and pupils bigger than his irises. That werewolf had a gadget! Suddenly the light bulb went on in Toby's head. He could do something to really help-help his pack and he knew exactly what!

...Just... Not now..

Toby felt more satisfied now that he had an idea in his head and watched quietly. Sabrina artfully subdued Logan and barked her own demands back at the two intruders. For a moment, Toby though she was going to do something frighteningly violent that would send the invaders away with their tails tucked between their legs and Toby to bed with nightmares for the rest of his life....

...His jaw almost dropped she surrendered instead.

Why would she do that? Wasn't she supposed to be invincible?


As a dark cloud found itself across the mood of the pack, an even darker car appeared. It was going a good speed, though it was precise in it's movements, in complete control it slid to it's side, and soon whipping towards the opposite direction, a simple if not flashy way of keeping the car facing where it's driver wanted it.

It was a well armored car, heavy duty all around with added protection of mesh barb wire and a bit of an electric fence, werewolf proofing as it were. There was a door on the back of the vehicle, as well as the usual places, for easier access.

Inside the driver's seat sat Eva, pleased with the mission so far. Perhaps she felt bad for the disorganized pups that ran rampant, though didn't approve of them, it was madness, pure and simple.

Glancing into the mirror, she simultaneity looked at the back and at the already seated Jodecai, knowing it wouldn't be long before the others joined him.


The Conquest Knight, AKA the "Badger"

A monster of a machine, the Badger was prepared with werewolves in mind no less than Kratos' pit. As far as vehicles went, nothing short of a tank would one up the Svalnaglas' retrieval car. The model alone was well armored, and if the solid steel exterior wasn't defense enough - a mesh cage of electrified barbed wire rested over the body of the beast.

While Sabrina's offer was ever so generous, Silas made no movement forward to retrieve the prize. Instead, he observed as Eva skillfully drove in and swung the beastly vehicle sideways so the rear door was facing Ulric. The latch was released and the door opened, revealing a trunk just suited for one werewolf. It was divided off from the back seats and presently illuminated by an overhead light, however it was clear that bulletproof window would offer no glimpse of the passing world.

Eva's position in the cab gave her every advantage of observing the territory. A laptop was mounted to the dash with a GPS radar, thermal imaging, and a sound amplifier. Even the bodies of Timothy and Jackie in the pit were visible to her, and Toby's position was noted.

The backseat of the car had four seats, two front facing and two rear facing, with a second console similar to the one mounted in the front placed directly in the middle of the seating arrangement. The rear seating was segmented off from the cab, albeit only by a steel mesh grate that could be slid away, while the cargo hold was completely sealed off.


Sabrina's dagger sharp gaze was broken from the pair at the window only momentarily, to observe the vehicle's arrival and to size up its build. After that, she looked up at Diane and Silas with pure hatred and disgust. She placed her hand on Ulric's shoulder.

"I admire you," she said softly to him. "I admire your goodwill... I do."


Jodecai was silent as per usual, and hadn’t given so much of a smidgen of what he might feel or think on this foreboding night. However, that said--such an individual as Jodecai doesn’t give much thought into matters that don’t concern him. His priorities rarely--if ever at all--stray from the objective of the mission. He is called to fulfill a duty, not think. He’d rather leave thinking to important thinkers anyway.

Like Diane... She is certainly an ‘important thinker.’

With the car stopped, Jodecai exited the vehicle and evaluated the situation--it was just as Eva said it to be. He couldn’t help but underestimate her gadgets, if not for how convoluted they seem, but when it comes to results--Eva always delivers.

Jodecai briefly made eye contact with Diane, and gave her a compliant nod, signaling that the Badger was ready for departure on her whim.

With his arms crossed and his legs spread apart confidently, Jodecai seemed to be acting his usually stoic self.. However, as his eyes wandered, an expression of shock absorbed his face.. A totally uncharastically surprised--almost jaw dropped--expression.

Though Jodecai quickly regained composure--it was almost certain someone had noticed. Perhaps they’d just dismiss it, however.. Even so, his eyes now stared aimlessly, fogged with a mysterious urgency..

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