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Werewolves (RP 6): Echoes from the Past (04/14-10/15)

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Zander fled the premises of the antique shop like he was being pursued by a swarm of bees. He was done with this place and its strange antique shops, terrifying old women, and most of all its... wolves. Although he had been drawn to this town by curiosity, it was clear to him by now that Reknab Bend did not agree with him. He anxiously patted the bag on his back; what notes this place had to offer simply weren’t worth the risk.

...Or so went the thoughts of the loner before he absently crashed into Bianca Chapman. 

"S-sorry ma'am!," he cried as he fell to his feet.

Somewhere in the collision, his bag had been awkwardly caught in the momentum and the long wrapped staff and a few notebooks were sent skidding on the pavement. One book hand landed so its pages were spread; though the text was fleeting and tiny, if one had keen enough eyes it would not be difficult to discern what they were about.

Yet even as Zander hurried to banish his bags contents back into their place, he had terrible feeling as soon as he caught scent of Bianca. Today was just not his day.


"I… oh"

The light in Theo’s eyes died. Although not by any means an adventure junky, Theo was not looking forward to returning to the ranch. The pace at the dwellings were slow and the ranch tiresome; he’d been hoping to catch at least one more adventure before Zeit found out he was well enough to return to work. However, he knew better than to argue with Logan. With one, sad, forlorn stare back in Logan’s direction, and a few fleeting thoughts, he began to walk towards the ranch.

Or at least he would for as long as Logan was paying attention to him.


No sooner had Jackie made up her mind and set forward to separate the two when a shrill whistle from a place nearby caused Danny to break from Ulric and flee into the underbrush! Seconds, calculated seconds, before Jackie landed her blow, the dog was gone like a dart and vanished into the thick foliage, leaving Ulric to take the hit.

"Bold move." Said an unpleasant voice in a casual tone somewhere overhead. "I see that you actually care about these curs. Good. That'll make this a lot easier."

The man who had spoken stood above the werewolves on a large hump of rock and dirt, out of which many healthy trees had grown. Roots were exposed from the side of the natural slope whereat Jackie stood, and it elevated the man over her, though not precisely high or steep. It was the only patch of ground where the bushes did not reach over the waist of a man, and it gave the vantage of seeing even the boots of this one in particular.

He was clothed very unusually, though his basic attire was of grey t-shirt and jeans, he had other equipment on by belts and straps - most of it metal, that could not be guessed at.

"Ahg, ehhh..." Ulric moaned in the grass and struggled, but he did not get up.

"I'm going to ask you to come with me Ryder, but I'm only going to do it once." The man said, leveling his eyes with Jackie. There could be no doubt that Harvey Bolt knew the weight of his words and not only could, but would follow through.



Bianca, obviously completely unprepared for the sudden collision, was sent toppling to the ground, though she managed to fall rather gracefully. It took her but a moment to gather her wits, and immediately upon doing so, she looked to her accidental assailant and recognized his face from moments ago. Without saying anything, her eyes were immediately drawn to the items now strewn along the pavement. Whether it be out of curiosity of what they were or a simple desire to help the lad collect his things, couldn't easily be discerned, for the look was fleeting. However she did settle her eyes briefly on a notebook that was tossed open, but that gaze was broken as soon as the boy had picked the book up. 

"Oh-" she began, beginning to stand up slowly and dusting herself off as she did so, "No problem, if gymnasti-" she was cut short by her senses, and she came to realize the same thing Zander had just a moment before her, "-cs taught me anythig, it was how to take a fall." Despite coming to the same conclusion as Zander, she didn't nearly share the same feelings - rather, her eyes might have lit up like a kid in a candy shop and she all but suppressed a great grin!

Finally she stood to her full height again, and turned to said Officer, "Thank you again, Officer. I'll be sure to stop by the library."

Now she shifted her expression on Zander again and picked his staff up off the ground, offering it as leverage for the boy to pull himself up. "If you don't mind me asking, are you here on a school project as well?" 

She seemed to forget she had been holding her own notebook, which had been dropped and became mixed with Zander's things in the collision, and had inside it's own series of interesting notes and writings..



The thin strip of wood made a heavy impact across Ulric; though Jackie had seen the dog move, there hadn't been enough time to redirect the blow. She watched Ulric tumble to the ground guiltily. Her fingers slackened their grip on her 'weapon', for a moment barely holding on to it. But one look at the dog's master made her reaffirm her grip.

Jackie's mind raced, her eyes narrowing sharply on the man before her. She didn't know him, she knew that for certain. Jackie was never one to forget a face, particularly not one so smug it made her blood turn. Yet, the man most certainly knew her, or rather knew of her. And that dog of his... the little monster had sauntered over to its master's heels. If dogs were a reflection of their owners, than she hated to speculate any further on this man. There was far more going on here than she could even begin to fathom and she was far far out of her league.

"I don't know you. And if I don't know you, that makes you a stranger. You know what that means, right?"

Jackie grinned broadly as her gaze narrowed sharply,"I don't go with strangers".

In a fraction of a second, before mystery man would have a chance to react, she jabbed the barely, conscious furry lump at her feet with the heel of her foot.

"Listen here sunshine, you gotta wake up and you gotta go get help. You hear me? "

She could only hope some of that got through to him. She was certain that if Ulric fled, the dog wouldn't give too much chase. Clearly this man was more interested in her than Ulric; though if need be, it was clear he wouldn't be above using him against her as leverage. This situation was precarious and last thing she needed was to endanger Ulric's life further. She could only hope he would run fast enough and far enough that sending the dog to give chase would no longer be worth the effort. That is, if he even regained full consciousness in time at all.


Zander glared deeply as the lady offered him his own staff to pull himself up. For half a second he debated snatching it out of her grip, but later decided against it. This woman might be a threat, but he still couldn't bear himself to be rude. Inwardly, he cursed his good manners and reached for the staff. He heaved to his feet.

"I'll take that, if you don't mind," he replied coolly and evenly as he removed the staff from the lady's hands gently.

Now his eyes narrowed on her uncertainly, trying to judge what sort of threat she might be. She certainly seemed less dangerous than Mrs. Buttermilk and less of a wild card than Cherise. She appeared friendly and had made somewhat of an effort to help him, despite full well knowing what he was. She could be a loner as well, though he doubted it; she seemed far too relaxed and cheerful for that. Was she part of the pack? Or... ? Zander struggled with the third option, before realizing with a start realized he'd been starring at Bianca for an awfully long time. He blushed faintly.

"It's not a school project," he mumbled in spite of himself, as he began readjusting the contents in his bag, "I've been out of school for years. This is more ... curiosity".


But Ulric wouldn't be able to run, although no one knew it, and the situation was far more dire than anyone could anticipate. 

Ulric was not unconscious and he bit his tongue when Jackie kicked him. He did not lift his head, or move at all, but somehow it became clear that he was not asleep... rather, he stayed on the ground willfully. 


It was tactless, terrible, and cruel how circumstances suddenly became so diverse in a moment when it was not needed nor looked for, and the orchestrator did naught but look on, pitiless. 

Danny had not returned to her master. It was another dog entirely that came now, though it could hardly be recognized, as Danny had attacked so suddenly and fled so abruptly that she had never rightly been seen. 

Harvey did take notice of this other dog, but it was only in passing, and with its arrival he easily returned Jackie's smile. 

"You're a long way from help, Ryder." The man said, and as if completely unconcerned, he took a peculiar object off his belt. "There are some folks that have been wanting to hear from you..."

The man spoke nonchalantly as he continued, "So I'll tell you what, you let us take you home with no fuss, and no hassle - just a little car ride..." He paused, and his voice was lowered as he said, "Or we can skip that part."

Harvey never seemed to take his attention off the werewolves, and though everything about him suggested ease, there was something about his manner that warned otherwise....

Hour Glass

The ride seemed to be going well as she slide through pastures, allowing the calm air to surround her and the peaceful sounds to soothe her temper away. Any lingering pain in her shoulder seemed to fade away for the moment, and for once she felt at peace. Or at least she thought so until she felt a chill rush down her spine.

She didn't know what was happening, but something was wrong, part of the pack was in danger. Her body tensed, going into high alert at that, wandering what was causing this surge of emotion, seeing as she did not know of anyone else in the area as she took a moment to dismount her horse and tether him nearby. She quickly began to scout the area, only finding a set of scent trails heading off towards a forest, and while not old they weren't recent enough to explain the sense of danger she felt. 

Hesitantly, the Beta made her way forward, beginning to follow a scent as she left what was familiar and began to head towards more untravelled parts of the land. In the back of her mind she could remember her father's warnings when she had been younger, seeing he had always mentioned something being off in this particular area. While she had yet to fully explore it herself, she couldn't help but feel the hair on the back of her neck raise up as the feelings of danger seemed to grow.

She moved carefully along the trail, looking around constantly as she tried to keep up with the scents, wrinkling her nose at the beginnings of something not quite seeming right. At one point, the beta stopped, wandering if anyone was in the area at all, or if her mind was playing tricks on her. She sighed softly, looking to the area ahead, wandering what laid inside before pausing to make a softer, quick howl. If one of the pack was in the area, they could respond and let her know, if it remained silent, she could leave and mention the feelings of dread tot he Alpha when she saw him next.


Bianca easily withdrew her hand from the staff, "Oh?" she wondered aloud, 

"That's great." the woman added, seeming to have spaced out while looking at Zander. He seemed almost familiar, although she couldn't place it. "Well, if you have the time, this kind officer just told me about a library downtown. Care to join me?" 


Silas had made his way through most of the forest, following a south bound path far west of the Calagathorm pack and Zeit's ranch. When his lofty trail began to grow thin, and the branches of the trees too far apart for a werewolf of even his skill to maneuver through, he dropped to the ground and looked around at length, before returning to his human form and continuing onward. 

As the spy walked along, he withdrew his leather bound notebook and went over the notes he'd taken from Logan, altering and erasing the parts that he wasn't satisfied with, so his findings were better organized.

"The language barrier did not make that easy.." he muttered quietly, sighing to himself. Eva and Drake had better be where they were when I left...


Logan had turned to walk away, only to pause and briefly consider some things inwardly. "Ah.. on second though.." she muttered, turning back around and beginning to move back towards the others, taking off the coat and tossing it back towards Toby as she did so. "Let us return together, yeah?" the idea of letting the two boys go, when she did not know the location of the spy, only made her consider what could occur - and she could not allow anybody else to see suffering on her behalf.


"What did you do wrong here?" the blue eyed man asked her. Her father. He was never in a good mood when he discovered she was sneaking out instead of focusing on her training.

She poked her head up slowly to look at him against the light of the lamp. Her right eye was swollen shut so she could only see half of him. It had been a fun night until the sad saps at the bar started getting restless for a fight. She had to break a chair over a few of them to keep them subdued, but apparently security did not appreciate her good deed. They also didn’t like learning that the motorcycle she came in wasn’t technically hers… and long story short, she was delivered her back to the facility in a silver, shackled bow.

"I didn’t punch hard enough and I forgot to dodge a few fists," Jackie answered coyly.

"Wrong," her Father's voice was stern, "Try again".

"I should have used the table instead of chairs?"

Father’s eyes became so dangerous that the fifteen year old tactfully fell quiet. But instead of shouting, he simply sighed and his voice became low and tired,"One day, you’ll put yourself in a corner no one can save you from.  On that day, I hope you remember this moment…"


Jackie ran through the options she had left, like someone who’d been playing poker far too long and had ran out of money three turns ago.

Ulric was down for the count; a solid kick had confirmed as much. She was too deep in the woods to call for help. The man in front of her was in the control of at least one dog, possibly more, that was capable of standing its own against a werewolf. And that was not to mention what he might have in his belt. Her mind was racing. What did she have? A stick? Her mind stared down at the fragile instrument in dismay, surprised it had gotten her far as it had.

She had no plan. She hadn’t had one since she walked into this forest and she’d backed herself into a corner-- Stupid, she’d been stupid. There was truly no other course of action than to play right into mystery man's hands...

"Alright stranger, if I’m going to do something nice for you," Jackie's body language and tone read casual, though her heart had fluttered an extra beat,"You are going to have to do something nice for me"

"First, who are you? What’s your name? I was serious when I said I don’t go with strangers".

"And second," Jackie briefly eyed the slumping unconscious form,"You and your monsters leave Sleeping Beauty here alone or I will fight and it won't be nice".


Theo eyed Logan reproachfully. For someone who had been disappointed that Logan was no longer coming, he seemed dejected at her change of heart. 

"I um…  do we have to go toget… I mean, maybe. Yeah. I mean, that’s fine".

Theo’s eyes shifted to the ground and he tugged at his backpack, almost self-consciously. Maybe he could lose Logan at the ranch, before Zeit noticed he was well enough to do work, and make his way to town then.


"The town library, huh?"

It wasn’t too late to run. He could probably make some excuse or another and still disappear from this town forever. But for the first time since he had come to this wolf’s den of a town, he didn’t want to go. With both Bianca and his identity more or less in the open, it was almost like they were just two ordinary people going to the local library. Zander hadn’t realized how much he’d missed talking to someone without it somehow backfiring. It was almost sad.

Zander rearranged his staff carefully and reattached it to his bag, "Sure. Why not. I’ve got some time to kill".

Yet just as Zander allowed himself an easy smile, he noticed Bianca was staring at him a little too intensely. He sighed. Of course, this normality probably wouldn’t last long.


Harvey Bolt smiled and shook his head slowly. 

"Ryder, you don't have a bargaining chip." He said, and with those words came another sound - too quiet to hear before Jackie would feel the dart at her back and experience the sensations that were intended to follow it.

"Fight that, darlin'." He said with his voice soft like polished silver. Harvey did not move, he did not blink, he watched Jackie and waited to see if she would fight. Truly the odds were unfair. How often had this man done this? He was not a fool in this game, the predator was his prey and he was at every point all too prepared for whatever challenges that would arise; Fate was in Harvey's hand, and he bent it to his will with inexorable domination. 

Meanwhile, with his head bowed and his breathing harsh and unsteady, Ulric listened to Bolt's voice and hardly understood the words...


Not moments ago, while violently tumbling in a world that could not distinguish friend from foe, Ulric had made the hardest decision he ever faced. 

While things had begun to go wrong in his body and mind, Ulric's heart held out with compassion and mercy for his foe. Blinded both visually and a failure to rationalize, Ulric's world was a muddled confusion of colors and blurs - his sight had failed him previous to his first collapse and he was fighting an unrelenting foe. He restrained himself for the most part at the beginning, but as the fight persisted, his leniency was rewarded only by the viscous and strategic attacks of a foe that never struck in vain. Every move he made was prepared for, every attack, every defense was used against him, and desperation rose with unprecedented speed!

Within seconds of the fight Ulric could not escape, and he quickly found himself prepared to kill his foe. But it was at that moment of heightened desperation and confusion, that his opponent suddenly fled his grasp and he knew that it would have him! He had not a moment to loose - and then he felt it attack from behind!

In one moment - only a second of time - Ulric could have turned around and taken hold of that foe and killed it with terrible force! But it was in that moment, by some unforeseen miracle, that Ulric remembered Jackie, and only a split-second before his teeth would have befallen her!

Against everything in his body, Ulric commanded himself to forsake the fight, regardless the place of his foe, lest he become the enemy of his friend.

So it was that Ulric threw himself to the ground and gave himself up. All he could do after that was wait and brace himself for the attack that would come. Where was Jackie? He did not know. For that reason he did not get up when prompted, and as he waited he began to fall inward on himself... Something was wrong, his heartbeat was off and he couldn't breathe very well. His wounds throbbed, and his right arm had been brutally treated by his attacker, but that was not the cause of the commotion in his body... Something else had caused the chaos.

Ulric could not hear anything above his own heartbeat pumping blood in his ears, but he knew the danger was not gone, for he could still feel it's presence. Jackie? Ulric thought he saw her when he lifted his head above the green, just for a moment and not in clarity. Vaguely he heard someone speaking, but as he strained to understand, Ulric suddenly felt a sharp stab at his back and saw and heard nothing more...


The moment she felt something sharp on the back of her shoulder, Jackie swatted it away like a mosquito; however, she'd known it for what it was the moment she'd felt it. The fleeting seconds that had passed hadn't provided enough opportunity for the sedative to sink in, though the woman had no doubt she had only a handful of waking moments left. She was going to have to be smarter with what precious time she had, if only to spite Harvey for thinking her such easy prey.

She had misjudged Harvey. She had assumed he had only come to this forest for her, and yet his interest in Ulric seemed to indicate otherwise. Not only that, but she had barely any more information his capabilities since she had first encountered him. He had a dog or two that could apparently beat down werewolves and a snide attitude. She rubbed the back of her shoulder where the dart had struck, and realized with a start it seemed highly unlikely this man had made the shot himself. She hadn't seen his hands move, and the angle it had come from was wrong from his position. Just how many others had concealed themselves in this smell-less place? She knew a man who wouldn't even tell her his name wouldn't willingly reveal this information if she asked politely. But perhaps it was only a matter in how it was asked.

In the moments it had taken Jackie to formulate her plan, the sedative had begun to kick in and her stance had become precarious enough that she had to take to a tree for support. Still, that did nothing to lessen the sharp look and condescending smile that was now stretching its way across her face.

"Oh I wouldn't say it was a bargaining chip," the woman laughed as though Harvey had said something stupid,"Telling me your name is common courtesy and leaving him behind would be common sense"

Her head was swimming, but she managed to hold her head level to meet Harvey's gaze

"A one-fifty pound woman is easy to carry. A three-hundred-pound plus fur monster is not. And to properly constrain him? I didn't think you were stupid enough to ignore reason. But then again, I'm sometimes wrong".

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