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Werewolves (RP 6): Echoes from the Past (04/14-10/15)

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Logan listened with a piqued interest. She had learned little of packs, and from her point of view, the Alpha's pack had been "the norm". But to hear that typical cases were different, surprised her. 

Now she observed the fields ahead of her, but her thoughts were on what Ulric had said, and then what she would say in response. Before speaking, she released a deep breath, almost in a sigh.

"Maybe it is.. not so easy, we don't have a 'head start', yeah?" she nodded towards him briefly, "Still, if this pack can do well to get past it's problems, and others can grow close as friends and allies, then we can be in some ways even stronger than other packs. There is a certain finding unity in passing challenges as allies." 

At this point, she was only semi aware of what she was saying. She was busy inspecting the fences they pass for damage.. maybe the roof of the barn needed work, or maybe there were animals to be fed. She briefly debated asking someone for instructions or where to find the tools, but decided on that much she could manage.

However this was all thrown to the side with the waft of a breeze that carried with it a distinctively new scent... or several. When it had passed, she wished it stayed a while longer, to reveal more about the signatures of the misters and mistresses it carried with it. And it seemed now, there were more than a couple of them, but Logan could not decide that for sure. She looked back to Ulric, quietly hoping that maybe he had something to offer when she herself did not know what to make of it.


Jackie’s fingers kept rolling over the flute. She thought perhaps if she kept inspecting the fine craftsmanship, some answer might reveal itself. But alas, Jackie found herself as stumped as when she had first retrieved the instrument. Had the object been a sturdy knife or a spearhead, the red-head might have felt more at ease with an object more suited for her hands. But this flute… it didn’t seem something that was meant for her. 

As she further inspected the grass for some sign of the flute’s origin, Jackie was only further confused by the discovery of yet another mysterious object. This was a hand-carved bison. It seemed less foreign in her palms; but it’s possible association with the flute only made it seem just as unseemly. Just as she was entertaining the possibility of throwing the totem as far as she could so she might have one less mystery to deal with, she heard the alpha speak behind her.

Jackie was understandably startled and jumped much like a cat that was suddenly soaked in water. She clutched the two mystery objects close to her stomach, hiding them from the sight of the alpha and seemed almost guilty to have such things in her possession. Yet as the instinct wore off, Jackie’s posture slacked and she made no further effort to hide her findings. She seemed only amused now by Kratos’ inspection of the orchard and made a move to stand. 

It’s really rude to sneak up on people, you know,” the woman stood, tucking her two findings into the pocket of her jacket, their secrets no longer as captivating. 

She watched Kratos’ progress through the orchard with great attention. It seemed strange that she would have discovered the two more well-hidden objects in the orchard, yet the obvious white note on the tree had eluded her. Yet she seemed oddly unperturbed in her lapse of senses and merely shrugged off the thought. No, she was more fascinated by Kratos’ clear ability to read the scents of the air. Certainly in the few months she had been at the ranch, such talent was not uncommon; and perhaps, it was even a given trait to all that held residence at the ranch. Yet despite her own new-found talents, Jackie had spent so little time tuning into her senses. Her own ignorance seemed plainer when in the presence of a master. 

I can’t say I share your talent with stationary. If I smell the air, I can smell apples and leaves and our pack. Maybe a few of the animals that were here. Makes me wish I could do the same.

The words were slow and measured, much like a child when asking their elders for advice. Jackie had felt silly, of course, once the words were spoken and had turned her back in embarrassment, but all the same it was clear she still was listening to the conversation.


Cherise's face beamed brightly with hope and optimism as she nodded in agreement to Officer Clerk's suggestion. She then headed for the door, walking outside the office into the bright light of the sun. Cherise could not help but stop and enjoy a breath of the warm summer breeze.. Suddenly, with great alarm, Cherise caught the scent of something that came in the air. 

In seconds all her senses were on high alert, as if there were an unseen danger lurking in plain sight. She tried to hide her unease from Officer Clerk, and being very good at not showing her inward thoughts, smiled and sighed in contentment. Though, inside her thoughts were racing: Are they wolves? It's a pack,.. It must be, there are too many for it not to be. But, there's strangely something else.. They are wolves, they cant be- with a slight gasp of fear, which could barely be heard, Chersie thought "Werewolves? No, no, no, no.. That's silly. Deep down Cherise knew that this silliness is exactly what she smelled.


Kratos seemed impassive to the statement that fell short of an inquiry or request, nonetheless the objective of the suggestion had not gone unnoticed by him. Exhaling deeply he contemplated upon his reply, then he stepped forward and took an apparent bright red apple off one of the trees.

"Well, your nose is in the right spot." He said casually as he looked at the fruit. Then he glanced up to see if Jackie would still have her back turned on him, for of course his joke had another meaning aside from the literal translation, and he wondered if she had caught the joke or the meaning behind it. Regardless however, he elaborated on it a moment later. 

"If you can smell the apples, the pack, and the passing of nature, then you're picking up everything that I am." Kratos lifted the fruit to his nose thoughtfully, then lowered it and turned it over in his hand. The other side of the apple was pale and greenish, revealing that the fruit was not in actuality at its peak of ripeness as it had originally appeared. 

"Only difference being," Kratos continued, shaking the apple lightly in the air before tossing it off toward the nearby pasture. "Is that I know how to separate the differences in my head."

The apple might never have cleared the orchard if Kratos had been a man of lesser stature, and apparently lesser aim, but as it was the apple flew far and vanished from sight. However, there was no doubt that it at least reached the foot of the hill. 

Kratos seemed amused by the toss, for he had not practiced throwing in a long time and the sight brought back childish victories from his boyhood. Thus looking content, he turned toward Jackie and spoke again. 

"Knowledge is the difference between talent and skill. You get yourself some good experience," he said, reaching his long arm into the boughs overhead without looking up. "And you'll find that a good nose and a fine wind is one of the greatest assets of the whole thing."

There was no need to further elaborate on that point, for the reward which Kratos withdrew from the loftier branches explained the point better than words. Resting now in the palm of the giant's hand was almost undoubtedly the most scrumptious fruit in the whole orchard. Its deep red color was pristine, the apple quite at the prime of ripened perfection, and its smell - now drifting free from the obstruction of the greater branches and leaves - was more delightful than the sight! This, buried treasure in a 'sense,' was what Kratos presented with a hand extended in offering to join Jackie's pleasant collection.


Ulric was in silent agreement as he walked alongside Logan, simply nodding solemnly most of the way as he, too, caught the varying scents on the wind and couldn't help acknowledging them. He must have had other things in his mind in response to Logan's reply, but the smells were much too distracting for him as the feelings of earlier uneasiness had returned and steadily grown.

When at last it had become apparent that Logan was also somewhat distracted by the scents, Ulric made up his mind.

"Hey, how about we run down and see what's up?" The young man suggested, looking up at the much taller woman and did not wait for her to respond before smiling and quickening his steps a bit ahead of her. Still looking back he said, "It's only a short distance, you want to race me?" 


Thomas Clerk, who had followed Cherise to the door after lingering a moment by the desk to speak with the secretary, had stepped outside of the Police Office building only to have his attention called away to another matter before he could chance notice Cherise's sudden alarm.

Just on the other side of the street, Harvey Bolt had been seen leaning against the rear of his truck smoking a cigarette by Town Hall. Here he had waited idly, but very purposefully for the certain arrival of a woman who was seen by this building regularly. The rusty old truck was a familiar sight, and when it rounded the corner Harvey flicked his cigarette onto the pavement and extinguished it with his boot.

Meanwhile Mildred McGordner was on her way to Town Hall, as was her usual routine at this time of day, and had in mind a rather particular matter to discuss with Albert Rich, the gentleman who had overseen last month's hunt, when her eyes settled on the figure standing in the road. 

To describe the general atmosphere of displeasure that filled Mildred's countenance at the sight of that man, with a grimace on his face and a self-righteous air which was quite characteristic of him, would be unnecessary. Suffice it to say that she knew his bouts better than many others, and not being a woman inclined to easily back down herself, simply braced herself for the confrontation.

Driving into the unfortunate parking space, Mildred silenced the engine and stepped out of her old truck. And, just as anticipated, the moment her foot set upon the pavement, a rather unpleasant insult issued forth out of Harvey's mouth. 

Mildred was usually a very patient woman; though she could take harassment and turn the tables in less than a heartbeat on anyone who dared affront her - and could easily fight her own battles like there wasn't a person in the world to back her up - she most often debated with a calm firmness which proved wit more effective than intimidation. 

But the harassment which had been nearly constant since last month's incident had shortened her temper considerably, and the particular wording in which Harvey had laid his insult was, as Mildred would say, "the cream on the coffee" for her.

Whirling around quite furiously, Mildred decorated her sharp language in an insult which riled Harvey and gave him reason to retaliate in raised voice and aggressive approach. Mildred wouldn't back off, and this was the moment that Thomas Clerk exited the Police Office and caught sight of the awakening feud between the worst of neighbors.

Officer Clerk barely had time to pardon himself as Cherise's escort before he dashed over to control the situation before it began to spiral. Thankfully however, he did not need to point out which direction Cherise ought to go, because the Town Hall, Police Station, and Sophia's Antique shop were all in close vicinity along main street.


A bit caught off guard by the "Little Alphas" sudden playfulness, Logan furrowed her brows at him, then raised one just slightly. Already he was a few steady paces ahead of her, and she considered the idea briefly. It was predetermined in her mind that Ulric would win, however, there wasn't any harm in a little bit of fun. Maybe a quick race was just what she needed to feel more at ease. 

With a small smirk, she nodded, then crouched briefly, and without warning she pushed forward off the ground for a little edge, quickly gaining ground! Still, her peak speed would surely fall far behind Ulrics.. she was built for endurance rather than quickness. 

Nevertheless, Zeits house grew closer at a much steadier pace. Her heart throbbed in her chest and her legs already began to grow tight, but though she slowed, she did not reduce to walking and at last she came up beside the cottage after taking the path that framed the cornfield. 

Leaning against the cottages leftmost wall, she took a moment to catch her breath. "Next time," she considered aloud, "It will be an arm wrestle.." 

Now the smells all became much stronger, no longer an occasional waft on the breeze but they lingered around the area, some growing fainter, others keeping their strength. With both caution and curiosity, she came around from the back of the cottage, and once in the front, her violet eyes caught sight of a couple. They weren't the only strangers present, however, and she quickly followed their gaze to Zeit who was standing in front of the house along with another stranger.. the hairs on her neck pricked at the sight of the new wolves.. Perhaps they were old friends with the pack? In any case, she was not willing to greet them, so instead she pretended not to notice and walked along until she met with the road in front of the cottage, looking around to see where Ulric might have gotten to during and after the course of the race.


Taking back the letter, Chime nodded in answer, looking back to the horse as Kratos left the barn. Of course she would do it, her alpha had given her the task, it was just... she really wished she didn't have to see Zeit again so soon, and she was probably still interviewing that guy. Sighing, she gently rubbed Karma's nose with her free hand, she figure she was in for another awkward moment, but she guessed delaying it wouldn't make it any better. 

The horse took this moment to let out a snort, Chime quickly move her hand away, looking nervously at Karma.

"Don't judge, I don't know her as well as you do."

She quickly stated, then slowly looked around to make sure no one was around to hear it. Letting out a sigh, she gently scolded herself, she had seen everybody leave. 

Leaving the barn herself, Chime looked around to see if she could caught a glimpse of Zeit, seeing her at the cottage doorstep, talking with Hamilton of course, she let out another sigh and started up the path towards them, briefly noticing the two another strangers, though her eyes must of popped when she did. She allowed a small wave towards them before slowly walking up to Zeit. She felt like she should wait to be spoken to, though, honestly, she was sick of the waiting game.

"Erm, sorry for interrupting, but the alpha told me to give this to you and that he will be around to talk about it later."

It was rushed and quiet, though still eligible, withdrawing herself as soon as the letter was passed to Zeit. She kept her eyes lowered, hoping Zeit wouldn't response, and quickly added. 

"I should go find Ulric."

Chime didn't take the time to find out if he was in the area, though if she had, she may have bit her tongue before speaking that last sentence.


It was by a wayward side-glance Jackie did indeed catch sight of Kratos' green apple, although only offered his joke a fleeting ghost-smile. She did not turn to face Kratos as he began speaking, and it may have seemed the words were merely passing into the empty air above. Some months prior in the very same orchard, the alpha's words had done just that-- passed into the winds without even a sentence to be considered. But it seemed months in the pack had done wonders to her listening skills. Jackie was listening despite her turned back.

There was a sharp impact; instinctively Jackie spun on her heel, only to catch a quick glance at a red-and-green blur making headway into the foot of the orchard. She took only a moment to appreciate her ability to detect the object's path in the air, to hear the small fruit hurtle and whistle through the air, and to finally spy it vanish into the green growth some distance away. Had she not been what she was, there would have been no doubt this detail of imagery would not have been present. But now the moment had passed and Jackie found she was no longer impressed by an unripe apple.

Or for that matter, a large pile of unripe apples.

It was more than apparent a blind and frenzied technique would not win her any beauties for apples. She watched Kratos' progression in the trees with great interest, noting from the moment he began to the moment his hands clutched his fruity treasure. Jackie took the extended apple cautiously, as if not quite believing such a thing could exist. She considered it slowly.

"This won't last. I'd say it'll be overripe by tomorrow morning,"Jackie spoke thoughtfully. A silence followed as Jackie rummaged in her ever-crowded jacket pocket. She withdrew a knife.

It was not particularly sharp and was likely only a blunted steak knife 'borrowed' from Zeit's kitchen. Offering no explanation on her possession of such an object, nor the other objects that could be clearly seen in her jacket pocket, Jackie plunged the knife into the ruby skin of the apple. She worked the knife around the center of the apple, until at last the two halves were free of each other.

"I am told things like this are better shared. I wouldn't know as I've never been good at sharing," the redhead offered a coy smile to this,"But I think I'd like to give it a shot"

She smiled faintly to herself for no reason, before offering one of the halves to Kratos.


Contrary to Logan's predictions, Ulric did not take the lead in their little race, but fell some distance behind. His challenge had not been issued very competitively, as his actions now proved; he did not take advantage of his greater agility in the spirit of things, nor did he follow Logan when she took the shorter dirt path around the cornfield. 

Ulric had predetermined to follow Logan, and he had every intention to do so right up until the moment a peculiar and startling sight met his eyes. 

As Logan vanished behind the tall corn stalks, Ulric sighted something some ways down the road, nearly even with the horse corrals he supposed and going in the direction of the barn. It wasn't a very prominent or noticeable a thing, only a very brief glimpse, and had he not looked absentmindedly in that direction in the exact moment he would not have seen it. 

But he thought he saw a figure, and it impressed upon him suddenly a feeling of confusion; the shape was familiar, or so he thought, though such a presence in the area could not be fathomed. Yet catching such a fleeting sight in an absentminded glimpse left room for doubt, and thus his plans were altered to figure out the confusion. Had the figure been real, or imagined?

Going somewhat more cautiously, but strangely quicker than he had before, Ulric reached the corner of the horse corrals around the same time that Logan must have reached Zeit's backyard. There he stopped, breathing quickly but not heavily as he looked around at the open fields to his right, and down the wide dirt road to his left. 

The countryside was quiet as far out as the eye could see, the horses in the corral were calm, and there was nothing to denote that anything had passed by this way. But even so Ulric stood there a good few moments and continued to look around, uncertain whether he felt disappointed or relieved.

Had Logan not been waiting for him, Ulric likely would have stayed longer to search the grass for a scent, or perhaps look around in the cornfield or barn to find the individual he thought he saw. But as it was he knew he would be searched for, and hesitantly put the matter off. If it was not simply a dragonfly that caught his eye and vanished from sight, or some part of a horse in the corrals that had been too far beyond the cornfield for him to see from his viewpoint, then surely the matter would come up again. So, taking one last look around himself, Ulric turned down the dirt road and ran toward the ranch.

Arriving in the yard just in time to meet Logan near the road and hear his name spoken, Ulric looked and caught Chime's eye, accompanied by the sight and scent of several strangers by the house talking to Zeit.


Kratos tilted his head slightly and seemed to turn Jackie's stashed pockets an inquisitive brow, if not somewhat amused, while she rummaged about for the small knife. When she offered him back half of what he had given her, his head was brought up again and a smile took one corner of his mouth. Then his large hand reached out and took the gift as if he genuinely appreciated it.

Being a rather large man, it is perhaps not very surprising that the half-apple was gone within two brief bites, but there never was a more satisfying fruit ever eaten by the way he made it seem.

Now looking calm and content, Kratos looked at Jackie and smiled in a very somber way, one that spoke without words and left no doubt that though he were here, his thoughts had traveled to a faraway place. It must have been a sad place by the way he looked, but a place in which he had learned many hard lessons that were now carried and honored with great respect. 

The Alpha did not say what was on his mind, and soon enough he came back to himself in the focus of his eyes. Yet he had brought back with him a piece from that place; a small piece, only the tiniest portion of the bounty that he had earned in a time that only he knew. This piece he would give to Jackie in the form of words, greater than his earlier gift if she would but understand it.

"I hope you know that is why you are here, Jackie." Were the words solemnly spoken by the deep voice of the giant. "If you will take even half of what I have to offer, then you will have much more than a ripening fruit that would only last you one more day..."

With that the Alpha dismissed himself, nodding respectfully before he turned and walked passed Jackie in the direction he had come. His words hung in the air as if this alone was all he had followed her to say, and now he left the rest up to her. What he had implied, perhaps only she would know, but at any rate his nod thanked her for the gift and he left her in the orchard.

Then coming out of the small grove, Kratos drew a heavy breath and looked out over the ranch. His viewpoint afforded him a good deal and he could make out several figures in the yard below, some of which were familiar, others that were not, and two of which he had not seen before. He wasn't displeased, though he took note of the matter rather grimly. 

Kratos then looked over his left shoulder to the south and saw that the vehicle he had seen before sitting off the shoulder of the road had gone, and that there was no telling what it had been doing there. He was thus left to wonder at its significance, but he solemnly took note and dismissed it for the time being, presently turning from his observations to continue down the hill. 


I like birds! Toby said quickly, keeping a broad smile upon his lips despite the protestant pain from his wounds. His mind had completely skipped over Theo's offer to assist him, and was instead going down an automatic list of things he needed before going outside:

Firstly, he couldn't walk around the forest barefoot, and boots or shoes would be too difficult for him to put on right now. So, Toby took a pair of slippers off the nightstand and dropped them on the ground, so his feet could have easier access to them.

The next problem was a bit more... problematic. He was still in his silk pajamas, which was hardly an appropriate thing to wear outside. Especially if any of the girls-- Or goodness forbid, Zeit should see him! 

But, he couldn't exactly change into a proper outfit with jeans, button-up shirt and vest right now! That would take too long and be seriously painful. What if Theo decided he didn't want to wait? Or didn't want to be friends with someone who took too long getting dressed?

Casting a perplexed look around the room, Toby adjusted his glasses and hobbled toward his closet. Inside he knew was a heavy (fake) fur-coat and a matching ear-covering snow hat. This would solve two problems: The coat would cover his PJs, and the hat would cover his embarrassing ear.... It was pretty warm outside though...

Oh well, he'd have to grin and bare it! 

You're hurt, Toby.You have limitations now-- And since a hike with Theo is too important, running into one of the girl's is likely, and getting properly dressed is too painful, this is what you'll have to deal with... Besides, it might do you some good to sweat a little.

So, still smiling like a dummy; Toby slipped the heavy coat around himself, buttoned it up, and fastened the hat around his jaw... He looked quite the clown. Alright! Lead the way, Theo. I'm ready.


While the officer headed off, Cherise called out a thank you, then watched him make his way over to the others. Though a little confused for a moment, she located the Antique shop a little ways away and carefully started down the street. A new side of Cherise took over at that moment, she had been nervous and frightened by the new scents and they had awaken a side of her that was rarely seen. 

Her head was high and her eyes and ears were alert to all sounds and movements. She walked with an air that hinted to others subconsciously not to approach her or be prepared for trouble. Though she was quite unaware of this herself, she took on the attitude, facial expressions, and confidence that she was in control of this situation. 

She soon reached the shop, opened the door and walked in.

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