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Werewolves (RP 4): Danger on the Horizon (12/11-08/12)

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Chime heard what Kieoki said but got catch up in a daydream, one of her mother and her. She remembered they enjoyed picnics together, played together. She remembered when she first turned into a wolf, how her mother was with her in her every movement. Chime shook her head, trying to break the spell. She grabbed the window she stood on the outside of, and used the other hand to rub her face. Then, -VAMP- something hit her in the chest, forcing her to the ground! Landing wrong on one of her elbows once the grassy floor caught up! Looking up she saw Kieoki walking off, pretty hastily at that. 

"Had she not seen me? Was she blind?!" Chime found herself thinking these words, a little frustrated. She mentally noted to herself not to stand in front of Kieoki's window anymore, since it seemed to be her door. 

Getting up, she examined her elbow, it hurt but nothing that wouldn't be better soon, still she hated it when her elbow the that springy thing. "Maybe she remembered something important she had to do..." Chime found herself deciding that it must of been that, what else could it had been? 

Sighing, she walked towards the front of cabin, Kieoki was interesting, Chime wished that she could of thought of something that both could really get into, another time perhaps. She lifted her face to the path back to town, then nearly had a heart attack. Freezing, Chime watched as the blacked haired stranger walked away from the pack, she didn't look as scary as before but she still didn't wanna get in her way. Chime decided to looked around, shouldn't someone be watching her? Or was she supposed to be leaving? Zeit wanted her to leave... 

Still, seeing someone in what she guessed to be his truck, she walked over. Gently bumping the window with her hand, which, of course, didn't have the hurt elbow, she pointed in the towards the stranger, hoping he would do something about it. She had seen this guy with the stranger earlier, maybe they know one another?...


Kieoki never realized she'd hit Chime on the way out. If she had, she'd probably apologized, but that thought wasn't even in her mind at the current moment. But, on the other-hand, Kieoki realized some people we walking around, heading down a path judging from the sound of their feet. Eyes snapping open, Kieoki looked in the direction of the footsteps in time to see a guy -Theo was his name?- and another woman head down the path that would eventually lead to the town. An idea sparked in Kieoki's eyes as she saw them walk off. If they were heading to town, she could probably tag along with them and then at least she wouldn't be the only one to get yelled at if Krat objected. Being sociable was something she needed to try out anyways. She needed to at least try to fit in here.

Kieoki stood, watching them as she frowned, shy for a moment as she hesitated. She brushed her arms off quickly -as if to brush her anxiety away- and then ran after Theo, catching up without much problem. She only heard a few words of what he'd been saying, so she didn't even try to cut into that conversation, but started her own, trying to remember to smile as she looked at them both and spoke, her one hand grasping her other arm. She really wasn't good with people, but she could act.

"Ah- are you two by any chance, heading to the town? Because I'd love to come if you wouldn't mind." Kieoki said with a smile that was laced with hesitance. Interaction was much more difficult than she'd expected. Why couldn't she act like she did around Krat? Well, probably because she was trying to be nice. And considering that acting in a negative way wouldn't come off very well...she was at least trying her best.


Logan paused at the sound of someone approaching, turning slightly to see Theo standing there. "Ah?... Thank you." without waiting another moment, she began walking again, this time in the direction that Theo advised she go. Only, she stopped shortly after she realized Theo was following. And then another person entered the scene, this one a woman who was dressed rather elegantly. Logan caught herself examining the outfit - it was eye catching, but she couldn't help but wonder how practical it was to wear around casually. 

"Why are you wearing that?" she asked, the question stated bluntly. Not in a condescending manner, but a genuinely curious one - like something you'd hear from a little kid wanting an answer to something. A lot of things about other women confused her. Not that she was totally naive either, but there were times like now that questions would pop into her head that she wanted answered. She usually questioned things like high heels, perfume and makeup. Not that she necessarily had anything against those things, but if something seemed impractical, she questioned it. If was safe to say she never really got in touch with her feminine side, as she never really the had the chance. 

The question Kieoki asked - if she could tag along wile they went to town - was left unanswered by Logan. She seemed too fixated on the dress Kieoki was wearing, but the reality was probably that she wanted to avoid answering it.


Kieoki wasn't very surprised when Logan asked why she was wearing what she was, but she couldn't stop herself from glancing away in embarrassment. Kieoki hated the emotion, and so she took a moment to collect herself before she glanced back at Logan and answer, trying to keep her tone light. "Truthfully, I have nothing else to wear. My other clothes were fairly destroyed last night. That's why I was hoping I could tag along with you guys so I can get something a bit more practical." Kieoki said with a cross of her one arm in front of herself.

"As you can see, I'd rather not be wearing this." Kieoki said with a sigh, wishing that she'd just snuck off to town by herself and had avoided this conversation. She didn't like talking about herself, or being the one the conversation was based on. But, maybe this happened to others? She doubted that, but she tried not to let her discomfort show. She really did want to tag along with them, and she'd rather not have Logan stare at her the entire way or something like that. Or Theo for that matter. Kieoki wasn't looking at him right now, but she could only hope that he wouldn't end up staring too.


Talking about clothes made Logan aware of what she was wearing. The pant legs of her jeans, which were big enough to accommodate her werewolf form, practically covered her bare feet entirely and dragged along the ground. And her tank top was a little big, considering she'd changed into a larger one before the transformation. Not to mention the "battle scars" her clothes had received from the nights events. 

She leaned down and began rolling her pant legs up until they were rolled to her knees, then she tucked in the tank top and put her hands into her pockets. That being done, she began down the road without giving any indication as to whether or not she wanted them to follow. 

The two didn't seem a threat, so she didn't really oppose the idea of them coming along, but she didn't understand why they wanted to tag along with her. "Why are you coming with me?" she asked to one in particular. "You are not allowed to leave here without someone else?" she added to previous question, keeping her eyes on the path ahead.


Oh. Clothes. Theo cringed inwardly. Being very much a boy, he had little to no interest about clothing. He could only hope his new companion Logan would not be prissy and girly; although he suspected she might not be entirely hopeless. As for Kieoki, he had no idea. He didn’t really know her too well; truth be told, he didn’t know anyone of the pack too well. But it was too late to condemn his anti-social tendencies. Instead he tried to smile a bit; smile and nod, and maybe this whole thing about clothing would blow over.

Driven by curiosity of what Kieoki could have been wearing, he peaked up a little. Part of him wished he hadn’t, because Kieoki clearly seemed uncomfortable about her attire. And by seeing what it was, it made him uncomfortable. Trying to smooth things over, he gave a bit of a nervous laugh. Then realizing this made it rather obvious he had looked up, he went to starring at his feet as he struggled to think of something to say.

We really need to get out more,” he observed quietly; mostly it was directed at Kieoki, since Theo suspected Logan was “out” quite a bit, “This whole stay at the ranch like reclusive monks is driving us all crazy”.

By that point, the three were a good distance away from the dens. In a few more minutes, they might be out of its sight entirely. And with any hope, they could make their grand escape to civilization without being caught and turned in like hardened criminals.


"It's not that we're not allowed to leave without someone, it's just that after what happened last night, I don't think Krat would feel to hot about some of us running to town." Kieoki said with a shrug as she walked along beside Theo and Logan, staying off to Theo's left as they continued onwards. Kieoki smirked when Theo spoke, agreeing with his words one-hundred percent. She was so used to traveling day after day that staying cooped up in those cottages for this long was starting to get to her. She chuckled and softly spoke back.

"You can say that again. It doesn't help when some people are already crazy either." Kieoki said without thinking about anyone in particular. Sure, she could possibly throw herself into that category if she really wanted to. After all, she used to be a lone were who instead of trying to avoid packs and their territory, she didn't care one bit and just went where she pleased, regardless of who else lived there. And then, for some reason, she'd just decided to join this pack, out of all the packs that she could have tried to join, she'd chosen this one for some reason. Kieoki rolled her eyes at herself, giving up on trying to find reason in her decision. 

Kieoki glanced back when she thought they'd be out of sight. But she could still see their home faintly and so she glanced at Theo, a grin on her face. "Looks like we'll make it without trouble. But in case anyone starts yelling, I'm gonna run." Kieoki said with a laugh, almost happy at the prospect of out-running someone else from the pack. But, in case Theo wasn't the fastest runner, Kieoki wished for no one to bother them. Let the trio go to town, for goodness sake.


Lost somewhere in thought, Logan didn't speak for a some time, letting her own silence stretch. The werewolf stereotypes that were so imprinted into her mind were being smothered one after another. They didn't live in cold stone dens, and rather cabins. They didn't eat the flesh or more or less alive animals like a pack of feral dogs. Instead of interacting and communicating in ferocious snarls and growls, the two following were talking like she expected any adolescents would do among each other. Their clothing was normal (aside from Kieoki's extravagant dress of course - but that's why she was going into town). Their injured pack member was taken to a hospital instead of having her wounds licked clean, and this alpha was even careful to keep the pack members under certain boundaries so they wouldn't arm any humans. 

Nevertheless, she continued to cling to her spite. Mostly out of stubbornness - there was that feeling of knowing you were wrong, and yet wanting to hold onto a certain ideal because you could, and because you had been for so long. A childish mindset, but it was hers nonetheless. And then there was something more she denied with a childlike stubbornness.. 

"Why do you stay there? In the pack.." she asked, trying to keep some sort of conversation going. Besides that, she was curious. They could go anywhere. And yet they chose to follow this alpha. Maybe it was a simple concept - the alpha was a friend they trusted. Or maybe it was due to some longing for those similar to themselves. Either way, she wanted to know. Her eyes continued to remain locked on the path on ahead, occasionally moving from one place to another as she wondered in which direction it was the town was located, and if perhaps there were any shortcuts.


Theo snorted in laughter.

"Us, Crazy? Never"

Theo couldn't help but continuously peak behind his shoulder. That invisible boundary that had confined him and separated him from normal humans for so long felt like one of those absolute things in his life; it couldn't be broken. He couldn't help but feel sooner or later, someone would come charging out. Sooner or later. Yet crazy paranoia aside, there was something nice about walking in the morning a "free man" so to speak.

And with friends. That was a new one. It wasn't that Theo was anti-social, but merely friends had never been one of those things in life he'd never gotten around to. So despite the risk of capture, he couldn't help but grin like a five year old.

"Sounds good to me," Theo answered cheerfully to Kieoki,"Hopefully we're almost out of range for them to notice. Hopefully".

Theo would have been content to let the silence hang from there, or even just some light talk. Yet her certainly hadn't expected Logan, who had been fairly quiet and cold throughout their walk thus far, to bring out the big guns: Why were they even in a pack? He wasn't sure about Kieoki, but that particular question brought up all kinds of awkward. None of which he cared much to go into, so he therefore opted for the simplest of answers.

"Free food," Theo explained with a nod.


Jackie and the nurse had an equal dislike for each other. Unlike the nurse, however, who held it in with a fake smile, Jackie looked like a vicious caged wild cat who was just looking for an opportunity to pounce. As far as she could tell, hospitals were no different than jail. Both you had to figure out how to escape and frankly, Jackie had no patience to wait for her “release”. 

The nurse inspected her handiwork. Jackie nearly scoffed in amusement as the nurse overlooked Jackie as the culprit, and off to the giant man. Apparantly no one had taught her “don’t judge a book by its cover”, which annoyed Jackie deeply to be so undervalued. She was almost tempted to send her rack reeling towards the nurse, to show she wasn’t as helpless and pathetic as she looked, but held back the impulse in fear the nurse may take to this violence by strapping her to the bed.

Kratos left the room and the nurse watched with a wariness; which was the only intelligent move Jackie has seen the nurse do all day. She turned to Jackie, squinching her nose in distaste as she surveyed Jackie sitting in the chair.

Miss, you really should get back in your bed. You’re in no condition to be up

Jackie glared at her.

Miss, if you need assistance--

The nurse had said the golden word, and having great value on her independence, Jackie slowly hobbled towards her bed. Sitting in the chair so long had made her muscles stiff again, and the short walk was therefore a painful one. She hated to say it, but as she shifted herself onto the creaking hospital bed, it felt significantly better than the hard chair. Of course, she showed no signs of relief to the nurse; she gave her the cold silent treatment as usual.

The nurse sighed and shook her head, “I’ll send the doctor up in a few moments to check in on you”.

And with that, the nurse thankfully left. Jackie was nearly considering returning to the window sill and finishing what she started, but on cue, there came a visitor to distract her from her bid to freedom.

Hello Jaqueline,” a stranger greeted from the doorway.

The stranger stepped into the light, revealing a middle-aged man. But if anyone would have thought the aging man was someone to take advantage of, they would have been sorely mistake. Or likely blind. For this man was tall, limber, and muscular; no doubt intimidating to someone with half a wit about them. His face was hard and collective, framed by short sandy-blond hair and five-o-clock shadow. Coldy icy blue eyes glanced at the room, evidently amused (in particular, the slayn windowsill). Then his eyes settled on Jackie’s large glaring eyes with a hard glare of his own.

Well, looks like your new friends play rough, don’t they?,” the man commented wryly, seeming undeterred by Jackie’s lack of response.

’My new friends’ have ears like a rabbits,” Jackie retorted snidely. She snatched a pad of paper and pen from her bedside and handed it to the stranger, who walked up and took it from her frail hands.

The man scribbled something earnestly on the pad of paper and handed it back to Jackie. Jackie seemed to pause, considering the words, before thoughtfully writing something of her own. There was something strange in her eyes as she did so, something cold and manipulative—much different than the shallow rage and frustration she often exploded.

The two interchanged a few more times with the paper before the man eventually raised his hand to signal enough. The man made no move to leave, and instead both Jackie and the man considered each other like two birds of prey. 

The stare-down could have lasted hours, if a rather frazzled and tired-looking doctor hadn’t stumbled into the room. His nose half-buried in medical papers, he nearly didn’t notice the man until he nearly ran into him.

Oh!,” the doctor exclaimed, stopping short of running into the very-scarry-looking stranger. It was no wonder why a look of alarm spread over his face. A frail intellect like himself wouldn’t have lasted two seconds if the stranger had decided to turn violent from being run into.

Visiting hours are over sir,” the doctor stated after a few moment’s pause. His voice was meek, perhaps even afraid, but something about it was soothing, like he was asking a lion not to eat him,” We need to run our rounds and visitors often get in the way of our patience’ care

Tom Felton,” the man smiled. He took the doctors hand and shook it heartily. The doctor looked terrified,”I’m family

The doctor sighed,”Yes, well, even family is not allowed in past a certain hour. You can see err,” the doctor peaked at his charts,”Jaqueline in the morning

The stranger, Tom, laughed,”Well alright then, if you insist. Good luck with your rounds,”

And with that, Tom left. The doctor seemed to spend a few seconds unwinding all of the fear from the man’s entrance, before busying himself with an explanation on Jackie’s condition (which she, of course, didn’t pay attention to). 

While the doctor was occupied, Jaqueline snatched the top sheet off the pad of paper her and Tom had written on and promptly disintegrated it in her palms by patiently tearing it piece by piece. Had she been more awake or aware, she would have realized that their “conversation” had gone onto the second page.

The old fraying yellow note paper seemed emboldened by Tom’s words. A sort of finality that made even the flimsiest of paper ominous.

“We’re coming soon”

The words lay spread on the nightstand, forgotten by Jackie who had quickly drifted into a dreamless sleep.

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