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Werewolves (RP 6): Echoes from the Past (04/14-10/15)

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Kratos listened solemnly as Chime spoke, nodding at times,and smiling as she finished. 

"You have answered well." He said, looking pleased and resolved. Then after a moment he added, "I would like to ask something of you... and what I would ask is this, will you be a friend and a peacemaker to the people here?"

In this moment Kratos made it clear that he wanted Chime to think about her answer before she replied, and so he cautioned her.

"Know, that what I am asking will not be easy." He said slowly, "It will require a great deal of patience, and kindness, and the willingness to help bear the burdens that these people have brought with them; each carries a difficult load, and you will have to wait with them when the hours are dark, and nothing else can be done..."

The firm gaze of the Alpha appeared soft just then as he let his words hang in the air, they were gentle with the presence of compassion, and it seemed almost as if he were one speaking about a very dear friend. "Love, great love, more than anything will be needed if they are to overcome their difficulties." He continued, "And sometimes, it can appear hard to love those who often need it most.... But, if you will love them, Chime, your own fears shall be surpassed. And it will be that love, unspoken, that they will understand far more than anything else you could ever possibly do to help them."

"Now, are you willing to do this?" The Alpha asked softly. "I have seen that you have great capacity to do it, and also the answer you have given tells me that you are ready. So if you will, I will give you this promise; that you will have a place in this pack for as long as you live here, and a place in the hearts of its members forever."


Ulric was terribly putout after his tussle with the brambles, but after kicking off the twigs and pricks he got back to looking for any trail. The forest seemed oddly quiet, which was something any werewolf would notice, but Ulric knew that it was most likely due to himself and Jackie and Logan's presence some ways ahead. So he pressed forward without concerning himself.

He had always fancied that the woods of Phantom Mountain were more solemn than most, but Ulric never had enough experience in other wildernesses to note any peculiarity in this one alone. Still though, he had gone into this forest quite often enough since joining the pack to feel at home, and after all, this was claimed territory. 

So it was that Ulric hardly realized how far his guard had fallen as he continued his search.

After awhile, Ulric did finally reach a narrow little path cut through the heavy undergrowth, a path he very happily accepted to lead him deeper into the woods. But unfortunately, there were one or two things he didn't notice...

"Logan! Jackie!" Ulric called, after following the path for sometime. It was here that he finally gave some thought to picking up a scent, but oddly enough, there wasn't one to be found. 

"What?" Ulric muttered in his confusion. He looked down at the bushes to his immediate right, and the brambles to his left. These, he was sure, were blackberry bushes, but he couldn't smell the fruit at all and the leaves and bark might as well have been invisible to his nose.

Now, it was a very confusing thing to Ulric, as it would be to any werewolf, to suddenly find that his nose was telling him a lie. And, had it not been for one peculiar happening some weeks ago, Ulric might have tried any number of things to convince himself otherwise. But as it was, he recalled after a moment the strange smell he had picked up shortly before discovering Toby on the night of the full moon. That smell had been strange, and it had nearly caused him to fall into the river when he had tried to pursue it.

Until now, Ulric had all but forgotten about that occurrence, and yet all too suddenly he remembered. At that very moment he also remembered why he didn't want to be able to smell his way through the strange musk. Even as he thought about it, Ulric began to feel dizzy, and he decided then it was definitely better to ignore the smell then to seek after it. However, that could not dull his curiosity, and of course he began to look around.


Jackie stayed true to her vow for five minutes. She had settled next to a tree and allowed her eyelids to settle into each other, listening to the wind and bird cry. The air was thick, but warm, and seemed to curl around her like a thick blanket. Though for once finding herself entirely at peace, Jackie couldn't quite quell the nagging thought at the corner of her mind. But, if the warning had been an important one, then the forest wouldn't mind shouting a little louder next time.

Logan! Jackie!

A single lid opened in intrigue. For half a second she thought the forest had in fact spoken ; only to realize, with faint embarrassment, the voice was familiar. 

"Ulric?" she mumbled the name not to herself not call back, but to confirm the voice's owner. Jackie was tempted to leave it at that and not reply--  after all, the day was pleasant enough and she could easily spend the remainder of the day peacefully under the tree without another soul finding her. But Jackie was a restless creature and she knew in her heart a day of nothing would not have suit her well.

Jackie righted herself with a quick, fluid motion. 

"Ulric! I'm here," she called out, walking closer towards the source of the voice. 

The forest had been quiet for some time. And yet, the closer Jackie approached the source of Ulric's voice, the quieter it seemed to become. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, though couldn't place what it was. It was like the sky weren't the right color blue or the trees just a few inches from where they should be; though Jackie knew this wasn't right. A dull fog was creeping over her mind, dulling her perception.

Smell. There was no smell. Jackie reeled at the magnitude of this revelation, but still she felt something else was amiss.


"Maybe" Theo replied innocently. 

What Theo wanted to say was most certainly; a forest didn't get this quiet unless someone who wasn't supposed to be there had intruded. But he didn't want to shy off Toby from the idea ; particularly not after the events of last moon, he'd think more adventure would be the last thing on his mind. And yet when he glanced at Toby to read his expression, he saw his broad smile.

Was the fear really getting to him? Or was Toby actually excited about it, despite himself? Theo struggled between deciphering which it was, then with a shrug gave up. If Toby wanted to go he would and if he didn't, he wouldn't. 

"I'm going to go investigate, okay?"

Theo approached forward towards the disturbance cautiously. Then he cast a look over his shoulder to see if Toby was following behind. 


Zander tried not to let his legs wobble when he heard Mrs. Buttermilk's growl. The old lady had it out for him, he was convinced, and the sooner he could get out of the dusty store the better.

Still, he managed to keep a pleasant smile on his face when he shook Cherise's hand.

"Yeah I'm fine. I've been traveling for a while, so I'm a little tired. My balance isn't the best, I suppose..."

He released his grip on the young lady's hand.

"So how would you like for me to pay off my debt to you? I'm pretty good at cleaning, organizing, and I've been told my cooking isn't too terrible"


Bianca had taken to enjoying the gentle breeze while eating a cold cut sandwich and making sure her bike was ready for the drive back to Middlecrest. It seemed straight forward enough, except that, from her position she had gotten wind of the angry demands of a certain man who was not all that far from.

It's not to say she was directly eavesdropping.. that wasn't quiet ladylike. It was more like, she was in the wrong place at the right time, and happened to catch a word or two of Harvey Bolts furious rant into his cell phone. While she may have glanced over inquisitively once, she turned back to her business and it could be assumed she didn't hear anything by her overall demeanor.

If she had been anybody else, she might have well been on her way.. after all, she was already pushed back a little due to the little pit stop. Still, there was a saying in her family... and while she'd tell it to you different every time, it always pertained to some idea that Chapmans were never not involved. Whatever that meant. It was pretty much an excuse just for the Chapmans to get involved in whatever they were interested in. By the time she decided this, however, the other seemed to have left the scene..

That didn't stop her; her eyes caught onto another man, and that's when she hatched her plan. Reaching into her backpack, she pulled out a notebook and pen, and began to wander over to Thomas Clerk. 

"Pardon me, sir..!" she called. "Excuse me, you look very busy - but, um.. do you have a moment? It's just, you look like you've been here a while, and I have this project for school.. I'm from out of town, and anyway, you just looked like a knowledgeable person to ask, about the history of Reknab Bend.." she was polite enough, though she spoke with an uncertain tone, that of a true school girl worried about getting shot down by a stranger. Rather she was acting the part. She could care less about the history of Reknab Bend - it's the wolves she wanted to know about.


Sitting high overhead watching the affairs of the land with exceptional clarity, a sharp-eyed hawk was perched on the topmost branches of a weary old tree. 

Though they had often sat together in this manner, the tree and the hawk never exchanged the slightest greeting, the latter had only seen but two winters in this world, while the former had stood many years unmoved from its place on the edge of the wood. By now, the bark of the tree was so full of beetles and worms that some of its branches had failed and others were crooked and bent. While on the other hand, the feathers of the hawk were soft and new, good for keeping warm in the high winds and better for a cool evening flight.

However, despite their opposite nature, neither the hawk nor the tree found any significance in the small red car parked some feet below and beside them...

The owner of the small car could be seen standing, or rather leaning on it's inside door. He was glad to be out of the sun, but not so fond of the thick damp air in the forest around him, and when Harvey Bolt drove up, Alfred Nickers was in the attitude of being sprawled out in the doorway of his vehicle to stay cool while chewing on an old twig.

Harvey exited his truck with some care, coming around to the passenger door and there bringing out a young whippet-hound which he leashed and brought with him.

"What are you doing?" Harvey asked gruffly, and it appeared he was not pleased. "Where is it?"

"Not far from here, I saw her enter somewhere 'round here, can't be too far.. I think in that direction." Alfred explain, finally casting away the old twig. He could see readily enough that the other man was in a short mood, but he was not altogether pleased with the circumstances himself.

Harvey jutted his arm out immediately in the direction Alfred had suggested and pointed sharply to command the other man. "So you're lounging around here instead of finding out?" He said irritably.

"You're the only one that I've seen show up so far." Alfred said, still in the same position as before. "How you gonna bag 'em? See you brought Danny, but no riffle."

Harvey Bolt turned away from his friend and crouched down off the side of the road. "We'll just see about that." He said, but now he was speaking more to his dog as he unfastened her leash and let her go into the woods. 

Standing up straight again, Harvey's eyes watched the direction the dog went keenly as he repeated his own words, "We'll see, we'll see..."


Meanwhile, Thomas Clerk was just about ready to head back across the street to the Police Department building when a young woman called out to him. Stopping to turn, the Officer greeted the girl with a friendly smile as he extended a hand out to her.

"Good day ma'am." Officer Clerk said, "What's your name?"

Thomas was a small-town policemen who was accustomed to knowing everyone, and was therefore not a man of suspicion or slow greeting, as such his manner was immediately pleasant and his friendliness genuine. 


Ulric was in an equal state of confusion when he heard Jackie's voice not far off. Then, as if being called out of the dark, Ulric lifted his head and sought out the source of the voice. 

It had become all too apparent that the longer Ulric stood near in the strange musk, the less he was able to focus and the more alarmed he became.

"Jackie? Jackie!" Ulric called, and now at last he dared leave the road which had brought him this far into the woods. It didn't take him long to find Jackie either, but it would have been better if he hadn't broken his way off the path.

Then Ulric, quite without realizing he had painted himself invisible by scent, came out from the bushes toward Jackie without delay. "Where is Logan?" He asked urgently, though he couldn't pinpoint the reason for his anxiety.


After acknowledging a long summary of rules, conditions and other mentions from Zeit, Hamilton was very eager for some ranch work. Although the primary work was already taken care of, on such a large ranch, it didn't take too much pressing before Hamilton had handful of tasks to be busy on throughout the afternoon. 

As the day worn on, Hamilton's tasks gradually started to dwindle. He had curiously watched several other members around the ranch. He hadn't run into anybody else, besides the earlier encounter between Jackie, Kratos and Chime, and with that, Hamilton couldn't really say what he thought of the pack. Less whether or not he'd be staying. 

Hamilton dusted off his hands, his eyes carefully looking over the stalls in the barn. He was finished with his chores, and for the most part, he was meandering around to try and find something to preoccupy himself with. After a brief moment, he finally decided the right thing to do was to report back in. 

The dark skinned man brushed alongside the horses, speaking softly to them, as he gradually made his way towards the doors. It was refreshing to be back at a ranch, especially one so well maintained as this one, he mused silently. His thoughts began to drift back to home.

It's been two years since the incident. And my control...

He flinched, a feeling of discomfort creeping in his senses. The thought of his past struck a cord in his mind. A reminder to why he came to America in the first place. 

As bull headed stubborn of a man Hamilton was, he had learned to face the facts. He needed help. There was no question about that. Every full moon was a stressful, and nerve wracking routine. And prolonging any sort of treatment wasn't making his condition any better.

A horse, sensing his sore attitude, neighed softly to this. Hamilton was brought back to reality, and he realized he had stopped in his tracks. He shook his head. No, this is a pack we're talking about. They have the means to defend themselves. Somehow, the thought brought a more daunting realization on Hamilton than reassurance. Well, he thought to himself, we'll just see about that..

Hamilton adjusted his hat as he made his way out of the barn. Just off the wayside, were two figures. Both of which he recognized from only earlier that day. He was bemused by the fact of just how much smaller Chime was than Kratos. The amused light subdued as quickly as it came when he realized it wasn't much different for him either. He averted his gaze from the pair, acknowledging the two were engaged in a conversation, and subtly ducked on the other side of the barn, looking over the horse corrals. 

He causally leaned forward on the fence, patiently waiting his turn. 


Although none of the priceless items had been hurt or injured in anyway, much of the air had puffed up in different smells. It obviously grew on Cherise, for once the young man released her hand, she felt her nose tickle. Thus, before warning, she covered her face with her hands and sneezed. "Oh! Excuse me," Softly looking through her handbag, she found a tissue and covered her nose delicately. The tissue, one of her mother's favorite kinds, smelled of wild flowers and was super soft. 

While Cherise tucked her tissue away, she listened as the young man asked his question. She looked at the floor for a moment and scratched the temple of her head nervously. "Well, uh.. I'm not sure to be honest," Quietly she looked around the store for a glance of her grandmother, maybe for help out of the awkward situation she now found herself in. He could not help in the store, her grandmother would certainly not allow it. So, that left out cleaning and organizing.. Perhaps he could cook for her? But, she herself was new here and didn't have a stove or oven to offer him to cook on.

"Um, are you from around here?" Cherise asked timidly, as a thought came to mind. 


Chime's smile deepened as her breathing quickened. A friend and a peacemaker? The words excited her, and she felt ready to answer right away! Though as he continued to speak, her eyes were opened to the fact he wasn't asking just a simple task, but a life long commitment.

Looking away, Chime continued to listen. Biting her lip, she took in what he was telling her. Would she be ready for such a responsibility? The burdens.. Looking back to Kratos, she listened intently to his words of love. A small fire began to burn within her, the desire to know this great love better.. no, to use it, to feel it.. even more then that, to bring others to it.

Her eyes were now shining, her hand fell on her chest. Was she willing? Smiling, she looked away again, yes. 

Certain pack members her flashed through mind, could she get past her fears of them? Closing her eyes, she envisioned it. She could love them, she could.. Reopening her eyes, she looked back to Kratos, her eyes contained a spark, a look which told she had fallen in love with the idea. Of course she would help them!

"Yes! I am more then willing." 

Looking almost ready to hug her alpha, she put both her hands behind her back, and cocked her head. 

Biting her lip, she swung back and forth, silently debating on something. What if it wasn't pack etiquette? Taking a couple steps forward, Chime hesitated a second before quickly giving her alpha a small hug, she then swiftly backed off, her face bared a huge smile.

"Thank you so much, it's a real honour.. Wow.. it's just.. My words.. I can't express.." 

It was then she noticed the scent of the stranger from earlier. Looking over, she saw him learning on the fence, probably waiting to talk to Kratos. Turning, she give Hamilton a little wave before looking back to Kratos.


Kratos watched as the fire was kindled in Chime's eyes and his own smile deepened in response. The moment she stepped forward, there was a period of recognition before Chime ventured beyond her own comfort, and Kratos was perhaps not the only one who, upon her embrace, felt how natural and genuine it was. Without hesitation, the gesture was returned by a hand placed on Chime's shoulder in that brief moment, and then it was withdrawn.

"It will be your place here then, and your rank and position." Kratos said, his face filled with both a gladness and solemnity that words would fail to describe. 

The Alpha then followed her gaze toward the fence and noticed Hamilton, but there was one last thing he needed to say.

Looking again to Chime, Kratos spoke softly. "One thing more, Chime," he said, "there will be some things that I will need to know; I cannot help them as their leader if what is important to them is concealed from me. But you will know what those things are and when the time is right to bring them."

With this last word, Kratos made sure that Chime had heard him by meeting her eyes, and then he left her and went to see to Hamilton. 

Walking the short distance, Kratos' bright yellow eyes flashed up toward the mountain wherein he had seen Ulric go. He saw the trees waving beyond the field faraway, and noticed the darkness looming between the branches.

"Have the matters been settled?" Kratos asked Hamilton as he entered range to speak with him. But the Alpha's eyes were continually drawn diagonally from the Apple Orchard... 

There was a quiet beneath the eaves of the wood, and Kratos sensed it. 


The moment was coming, faster and more sure than anyone could suspect.

Danny was swift, keen, and aware. She was as silent as she was quick, and yet her pursuit was clear - always in one direction she went, always nearer her query. She navigated the forest with precision and fleet agility as she found her way through thick bramble and down steep cliffs.

It would come as no surprise to anyone that Danny did her job so well, if they understood all that Harvey made her to be... She had been bred for one purpose; born and trained to hunt with efficiency and great care. And among all Harvey's great hunting dogs there was not one that could match her in intelligence or strategy; coupled with speed and training, she was the unparallelled product of all her sires and dams combined.

Countless generations had been selected in her line to create what she was - an unequivocal man-hunter.

Going quietly through the forest, Danny's primary tool was the sight of her eyes and the breath of her nose. She navigated the forest with complete and focused intent; She was coming, and what followed closely behind carried with it a grave care for all those who called the mountain home.


Bianca smiled to the officer pleasantly, but seemed to space out but a brief moment before responding, "My name is Bianca Eleanor" she trailed off briefly. 

'That kind of slipped out, I'd better be more careful of what I say.'

Realizing her lapse, she laughed lightly, "Uhm, you might know my grandfather in Middlecrest - Bob Chapman? He has something of a reputation."

'Why did I say that.'

"So! This is a pretty nice little town. I suppose it's quiet around here, though.. it's definitely a big change of pace from Middlecrest right off the bat." she observed, though this was nothing she didn't consider beforehand. Holding her clipboard close to her, she watched the officers expressions and occasionally cast a glance in some direction of the town. 


Silas was not blind to the upset he was not responsible for that had begun to stir in the forest. Even as he questioned Logan, he did not watch her but rather cast his gaze around the area. 

When at last he had finished asking all that he wanted, and Logan had grown silent, he nodded and stood slowly from his crouching position. With a dsitracted expression and his eyes focusused on the forest around him, he offered the image and letter to Logan as he walked off.. he did not walk long, however, for as quickly as he had cleared Logan's field of vision, and when he sensed no other wolves about the route he had taken, he transformed swiftly and climbed into a tree, and he begun to traverse in a roundabout way back through the forest to where he could emerge without detection.. 

Logan looked down at the photograph which she was given and found a great pit of guilt had begun to grow inside of her. The questions he asked did not seem immediately malicious in nature and still she could tell that there was some great amount of concern to be placed on him knowing the things that she spoke. Now she stood slowly and tucked the picture away, her eyes following the direction that Silas had gone off as she tried to gather her bearings. If he was not a friend of the pack then it was likely he was going in the direction opposite of the camp, so she turned around the other way and would hope for the best. On the other hand, she was not in a rush to return, considering what finding the pack might entail...

Lo and behold, some of the pack found her. 

No sooner had she emerged from a thicket of trees and brush did she lay eyes on Theo and Timothy, the former standing closer to her with the latter waiting a couple of yards back. Immediately she froze, and then upon examining them briefly, relaxed to some extent, reaching up and rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly. 

"Theo, Toby?" she asked, looking around briefly to see if there were others. "I am curious - what you two are doing in this forest?"

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