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Werewolves (RP 6): Echoes from the Past (04/14-10/15)

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Toby looked up from his book cheerfully; another first for him as he had not been startled by the sudden noise of a knock at the door. He recognized the voice as Theo and quickly set his book upon the shelf. "Oh yes, come on in." He said, his tone chipper and welcoming. 

Theo had always been a funny kind of fella in Toby's mind, but over the last couple of weeks, he'd grown rather fond of him. Who couldn't like a person who kept giving them random gifts of their favorite kind. Theo had brought Toby more books than Toby had even known existed-- Which was thrilling, because Toby was quite certain he had read every book in Reknab!

Yet despite his happy mood and like for the visitor, Toby was still Toby and thus a little shy about his condition. Slowly and not without some deal of pain, Toby lifted himself into a better sitting position and pulled his blanket up over his chest- A way of hiding any possible sight of the bandages around his torso. He also pushed his head back against the pillow a little further to hide the hole in his ear.


Cherise stood within the police station and bit her lip rather awkwardly.. She loved meeting new people, but she couldn't help but feel a little shy and sheepish of this new place. Carefully she walked over and seated herself on a bench near the station's window, waiting.. 

"Maybe, where ever you are, you've been looking for me too..." She quietly spoke to herself as she gazed out the window towards the surrounding wooded area. In her waiting, she began to wander in thought.

Cherise knew from constant searching in vain, that this was most likely to be the last hope she had of finding her long lost father.. If this Mrs. Buttermilk didn't know who she was or him for that matter, she would be at the end of her rope. Her mother would never breathe a word without depression or anger. Maybe, this Mrs. Buttermilk, if she did know her father, would know if he were a ware-wolf-.. No, she would not even bring it up unless necessary.. that part of her was a secret even to her own mother.

Thus was poor Cherise's thoughts before she was pulled away from them by the sight of singing birds flying around the window. Welcoming the chance to think of something more pleasant, she quickly reached for her hand bag and pulled out her sketch pad to draw the little things.


Ulric watched Logan's face, noticing the slightest change in her features as she breathed in the mountain wind. He was inclined to agree that it was a very nice day indeed, and smiled when she said so, but the smile faded casually into calm attentiveness as she went on to explain her views. 

Upon hearing Logan express her apology Ulric glanced down and shook his head. "No, that's okay," he said, and as he spoke he looked up and smiled again. "I'm sorry I wasn't more understanding that day. It wasn't your fault though." 

Feeling inclined to avoid an awkward apologetic stalemate, Ulric pointed briefly to the unfinished letter on his desk and went on to explain. "I was just writing to my parents- ah, well - adoptive parents, but I've probably been at it too long." He said, and smiled awkwardly at the ceiling as he added almost to himself, "I seem to have chased everything decent to say out of my head with all this time."

"Anyway," Ulric looked at Logan again and grabbed his backpack off his nearby chair. "If you want, we can probably go out and find something to do. I mean, if you want to work on something, there's probably lots to do down by the ranch - I heard a lot about it the other day."


The evening was indeed a hot one and following some time without another word, 

Kratos let his shoulders drop and he shook his head. A heavy wind coursed through the stable at that moment and caused the weeds and grasses outside to rustle and chatter. Then came the clip-clop of hooves into the corridor and presently Kratos looked up to see Zeit dismount her horse and begin tending the large animal.

Exasperated by the boy's stubbornness, Kratos relented, or else set aside this matter for another and gestured over his shoulder to dismiss Timothy. "Go inside, get a drink and cool off for a bit." 

Timothy had not looked up again since turning away and watched the massive black boots exchange one over the other across the dusty floor. Seeing that Kratos had stood aside, the boy walked passed the giant and out into the open sunlight. He headed up the road at a loitering pace to the familiar house surrounded by green, and for a short time the Alpha watched after him. 

"Come on you stupid cow, move your butt! If you don’t, I’ll have Zeit make hamburgers out of you!" It was Jackie's voice that had spoken out from a stall nearby.

Kratos let his hand off his belt and turned around. Casually he walked passed the stall that had recently been cleared out by Timothy and came to stand just behind the open door of another stall wherein a stubborn red-haired woman was being patiently tolerated, if not quietly challenged by an equally stubborn broad-boned heifer. 

Watching between the two Kratos raised an inquisitive brow before furrowing both brows together and looking sideways at Jackie.

"You know, I do not know much about cows, Jackie..." Kratos commented in his same unaltered tone. "But if it were me, you couldn't convince me to corner myself in a room with you in that mood, regardless the consequence of doing otherwise."


Thomas Clerk was at his office that day, not really at his desk, but nearby writing something out to the secretary at the front. He had been thus engaged when the young woman from out of town walked through the door of the station and requested assistance. 

Usually, Officer Clerk would finish his work and leave for his vehicle, but as he completed the task and noticed the girl by the window, he took the opportunity to pass the papers back to the lady at the desk and approach this unfamiliar face.

"Hello there, young lady." Thomas said with a friendly smile and a nod in Cherise's direction.

Just then the woman at the desk called out from behind Thomas Clerk. "Ma'am, I can help you over here." 

Hour Glass

Zeit was quiet for a moment, before a comment caught her attention. It had taken her a moment to process it, the sun had fried her brain for the day, but she chuckled after that. After guiding her mare into it's stall, she came over, standing close to Kratos with a hand on her hip. She chuckled at the sight, not out of spite but amused by how hard Jackie was working in order to get the cow into the stall.

"Well, I'd suggest we keep one of my bulls and use him for meat, Jackie," she teased, "those will be some great burgers. Betsy here, she's like a grandmother, but a cow instead of a human". She smirked as she crossed her arms for a moment before moving to go and help with the older cow. She grabbed a treat for the older cow, who moved a bit quicker to get the treat inside the stall. "Thanks for helping with her stall though, it's hard to get everything cleaned up perfectly," she commented, before moving to leave the pair alone.

Though the beta soon stopped, eyes narrowing as she eyed one of the stalls, noticing something was off. "Kratos, I know the stalls were getting cleaned, but as far as I knew, Sasha was still in her stall," the farmer said cautiously, a bit nervous as she gestured to the empty stall before her, "but she's not here now?"

The beta moved to the stall at that, not fond of finding her animals missing from where they were supposed to be. "Do you know who's taken here? I can't just have my horses roaming free!" she said, looking around. She might be getting better with the pack, but she still had tendencies of being protective over her animals, especially the horses in her barn. They were either her main form of transportation or had been with her long enough they were like a family pet. To find them missing meant someone was trying to do something they weren't ready to do, or had forgotten to ask the farmer if they could do so.


Backing away from the horse as soon as she heard the vehicle, just in case, Chime looked over to see what type it was. She watched as the lady quickly stopped it, nervously looking back to the mare, who, though on the deference, wasn't nearly as spooked looking as Chime felt, she wondered what the other wanted, though she waved back. Retracing her steps as she gave the apple to the horse, wait werewolf? 

Yes, she realized that she did smell like one.

The stranger shifted her attention to her, and she found herself opening her mouth to reply, to assure her that they were indeed a pack, though she left before the words could form, she had gotten a nod in. 

Though not remembering taking the letter, she find it secured in her hand, she looked at the envelope, how interesting.. she found herself wondering what was written inside of it, whatever it was, the lady wanted a letter in return and from the alpha at that, why else would you include an return address? 

The mare's snort made her look back to the animal, then to the brush in her hand, well, she would have to find somewhere to the put the letter, or else come back to the horse for the grooming.. looking down at her pockets, she decided that she would have to come back, not knowing where else she would put the letter and knowing that her pocket would just bend it, maybe only slightly but she didn't want to take the chance. 

"OK, horsey, I'm going to have to.. well, I guess I can't leave you tied, err.." 

Feeling awkward, she looked to the brush in one hand and the letter in the other, then back to the halter holding the horse to the fence. Putting the brush on the grass, she went over to the horse, she moved to envelope under one her arm, so undoing the straps would be possible, she found herself having trouble sliding it off, she hated putting it both on and off, not knowing how to get it over the ears without bending them. Finding herself moving it up, then letting it go again.. 

"Alright, I guess we'll just take you back to the barn, how about that, huh?" 

Moving to the knot, she started fiddling with it, though not knowing how to tie it in the first place made it hard to untie, she soon found herself irritated with it. Oh, how could she have tied this? It didn't make a lot of sense.. She positioned herself in different ways, trying to figure out the silly knot.


The early sun beat done warmly on the country road, complimented with a reoccurring soft, cool morning breeze. Hamilton walked steadily down the lane, aside from a single moped heading into town, the road was quiet. As was to be expected. From what he gathered, Reknab Bend was a small country town, not a tourists attraction. The man smiled to himself, silently appreciating the peace and quiet of the countryside. Compared to his previous lodging at hotels of the large, bustlingly cities, it was nice to slow down, it felt a bit more like home.

He felt a small tug of discomfort at the thought, before dismissing the nostalgia grudgingly. Ah now give America a fair go mate! It ain't much different, no not ah't toll, although it wouldn't hurt to have a few more places like this ol' bush.. Hamilton lingered on his thoughts, looking out the pastures in front of him in wordless approval. 

Passing through Reknab, he caught wind of town gossip that there was some strange activity out on the ranch just a couple weeks ago. When Hamilton stepped into the conversation to inquire about job opportunities, he was warned of stories of werewolves, of all things. It was as if his self conscious restricted werewolves to only Australia, he never really considered running into any sort of reports in America. Oi, not much different at toll.. Shrugging nonchalantly, he lifted his eyes to notice a girl inside the pasture, close to the roadsides with a horse halter in hand. 

He wouldn't have paid much mind if he hadn't notice the struggle she was having. Hamilton hesitated, coming up against the fence as he observed the scene in silent amusement. He recalled the ranch he took care of with his parents. It really didn't deserve that title, Hamilton considered quietly to himself, recalling the small piece of half fenced in land, with a run down barn lingering off to the side of the pasture. And the farm animals with their curious equipment and routines were remembered all to well. “Oi there mate! Don't suppose you need a bit 'o help aye?”


Giving a small nod and a bit of a smile towards Ulric, Logan turned and made her way to her room, where she retrieved her own bag and slung it over her shoulder, meeting Ulric in the hall before beginning to make her way out of the cabins. 

"Ulric," slipping a hand into her pocket as she fished for the words in her head, she began slowly, "I have had a lot of questions in my mind since I came here, but I have not found any time or place for them.. I wondered if maybe you could answer some now? I will save the great questions for later, or for the Alpha." 

Behind a blank expression, she was thinking over the questions, laying them out, phrasing them mentally in her mother language, and rephrasing them in English, and working out the kinks in her wording and sentence structure, though she knew all of the preparation would go out the window when she started talking to Ulric. It was times like this she felt homesick for the people who she could talk openly to. 


The sun streamed through the window onto Cherise's sketch pad. She had just drawn the first bird before they had both quickly flown away. Now, at the moment, she had leaned over on the bench to her small hand bag on the floor, putting her sketch pad away when Thomas Clerk had come up. 

"Hello there, young lady." 

Cherise leapt a little out of her skin. Quickly though, she turned her head up to look at the officer with a smile. Raising her hand up to her forehand, she brushed her bangs out of her face.. Though in vain, for she was still leaned over, fighting with her bag to put away the pad.

"Oh, hello! I'm sorry I-" Suddenly, the woman at the desk had called to her, immediately drawing Cherise's attention. 

Quickly now, Cherise got the pad into her bag and stood up. Slipping the hand bag over her right shoulder. She then smiled and nodded to Thomas Clerk and walked quickly to the desk. 

"Hello, I'm Cherise Johnson. Do you know if there a Mrs. Buttermilk living here?"


The knot finally slipped, and as Chime was enjoying her victory, she didn't noticed the man approach, though if she was paying attention, she would have noticed the horse did. She froze as she heard his words, slowly looking up. 

"Oh, ah, thank you, but I got it."

She lifted the ends of the straps, in sorta of a see gesture, than lowered them again, alright, she had no idea why she did that. Reclaiming the letter from under her arm, she quickly brushed it off, checking to make sure that the seal was damaged, which, thankfully, it wasn't.

Her eyes traveled back up, feeling awkward with the turn in events, what were the odds she meet two strangers while trying to groom a horse? These roads must have been used more then she thought. 

"Er, well, I should be going.. back to the barn." 

She found herself pointing to it as she reached down for the horse brush, after she secured it in her arm, she started out for the gate, then the barn. Looking back once in awhile to see where the other was headed. Was it just her or did he smell...? Nah, that would just have been weird, bumping into two wolves. Even unrealistic... right?

Entering the barn, she lead the horse back into her stall, putting the brush on the edge of it before turning to Kratos.

"Sir, ah... this is for you."

Reaching up she held it out for him, no way that letter would stay undelivered with her in charge of it.


Jackie jumped as Kratos approached behind her, her expression oddly reminiscent of a cat arching its back when met with unexpected danger. She could feel heat rising to her face; but whether it was because of humiliation or anger she could not be certain. Slowly she turned her head until she was at last eye to eye with Kratos. 

She was looking at him strangely, as if he were a new life form; she hadn’t really expected the alpha to have much of a sense of humor and couldn’t help but wonder if he was an imposter. Her tongue twitched in her mouth; evidentially she had quite the biting remark… But it died somewhere in her throat and the redhead was at a loss for words.

She shook her head in disgust as she eyed the old heifer.

I’m not good with animals,” she explained simply. Or kids or people or even plants she added quietly in her head.

Perhaps Jackie meant to leave it at that and continue on her maniac work ethic. But then someone else came approaching behind her and Jackie jumped out of her skin once more. Feeling all the more jittery she glanced reproachfully at Zeit as she began to speak. Was everyone the comedian today except for her? This was humiliating.

But Zeit began moan on about her missing horse, Jackie saw opportunity and she struck mercilessly.

Good, that’ll be one less stall for me to clean” the redhead snorted, apparently oblivious to Zeit’s woes.


Theo entered the room slowly, his stride only containing the slightest hint of a limp as he walked. He was almost entirely healed now; certainly healed enough that he wouldn’t be surprised to find Zeit tracking him down to go work on the farm. Short of feeling a little stiff in the mornings and having an interesting new scar to look at, he felt as good as ever. Despite Toby’s best efforts to hide his injuries, Theo saw anyways and he felt a momentary pang in his chest. No one had ever wanted the poor Omega to get hurt, least of all Theo. But if he hadn’t gotten shot in the first place, then maybe—

Theo shook his head, trying to clear the nasty thoughts that were creeping in his head. He didn’t like them. They seemed to be an awful lot like the whispering of wraiths, the dark creatures that lingered in dreams and planted nasty thoughts. No good came of his dwelling, his mother used to say, there’s only darkness in that. She had explained to him in great detail what wraiths did to unsuspecting children and adults alike. Perhaps it was all child’s tale, but all the same Theo tried to busy his thoughts away from Toby’s frail form.

Hi Toby” he replied brightly, still hugging the books he brought with him tightly.

I don’t know how fast of a reader you are so I don’t know if you’ve gotten through the others I brought… This one is a book about Rome. It looked very interesting, I think? I didn’t read it though because it seemed too long. But I thought you might like it.,” he shifted that book gently onto Toby’s bed. All remaining in his hands was the journal and the pamphlets. Theo shifted uncomfortably.

I uh… also found some pamphlets on blenders. And a small booklet on how to birth a calf,” Theo’s bright green eyes seemed bashful. He set pamphlets on the bedspread.

There was no use avoiding it now, was there? He tried to loosen his vice-like grip on the journal. His heart was racing. His face was hot; he hoped his face hadn’t turned scarlet!

Well… also… this is a book of uh… customs and stories and such… of my original pack. I’m not a very good writer. But. I thought you might find it interesting

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