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Werewolves (RP 4): Danger on the Horizon (12/11-08/12)

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Still there was silence beyond the door and after a short time, which felt more like en eternity, the Alpha made his decision. One last time he glanced out the large window at the cement which lay under the window by some feet, and beyond the parking lot reserved for medical personnel to the tall chain-link fence which separated town from field.. 

His thoughts were his own in that moment, he let nothing be seen beyond his eyes as he turned back toward the door and withdrew his werewolf form.

"Get away from the window Jackie." The Alpha whispered as he aggressively approached the door. He had weighed all consequences and risks; on every hand was laid the potential fate of one individual or several... It was not a decision Kratos would have liked to make in that moment. 

As the door slid open and the Alpha's black boots met the hall floor, he had ended his turn and the play was rotated to his opponent.


Timothy's eyes had not turned away from Sabrina since she had begun speaking. A knot seemed to form in his throat and his face felt hot; the feeling of loss which burdened his chest had increased.

"Family?" Why did it hurt so much if he could not remember it. He could not figure out a way to speak without releasing his tears, nor did he know how to explain the words of his heart..

His main thoughts were focused on self-pity, he knew not that the same heartbreak had overtaken Kaleb on that day. Nor indeed the heartbreak many of the Calagathorm Pack members had already fought to endure; the loss of a life once loved, finding themselves alone without a heart to hear their cry.. 

Such was the state of these strangers, side by side in suffering, and yet to realize it.



Standing under the doorway Kratos looked to his right, then to his left. The hallway was completely empty of occupants. Yet in subtlety the scent still lingered, too light to be detected by regular people but clearly recognizable by a werewolf.

In his alternate form Kratos would be able to discern the smells carried on the clothes of each individual whom had passed by, and likely track them to their place of residence in town. Undoubtedly he would be able to track the other werewolf, but he dared not leave Jackie.

Again the Alpha checked the hall and even guardedly stepped away from the door to where the stranger had stood not moments before. But no further evidence had been left by the stranger aside from the quickly fading smell. Just before Kratos returned to Jackie's room, nearly all at once the medical personal appeared again and began trafficking the hall.

Just then, from around the corner came the Nurse responsible for tending to Jackie.

"Good evening.." She said casually, greeting Kratos at the door and making her way into the room. "Just coming to check in on you, how's everything going in here?"


What's he planning?..It seemed like forever that Jackie sat staring out of the window while Kratos did likewise, brooding. She was getting restless, standing so still. By then she had already spread her gaze over the pathetic hospital parking lot, complete with mostly rusted old trucks and cracked cement, along with the chain link fence and even the forest in the distance. She had already noted everything of interest there was to be interesting. Yet Kratos still stood there, in that uncomfortable silence. If he didn't make a move soon, she might--

Never mind that. As if an answer to her silent please, Kratos finally got up and moved to the doorway, a decision already reached. Jackie meanwhile had loitered in the seat by the window, starring intently at where she had chipped away at the lock. It had taken her so long to chip away at it... it was really a shame it couldn't be used. Or... Amusement gleamed in her eyes. With one final movement, the defeated-looking spork severed the final fiber of wood that held the lock to the window and Jackie tugged it out of it free into her palms.

Either something was going to have a much easier time getting in, or something was going to have a much easier time getting out.

Now Jackie delicately slipped down from the seat, her feet meeting the cold ground. Slowly she brought herself to the edge of the hospital bed and sat its edge, watching warily at the entrance like a hawk. As it was, she nearly attacked the nurse as she came into the room. And even then she starred at her venomously.

"Much better before you came in," Jackie snarled.


"Well I'm sorry to upset you, I just have to check a few things in here.." The nurse replied casually, feigning a sweet smile despite obvious displeasure and irritability.

"How long have you been in here and when did she wake up?" She asked, throwing a glance at Kratos as she checked numbers.

"Not too long.." He replied briefly as his eyes turned toward Jackie. "I came in about thirty minutes ago and by then she was already up."

"Mhm.." The nurse hummed skeptically, but before she spoke again Kratos seized the moment to continue.

"Actually we just bid evening to a friend a moment ago.." He said, tucking his hands into his pockets. "We were playing a game of cards when I got the upper hand, but it was cut-short on account of our friend growing tired and suggesting another game. He just left to go get it in fact.. You didn't perhaps see him down the hall, did you?"

"Maybe, I don't know. I passed one person on my way up but I don't recall any details." The nurse said. "... Looks like you're doing okay Jackie, but you need to get your rest. I'll have to ask you to leave now, sir." It was then that the Nurse caught sight of Jackie's handiwork and a look of alarm crossed her face. "What happened here?" 

Kratos turned his head to look at the wood chips all over the floor. 

"Hmm.. Looks like someone doesn't like it in here." He commented lightly. It then became immediately apparent that the nurse assumed Kratos to be the culprit; Jackie still looked peaked and frail having lost so much blood, it was no surprise that the nurse didn't believe her capable of pulling to pieces a windowsill.

"Sir, I must insist you leave now." The nurse said, this time forcefully and determined. She then began trying to usher Kratos out of the room by stepping forward in casual movements. However, on account of being a dominant werewolf, the Alpha did not heed the subtle gesture. Instinctively he took a step forward and intensified his height; an obvious gesture of aggression or dominance which, unfortunately, was recognizable by regular humans as well as by werewolves...

There was a rather fierce look which passed over the nurse's face and all too quickly Kratos caught himself and used the extra step to turn around and exit the room. Negotiating with the nurse after such a move would prove futile; she knew that the seven-foot man was not ignorant of his actions, so after closing the door she made it clear that she expected him to leave and left down the hall without another word.. 

Kratos stood in the hall for a moment afterward in silence before sighing and wringing his brow with his hand. The nurse would undoubtedly be back to investigate the window, and she'd probably bring others. So after a length of time Kratos finally turned and went downstairs - after what had happened though, he had no intention to leave the building.


Chime nodded, pleased that Kieoki seemed interested now. "Ah, I like most weather, though blizzards and other extremes are... well, I don't like those." She chuckled a little, "Snow looks so clean, it reminds me of new beginnings." Chime explained, "Like new friendships, or new life." She continued, but then stopped, thinking about the month she already spent here...

"The pack's nice, huh?"


Kieoki silently raised an eyebrow out of Chime's view, catching the double meaning in the girl's words. She wiped the look from her face when she turned her gaze back to Chime as she mentioned the pack. Kieoki frowned at this, shaking her head a bit. "It's a big change for me. I mean, too many people really." Kieoki said with a small frown as she turned her gaze towards the wall. "I'm used to being alone and to traveling. So staying in one spot for so long is a bit disorienting."

Hour Glass: 

Ziet's eyes narrowed at the woman, already feeling the effects of her punch, which put her in a rather foul mood. "As I said, you are not welcome int he town, it is Kratos' territory" she growled, eyeing the woman for a moment, before gripping both of her hands tightly. "Now I suggest you let go of me, or I will rip you apart" she continued, "I am Beta here, you are nothing more then a pest to my pack. Now if you wish for food, shelter, and a talk with the Alpha, or a ride home, you will do as I say. If you don't, I will treat you as the pup you are, and see to it you are chased out."

She tightened her grip on the woman's heands. "DO I make myself clear?" she aske din a commanding tone. 


Logan only became more confused. Her own grip tightened and she showed no signs of letting go for the moment. The insults and threats simply bounced off of her; she had been called far worse and that wasn't something to get to her; nor did she believe this person to be a threat, unless she were to obtain support from the other members of the pack. But why did this woman see everything as an attack? Was she scared? Up until Logan lashed out, she'd only wanted to know how to find the town, so she could collect her belongings and be on her way. She didn't need a ride, she could walk. She didn't want to talk to this "alpha", she wanted to be away from these strangers. 

She spoke again, her tone still firm, although softer than before. "You do not understand me. I cannot leave this territory until I get my things, which are by that town. I do not want to stay here, and I do not want to talk to your alpha, I want to leave..  If you want to see me go, why do you make this hard?" finally, she loosened her grasp, before letting go altogether and tugging away from the beta's grip. Turning away from the others, she began off in a random direction. "I will find my own way." Logan muttered, stubbornly refusing to further ask for help. 


As far as emotional conversations went, Theo's conversation with Kaleb ended with a nice awkward silence. He sat there for some time. Seconds, minutes, hours? It was hard to tell. Embarrassment and anxiety made a millisecond seem like a century. And by which point, Theo had run out of things to stare at gawkily.

Without another word to disrupt the horrible silence, Theo left. He hadn't meant to be rude, and he doubted Kaleb did either, but apparently both of them had nothing else to say.

At first, Theo was at loss at what to do with himself. He still felt uncertain. And anger at himself was waxing. Emotions coiled like angry balls in the pit of his stomach, threatening to snap out at any thing that got in his way until--


No need to worry about what to do. Apparently he'd already figured out that one without even trying. 

He had just crashed into Logan. The new girl. The crazy savage wacko. Both were more or less interchangeable definitions of her. And running straight into her would prove to be an excellent distraction from emotional turmoil. 


'I should have given that woman more reason to be so bitter. For someone with such a loud mouth, she didn't seem like a fighter. If I wasn't so sore...' just thinking about being sore brought to mind every ache in her body. Her left shoulder felt uncomfortable, like it needed to be popped back into place. She shifted and rotated it in attempt to do just that, but failed. Then there was that tender spot across her back, which was probably a bruise the size of a football, but Logan wasn't about to attempt to find out for certain. She'd rather ignore it and pretend it was nothing. These things usually looked worse than they felt, and there was no use in finding out how bad they looked, because it'd likely just make them feel worse. Or at least that was Logan's mentality. Then there was of course the general ache of having shifted, and a headache that wasn't shy about making itself known, especially after the bit of excitement with that beta. 

The hunger was the worst. Everything would be far more bearable if she wasn't so hungry. All she could think of was sinking her teeth into a big steak, with a baked potato on the side. Or eating a hot bowl of hearty stew. But she'd go for about anything at the moment. 

Logan had hardly walked a few yards before something abruptly rammed into her back. 

"Aaugh!" yeah, there was definitely a bruise there. She bit her tongue to avoid spewing out any foul language, before turning around to meet whoever had managed to slam right into her. She had expected to see the woman, but instead a man stood there, who's features she briefly examined. No words immediately came to mind, so instead she just raised a brow at him, waiting for him to say something. The silence was broken a couple of seconds later when her stomach decided to let loose a series of growls and groans, much to Logan's irritation. Great timing. 


"Err... Hello, Miss" Theo let the awkward silence hang for a moment.

Nothing like an awkward silence to glance things over. Theo spent this precious awkward moment mostly considering how not to get chewed alive by this woman. Even when she wasin complete control, she seemed to do a pretty good job getting into trouble anyways. At some point, Theo imagined, he'd have to stop Ziet from trying to kill her with a spatula.

On that cheerful thought, the silence was broken by several malicious snarls from Logan's stomach. Theo blinked in confusion, staring over Logan's lean frame and angry face before coming to one conclusion: If he wanted to avoid getting hurt by her, he was going to have to feed her.

"Hey, Whatever-yourname-is... why not you come with me to the kitchen? I promise Ziet won't mind unless she sees anything. "

With an encouraging, and slightly amused expression, Theo motioned openly towards the direction of the kitchen. This was followed by a silent cat-like stalk and a pressing his finger to his lips. If they were going to get in, they were going to need to operate covertly. 


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