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Werewolves (RP 6): Echoes from the Past (04/14-10/15)

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Harvey watched Jackie and his stance never slackened, his eyes were sharp and keen, yet his smile had gone. He neither went down to her, nor retreated from her. There was only so many ways this could go now, but once again, Harvey was no fool in this game, and he watched steadily on.

In his hands the man still held that slender silver object he had taken from his belt earlier, and with no intention to carry on the conversation which had been bait in the first place, he now lifted it to his lips and took it between his teeth.

"One fifty, is that right? I'll take note of that." He muttered under his breath despite the object in his mouth. 

But as Jackie knew now, Harvey was not the only one to watch on. Not one, nor two hands alone waited in the woods, and many eyes were fixated on a single target alone... Harvey would not need to signal them should the need arise, for each knew the plan quite as well as he did.

****Meanwhile, as Harvey's hunt carried on, other forces were already at work...****


[Sometime earlier]

Albert Rich was hustling papers in his office when a knock came to his door and he welcomed Miss McGordner in. 

"Have a seat, I'll be right with you, Mildred." The tired man said in his friendly familiar way. 

"Good evenen, Albert." Mildred said, taking brief notice of the former's general manner and the assorted files he was stashing away. She swept her coat aside as she gripped the armrests of the chair and seated herself opposite the desk where Albert was standing.

The room was not much to look at, especially when considering the percentage of Rich's life that had been spent within its four walls. The only decor was a fake vase with plastic flora set off in one corner, likely untouched for years except to be dusted. The only other notable object in the room was a window behind the seat and desk of its sole occupant, with plastic blinds turned outward, that looked out onto main street and the shaded sidewalk that ran alongside it. 

"Looks like they have you working through all the mess." Mildred commented in her usual gruff voice as she watched Albert struggle to sort papers into a file cabinet. 

"Yeah..." He muttered with a sigh, "I didn't expect so much paperwork to be involved."

Presently Albert concluded his paper shuffling and seated himself. "Well Mildred, we've gotten all sorts of witness statements back and nothing seems to report the same sort of thing that you saw the other night. The others that were with you say they never got a good look at what you shot. And when you all got back that night, Adelaide Fletch said it was two bears that came out of the woods at you."

While Mr. Rich spoke, Mildred watched out the window that was behind him and took note of three particular vehicles that passed by.

"I reckon we both know Adelaide had no idea what she was looken at, Albert." McGordner said with the slightest hint of exasperation (accredited not in part to her earlier confrontation with Harvey.) Now however, looking at the civil servant seated before her, Mildred retrieved her reserve of patience. "I had her behind me, and there were four of them that I counted."

Albert looked understandingly and did not question Mildred's statement, but he did seem to wait to see if she would describe anything further. However, Mildred did not continue. So Albert sat up in his chair and went on. 

"Even so, her statement is the closest that has come to identifying the encounter. So if it wasn't a bear, we need to figure out what it was. You said the other night that you didn't know what attacked your group, but you're sure it wasn't bears or wolves? If this is what's been causing all the disturbances-" 

"I've dealt with bears and wolves out in the field, and you know we haven't had 'em around for awhile, Albert. There was four of em, they did a lot of standing up, and they were maken too much noise right over my head." Mildred spoke in the same firm way as before while she watched as another truck drove down the road outside. 

Albert Rich furrowed his brow, creating a deep indentation in his forehead as he muddled over the matter. Mildred was a voice of reason, everyone knew it, and she had experience with wild animals. 

"One of the men that was with you that night accounts he shot one of them three times, if it was still there we might know for sure." Albert said, and then with a heavy sigh he leaned back in his chair and scratched his brow. "Frankly Mildred, it would be a hard sell to discredit you, but we both know of some people who have tried."

Mildred was not in the least changed to hear Albert speak frankly, he was an honest man.

"I've been as patient as a peach about this whole thing, I don't know how I could do better." Mildred said without the least alteration in her voice. But then again, without much warning she abruptly stood up and took her phone out of her coat pocket. 

"Give me a moment, Albert." She said to excuse herself, but she did not leave the office.

There was a moment to wait while the call was put through, and Albert sat patiently with interest. Then the call was answered by a voice on the other end.

"Hey, Thomas?" Mildred's said, this time very straightforward. The woman stood in front of the desk with her eyes narrowed out the window and one hand rested on her belt. 

"Yeah it's me, I just saw Harvey's club drive by behind ya." Mildred explained. "I warrant they weren't headed for the bar; they went north, and it looked to me toward that old road that goes east passed the Chandler place. In the mood he's in, I wouldn't put it past Harvey to be headen up there."


Toby blinked rapidly as his heavy fur coat was thrown back at him. To him, it seemed this whole embarrassing ordeal had been for nothing. He didn't understand it, and his thin sliver of fragile pride had been obliterated.. Glancing down at the coat, now laying on the forest floor-- He had not done a very good job in catching it, Toby felt slightly annoyed with himself. He couldn't bend over and pick it up. He didn't want to ask Theo to do it for him. He felt like he was on display in his pajamas, bandages gleaming in the sun, and that everyone in the world was watching and laughing.

His wounds were hurting again, and he didn't feel strong enough to make it back to his room. He just wanted to lay down and rest some more.... And he was thirsty. He didn't say anything, and didn't move to follow. Instead, he grabbed the tip of his fur hat and pulled it down over his eyes, blushing crimson and feeling awful.


Logan cast her glance in turn to each of the boys before setting her gaze on the path ahead. Her destination was the campground, at a brisk pace she would be there in good time, and then it was only a matter of finding Kratos. 


Silas just as well was set on one goal, and that was getting on the other side of Reknab Bend and across the river. That's not to say he didn't stop to observe briefly some things that were stirring in the seemingly peaceful town before continuing on to meet with Eva and Drake.


"Sorry! I guess I was just hoping to talk some of the people who lived here, but some folk seem.. a bit on the edge today... the library will be fantastic, thank you." Miss Chapman had said.

Thomas Clerk nodded his head to Bianca and might have been about to say something else in reply when he was interrupted by a call ..

Officer Clerk answered, and seemed to listen carefully to the voice on the other end, but he watched the interactions of Bianca and the lad who had collided with her for a moment to see if the two would be alright... 

When Bianca got herself up again and turned to the officer, Thomas Clerk was sure to smile and nod his head to bid her good evening. Then he started off across the street.

"Thank you, Mildred, I'll give them a call up that way and ask if Miss Chandler has seen him." Thomas Clerk replied. When he reached his office and hung up with Mildred, the officer turned open the page of his address book and dialed another number.

Truth be told, it wasn't unusual for Harvey to behave boldly, and most people in Reknab Bend knew to expect it of him, still, Officer Clerk did his best to get his call through. When no one answered, he gave instructions to the lady at the desk to see about finding a personal number to get a hold of Zeit. Then Thomas set out for the Chandler Ranch.

"Don, Jeremy, would you fellas mind joining me for a moment?" The Officer called as he mounted his vehicle. 

The brothers had been talking just outside the post office, but were agreeable to the request. The Police Department of Reknab Bend was a small one according to public need, and Don in particular, being a friend of Thomas, had often been called to serve in an unofficial capacity.

So it was that Officer Clerk's vehicle was seen driving off toward the old east road, followed closely by two others, and still they continued up the winding road toward the mountains.


Harvey was not as forthcoming or hot-headed as she would have liked. Yet even a lack of response was useful information. Harvey was a man on the job and would allow nothing to interfere, temper or otherwise. Jackie had certainly known enough of those kinds of men in her life to guess at their weaknesses. He was watching her differently now since she had spoken; his smile was gone, and he took particular interest in her weight. Jackie realized with a start that, like her, he was still trying to learn what she was capable of and had begun to take this game a little more seriously.

For a brief moment Jackie nodded of, her head slumping on her shoulder before jerking herself alert. She swore silently. She didn't have time for a clever, multi-faceted plan, unlike Harvey who had not come unprepared. It was situations like these that Jackie excelled, for even the most dynamic of plans could fall to a highly unexpected event. Although even without the approaching threat of the sedative, Jackie likely would have proceeded with the most rash and impulsive of plans anyways.

"Hardly polite to remember a woman's weight", Jackie's words slurred and her head did not meet Harvey's, but instead stayed fixed on a point on the ground, "Though I s'pose your mama didn't bother to teach you manners".

Her hands trembled as she unhooked her steadying grip from the tree before taking a few steps towards Harvey. Her legs moved like rubber, as though each step forward was more a suggestion than a command. By the time she took her fifth step, her foot had buckled underneath her and her entire body went down with it With what seemed an enormous effort, and a good deal of time, Jackie rose up half her height and walked a few more paces onward; only to crumble a few yards away from Harvey. With her eyes open to tiny, unfocused slits and her hands curled particularly underneath her stomach, Jackie took a minute to appreciate the theatrics of the fall.


It was Toby's scarlet face that snapped Theo out of his wistful thoughts. It had taken him a second too long to notice his companion's sudden change of color. Burying an emotion that may have been shame, or else simply concern, it took the boy only a moment to realize Toby was not looking very good at all. He also realized that Toby's condition might prove a useful excuse; which, perhaps, is where the shame came into his expression.

"Uh Logan... Toby don't look so good. I don't think we'll make the walk all the way back to the ranch".

"It's okay, you can go on ahead of us. I'm sure we could make it back to the dens alright. Send Zeit my best"

The last comment had been a mistake. Even as he said it, he knew Logan would not buy his sincerity. It wasn't as though he and Zeit had been on a friendly basis; and Logan would know this. Cursing his tongue, Theo could only hope the woman was too distracted to pay much mind to it.


Desperation came in many forms at the end of a hunt, and Harvey had enough experience to see it coming. In light of that fact, the hunter did not give Jackie the chance, and simply withdrew from her range. 

Harvey's observance had not been given to merely study Jackie, for though he had come as a stranger, he certainly knew more about her than she knew of him. His studious eyes had looked to search out the mind of his prey, and it did not escape his notice that Jackie had fallen with her hands under her body.

Meanwhile the moment Harvey had acted, the others took opportunity to do likewise. Suddenly from two different positions two nets were flung through the air! One fell upon Ulric, and it was clear by the fall and sound that it was a heavy material. The other fell upon Jackie, and it was apparent now that the nets were made of metal links, that on weary hands felt ten times their weight. 

That was when the others appeared at length, ten of them from different positions all at once. Their uniforms were colored to camouflage their skin, some with jackets and helmets, others with sleeveless vests and light attire, nonetheless all prepared with weaponry which they did not even now put aside.

Immediately three of the hunters came to stand over Ulric, and others came toward Jackie. Two dogs also came out of the woodwork, each watching a different master for command. 

Harvey stood afar off, with his eyes still turned toward Jackie, and now at last the first of the man-hunters reappeared from the underbrush and rejoined her master.

Danny never received so much as a bruise from Ulric in his compassion, and her experience had proved the better in that battle, but even with the fight seemingly won, neither Danny nor the man that commanded her forsook their stance in readiness.


Jackie hadn’t been anticipating the metal nets. She almost cried out when she felt something large and heavy fall on top of her, but she stifled the impulse before she gave away just how conscious she was.

Which was, in fact, pretty conscious. There also hadn’t been as much acting in her stumble as she would have liked, but the sedative only slowed her and she was able to fight off most of its heaviness. It was important that she fell sooner rather than later, before Harvey’s squad could load another dart, because Jackie was not certain she’d be able to stay out of la-la land.

It was always a matter of how you phrased the question that determined what answers you’d get. It had been clear Harvey was not one to answer it when phrased directly or even when he’d been baited. But Jackie had needed to know what capabilities he had, and fake passing out had seemed the right catalyst, even if it meant events had now proceeded to be dangerously out of her favor.

Within moments she learned Harvey in fact had two dogs and ten men. She counted them carefully with her eyes barely open. The men all wore camouflage, but they weren’t matching and she couldn’t make out any official insignias. This seemed to suggest they weren’t large enough to need such things. Although they had obviously come well prepared, as though they’d done this before. It looked bad.

Jackie’s finger tips curled more tightly to the object she had hidden under her stomach. Falling also had another purpose, one that was either very clever or very stupid. In her hands was the dart she’d knocked out of her neck. She’d finally spotted it when she let her head dip down. On the first fall, she’d retrieved it. Though likely depleted of any sedative, the tip was sharp and metal; it’d make a better weapon than the stick. Of course, to use such a thing she’d have to be awfully close to the person.

She’d hoped that person would be Harvey, but given the number of lackey’s who could retrieve her in his stead she’d have to wait a very long time. But Jackie knew how to wait.


Zander had a pleasant ride to the library with Bianca. He discovered she had a red moped she liked to talk to. He was a little taken aback, but nonetheless accepted a ride from her. He had to admit, even if this town was a beacon for werewolf activity, it looked very beautiful on a sunny afternoon. 

When he stood on the steps of the library, a feeling of dread crawled in the pit of his stomach. He knew he wouldn’t be spending the afternoon with a lovely young lady and talking about favorite childhood books. It was the kind of thing most people received in their lives, but not him. Somehow this would all come full-circle back to werewolves and it would be better if it were sooner rather than later.

He was right. As he started fumbling in his bag, rearrange the items inside, he came across one book that didn’t belong. He flipped open the first page curiously, snatching a few stray words. Then he closed the cover and caught the name on the front.

Bianca Chapman

Oh. Oh no. He tried to swallow the fear (and was that also excitement?) before Bianca noticed, but he’d doubted it.

"So uh... this is yours right?" he handed the book forward to her absently.



Kratos was standing near the small white fence along the front way, and it must be supposed that, for whatever it entailed, he had given himself to the conversation at hand, when then he heard the sound of vehicles approaching from a long ways off...

The Alpha's eyes were narrowed with a look of interest at the procession of the three vehicles that now halted in front of the yard, and he watched keenly as the men stepped out and began to approach.

Quite by nature, Kratos turned from the business in which he had been previously engaged and now stepped forward to see concerning the matter...

"May I help you, Officer?" The significantly sized man asked as he came forward.

Kratos was ever a formidable sight to all who laid eyes on him, and to Officer Clerk, who knew a thing about how to read a man, he was indeed something to be seen; When Thomas came over, he noticed immediately that the man was not a familiar resident of Reknab, and that the stranger seemed to walk as one with authority over the ground upon which he stood.

"Yes, I'm looking for Miss Zeit Chandler, is she at home?" Thomas Clerk inquired. 

Kratos replied slowly without turning to look for Zeit, for he had seen her ride out earlier. "I'm afraid not." He said, his deep voice casual by tone.

"And what's your name, then?" Officer Clerk responded.

"Sam." The Alpha answered, and he was noticing things about Officer Clerk as well.. "I am her farmhand supervisor." 

"We're just come to check in, there has been a bit of trouble by some folks in town." Thomas said, he did not lack his usual friendliness, though it seemed not as friendly as when he spoke with Mildred earlier. "Let her know that we're heading up the mountain road to see if there is anything to be concerned about and we'll let her know."

Kratos listened and nodded accordingly. "Thank you Officer," he said, and did not ask any questions nor delay the policeman on his way.

Thomas bid a good evening to the man and returned to his car, followed by Don and Jeremy who had come to support him. Once the men were in their vehicles, they turned back down the road and took a left toward the hills. Kratos did not watch them long before he went back to the yard. 

When he reached the fence once again, the Alpha stopped and looked around to take note of who was in the yard and who was not, and taking note of the absence of two in particular. It came as no surprise that he did not see who he was looking for, and meeting eyes with those who were present, it seemed his displeasure was known.

All along Kratos had sensed something was wrong, and he knew instinctively from which direction it originated, but he perhaps doubted too much and trusted too little in that sense of intuition so that he had delayed his investigation far too long. Now by necessity the fault would be amended and presently Kratos set forward again.

This time the Alpha went beyond sight around the corner of Zeit's cottage, and by that minute Thomas Clerk and his companions were too far off to have seen the great black beast crossing Zeit's fields under the waning evening light, and entering beneath the shadow of the trees.

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Bianca was content to continue at an even pace up the stairs - almost so content, and it seemed perhaps also preoccupied in a world far from the current one, that she almost bumped into Zander as he stopped and offered a book out at her. Maybe she was subconsciously trying to get back at him for darting right into here earlier. In any case, she stopped and snapped back to reality, and just as absently as Zander held the book out, she reached out and grabbed it while offering her usual, habitual smile. She hadn't looked up too late to miss Zander's eyes trailing from a place on the book, and her own followed them smoothly, then dropped back to the book as she accepted it with a nod.

"Must have gotten mixed up in that clash before, haha. Thank you.." she commented, tucking the book away. The cat was out of the bag - more or less. Zander more or less knew who she was, and she more or less knew who he was. However she did not press the issue in a straight forward way. Instead, she continued to make her way up into the library steps and to the door.

"Zander, you don't suppose people meet by chance, do you?" she asked. Why did that sentence seem odd to her? She was perturbed by it for a moment as she held the door open and waited for the other, when it clicked that she had just conjured up a name for the lad that he had never uttered to her! And then she realized why he might very well be familiar. The realization however, was not obvious in her expression - no, she waited to see this fellow would raise an objection about a false name, or otherwise question her slip of the tongue.

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