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Werewolves (RP 6): Echoes from the Past (04/14-10/15)

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Through icy blue eyes, there was a man who had taken into account many details of the mysterious mountain.. Phantom Mountain. Some four weeks now he had been within it's shadows, and the immediate area surrounding it. Even Rekneb bend had not been a stranger to his presence. And although none within with Calagathorm pack knew his name, he had taken into account many of theirs..

Fllp... fllp...

The old journal pages were turned carefully, intently. There were sketches of familiar faces, descriptions, coordinates, equations; all of the writings nestled within the old parchment the scribbles of a tired man. Perhaps with practice, a trained eye might eventually learn what the words were intended to be, but for the most part, they were for one mans eyes only, their scratchy nature lending them a sort of secrecy. 

Letting the pages flip freely in his hands, he came at last to the very back of the journal, where one thing was written clearly; "Silas V. Thaddeus". He looked upon the title with a contemplative, if not somewhat grim expression. This was his name, but he had seldom heard it in the years past, for his pack called him by another name. Sometimes he wanted to glance on this old title, as if worried that he might otherwise forget it completely. 

Silas was alone in his current place in the forest, but he had a set purpose for being there, which he shared with others who themselves were not far away. 

The evening was setting up to be another uneventful one, which he was well prepared for, when his attention was abruptly focused on a change in the immediate area.. presently he was rested in the boughs of a tree, high enough up and concealed just so that he could see the world below him, but those who would not know to look closely above them could not notice him. He stayed, and waited, and a scent that was not entirely unfamiliar to him grew closer, until at last his gaze was caught on a figure that stumbled into somewhat of a clearing not a far distance from his tree. It was a werewolf, surely from the Calagathorm pack...

This was perfect. There was an opportunity that had arisen, that seldom presented himself, at least unless there was another pack member nearby. He waited a while, satisfied to learn that this wolf had indeed come alone, and finally he could play his next move. Slowly he lifted from his back a long tube, quietly so that he did not alert the wolf.. then he loaded it with a dart, and in the next moment, aimed and shot. The werewolf could only give a started half-bark, before passing out and slipping back into the form of a human, one that Silas recognized from a few weeks ago.. Retreating from his perch, Silas took on the form of a wolf and looked down at Logan with ears perked up and his muzzle twisted into a satisfied grin. 

"What will you have to tell me, Logan Ash?"


Meanwhile just outside the Antique shop, Thomas Clerk had successfully quelled the arising tensions between McGordner and Bolt. It was the latter of the two who had cut the argument short by attempting to challenge the authority of a law enforcement officer and who had, as a result, been ordered out of the vicinity.

Harvey Bolt entered his vehicle and slammed the door before driving off down the road.

Thomas watched him go before returning to Mildred.

"It's not unusual for Harvey to be a fire cracker in the evening, but I have never seen him go up so." The officer commented with a sigh and a shake of his head. Mildred had likewise watched Bolt leave, but she had very little to say on the matter, and still she had to see to the business that had brought her to Town Hall. So she bid the officer a good evening and went her way.

Still, Harvey Bolt was in a particularly foul mood that evening, and it seemed he was bent on sharing it. Not long after he had departed the company of Thomas and Mildred, Harvey pulled up his phone and made a call.


At that moment Alfred Nickers was sitting in his small car off the side of the road. The door on the driver's side was open, and he had one foot on the pavement while the other rested in the vehicle. In his left hand he held a bottle, and in his right he casually gripped the steering wheel of his car.

Now, one mustn't wonder why the man sat in such an attitude, for he was a man of very small income, and his little old car was not fit with air conditioning. So in consequence of his absence from it and having left it to rest in the sun for several hours, the interior of the vehicle had become very hot. 

So it was that Alfred at that moment was airing the heat out of the confines and enjoying the pleasant breeze when a chime alerted him to a call. 

Immediately as the phone met his ear the caller spoke and Albert listened to the rant before he was allowed a word.

"I'm just sitting off the ol' east road." He said, answering the inquisition regarding his position. He took the opportunity to sip the contents of his glass before adding, "You com'in up to join the party any time here soon, Harvey?"

Harvey's voice had cooled considerably from his earlier tirade, but it proceeded still on the edge of outrage. His orders were direct and firm, his impatience clear and his focus on the objective becoming extremely sharp.

"Alright, alright. I'll get 'em up here. You just tell me what we're s'pose to do then and we'll have it in." Albert replied. 


Toby nodded and smiled broadly, he seemed to accept Theo's explanation completely. After all, why should his new friend lie to him? And what was so strange about making thank-you gifts? Why, Toby used to make them all the time for his Grandmother. On her birthday, every Mother's and Father's day, and every Christmas he gave her a home-made gift. Never bought a single thing, but gave each from his heart. She'd kept every single one too; their apartment over the Antique Shop was decorated with them.

At Theo's mention of birds, Toby nodded and looked up at the trees. Ah yes! They've got such beautiful voices, don't they? He said happily. Then suddenly, his smile fell and look of confusion passed across his face. He looked around as though seeking something amid the branches. Quickly, he drew off his hat and let it drop to the ground, seeming to have no more consideration for the hole in his ear that he had previously been trying to hide. For a moment, he stood as though listening, then looked alert in one direction.

Theo... I-- I think something's wrong. He said slowly, his voice falling to a whisper. The birds aren't singing over there. That side of the forest is too quiet... He said, pointing in one direction. .....Far too quiet.... I- I think something is over there.


Chime watched Ulric walk off, she couldn't help but smile after he had, though what else had his smile held? Worry? What was it that the Alpha wante- no! That was their business, not hers. Quickly bushing off her hands, she began looking around, hoping a job would present itself for her to do, that would get her mind off of things that don't concern her.. Disappointment soon found itself pitted in her, oh, who was she kidding, all the 'normal' chores were already assigned, if she wanted to do anything else she would have to ask and probably be supervised.

Quickly shaking her head, Chime tried harder. There had to be something she could do.. Smiling widely, she walked over to some equipment that needed some straightening. Feeling a little silly as she did it, Chime purposely took a long time leaning them just right, well she had planned to but then Kratos called. 

Taken by surprise, she lost her grip on the tool but quickly recovered it, making sure it was balanced, she started off towards were she heard her alpha's voice. 

Seeing Ulric take off in the corner of her eye, noticed Kratos. 

Having no idea what he wanted, Chime smiled shyly, briefly wondering if she was in trouble though quickly let that thought slide, she couldn't think of anything.. well, besides the horse incident, but he would have mentioned it when they were in the barn, right?

"You wanted to see me?" 


As Chime came to stand nearby, Kratos glanced over and saw that Zeit was still busy, so he turned away from the yard and aside. 

"Yes," he told Chime briefly, and he motioned that she follow him as he began walking out toward the road.

Chime was the smallest person in the pack, but that was only in stature, for the Alpha had seen the height of her character did far exceed the tangibility of his own. So it was that he looked down and momentarily examined her features in a glance before leading the way out toward the front road.

"There has been a lot of commotion these last few months, and I expect a great deal of emotion to accompany it as well." Kratos said calmly and at length. His voice seemed gentle though it was ever as deep, and while he walked, one of his large hands came to rest behind his back. Kratos continued. "I cannot imagine that living amongst people such as these has been any small trial, so I would like to ask how you find yourself."

At this point, when the two had walked a slight distance from all other ears save the horses in the corral alone, Kratos stopped and turned to face Chime with gentleness and no confrontation. He appeared to have sincerity upon his brow though his face was in all respects very serious and calm.

Speaking to elaborate on the question he had already presented, the Alpha said, "What do you think about what you have seen so far?" 


Coming up to the edge of the dense wood, Ulric tried to remember where he had seen Logan go shortly before the Alpha had wanted to speak with him. He knew that, should it come down to it, there would be no difficulty in trying to track both Logan and Jackie by scent, but as he was more visually inclined, he tried his best to find the right location from behind. In this, he was disappointed. 

The forest was a visual maze of many variants with like appearances, so it was very hard to properly judge one tree as an individual from any other. Ulric's accuracy from a distance had failed him, and he found himself stumbling into thick brambles through a pathless territory. All he could do now however was struggle to get in and then break through as best he could to a less overgrown area where he might be able to pick up a trail. 

"Ugh." Frustratedly, Ulric grunted as a branch stuck through to his side and inadvertently further entangled him in the leafy trap before he fell through and found himself on the ground. It must have been rotten luck or some absentminded stupidity, either way Ulric felt rather foolish for pushing his way through the area when it was clearly not the entrance he was seeking.

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Jackie had been walking in the woods for a long time. She didn't know how long she had been walking, only that she had traveled so far that any sign of civilization was lost in the thick swath of foliage and bird-call. Even her calves had begun to sting from the trek, but regardless pressed forward as if drawn somewhere by some unknown force.

It was funny. A few years ago she wouldn't have thought much of a long, lonely walk in the woods as any way to pass the time. But much had joined in the few months she had lived with the pack. She had never realized before how alive the woods had felt. Even the passing wind felt like it's breathe.

"You're going crazy", she mumbled sourly to the tiny nagging thought,"Even Kratos would laugh".

Yes, if she looked at the tree ahead-- just focused on that one tree-- she could see it was just as inanimate as she had always seen trees. It's leaves rustled in a passing breeze, nothing more. It didn't look at her funny or carry any kind of judgment. But then she saw something rustle in the next tree over ; was it a squirrel, perhaps? And the tree after that-- the trees were infinite, a big blob of green, a single organism all composed of thousands of tiny green cells. The forest was alive and it pitied the sad creature that thought it wasn't. The birds had fallen silent, and in that hush, Jackie almost thought she could hear the forest's voice ; one of quiet urgency and desperation, as though in that moment there was something of terrible importance to be known...

"NO. THE FOREST. IS NOT. ALIVE. I am NOT going to go CRAZY FOREST LADY just because I'm having an identity crisis. GOT IT TREES?"

That was it. No more walking. Her destination, as far as she was concerned, had been reached. Whatever 'wolfy senses' had just been tingling could go politely die in a hole. She was content to do absolutely nothing, think about absolutely nothing, and if the forest swallowed her whole than so be it.


"You're right," Theo frowned,"The birds are gone".

There would be no feather-hunting today. Though that was a disheartening thought, the source of the silence was an intrigue that far exceeded the disappointment. Following Toby's outreached finger, Theo narrowed in on the tiny spot he had motioned to. The foliage seemed inconspicuous ; but then why would the birds have all gone if there was nothing wrong? In his experience, all the birds didn't silence for the fun of it. The curiosity was killing him ; he glanced sheepishly over at Toby.

"I know you're not feeling well, and the thing that made the birds all quiet might be dangerous but…", a bright glint caught Theo's eyes,"Wanna see what it is?"


Zander was a little hesitant to approach and shake Cherise' hand. And it was more than Mrs. Buttermilk’s sharp glare that kept him at bay.

The antique store had a nice musky smell that masked over his scent nicely. Any potential werewolves in the store would not know what he was ; that is, so long as he kept his distance and didn't get all nice and hand-shaky with anyone. Although Zander hadn't been following Cherise long, he already had a pretty good idea what she might be. He was pretty certain if his hunch was correct, she would be new enough to it all not to place what he was. But of course, if he was right about Cherise, then Mrs. Buttermilk… 

Nono focus, come on, don't freak out now. Just be smart about it.

Be smart about it. Right. He could do that. As he shuffled quietly towards Cherise, he strategically stumbled into a coat-hanger of dusty clothes. As the plume of century-old dust briefly enveloped him, and he strangled back a cough, he suspected (or at least, really hoped) he would be safe from even a tracker.

"S-sory Mrs. Buttermilk. I, uh... didn't break them".

He smiled a little, then offered his hand in turn to Cherise,"Nice to meet you. I'm Zander".


"Logan, can you hear me? It's Liam.. oh, gosh, Logan.. you're a mess, hold still now."

Liam.. Liam, it was so familiar, that name, that voice. "Liam?" she asked, her own voice naught but a hoarse whisper. "What happened?" the words were pronounced slowly and quietly, and Ivan frowned emphatically at his friend. How it pained him to see such a strong woman reduced to such a pitiful state. He had been there for some time, tending to her wounds, however she could not feel anything. When she asked this, he reached up a hand and rested it on her face, and there was a warmth that she could feel, and then his presence became familiar. 

"Shhh, my friend.. this is not easy for me to tell you, but try to understand. You have... been turned, into a werewolf.." surely this would make little sense to the woman in her present state, "You'll understand later. But you must not go back to Blackridge, not even once. They will kill you." 

Liam's gut tightened, and he wondered if Logan could even process anything he had said. Instead of trying to force what he was attempting to communicate into her confused head, he merely finished dressing her injuries, not speaking again until he was finished. 

"I have to go. I went into your house and filled a bag with some of your things.. there's money, and a couple of days worth of food.." speaking quietly and with a weight in his voice, he wondered if she could even hear him at this point. He began to stand slowly, when he felt something grasp at his hand. His amber eyes looked down to see Logan reaching up, and he turned round again, crouching in front of the dark haired female once more. 

"Liam?" Logan asked again, this time with more consciousness to her voice. "Logan?"

The story began to fall apart, and suddenly the dream began to lose its sense of familiarity. 

"Logan?" and now she realized that she could not respond anymore. "Logan... wake up.." But, she was awake? "Wake up, woman. Come on. I don't have a lot of time.."

Logan's eyelids parted heavily as the voice broke her sleep, dragging her slowly back to consciousness. She shifted slightly, but her muscles were for the most part unresponsive. However she was able to lift her head and rest it against the tree which she sat against, and soon her eyes had opened enough to see the person in front of her. 

"Vincent Bartholomaei, is it? Your grandfather, I mean. That's his name, right? You seem to miss him."

The woman's brows furrowed, looking around the area slowly, giving it some amount of hazy consideration. "Unnh.. who are you?" she asked quietly, her eyes setting on Silas. He held a white paper in his hand, which Logan examined blankly, before realizing what it was the he held. 

"That's not important, but I know who you are. Maybe better than you do yourself, considering the way you're running away from your pack, again." he muttered with some amount of exasperation his voice. Logan made no response, rather her eyes fell to the ground and she turned her head away. 

"I need to talk to you Logan. And we don't have a lot of time. There are questions I want to ask you, and some things I want to bring up, so try to pay attention." he muttered, but still there was no response - she didn't so much as look in his direction. He pinched the bride of his nose and sighed. 

"You want to see him, don't you? The man in this photo.." he muttered, lifting up a picture that he was holding along with a letter. Logan looked up at it, and upon recognizing the image, made a move to reach for it, only to find her arms were still asleep! 

"Ah, this is your grandfather isn't it? And who is this lad that he's with?" he asked, stroking his chin thoughtfully as he did so, turning the picture back to himself. 

"Where did you find that?" Logan asked, now with a more alert tone. 

"I found it a long time ago, you must have just been arriving here when you lost it." now he sat down, with his legs crossed over one another in a pretzel formation, and he draped his arms over his knees. "And there's more, Logan. I can help you see your grandfather again. You just have to help me first. What do you say?" he asked. Logan remained still, contemplating for a while. Oh, what a tempting offer! But what kind of questions? She stared at him long and hard, trying to find the motives concealed behind his icy blue eyes. Trying to understand this mysterious person, and the truth in his words, while still trying to grasp the basics of where she sat and how she got there. Everything was so foggy.

When the silence began to drag on, Silas grew impatient, and his eyes half closed in an exaggerated show of his anxiousness. "Or," now he began to stand slowly, pulling a lighter from his pocket, which he lifted up to the photo. "We can pretend this conversation never happened, and your grandfather can spend the rest of his days, rotting in.. where is it? Oh, Blackridge, right?" he muttered, face twisting into a frown as he gave a nonchalant shrug. Logan watched the flames lick the edge of the photo and in that instant she found the strength to pull an arm up in protest! 

"Wait!" she called, and Silas withdrew the fire, raising an inquisitive brow, "What do you want to know?"


The clatter of the overturned coat hanger, followed by the voice of the clumsy visitor, was enough to make Mrs. Buttermilk grind her teeth to a powder. Though hidden behind several shelves and artifacts, the old woman literally raised her cane up and gripped it like a baseball bat. With a very low, and clearly inhuman growl in her throat, she was seriously debating on hobbling out and giving that reckless youngin' a few good whacks across the backside. 

In all her years of running this shop, no one had ever come in that was as clumsy as this boy. After a moment or two, she took a deep breath and lowered her cane back down as a support, then continued to count the items she had on the shelves.


Toby looked to Theo, and at his suggestion of investigating, the injured Omega smiled broadly in spite of himself. Like... Wolves? he asked slowly, though he clearly did not have any problem with the idea in the slightest. Something about this situation was thrilling to some part of his brain! Patrolling the pack territory, searching for danger... It was just... He didn't know.. Just a really cool idea. Besides, the worst it could be was a bear, and undoubtedly two werewolves could take on a bear! The pain of his wounds forgotten in the excitement. Toby did want to investigate!... And strangely enough, he wanted to do it in wolf form.


Cherise in surprise nearly jolted forward to catch the coat-hanger and any item that might have been damaged had it hit the floor, though she caught herself and slowly stepped back to her original position. She watched the poor man in disbelief. Either he was extremely clumsy or he had done that on purpose. But what would anyone have to gain from doing that except embarrassment? Maybe attention? 

As he once more apologized to Mrs. Buttermilk, Cherise heard a growl from behind her. Wondering whether her grandmother had a pet she looked back, only to see Mrs. Buttermilk's cane lower down and disappear. For a brief moment, she thought no human could make that growl, maybe her grandmother would understand- her thoughts were pulled back as the other addressed her. 

Shaking the surprised yet amused look from her face, Cherise took his hand and replied "It's nice to meet you too, Zander." After a short pause of examining the man's face, she asked sheepishly "Are you alright?"


Only hesitating a second, Chime began to follow, pushing away what was left of her fears. He seemed to at ease for this to be some sort of.. punishment. But why had she then singled out? She couldn't remember this ever happening before in all the months she had been here, it was odd and almost uncomfortable.

Briefly noticing him looking her over, she cocked her head up to see his face and formed a smile. She didn't have time to wonder what he was thinking about before he started talking, and she listen to his words carefully. 

Almost nodding to the first sentence, she thought back to what had happened last month, and even some things that happened months before. As he finished, her brows grew heavy. How did she find herself? Lifting her hand to her chin, she began to think about it, though was momentarily interrupted when he put forth his second inquiry. 

She cocked her head, then smiled. It was simple, she looked back up to the giant of a man. "Well... I.. heh, I don't really know how to find the words." Laughing slightly, she played with her hands. "I guess... I just know I belong here, to this pack and the people who make it. I feel like... no, I know we are a family, just one that has a lot of prickles and sores." She stopped looking up at the sky, spotting a couple of birds flying over head, taking a deep breath, she continued.

"My mother and I, we didn't have much, and, well, at times I was upset, but she taught me it wasn't things that made us us, it was what we did. Since we had to work hard to scrape by, we became rich by other means, we found a true treasure, we found.. well, ourselves I guess." Smiling at the memory of her mother, Chime paused a moment, closing her eyes to better imagine it. 

Reopening them, she looked back towards Kratos, concerned filled her very being.

"I worry about the others.. I want to help them so badly, but I don't know how to do it. I understand they are going through.. tough times, but I don't know how they're going through it, where I can apply myself. And then there are some I just.." Pausing again, she debated whether or not to finish the sentence, taking another deep breath she continued, "Well, I'm a little scared of." She admitted it sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head. 

"But I'm sure that we can all get through our differences together, all we need is time and trust." Chime's smile reappeared, they would, she knew it. 

It was then a horse, who apparently thought himself a comedian, let out a snort.

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