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Werewolves (RP 6): Echoes from the Past (04/14-10/15)

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Jackie visibly jumped at the sound much like a cat that had been suddenly drenched. The woman did not immediately spin to meet Logan's eyes, however; rather she stiffed at the spine and continued onward. It seemed Jackie was intent to her walk as though nothing had happened--but Logan's voice carried a very particular tone to it that made it impossible to do. Jackie's quick walk gradually began to slow until she was still.

She did nothing for some time, perhaps considering her next words carefully or else at a complete loss on what to do. Logan's face was not one Jackie had not thought about for some time; and whenever she did, she had done her best to shrug it off quickly. But it seemed this tactic would not serve her well now.

Jackie did not turn to face the young woman, but rather remained as she was; she did not even twitch.

"Yes, what do you want?"


Theo did notice a brief wave of uncertainty fill Toby, but the expression soon vanished before Theo could make much of it. Feeling at ease once he had his backpack, Toby felt more reassured about what this trip would have in story. He once more opened the door so Toby might exit with ease. A grin soon took hold of his face, and no matter what he could do, he couldn't quite seem to detach it.

"Well, you ready?"


Zander paused at the exit of the door-- so close! He could still easily make a break for it if he needed to, but some nagging voice that sounded an awful lot like his mother kept him from his bid to freedom. With a defeated sigh, the young man shuffled awkwardly to the front of the store after carefully sweeping the fragments of the vase into his palms as best he could.

What Mrs. Buttermilk had to say was undoubtedly very interesting and had Zander been tucked away in his corner, he might have been content to scribble more into his journals. But now exposed and easily seen by both parties, he felt something like a small mouse in the sightline of a hawk. He clutched the fragments tightly and held his breath in tightly. Then when the conversation seemed to have reached a kind of lull, he deposited the scraps of vase onto the cash register.

"Ma'am afraid I erm, left my wallet at home. I really don't have anything to pay you with..."

The young man's eyes drifted slightly to the floor, not daring to look the old woman in the eyes.


Cherise waited patiently for the answer she hoped would be the answer she had been searching for for years. However, a loud crash interupted, the before quiet shop, causing Cherise to jump out of her skin and look towards the young man. In a moment, her mind was filled with pity for him, she knew how awkward that situation was, having once been in a similar one herself, but as it was not her vase that had been broken she could do nothing but offer a small reassuring smile to signify, hopefully, it was okay.

Cherise then returned her gaze to Mrs. Buttermilk and listened intently. "I'm not sure," she said pondering back, "I know for sure that my mother was only married once, but I'm not quite as sure if it was your son or maybe another named Scott Buttermilk.. Here is the marriage certificate." Cherise then handed over to the elder lady the documents. "Do you know if this is your son?" 

As she waited on Mrs. Buttermilk, her thoughts and gaze were brought back to the young man who had now come to pay for the broken vase. Upon hearing his predicament, she said cheerfully "Oh! No problem, if you don't mind I'll pay for it." she then turned to her bag, which was draped over her shoulder, and pulled out a small wallet.


Toby smiled broadly and began to hobble forward. He managed to make it out of the door, and waited in the hallway for Theo, then hobbled after him with enthusiasm. 


Mrs. Buttermilk took the documents and looked over them with supreme interest. Yes. This was Scotty, and Jessica too, dagnabit! Which meant this pretty young thing was her long lost granddaughter. The old woman glanced up at Cherise for a moment and was silent. 

Poor little thing! She probably came here looking for Scotty.. I wonder how much she knows about him... How much would Jessica tell her? Probably nothing. That silly woman. Just then, the vase-breaker approached.

Mrs. Buttermilk looked at the young fellow and lifted her eyebrow sharply, looking very skeptical. Who comes waltzing into a store without a wallet?.. Well, I guess it could happen... Maybe.. 

Quietly, the old woman swept the pieces into a paper bag and placed them back on the shelf. She would have found something for him to do, but then Cherise spoke up and offered to pay for him. Mrs. Buttermilk glanced at her briefly, then at the boy, then back at the bag. Well, I suppose that's alright. But you'll owe this young lady your money instead, young man, and you'll be taking this vase with you. Make sure of it. She said simply, pushing the bag toward him. She then smiled broadly and happily stated. Thank you for your purchase! Come again! 

She then looked back at Cherise and gave the documents back to her. Yup. That's my Scotty.She said.


Logan did not approach more than what was needed.. she moved some two yards from Jackie, close enough to easily consider her body language and hear her words, but far enough that perhaps, if Jackie should consider her so, she would not come off as a threat.

"There is something that belongs to me.. the.. fotograf-ee-ay?" at first the word was muttered quietly, "Yes.. photograph," now with more confidence in her wording, Logan continued, "I gave to you on the night of the last full moon.. thank you, for keeping it." though she thanked Jackie, it she meant, "give it to me", as she held out her hand in a way as though she expected the image to be placed into it in the next few moments. Her posture conveyed a passive seriousness, she would not have it any other way, but she was not necessarily being pushy about it either, at least, not in her mind.

"Now, please.. I may have back now?"


Cherise offered another smile to the stranger. She had just placed the money on the counter when Mrs. Buttermilk handed back the documents and confirmed that it was, indeed, her son. For a moment Cherise was stunned, she.. she didn't know quite what to do next. Her heart burst within her with joy! C-could she now finally meet the father she never knew? 

"Oh really!?" Cherise exclaimed. Though overjoyed, she was able to keep most of it in, hoping not to come off as overbearing to the elder lady. "That is- I mean, I- You don't know how much this information means to me, Thank you!" Cherise smiled brightly, then folded the papers and placed them, along with her wallet, back inside her bag. She then turned back to face Mrs. Buttermilk "Um, does he still live here, in Reknab Bend? Mrs. Butter- Uh, I mean.. " Cherise's face felt hot, "W-what would you prefer me to call you?" as soon as the words left her mouth, Cherise wished she could recall them.


Mrs. Buttermilk smiled, her squinty eyes disappearing amid her wrinkly cheeks. Oh, you can call me Grandma, dear.. Or Grammy, or Granmama-- That's what Toby always call me. She said, her voice full of fondness. Though trying to be as pleasant as possible, in truth, Mrs. Buttermilk didn't know what to make of this young lady yet. It was clear she belonged to Scotty, the documents proved it, but how does one react in a situation like this? 

Cherise's was the blissful face of a descendant Mrs. Buttermilk had never known existed, whose parents the old lady didn't exactly have the highest opinion of, and who could not be gushed about or won over with candy due to being an adult... Hmmm, tricky.

In any case, the old woman was sure this fine young thing would be married by now-- Or engaged at the very least. She didn't need to concern herself about the forgotten family. One thing would surely lead to another, and this preppy little lass would discover about the wolves. No, no. It was best for her to go on being normal, and not try to discover her father's family's freaky sneaky secret. 

No, I'm afraid Scotty is not here. Sorry dear one. Mrs. Buttermilk said softly.


There was an expression that flashed across Jackie's face. It could not be seen, as her back was still turned, but a slight tension in her posture indicated some emotion had been revealed. When the emotion had subsided, and any traces of its existence and been carefully buckled down under a stony facade, Jackie turned. Her eyes settled on Logan, considering her for perhaps a moment too long; it was the kind of glance she had often offered men in bars when she was deciding if she could take them down. 

"That will be difficult," the words were mumbled quietly and painfully. Jackie shifted her glance abruptly to the ground.

"When we were in that river, a few weeks ago. It...," she stopped abruptly, as if considering a small plant near her foot in detail was of utmost importance. After thinking about it from leaf to stem, she swatted it with her foot.

"It got wet. Really wet. ," Jackie exhaled quickly, her cheeks becoming slightly flushed and her eyes quickly darting," It's all faded and wrinkled and you can't even tell it was your grandfather, let alone a human. All the colors mushed together and now it looks like a sick rainbow threw up on it. Sorry, okay? I tried to look after it, but I kinda-sorta-maybe forgot photographs aren't waterproof"

There. Now it was out, now it was said. She only now dared to look at Logan, to study the expression that would soon take its hold on her features. It would be interesting.


He really ought to have left the antique shop. Zander doubted that in such a climatic moment, anyone would have minded if he walked out the door. But thanks to Mrs. Buttermilk, he had it in his head that Cherise owned his soul. Which cost $10.15, apparently, which was none too comforting. He wasn't entirely certain how Cherise would have liked him to pay off his debt--do her dishes, perhaps? -- and couldn't move until he knew what she wanted of him. 

He lingered awkwardly at the edge of the conversation, his eyes occasionally glancing at the old woman or Cherise, but not settling too long that he would draw attention to himself. Not knowing entirely what do with himself, he decided to study the thing that had cost him his soul.

It would have been pretty, if it wasn't in pieces. It was a dark navy blue and small geometric shapes could be vaguely seen under the dark paint.

"A shame. A vase from the 1920's art deco style? Mother would have loved it"

Zander jumped abruptly, realizing the stray thought had slipped his lips just at the moment the conversation had dipped into a brief silence.


Theo propped every door open for Toby to pass unhindered and his eyes kept seeking possible ways his new companion might injure himself. There was a frenzied excitement in his eyes that made his limbs twitch strangely and his jerk abruptly across the forest. As the two ventured further into the forest, Theo's thoughts became even murkier and his jittery excitement even more noticeable. Until--

woomph. THUMP. Thuuud.

Theo fell flat on his face and the backpack he had been clutching fell out of his hands. Its contents were quickly revealed for anyone to see. There were a few stray bobbles, a few beads, an old pad of paper, some crushed hard candy. But by far the most interesting object was the crudely fashioned necklace. It had been constructed of roughly carved wood and randomly colored beads with old twine looping it all together. It's center pendant was also made of wood, but with an odd symbol that had been quickly placed on it with white paint...


With every word Jackie spoke, the violet eyes that were Logan's became sharper, within them brewing a fiery rage. Her brows sunk, pressing against the tops of her eyes. Her hands coiled into tights fists, and if you might look closer you would realize there was a tremble in them - one that could only be provoked by a great degree of building anger. 

As a matter of fact, perhaps it would have served Jackie while to look at Logan all the while she was speaking, and maybe she would have considered more carefully her words, for by the time that she had turned to dare a glance on Logan, no longer did she stand there as a woman but instead there was a werewolf in her place! 

The furs all down her spin were raised, and her face twisted into a snarl! She lunged at Jackie, stopping as close to the woman as she could get without pushing against her, and there she stood at her full height and looking down at Jackie with a dark expression. 

More shocking than the change was perhaps the fact that Logan did not attack.. as though there was some small unseen barrier between the two, the beast remained unmoving. There was some redeeming note on Jackie's part about all of this, and that was that she had told the truth in the face of all potential consequences, which was something Logan had always admired. That was perhaps the only thing keeping Jackie standing at the moment, that little piece of Logan's personality that had seeped through into her alternate form. 

With ears pinned back and a head inclined towards the face of the red haired woman, it seemed at any moment the wolf might attack.. from her muzzle came a constant stream of small growls, then they stopped.. in the next instant, a large arm was raised above Jackie, and it came down upon her, the back of Logan's hand crashing against Jackie's face with a loud slap, the force of the action enough to topple a full grown man.

She then cast a glance towards Zeit's home, before bolting into the forest, and making her way towards Phantom Mountain...! If she should have her way, she would keep running, and be well within the forests of the mountain by nightfall.. 


Ulric had only stood in the yard a moment before Chime approached him and relayed her message, accompanied by a small improvisation of her own, which happened to be more welcome than she knew.

Alpha Kratos' request was received rather gravely and left Ulric wondering as he took it as more of an obligation than a passing matter. But Chime brightened the moment, and Ulric couldn't help but smile to help ease the awkwardness of the stumble.

"Thank you, Chime." He said. "I'll go find him and see what he wants."

It was at that moment when Logan began to drift away, and Ulric watched her go quietly. He did not immediately look back to Chime, though he wanted to ask her about the other people in the yard with Zeit. However he felt that it was a bad time, and watching in the direction Logan left, he felt somewhat solemn. But the weight and importance of the Alpha's request would be placed foremost, regardless of other things...

Looking again to Chime at last with a smile that was genuine and sincere, but revealed a feeling of forlorn, Ulric bid himself pardon. 

"Well, I guess I'll catch you later. Thanks again." He said, and turned to walk toward the barn. His steps were slower though they carried more purpose, and his mind wavered on the matter before him like the last leaf on an autumn tree... 

Staring forward as he got on the road, Ulric had been right to suppose that he would pick up the Alpha's trail at the barn, but scent was unnecessary when the giant could be seen on the dirt path ahead of him. 

It appeared to Ulric that Kratos had just left the orchard and was descending the hill back in the way he had come, going casually and staring down the path ahead of him. Ulric then could suppose that his approach was not unknown, and looking toward the Alpha he felt altogether very solemn and serious. Nonetheless his steps did not falter as he went to meet his brother.

It's a strange thing... to know something awaits you on the road just ahead, seeing it approach as peacefully as a spring morning and yet feeling its coming would bring with it dark clouds to cover the majestic blue sky; It was the sense of some impending event, with a dawning that was solemn and unpreventable, as Ulric now found. But as all others do when faced with such an impression, he knew the only way of knowing the inevitable, was to walk up, await its coming, and at last greet it. So that was what he did.


Alpha Kratos arrived at the foot of the hill at the same time that Ulric passed the little tree that hung its branches over the fence in front of Zeit's yard. The two met midway between those points, and facing each other they then stopped.

"Chime said you wanted to see me." Ulric said, looking up at his adoptive brother with his arms coming to his sides respectfully.

Kratos looked down and nodded his head. "Yes," he confirmed in a voice that was deep and calm. He looked to his right over the small dusty crop field, then to the pastures beyond, and then up at great Phantom Mountain. His eyes seemed to convey something that Ulric did not know, but wondered at before they were returned to him.

"I need to speak with you about something." Kratos said. He looked calm and at ease, though Ulric felt that there was also something heavy hanging over them which could neither be seen nor discerned.

Ulric did not say anything at first, feeling that the Alpha would continue as he was prepared. Nevertheless after a moment of silence he felt inclined to gently press, "What is it, Kratos?"

Ulric looked earnestly, and the Alpha drew a deep breath which was relieved slowly as Kratos turned his back toward the field. He began walking along the grey road away from the ranch, beckoning Ulric to walk along. 

The two went silently at first, Kratos leading the way down the road that led between the orchard-hill and the horse corrals some distance ahead. Then the Alpha spoke.

"You never told me what was bothering you that other night..." He said, but he did not look down.

Ulric instantly recalled the night to which Kratos referred and suddenly felt very awkward and clumsy. 

"Oh, it doesn't matter anymore." Ulric immediately tried in vain to dissuade the conversation. But as it became apparent that Kratos would not differ from the subject, Ulric was compelled to explain. "I didn't think it would be appropriate in front of Jackie and Logan, but it hardly matters now..." 

"What was it?" Came the simple and nonchalant return, to which Ulric at once felt more reluctant to reply. He still remembered the matter and what he wanted to say that evening, but his desire to state it had considerably diminished since then, and he felt the main point no longer pertinent. 

Nonetheless, a glance at length from Kratos made it known that Ulric in the end would have to answer. So he sighed slowly, looking down at the ground under his shoes for a moment before looking up at the Alpha again.

"It was just that... I.. It's just that they're people, Kratos." Ulric said at last. His honesty was hindered by humility in this answer, for he did not feel it his place to reprove the Alpha, even should he disagree with him. Thus Ulric ventured explain, "Some of them... They don't understand..."

Ulric watched Kratos for how his words would be received, and he saw that the Alpha did not interrupt him. Nonetheless, Kratos did not seem altered or any less resolute, which did little to convey to Ulric how his words might have effected his brother. 

"There was a reason why I dealt with things the way I did." Kratos said, his voice was low and soft, but it was not weak; the words were firm and strong, and Ulric knew that it was for his understanding that the Alpha spoke so mildly.


As Mrs. Buttermilk spoke, Cherise beamed. The smile that grew across the young woman's face was so bright and full of joy that if one were to look at her just then, they would think she had swallowed the sun and tasted something far beyond sweet!

Just then, Cherise's curiosity was piqued "Toby? Do you mean Tobias.. I guess, my uncle?" she added a meek shrug while still with that beautiful smile on her face. All her worries had flown out the window now. It was only a matter of time befor- Cherise's thoughts were then pulled back, Mrs. Buttermilk explained that her father was no longer here. 

'Okay.. minor set back,' she thought,I'm still on the right track. "Oh," Cherise sighed softly with a glance at the ground, "Do you know,.. where he lives now, Granmama?" That moment was not to be explained, the name seemed to roll right off the tongue. For Cherise, this was a whole new experience.

Cherise never had the influence of a grandmother in her life. Her grandmother on her mother's side had passed away while Jessica was a girl. All Cherise knew of her was a small picture in her mother's work room. She often looked at it as a little girl, admiring the smile and style of hair. Of course her mother never talked of her except for the occasional comment that Cherise was named after her or the beautiful soft voice she had in song. Other then these, that was it. 

Cherise's attention was then brought back to the young man who stood by them. Though noting how awkward he looked, Cherise had overheard his words "Oh, I may know of a way you can fix it." she said suddenly, before realizing how much more awkward she had made the situation. Cherise blushed.

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