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Werewolves (RP 4): Danger on the Horizon (12/11-08/12)

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There was a snap, followed by moans and then Kieoki's voice soon after. At the series of sounds, Logan stopped in her tracks and turned around, her eyes widening at the sight - Theo's leg caught in a gin trap! The other woman was already at the boys side, reassuring him and then mentioning something about prying it open. As soon as she said that, Logan was beside her. "I will open it." she muttered, taking Kieoki's hands off the trap before lowering the mechanism that kept it clamped. The jaws loosened and dropped down, revealing the damage that the teeth had managed to inflict in that one quick moment. 

It didn't look as bad as Logan had originally thought it would be. She remembered seeing much larger versions of the barbaric trap set around her own town to keep feral dogs at bay (including werewolves, though they never caught any). Those traps would have easily snapped a man's leg in two, even one of Theo's build. Thankfully, this was just a small one. Though, it was covered in a thick layer of rust, meaning the wounds would definitely need sterilized professionally, and the boy would likely be given a tetanus shot. 

"We should tell someone. There was a man in a truck, I think.. see if you can get him and bring him here. Be careful." she asked, or rather, she commanded of Kieoki, although in a fairly even tone rather than a demanding one. 

"It is just a fox trap. You will be alright.. maybe, you will need to go see a doctor. A hospital? Stay still." she told him, not really expecting him to pay any attention. Just because it wasn't serious didn't mean it wouldn't hurt, but it seemed more than anything the idea of it was causing him more agony than the pain itself. Now more than ever she wished she had her bag, which had a small first aid kit in it. "Tell me about your alpha." she stated, hoping it would give Theo something to think about while they waited.


Theo really didn't want to look as Kieoki was trying to pry the thing off of his ankle. It just seemed like a really great way to depress himself with all the damage. Instead, Theo looked at a tree like it was the most important thing in the entire forest. It was one of those old ones, big and gnarled, with several branches that had fallen off and decayed. It must have been taller than several houses put together. 

Another wave of pain hit and Theo was forced to look away from the tree, his jaw clamped so hard he thought it might snap. He was presently aware of Kieoki trying to say something of him... to not pass out? He might have rolled his eyes at her if he had that kind of pain-free time. On reflection, it seemed that Kieoki really didn't think too highly of his pain threshold. All the more determined not to start squealing.

Although once Kieoki started tugging on the metal teeth, Theo thought he might loose it. Any thoughts of not moaning where mostly lost; he really couldn't help it. He was only too happy to see Kieoki be replaced by someone who had a little more experience with deathtraps. Although on later thought, it might be a little disturbing that Logan did know so much about those sorts of traps. His thoughts drifted from there.

Until Logan started speaking. 

"What, hospital!?" Theo's eyes went wide like a rabbits,"They're crazy nut jobs over there! No, I refuse to go. I'll be fine, maybe... I mean werewolf physiology heals faster"

He crossed his arms, plainly ignoring Logan's question about Kratos until his fate was clarified as being hospitalless.


Kieoki didn't object as Logan brushed her hands away and easily undid the trap. Kieoki frowned in her mind at herself. Useless. She spat in out in reference to herself before she listened to Logan tell her to go back to the cabins and find someone. But Kieoki was about to protest about Theo going to the hospital when the guy did it for himself. Though, Kieoki let out a soft gawk at the last thing he said. But now not being the time for stupid things like this, Kieoki glanced at Logan and smirked. 

"Thanks for helping him." Kieoki said with a soft nod before she grabbed up her sash and wiped her hands clean before she used it to tie up all the extra material in her dress. Wonderful. Now she would have to sneak out later in order to get some form of attire. Kieoki scowled into the ground, annoyed at the trap. Causing her so much trouble just when she wanted to get to town. How hard should that be? Rolling her eyes, Kieoki made sure her knot was tight, and then she was off, her bare feet pushing her body forwards as she ran up the path, going faster as she stretched out her stride.

Kieoki had a look of pure joy on her face as she ran, despite the fact that she seemed to only make things worse when the people around her were in bad situations. Kieoki almost stopped running when she thought about this fact though. In three separate instances, when she'd been trying to help, she'd either made the situation worse or cause further injury to the one she was trying to help. Kieoki;s smile faded as she sped up the path, and she slowly took on a determined look. She needed to stop thinking that way she was in those situations. Because, obviously, she couldn't get that right. Breathing in heavily from running, Kieoki's eyes lightened as she saw the cabins rise into view.

Following Logan's instructions, she looked for -and then found- the truck. Kieoki ran over to the driver's window, but someone, Chime?, was already standing there. So Kieoki frowned and then poked her head into view of the driver. "Hey. Theo had his foot caught in some stupid old trap. Can you come get him?" Kieoki said bluntly, not wanting to play around.


Logan cocked a brow, almost amused in a way at Theo's reaction to the hospital. "You are afraid of the hospital?" she asked plainly, tearing her jeans at the ends into long strips to create makeshift bandages. "You're not really in a position to refuse." there was a firmness to her tone now as she set to work tying the strips around the wounded area of Theo's leg. She was determined to get him to the hospital one way or another; the fact he was being stubborn about it made her all the more motivated. Which was incredibly hypocritical of her, because if she was in his position, she'd be the exact same way - she'd rather die of infection than have anything to do with hospital, mostly due to that pride of hers. 

Once she finished tying on the strips of old worn jean, she crossed her arms and leaned against a nearby tree. "They will only give you stitches." of course, this was more hypocrisy on Logan's part. When she was ten, she had cut her foot on a sheet of metal and had to get stitches. It took probably half of the medical staff to hold her down and get them in, and there was a pretty good chance she'd managed to kick a doctor in the face and knock one of his teeth out in the process. 

"They will probably just clean it and bandage it, and give you a shot. It will not take long.." she looked out in the direction of the road now and awaited a response from Theo.


Theo struggled helplessly backwards, as though he might outrun Logan by centimeters. A mixture of outrage and hopelessness splayed against his face and he slumped, giving up on running away. His fingers curled into the layer of dead leaves, partly wondering if he could throw it at Logan and if that would put her off his trail. Sadly, he doubted it.

Only words would free him now.

"No, that's not the worst they'll do!" Theo said earnestly. His mind desperately searched for some solution to free himself from this predicament. 

"They'll probably turn me into the police or something... I'm not even a legal citizen," Theo paused, his mind drawing a temporary blank. Desperately he continued to talk,"I mean, I was pretty much born thousands of miles from here, in the middle of nowhere. No papers or anything when I was born... I'm off the charts. And I know this country, they really really like their papers".

It was Theo's only hope if Logan took this, and his desperation showed quite obviously as it leaked through his eyes. Otherwise, he could only fuss and kick as she tried to drag him into the hospital, but Theo suspected Logan could probably take him down given he was injured. And also given that Logan looked strong enough to wrestle an ox. It would be humiliating, to say the least, to be manhandled into a hospital by a girl.


The conclusion which Timothy reached just before leaving the house was one made without a doubt; in his mind every calculated inevitability joined at the same end. Thus within that moment he lost all hesitancy and reason to fear consequence. 

It was not quite a conscious conclusion on that Timothy was reacting much like with Savannah in the alleyway, yet this time he embraced the action on that it was parallel with his every knowledge and instinct. Unfortunately, that sense of agreement was his fall.

Had Theo recognized and answered Timothy's silent plea for support when he met with that decision, the rest would have unfolded sooner and the danger made more clear. As it was however, Timothy judged Sabrina a threat by her mind and ability, and upon finding no advocate in Theo, he forsook pack mentality to accomplish the purpose of his actions.

Around the corner of the second den Timothy had fled, quite aware of Sabrina's pursuit. But as was always the case, the young lad never needed a moment to consider; his every thought already calculated to perform action without a wasted breath. 

He ran barefooted to the edge of the clearing, then just as he passed beneath the tree-cover he was man no more. As if practiced a billion times over Timothy suddenly took his second form and ran steadily on without a moment lost to the change! 

He went swiftly, nearly as swiftly as he went the night before in pursuit of the smell of Jackie's blood - seemingly quicker than his body was capable. He moved like no creature ever seen before; a unnatural pace which optimized his every movement to its fullest capacity! 

Under the filtered light Timothy's dark stripes camouflaged his body to the shadowed branches across the forest floor and more than once it would have been easy to loose sight of him. Several times he diverted his course in an attempt to loose his pursuer, yet all the while intending for her to find him. But at one point he vanished; coming to a stop so suddenly mid-pace in a thick bramble as to have suddenly gone invisible!

At this moment Timothy was aware of everything around him. He knew how far Sabrina was behind him, he knew where the stranger and her company were walking and that they had left the road.. He also knew that the scent of his blood would eventually give him away; he had aggravated the healing process of the wounds he sustained the previous night and had caused them to bleed again.

Then SNAP! 

Timothy jolted forward from his position intently before suddenly freezing again. His ears were focused forward and his eyes fixed. He could see them now, through little openings between the leaves which concealed him, but he didn't move. All too quickly after the sound hit the air the scent of blood could be detected. He heard many of the words which they spoke but didn't place them to any meaning. 

Then one, Kieoki was her name, yes he knew her, she got up and swiftly left back toward the dens.. Also Sabrina was here now.. He guessed she was undoubtedly watching and waiting for him to give her a reason.. But he was all too prepared for her to make a move against him as she had done several times before. He knew she was not a fool, and anyone to deem her incapable had been deceived by her pretended passiveness; she had all the strength and strategy any werewolf ever needed.. 

But still Timothy did not move; his thoughts unknown and his next actions unpredictable.


He ran - he shifted in broad daylight - Theo was hurt, she could smell his blood - Timothy stopped! Sabrina was not sure what to think. She was lying in wait now, out of his sight perhaps, but she knew he was fully aware of her position.

She was not going to take a risk and let him make the first move again. Neither was she going to do something he expected her to. She had to throw his wolf for a loop - do something he completely would not expect... and she had to do this carefully. He had shifted in broad daylight! He never ceased to surprise her. So he was a half breed. There was no way he could have done that otherwise. Did he have control over his wolf? I doubt it, but that does not matter, Sabrina thought, That's not my top priority right now.

She considered all of this within a few seconds, and then she made her move. She flashed through the underbrush, and even though she was curently in the form of a very large white animal, she stayed amazingly well hidden until she got to where Logan and Theo were. She rose then to her full height on two legs and visually assessed the situation with those bright yellow almost cat-like eyes.

"Don't worry Theo, you're not going to the hospital," she said softly, approaching him and kneeling down. Her ears were still pinned back in Timothy's direction, keeping tabs on his position and movements. If he was watching, her own body language was purposely sending his wolf subtle hints; possessive, protective, dominant - This injured boy is mine. He is my pack. You are my pack also. Respect my rank. Do not interfere unless you mean to help me protect him. "The Alpha didn't hire me as the local medic for nothing," she added in her friendly human-speech to what she had said before, smiling a little at Theo. She quickly retrieved a few rolls of bandages from her ever trusty pouch and reinforced Logan's jean-wraps to slow the bleeding. She lifted her eyes momentarily towards the stranger... she'd done a pretty good job. Sabrina was not sure how she would feel about a great white wolf materializing out of nowhere though.

Looking Theo in the eyes again she said gently, "Try to keep calm, okay? I'm going to take you back up to the Dens, and we'll get this cleaned up properly. You're going to be alright." With very little effort, she lifted him up into her arms.

She looked at Logan. "I know you're heading for town, but I would appreciate it if you returned with us for now," she said. "There's a boy out here.... Timothy... he doesn't exactly have the best control, and he has somehow managed to shift form without the moon. It's a potentially hazardous situation I would like to avoid."


They were everywhere! Hardly any time had passed since Theo had last spoken, and another werewolf had entered the scene. At first Logan had thought her to be the one from before - the beta - but it didn't take her more than a couple of seconds to realize they were very different, not only in appearance but demeanor as well. 

Logan watched as the werewolf went about reinforcing the bandages. There was a certain interest to her expression, and she carefully studied the woman's movements and mannerisms. She wasn't quiet sure herself how she felt about being in such close proximity to something so large and potentially dangerous. However, the white female werewolf acted very normal. As a result, it was as if Logan's mind couldn't choose whether or not to take on a dominant attitude or a submissive one. Then there was some mention about a rogue werewolf boy..

"I was told to leave the territory earlier.." she muttered, more to herself than anything. Then she noticed an increasing pain in her upper arm, and became aware she was gripping it with her hand rather tightly, so she unfolded her arms and stuck her hands in her pockets, pushing away from the tree. At the moment, she felt something like a yoyo. It seemed she couldn't get away from the cabins without someone interrupting her. 

"How long will it be before he changes back to normal? Can you catch him? And why have me stay, will he follow me?" Logan asked, releasing a small, inaudible sigh shortly afterwords. She didn't mind staying, if it meant that this werewolf wouldn't harm anyone who was innocent. Well, that was a lie. She did mind staying, but would put up with it nevertheless. "Where is he now?" she added onto her previous questions, examining the area with mild curiosity.


"No hospital?" Theo asked brightly. 

It almost seemed to good to be true. He couldn't help but cast a gloating glance at Logan, grinning and beaming like an idiot. Then a wave of pain hit and cut this short so he could grunt and feel the wrath of stepping in a fox trap. Oh, he was going to watch where he went from now on. Theo only felt grateful he had the foresight to put on his hiking boots before he left, or the situation might have been lots worse...

Theo's mood darkened considerably as Sabrina started talking about Timothy.

"Timothy's out... this can't be good. I saw him at the stairwell when I went out to leave, I was just trying to get away before he got any ideas... guess not.," Theo now turned a steely gaze at Logan,"I would seriously recommend hanging around Logan. Timothy's brain really doesn't work like the rest of ours and who knows what he'd do if he found you"

Then pain began to pulsate in his foot again and Theo's eyes began to water and contort from it.


"You were told to... but I thought the Alpha said...? Oh nevermind it," Sabrina said calmly, though her tail did lash violently like an annoyed cat's. 

"Not if we can help it," Sabrina said to Theo. Her ears were still trained back on Timothy, listening to his movements if there were yet any aside from his breathing to be heard. "You're a werewolf, you'll recover twice as fast as a normal human--and my clan remedies can reduce even that time by half."

Logan spoke again, drawing Sabrina's attention. "I do not know when Timothy will return to his human form. He is very hard to predict. Catching him would not help the situation this time." She looked Logan in the eye and said in a quieter voice, though none the less calm, "Do not look for him, but he his very close. He is watching us now. Follow me, and stay near my side."

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