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Werewolves (RP 5): Secrets in the Orchard (01/13-04/14)

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Toby seemed a little unnerved when Zeit transformed, as all at one her rank and their unfortunate first meeting renewed itself in his mind. Then, she glanced back at him and challenged him to keep up with her in their pursuit of Kratos. Toby smiled sheepishly and a little half-heartedly, for his mind was elsewhere at the moment. Then Zeit took off into the forest as an unbelievable speed and in doing so, shook Toby back to earth.

Shaking whatever he'd been thinking about from his head, Toby quickly undid the extra buttons on his shirt and focused on retaking his wolf form. The scrawny, scraggly creature came on smoothly. His last chore was to adjust his glasses so that they wouldn't jostle too much or fall off during his run, then he leapt forward on all fours and took off after Zeit. Though she was a good deal ahead of him and rather fast, it didn't take him long to sort of catch up. His legs were ridiculously long, and his lack of a full heavy pelt made little wind or bramble hindrance. In fact, running was the only thing Toby's wolf form could take pride in:

He was a mess as an animal, no stronger then he was in human form, and he had never let loose a howl before in his entire life, yet he could to race against the best of them and place third, if not a close second. In no time, he was on Zeit's heels, following her direction through the woods.

Unfortunately, they showed about at the worst time- In the middle of Kratos' furious lecture at the one called Logan. In human form, whether she knew it or not, she looked pathetically small and fragile in the mighty Alpha's glare. For a brief second as Kratos slammed the ground, Toby was sure that he and Zeit had just come upon a formal execution. He thought for sure that the human woman before him was "dead-girl-walking" and cowered for her sake. Stopping abruptly, he tucked his tail and backed up into the tree line, hoping to hide from the alpha's wrath. What the speck had just happened? One minute Kratos was a decent guy, cracking jokes and making Toby feel welcome- Then just as quickly, he was a big, black monster doing everything short of threatening someone's life... Had he missed something?

As the Alpha breathed out the last of his anger, he changed again, both expression and form. Seeing the man, Toby felt a little more at ease. A man could not as quickly nor easily rip another person to shreds as a werewolf could, but what's more, Toby remembered the goofy smile the Alpha had greeted him with only a little while ago. Though it was considered rude to stare, it was ruder still to speak-up where you had not been invited, so Toby just chose to sit and wait for whatever was going to happen.


Levi gave a quick friendly smile and nod to Theo... but, as he and Chime left, that last comment began to sink in, and Levi's smile faded. He raised up his big hand-paws and looked at them hard. He turned his back on the wall and looked over the great cement-reinforced enclosure that had been home all month. He reflected on everything he had said to Theo. It was the first breath of feeling human he'd had for almost a good solid 31 days... on the one hand, it had been refreshing to laugh and talk to somebody again... on the other, it was depressing. He clicked his tongue and muttered, nodding ironically, "I'm Levi O'Connell. Levi O'Connell." He shook his head, leaned back against the wall, and slid down into a heap, looking at his hand-paws again. "What've I been reduced ta?"

Somehow, he had never quite attributed being a wolf to being him, and that had made his miserable time here a little bit more bearable. He didn't have to think about his conditions in a personal sense. But he had given Theo his proper name; he was Levi O'Connell, son of Patrick and Sarah O'Connell... and he had surrendered. His gaze wandered up the walls to the electric fence. For one fleeting moment, he envisioned giving that wall his greatest leap, catching a hold of the electric fence, and muscling his way through the pain to clear it. If it was that easy though, he might have done it already. Alpha Kratos had designed this place to keep a wolf in, even a desperate wolf. There wasn't any way out, short of his letting you.

"Should've fought ta m'last breath," he muttered darkly, looking down at his paw-hands again. Truth be told, the only reason he had surrendered was because he felt he could not fight anymore, and he had expected the alpha to kill him anyway. It had been all he could do to keep standing and take death with some degree of dignity. But even that was no excuse. He should have stood stolid and simply waited for death--that he had surrendered denied him then already dying with dignity. If I'd known he was goin' ta keep me prisoner instead, Levi thought, Would it've changed things? Alive, but stripped of any pride, any human decency, any self-respect...

And so, it was with certain resentment that Levi looked up, hearing the alpha's roars and threatenings against Logan. He pinned back his ears and wrinkled his nose. Those sounds made him feel wild inside... wild and caged--itching to run, to fight, and completely unable to do anything at all. Had he stood and tried to walk the feeling off, he surely would have found himself madly and uselessly leaping up against the walls of his prison. As it was, he did not move from his slouched position against the wall... and it made him feel like something was eating him from the inside out.

Moon's on her way, he thought. That was why the alpha's voice made him feel like that, he recognized. The emotions and instinctual responses when the full moon drew near were still sometimes a little awkward to him. But they'd never been negative responses until now. Even though he was a half-breed, his "inner wolf" never "awakened" until the death of his mother, almost five years ago... almost to the day... in fact, the next two days would bring the fifth anniversary of her passing. 

He leaned his head back against the wall and looked up at the sky. He sighed softly. What would she say if she could see her boy now? A miserable dog, a prisoner... the one who surrendered.


In slight shock, Chime had indeed overheard the prisoner's words. No clothing or baths? For a whole month?! Of course, she should have known, considering he was in there a month and without either of those things, still. Looking down at her own clothing, she couldn't help but feel a little shamed. How could she feel so proud of them now?

Upon hearing the howl, Chime glanced back towards the clearing, only hearing some of what Logan was saying, as she choose to listen to what Theo said to Levi instead. Feeling a little better at his words and the promised to at least try for those things, she sighed in relief, surprised at the fact she was holding her breath. She readied herself, nodding her answer to Theo and began walking to the clearing, pacing herself slightly behind him. 

Though, on her way there, Kratos words tore though air, his roughness stopped her straight in her tacks. Both surprised and scared, she raised her hands to her face for the second time that day. As his ferocity and words flow out, she felt afraid, she shook, and she couldn't move. Yet, at the same time, she felt respect for him, and felt safe, he was her alpha, he would protect her. She watched, hoping for Logan safety.. Yet, upon hearing she had called him naive, she felt she deserved whatever happened to her, admittedly a little stronger then she should have.

Her first meeting with the pack played in her mind, and she was quite happy she wasn't strong enough to hurt the second in command, Zeit. If she saw this before the meeting, she would have stayed away.

As he turned back into a human, she found her strength and started walking again, her eyes avoided Kratos's out of respect, though her face shone with admiration.


Theo felt his face turn pale. Had that… really been Kratos? If there was one thing he had always counted on in his life, it was the calm demeanor of his alpha. He had never seen him like this. And having that security of his ripped away so suddenly… well, he imagined it was something to similar to discovering your arm had magically disappeared. It just wasn’t possible.

With the world as he knew it turned upside down, he starred in wide-eyed shock, and had no will of his own to even comprehend the situation. He was only vaguely aware Logan was the center of this and that Chime had continued to walk forward.

Not wanting to lose his only companion in this strange new world, Theo suddenly sprung forward to catch her and was beside her when he finally approached the field.


What did Jackie think of this mess?

Unlike many more simple-minded situations, it wasn’t just ‘she was angry’ or ‘she was super angry’ or ‘she was even more angry than super angry’. Much like an onion, her emotional state was layered.

On the surface, Jackie appeared more miffed than anything else. She had, after all, been forced to give up her plan to lurk in the woods, wait for an opportunity, and mercilessly seek her revenge on Logan. And above all else, instead of ignoring her as she approached (which she would have much rather preferred), Kratos had taken a brief moment to acknowledge her obedience with a tilt of his head. If there was one thing she couldn’t stand, it was that an authority figure had effectively given her a pat on the back and said “good job, what a great little follower” like she was five years old again. She didn’t like to think she was obedient… and now that fact had been rubbed in her face a little bit more.

But if one were to have pried a little farther into her mind, or correctly interpreted some miniscule facial expression, they would have found she was very much afraid. Like everyone else in the pack, she had never seen Kratos like this. She had always assumed no matter the situation, he would have been calm. He would have been logical. It was just plain… well… wrong to see him like this.

And it was because of her. Because Logan had nearly taken her life last month. Jackie had assumed on some level that Kratos had somehow forgotten about the incident or no longer had any reason to care about it. Yet Logan had only to rant a little bit here and there about the wrong things and the pain was new to him. 

He actually cared about her, and that is what scared her most of all.

As soon as Kratos had finished and returned back to human form, Jackie twisted her head slowly to meet Logan’s eyes. She didn’t say a word, but to Jackie there was a deep meaning in meeting her eyes. 

‘I won’t seek revenge on you anymore. You are a part of my pack now and… I will do my best to protect my pack’

And so that vow was made.


For a moment, and the first time since she had been within the Calagathorm territory, Logan felt as though she could relate to somebody, and was willing to leave behind the fact he was a werewolf. As Ulric spoke, her expression revealed a spark of curiosity and even excitement, or rather eagerness to know more about this werewolf. Although, a you may have imagined, those feelings fled the moment the alpha's thundering voice again filled the air. 

Upon turning to face Kratos, Logan at once felt very small. While the whole event lasted only a few moments in reality, to Logan it seemed a good deal longer. The woman couldn't help but re-live that night of her attack. It felt to her all too much like when she awoke to find that feral, ferocious beast looking her right in the eyes. Kratos' eyes.. she hadn't really looked at them, avoiding them thus far, but she caught her first glimpse at the moment after he threw himself up on the earth. No, this wasfar more terrifying than that night. The werewolf that had attacked her, he was lost completely to his beast, there was no man left in him at that time. Kratos on the other hand, he possessed all of his knowledge in this form, all of the senses of a man, and yet here he was, his ferocity challenging all of the wildest and untamed creatures that wandered the earth! And it seemed not even his own pack members could recognize him in that instant. Logan took a step back, the action more of a knee jerk reaction than it was intentional, and a fight or flight response had all but taken place within her when the alpha quieted and changed forms. 

She had, indeed, acknowledged everything he said at the time he said it, but for now it had left her mind, replaced with the thudding of her heart in her ears. Flushed with adrenalin, rather than replying right away, she glanced around at the pack members present. There was a girl who Theo stood beside, Jackie, having obediently come back at Kratos' command, and two others were present now, though she paid them no mind. Many of them, who had been fearful as she had, now seemed to beam with a sense of pride. 

Knowing the alpha was awaiting a response, though still not quiet fully aware of all that he had said (and to what she was aware, she intended to avoid replying to), she merely uttered "I understand" quietly, without the usual confidence and strength her voice held. How could she be so weak? Every other challenge she had faced, she had taken with dignity, putting her fears aside! And now she stood here, feeling vulnerable and bare of all her dignity. Her current thoughts almost mirrored that of the prisoner's. Death seemed a more proper fate, one that at least wouldn't leave you alike to the low creatures of the earth! 

"I am going to prepare." dismissing herself, she turned to walk towards the cabins, at that moment catching the look in Jackie's eyes. It was puzzling to her, and quickly she shifted her gaze, far too ashamed to look anybody in the eyes for any length of time. No, instead she continued on her way to the cabins, in hopes to be allowed a moment to prepare for the night and collect herself.

Hour Glass:

Zeit raced against Toby, amused that the Omega was keeping up with her, finding she finally had some competition for being the fastest wolf. She'd have to find Toby one day and convince him to run with her, test out how fast he could go and for how long. Even if they had started off on the wrong foot, or paw, because of Zeit's rash and stubborn behavior, she had a feeling she might get along with the Omega. 

At least he seemed calm and like he wasn't going to leave holes in her kitchen walls like another wolf had done, and he seemed in control of his inner wolf. She noted that she would need to talk to him about his amount of control over his wolf to see if he would run with her during the full moon in order to protect the rest of the pack.

She was lost in thought until she heard the Alpha's rumbled, startled back into reality. She stopped suddenly, frozen as she saw Kratos' raw power, sensing the strength of the wolf that he normally hid. Even she, quite the dominate and stubborn wolf, lowered her head and took a step back. Kratos was the one person, besides her deceased father, she had ever shown signs of submitting too, and from this moment, Kratos was no wolf to mess with either. 

After the silence took hold, Zeit finally moved, raising her head high as she slowly walked towards her Alpha, watching the others of the pack as Logan turned and left, and others stared in awe. She slowly shifted, returning to human form to speak with Kratos before she went off to make more preparations for the night, such as letting one of the herds out in order to make it like a stray bullet had hurt one of her livestock. 

Zeit was quiet, to make everything was settled before she spoke again. "Alpha, since we have a majority of the pack here, should we go over tonight's plans?" she asked, "as I'm wondering who to take with me. Toby proved he can keep up with me and get out fast if the situation calls for it."


Ulric stood motionless as the Alpha spoke and did not move even after Logan turned away. His heart was pounding loud in his ears. But whether that was because he had stood behind Logan and thus in the line of Kratos' wrath, or because of his own anger which had risen within his chest, no one could really tell. No emotion escaped through his eyes and his expression was calm.


Kratos said nothing more to Logan after she dismissed herself, but he watched her for a short time as she walked away. Just before Zeit approached him, the Alpha's gaze would turn toward Ulric and their eyes would hold each other for but a brief moment. 

As men, there was more to be said between the two brothers, but as werewolves their different positions had been clarified. Kratos was the Alpha, and he would not be challenged.

"Ulric," Kratos said, "I want to speak with you later."

Then he turned aside, thus dismissing his brother, and directed his attention at Zeit.

"Yes." The Alpha replied sighing deeply. "We must discuss that with everyone, and there is another thing that we must also attend to.." He then beckoned to the others in the clearing with a wave of his hand and said, "come my friends, gather in everyone. Whatever challenge tonight brings, we ought to try our best to prepare for it."


Ulric was hesitant to heed the Alpha's beckoning. He still stood in the same place without moving and looked in the direction of Logan. The pace of his heartbeat had slowed now and he took the first full breath he had taken since Kratos had appeared in the clearing.

At length Ulric withdrew from his werewolf form, rose up from the ground, and looked at Kratos again. From where he stood he need not come any closer to hear the Alpha speak, so he remained standing on the hill slope under the trees.


"Zeit and I have decided that for tonight we must form smaller numbers." Kratos began to explain as he watched the faces of the others. He expected them to come close, within at least seven feet of where he stood, and lowered his voice accordingly.

"We will be harder to find by the hunters that way." Kratos said softly, though his deep voice was still easy to be heard. "We must split into two groups, I shall lead one and Zeit will lead the other. Cooperation is imperative for us all to be alive by morning; we must work together even in our secondary forms. As such, those who cannot control their werewolf forms, or those that are struggling with it, are to come with me to the higher places of Phantom Mountain where we will work on such discipline. Everyone else who is capable will travel with Zeit and will attempt to draw the attention of the townspeople to the west beyond the lake."

"Something also must also be done about the Spy in the pit..." Kratos said this after a short pause and gave a unenthusiastic glance to Zeit. "I believe the people will be instructed to stay away from privately-owned buildings and places where livestock are kept.. But we cannot guarantee that to be the case, and if by happenstance they come upon the dens I would prefer that there isn't an easy target awaiting them."

Kratos crossed his arms over his chest. He looked at the Beta and then at the Omega. "Zeit, I believe you are right in wanting Toby to go with you." He continued. "It would be best if those that lead the hunters were quick and stealthy; I do not want anyone getting a good look at you... They still think they are hunting regular wolves, and at the very most they may assume we are bears, but we can't reveal any more than that."

"...The other matter that we must decide on is ranking..." The Alpha looked at each member of his pack and added after a moment, "...does anyone have anything to say? Your suggestions are welcome."


Toby remained in the line of trees until Logan had, in Toby's opinion, wisely submitted to the alpha's authority and dismissed herself. Only when she had gone out of sight, did Toby breathe more easily. As Zeit stepped out the speak with Kratos, Toby noted that everyone was pretty much in their human forms again, so he decided to be the same-- Only he had a problem: If he changed here and now, the others would see him.. Oh the humiliation! His shirt would be unbuttoned down to his stomach, and his sleeves too.. Up to the elbow! That was in no way presentable. Toby was just about to find a place in the thick forest foliage where he could change form, button up, straighten out all the wrinkles, fix his hair, adjust his glasses, and otherwise keep the respect and dignity every human being was entitled to, when he suddenly heard Zeit say his name. Instantly, he looked at her and felt his face go hot. She wanted him of all people to go with her on a potentially life threatening midnight something-or-other?? All because of his running skills? Had he somehow impressed her by keeping up like that?

In truth, Toby was in the middle of feeling a little proud of himself when the alpha suddenly called everyone together and snapped him back to reality. Toby almost responded instantly, but in a pit second remembered he was still in wolf form and clumsily fell back toward the tree line. For a moment, he stood stupidly in one place, looking rapidly back and forth between the alpha and the dense foliage. Nothing but ridiculous Uhms and Uhs came from his mouth as he tried to explain his plight and decide if he had enough time to change and still answer Kratos without inconveniencing anyone. Finally, he fumbled forward and turned his back toward the pack. J-J-- Just a second. He begged, and retook his own skrawny form; being sure to button up his shirt all the way before turning around again. 

He knew he looked disgraceful and he felt a fool. Inching in as close as he dared toward Kratos, his eyes shamefully fell to his shoes and did not look up again. As he stood there, he stiffly fixed what he could; A single run of his hand through his messy hair, the same hand pushing the center of his glasses up his nose, but felt all the more stupid for even trying. He could only will himself to reset one button on his sleeves before he put both hands together and just let it be. He was so embarrassed, his face was beat red! He was almost positive everyone was looking at him and thinking how foolish he was. Every movement he made only served to make that feeling increase, almost like a spotlight was on him and every movement he made was as annoying and disruptive as dental surgery in a movie theater.. He dare not so much as glance at Zeit. He was sure she was rethinking whatever it was she'd thought about him before. To say nothing of the alpha, who was probably fuming again and didn't like him anymore.


Jackie found that after Logan left, she had nothing further to say or do other than watch the woman stalk off. Kratos then began speaking about the plans for that evening… but Jackie could care less. Being a newly turned werewolf herself, it was highly unlikely she’d be put anywhere fun. She would most likely be shoved on some frigid mountain top while all the better mannered members played hide-and-seek with the hunters. 

The only sign of her disappointment were her crossed arms and an air of impatience.


Theo’s head spun as soon as he heard Kratos say ‘Spy’.

If he hadn't said that word, he would have probably been content to listen and agree impassively to the turn of events. Most likely he would have been happy to go to the mountains.

But that was not what happened. Because despite all of Theo’s better judgment , he couldn't help but feel like he owed Levi something. He knew he was a spy. He knew he was an enemy. But from the ten minutes he had talked to him, he didn't seem all that bad. He deserved new clothes, at least. And he certainly deserved not to be hunted down and killed tonight like a common animal. 

He felt his voice rising up inside of him, as though against his will.

“The spy?” his voice was quivering slightly,”I can help with that… whatever you need, I’d like to help…”

He looked hopefully at Chime, his eyes silently asking for her support. As it was, he felt strangely out of place as soon as he said those words. 


As she walked along towards the cabins, Loagn stopped upon hearing the alpha speak up, this time his words relatively quiet, and found to her relief that he didn't intend to stop her. Loosening her fists and overall posture, she continued on into the cabins. Up the stairs and into her room she went, and this time she was certain to close and lock the door before any nosy dogs could shove their way in.

She emerged from the cabin a few minutes later. Her pants were rolled to her knees, her feet were bare, and she had put on a larger shirt (without jeopardizing her modesty, of course). Her wrist and shoulder lacked their usual accessories, the watch and cuff. Already she missed their familiar weight, and more often than not she found herself clenching at the place where the metal band normally resided on her upper arm. In any case, she was ready, and found herself wishing the moon would hurry along. The sooner this came, the sooner it would be over. 

After having a few minutes to gather her thoughts and even, for a change, ponder somebodies words with a good extent of consideration, she came to a conclusion. For now she didn't feel like expressing this to the alpha or anyone for that matter, but perhaps she would find plenty of time on the way up the mountain to do so. 

For now she stood some distance behind the others, or rather decided to crouch down and watch sugar ants go about their business, paying more or less attention to what the others were saying.

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